Dont know if i can do this anymore - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Dont know if i can do this anymore

nsd_user663_2291 profile image
26 Replies

I am just going into week 8 but have had a very stressful weekend with my 17 year old. I have had a few puffs on a couple of cigerettes and to be honest I want to smoke again.

I just dont feel like i have the strength in me. I keep thinking if i give in this time i can sort my head out and start again after christmas but i feel such a failer for thinking that way.

I have done so well getting this far but just dont know if i can do it anymore.:(:(:(

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nsd_user663_2291 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hang tight Flippy x x x x

We are going loves ya whatever you decide but it would be awful to have to go through all this again, your health will deteriorate again, sluggishness, snappy, tired, sleeping troubles, the smell the cost! etc etc

Your lil pain in the arse will still be a pain in the arse :rolleyes:

Try to seperate the two issues, your son is one issue that you are struggling with. Smoking is a different issue altogether, you do have control over that one and you call the shots there!

Please do try and hang tight x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Oh Flippy, take a deep breath and think again. It can pass as soon as it came, just think if you can hold on now a little longer you can take anything on. Think of your freedom from wondering when and where you will get your next nic fix wherever you go. we are with you XXX

nsd_user663_1988 profile image


Smoking isn't gonna make you feel any better,:( your troubles will still be there after you smoked. This would not be the best way of dealing with it.

You remember what is was like when you first gave up over a month and a half ago?

It was hard, and you are now at a point where if you continued with your quit, it would get easier and easier to deal with problems without resorting to 'nasty nic'

We think we can have just a few puffs and then our brain tells us that we can have a few more which is what your brain is telling you and then you will eventually be back to where you started. Just remember how hard it was to begin with.

This was my downfall of all my previous quits (that and drinking)

This time I have said to myself 'NOT A SINGLE PUFF!' It has worked for me so far and I am now in my longest quit ever.

Just remember... 'Smoking will not make your problems go away!'

I'm sorry you're having a rough time at the moment but please be strong and don't give in to old nic.

We'll help you as much as we can!;)

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

OK I have been out for a drive and got a bit of freash air and i am feeling positive. I have my patch on and because of them stupid puffs I feel like I am nearly back to the beggining again. Its on my mind all the time AGAIN but I have PMA (positive mental attitude) and I will not let my son's behaviour take me back to smoking.

So PMA all the way.

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Well done Flippy. its whats in the head that counts. you sound much stronger now. BRING IT ON eh ?

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Well done Flippy!

Thats what we like to see!;):D

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

Strength and Honour

Flippy, just how strong are you?

I've gotta be honest I was gonna come on here this morning and moan about the fact that me n Mrs Max (Sharkbait) have had a hard weekend and have both been more tempted than since we stopped (ages ago!).

We've had all sorts of family drama - and all sorts of problems with kids and stuff - and it even though we never ever would go back to it - it has been tempting all weekend.

And then I find that you've been tempted, succumbed to a "reminder", and then been strong enough to push it back and not give in to it - well, that's just the "sign" that we need to remind us that we aren't going to give in either.

Well done for being so strong, Flippy. You're an inspiration to us all !!

Keep going strong. Remember that fresh air is cheaper, better for you - and will make you happier in the long run!!

Good Drills !!

Strength and Honour



nsd_user663_2363 profile image

bless you flippy

Haven't posted for a while, but been looking in when i can. Still drawing inspiration from you all.

Saw this thread flippy and felt compelled to just add my support.

You have done so well. I am a month or so behind you but you have been one of my inspirations. PLEASE do not give in to it, if not for your sake then for mine (selfish ain't I!!).

Chin up, keep smiling when possible, and I'll be keeping an eye on ya. x


nsd_user663_2162 profile image

O Flippy hun i'm so proud of you!!! You go girl, you're waaay stronger than you think ;) :) Keep resisting the urge. Tomorrow it'll be gone. You totally do not need to smoke, and you do not really want to! You think you do because you have tasted it again and the nic demon has been thus awakened :rolleyes:.

Be strong and keep that PMA alive and kicking!!!!!

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

YESSSSSSS!!! You are amazing Flippy! You didn't allow the demon talking get to you. Don't listen to that damn nic demon ~ he talks outta his a$$ and he wants you to be sick. You are doing great - hang in there and NEVER give in! As much as you may think that a ciggie will cure all problems - it will only make matters worse. You will have added issues to your life with ciggies. All of the problems that you feel in life now will still be there! The only difference is - you will be dying faster than you would if you were a non-smoker. EACH AND EVERY ciggie is KILLING you. You are worth way more than that and you can beat it!! You are too good for this addiction - kick it! Beat it! Kill it!

We are here for you!

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

How are you feeling today flippy? Well done for staying so strong

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hi all I am back. I have had a really bad week and have been smoking 1 or 2 a day:mad:

I dont want to smoke i really dont and i was doing so well too. So i got up this morning determined not to smoke today.

I am going to get back on track. Its like going right back to the begining again and i am having to fight them cravings. I was so silly to let the stress take me over and think that having a smoke would help.

I am not going to count days because i dont want to go back to day 1:(

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Hi all I am back. I have had a really bad week and have been smoking 1 or 2 a day:mad:

I dont want to smoke i really dont and i was doing so well too. So i got up this morning determined not to smoke today.

I am going to get back on track. Its like going right back to the begining again and i am having to fight them cravings. I was so silly to let the stress take me over and think that having a smoke would help.

I am not going to count days because i dont want to go back to day 1:(

Well then we wont go back to day one. Ok you have had a blip. if were honest most of us have. So nics won one round, dosnt mean hes won the fight. your realy still in there or you would have said to hell with it all and never looked at this forum again. now your stronger and have learned from your blip. Be proud of yourself, not many could pick themself up and wade in again. I think your a star x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Haven't posted for a while, but been looking in when i can. Still drawing inspiration from you all.

Saw this thread flippy and felt compelled to just add my support.

You have done so well. I am a month or so behind you but you have been one of my inspirations. PLEASE do not give in to it, if not for your sake then for mine (selfish ain't I!!).

Chin up, keep smiling when possible, and I'll be keeping an eye on ya. x


Where have you been hiding then:o Sorry i missed your post. OK we can do this.

dossydo, thank for your reply. Its a horrible feeling when you think you have let everyone down. I know I am doing this for me but you lot are trying so hard too that i think i am letting you all down too.:o

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Oh Flippy! stay with us you havent nor will let anyone down. you have had a bad time but it will pass. You have done so well coming back in and admiting you bliped. i know you can give it another round yes ? good luck and we are always here x.

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi Flippy

been following your difficult phase and really feeling for you.. what's great is that you're still here, you haven't disappeared into the mist, right? That must mean that you want to be here and not there...

Sending you some etherpower

Keep strong, it's worth it!:)

nsd_user663_2329 profile image

stay with us

Hi Flipy,I've read your thread from the beginning and am touched by it - what you're going trough is everyone's fear here (it's certainly mine...)- the great thing is that you're coming back to the forum to talk about it and if we all support you you might stop again!!!!

what really helps me is everytime I wanna smoke Iask myself what it will do to me - it's making me very tired again and I won't be able to do more sports, I'll be more stressed ( cause i'm so more relaxed now then when i was on the fags).

Last recent argument with darling husband about something stupid ( not tidy house or so... )i was soooo tempted to go out for a fag, but clever as i am i don't HaVE ANY IN THE HOUSE ANYMORE NOR IN THE CAR and it would have made it worse and eventually after lots of chocolate i eventually stopped thinking about smoking. Next time i wil just go straight online so won't eat so much and have my naughty fingers occupied....

the most important thing for me right now is that i'm acutally doing someting for ME and it's POSITIVE- this has not happened for a long time....

thinking of you and really wish you strength - STAY WITH US!!!!


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Welcome home Flippy! Back on track. Take control and stick with us ~ We are all here fighting the same issue and we are here to help you when you need us. Congrats on your decision to come back and fight again :D You CAN do it this time.

nsd_user663_2329 profile image

Flippy ' hope you're OK, thinking of you, keep on writing!!!

nsd_user663_2363 profile image


Oi Flipster,

Where are you??

Hey it doesn't matter where you are i.e not smoking or 1 or 2 a day.

but come back on and tell us how you are.

On other occasions I struggled big time but here I am over 4 weeks as a non-smoker!! It can be done even after a blip.

Come on Flippy, you can do it!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

You lot are so lovely. But i am sorry i am smoking.

I am gutted but i cannot seem to get back into the swing of quitting again. Its really hard. Felt too ashamed to come back on here again, but i thought i would just have a little peck.

Look at you lot still giving me encouragement, some of you I have never spoken too but obviously you have read my posts.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i could kick myself. WTF am i doing:mad::mad:

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

Hi flippy,

It's okay. Just by coming back on here, you know you want to quit again, maybe now is not the right time,(god knows christmas is stressful enough)!! Just don't forget we will be here when you are ready.

You haven't failed, just blipped, and you will come back stronger and more determined than ever!!!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Right thats it I have just sat and read load of posts and i have been into the cupboard and got a patch out. I WILL TRY AGAIN. I will log on here again everyday and talk to you lot. I was so proud of myself and i will be proud again.

so as from now I am back with you.............. promise.

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hi flippy,

It's okay. Just by coming back on here, you know you want to quit again, maybe now is not the right time,(god knows christmas is stressful enough)!! Just don't forget we will be here when you are ready.

You haven't failed, just blipped, and you will come back stronger and more determined than ever!!!

Ohh Ana yes Christmas is stressfull and even more so this year because on the 23rd I will be 40.:eek: I dont want to be a smoker at 40.

Gonna try again tomorrow morning.

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Aww that's my Flippy!

You are strong enough to fight and succeed hun I can't even tell you how happy I am that you've made up your mind and are back on track again, I am SO very proud of you!!!

Hey my birthday will be on the 22nd :eek:!! Together we can make it and you're going to be a wonderful and smoke-free girl of 40 - deal? :) HUGS.

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Aww that's my Flippy!

You are strong enough to fight and succeed hun I can't even tell you how happy I am that you've made up your mind and are back on track again, I am SO very proud of you!!!

Hey my birthday will be on the 22nd :eek:!! Together we can make it and you're going to be a wonderful and smoke-free girl of 40 - deal? :) HUGS.


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