I Can Do This :D: Hi Everyone! I'm 6 days... - No Smoking Day

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I Can Do This :D

nsd_user663_64085 profile image

Hi Everyone!

I'm 6 days into my quit & decided to join the forum just to chat to others who've been or are currently in the same boat! I'm ashamed to admit that I'm 25 weeks pregnant and its taken me this long to quit :( Basically woke up on the 31st of May and realised I had no desire to continue smoking or continue to force it on the baby girl inside me as she has no choice, I feel so guilty though for continuing this long! I do have a stop smoking person from the NHS who has given me NRT such as gum & strips but to be honest I seem to be managing quite well without them so far, I had used a nicotine free vape pen for a few days but seems like I've got fed up with that aswell. Fingers crossed I can keep going as I would rather spend the money on my baby and have a nice clean environment for her to come home to when she's born :D

Thanks if you've got this far!x

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nsd_user663_64085 profile image
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10 Replies

Hi Mrs P

Welcome to the forum, going for 6 days smoke free is fantastic, you have joined a wonderful supportive collection of people all of whom are all trying to do the same thing, the main thing I have found that posting and reading often really does help.

I also still feel guilty that I smoked throughout all my pregnancies, but I can't change that now, it's great that you have decided not to smoke anymore during your pregnancy, keep going 1 week coming up!!!!!

Wonderful decision MrsP , 6 days is fantastic – you've already done the hard part!! Deep breathes, plenty of water and a nice walk or bath can help distract any pesky urges that pop up now.

Jillibean is right, reading and posting here is very helpful in keeping us sane and on track, lots of good people going through the same thing. Your doing great and its time to plan a nice reward for your one week anniversary!!!!:)

Indeed you can do this.

Firstly congratulations on the great decision to quit, a whole week, in my book that's truly fantastic.

You and your baby will that you over and over again.

Please post and read often, it truly helps, and of course any issues please post pronto , usually some one around to help

Great to have you with us.

A little treat might be nice to celebrate your first week

Well done indeed

Incy_Wincy profile image

Congratulations MrsP :) Queenb is pregnant too, isn't she? Two forum babies on the go at once, how exciting!

You've done SO well to get to six days. Keep it up, keep positive, and keep celebrating all the little milestones, you're doing brilliantly - make sure you reward yourself :)

AnnMarie74 profile image

Hello and welcome

Just look forward, you are doing really well. I got to a point in my pregnancy when I no longer wanted to smoke and it was ok from then on. Still not proud I smoked for some of it but anything you can do is better than nothing. I only hope this forum helps you to stay smoke free though because I went back and it took years to try again. Smoking and kids didnt mix for me I just felt guilty all the time.? So much happier now I don't have sneak off all the time. Now smoking just seems pointless, just addiction. You will get support here and you can do it.

Thank you all so much for the replies, means a lot :)

So it's one week today, this is the furthest I've gotten in past quits but didn't have the baby for motivation before. Last night and today have been really tough, only had an hours sleep due to restless legs. I was so close to lighting up at 1am this morning with frustration and tiredness but thankfully I didn't :D Managed to hold off, had a few wee urges today but staved it off by munching on fruit or drinking blackcurrant juice. I just need to keep telling myself my baby girl doesn't deserve it while she's trying to grow, nor does she deserve a stinky mummy who spends all her money on fags when she arrives!!

Incy_Wincy profile image

That's the spirit! You can do this MrsP, and we've all got your back. Sleeplessness is something that has hit many of us - this time round I admit I went the other way and ONLY wanted to snuggle up in bed with a book and read and snooze... Keep it up! x

MrsP – your name makes me smile, Reminds me when I was a child, We had a very close friend of my parents and all us kids called her MrsP. Funny how something like that pops back into mind:)

Anyway Your doing great!! Just keep thumping those urges over the head with fruit and Ribena? and it will help make you stronger and the urges weaker. Hopefully you'll sleep better tonight - maybe some warm milk and cookies before bed:D

Oh Mrs P you are doing so well going CT, keep going we don't need to tell you that the road ahead is not smooth sailing but you have us to fall back on, try dowloading Alan Carr books they are the ones I turn to when everyone on this site is asleep :0) you can do this :0)

Congratulations on stopping. Try deep breaths (that might come in handy in a few months!), and just try and imagine your breath going all the way to your growing baby. Imagine it's a cigarette if you like but it will be fresh air. I have used this and still do from time to time in relation to crushing psychological cravings. You might know it's also a technique used in yoga and mindfulness. And it works with practice and repetition. Gives you time to change thoughts and therefore habits.

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