Are E-Cig safe?: Hello I'm thinking... - No Smoking Day

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Are E-Cig safe?

nsd_user663_57219 profile image
24 Replies


I'm thinking of using e-cig for the first time as nicotine gums leads to lot saliva in mouth and throat itch. I'm not sure about e-cigs. One Chinese product named elite is available where I am in Asia....and I could not find much about it on net. So my question is does e-cigs are safe as some of you might have better understanding and research about this matter and also if Chinese e-cigs are safe to use?


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nsd_user663_57219 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Nobody knows Rick :)

I'm going with no, since mine brought back my dark circles under my eyes, made me tired and quitting it has given me an ex-smoker's cough *again*

They're probably better than the real thing, but safe for long term use? I doubt it.

Oh and although they're all made in China, I wouldn't buy from a chinese company!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

^^^^^^^^^^^^Exactly what Gemma says ^^^^^^^^^^^^

ECigs? No thanks:mad:.

Fresh air instead? Yes please :D

If you think about it, there probably isn't a safe way to inhale a pesticide :eek:

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

I quit with E cigs...after day 7, I wasn't using them at all (& I was a very heavy smoker) so I found them absolutely brilliant in calming those ridiculous feelings of being left out & of loss & they were a major factor in helping me quit in the first week.

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

i guess as a relatively new product we probably wont know for years how safe they actually are. however, for me, based on what i know about e cigs from my research and from speaking to medical people, if they get me off the real thing then i'm happy to go with it.

i suspect the key is to find a reputable one - someone on here recommended mirage (online) and having spoken to mr mirage by phone i am comfortable that they know what they are talking about and that their e cigs have been tested enough to make them as safe as they can be with the research that has been done to date.

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

I used Vapourlites myself....very well priced & had a long charge

AngryBear profile image

I've never used them myself but the general vibe around them is so negative in terms of safety plus the fact that you have to then kick them after you've kicked fags (so it seems), I personally wouldn't touch them with a bargepole if I had to quit all over again. That's just for me though!

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

I used vapestick last year and it makes a satisfying substitution to fags. The problem with them for me was that they never go out and I ended up with it in my hand day and night. I am not great with will power. Last year I felt they were a safer option and although there are a few health issues surfacing these days, I still feel they are healthier than fags x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I've never used them myself but the general vibe around them is so negative in terms of safety plus the fact that you have to then kick them after you've kicked fags (so it seems), I personally wouldn't touch them with a bargepole if I had to quit all over again. That's just for me though!

Apart from the safety thing, which really nobody knows anything about really, my big problem is the kicking them later thing.

It's OK if you can just use them when you *really* need to that's fair enough but it is extremely easy to get yourself hooked on them instead of real fags, and as a large part of quitting is breaking the "pop something in your mouth, inhale and exhale" routine, they don't help with that.

And I can tell you form bitter experience they're every bit as addictive, and habit forming, as real fags!!

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

please please forgive me if i sound completely ignorant and stupid but im about to embark on the e cig.

lets keep it really simple - cigarettes are bad for us because of all the OTHER stuff in them apart from nicotine. correct?

im not suggesting nicotine is good for you in any way but if e cigs only have the nicotine component of a cigarette in them, why all the controversy? of course i am basing this on early days of research etc etc and not really knowing everything that goes into them etc etc. yes, maybe there is other harmful stuff in there that will come out in years....

but on the assumption it is mainly nicotine - surely e cigs are 100 times better for your health than the real thing and therefore if it works go for it? i, for one, find the thoughts of being able to continue with the "habitual" element of smoking far less daunting than going cold turkey on habit.

and......... in the event that me or anyone else is still using the e cig a year or even years down the line, does it really matter?

like i said at the beginning, im not being antagonistic, just confused what what all the fuss is about BUT have very limited knowledge so forgive me im missing something crucial here....

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I would never use the term healthier where nicotine is concerned, but they seem a little less harmful. Its a bit like the difference between pushing a drawing pin into your leg versus a 4" nail, you really don't want to be doing either but if you must the former isn't likely to cause you as much harm.

As well as nicotine there are lots of other harmful chemicals in tobacco so at least users of them aren't taking in the tar and so on. However they are maintaining the addiction so when they are out and someone offers a cig the chances of having a puff are increased and if supplies run out then ciggies are more easily obtained.

Much better to cease nicotine use and take back your freedom from addiction.

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

guess thats my question really - why is breaking the "habit" so imperative as long as all the bad stuff isnt in them?

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

and isnt nicotine, by itself, not any more harmful than caffeine???

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

guess thats my question really - why is breaking the "habit" so imperative as long as all the bad stuff isnt in them?

That's the point of quitting though surely? :confused:

Maybe I'm odd, but I don't want spend the rest of my life as a drug addict!!

Nicotine doesn't really have any positives to it, it doesn't improve anything - all smoking or vaping does is feed the addiction.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

please please forgive me if i sound completely ignorant and stupid but im about to embark on the e cig.

lets keep it really simple - cigarettes are bad for us because of all the OTHER stuff in them apart from nicotine. correct?

im not suggesting nicotine is good for you in any way but if e cigs only have the nicotine component of a cigarette in them, why all the controversy? of course i am basing this on early days of research etc etc and not really knowing everything that goes into them etc etc. yes, maybe there is other harmful stuff in there that will come out in years....

but on the assumption it is mainly nicotine - surely e cigs are 100 times better for your health than the real thing and therefore if it works go for it? i, for one, find the thoughts of being able to continue with the "habitual" element of smoking far less daunting than going cold turkey on habit.

and......... in the event that me or anyone else is still using the e cig a year or even years down the line, does it really matter?

like i said at the beginning, im not being antagonistic, just confused what what all the fuss is about BUT have very limited knowledge so forgive me im missing something crucial here....

There is only a small amount of nicotine in an e-cig, the rest of the liquid is made up of propylene glycol or vegetable glycerine and ????????????

Nobody has a clue what else is in there, or what heating it up and inhaling it for a long period does, but as nicotine is a pesticide I'm guessing it isn't good.

Studies are already coming out showing e-cig "smoke" contains carconogens, just less of them than fags.

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

ok, i get you - its "clicked" :o

think im still in that place where the prospect of quitting everything related to smoking is still daunting....

its really made me think that i need to go into the e cig thing with a plan not to wean off in time

thanks guys - i feel a bit clearer now. im not normally a thicko about these things (must be the nicotine):eek:

AngryBear profile image

Newstart, the only dumb questions on this forum are the ones that don't get asked ;).

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

ok, i get you - its "clicked" :o

think im still in that place where the prospect of quitting everything related to smoking is still daunting....

its really made me think that i need to go into the e cig thing with a plan not to wean off in time

thanks guys - i feel a bit clearer now. im not normally a thicko about these things (must be the nicotine):eek:

Oh I understand that, think we all do :)

It is scary thinking "how am I going to cope with........ without smoking? " but the answer is absolutely fine!!

Couldn't imagine going drinking, handling stress at work, you name it without my ciggies but drinking is just as fun (more fun really) and stress is no worse as when I smoked. It is the fear that keeps us smoking, and when you break that it gets a lot easier :)

It's definitely not a question of being thick, just that we've all taught ourselves to "need" a fag in certain circumstances and that takes some unlearning!!

If you're going down the e-cig route, then definitely don't get the strongest filters - and be very strict with yourself when you use it!! Those are 2 mistakes I made and it bit me on the bum!!

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

I didn't have a problem with the E cig I used at all...which I thought I might have as I smoked between 30 to 40 cigs a day. I simply used it when a large craving took me so most of my quit was cold turkey with the e cig thrown in when I really felt I needed it. I always smoked outside, never indoors so I didn't use the E cig any other way...I used it exactly the same way I used to smoke. To me, I don't think there's any way I could have quit without it & I didn't sit there with it constantly in my hands. My son in law used his the same way & stopped using his 10 days into his quit. I think it's down to how you use it.

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

really really helpful and relevant.

at the moment, i only ever smoke outside and at certain times/triggers.

if i am completely honest, i kindof have this "picture" of me sitting inside puffing away on the e cig 24/7 and i hadnt really thought it through. realise now that its really important just to use it to manage cravings rather than a substitute. yikes:eek:

thanks again.....

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

really really helpful and relevant.

at the moment, i only ever smoke outside and at certain times/triggers.

if i am completely honest, i kindof have this "picture" of me sitting inside puffing away on the e cig 24/7 and i hadnt really thought it through. realise now that its really important just to use it to manage cravings rather than a substitute. yikes:eek:

thanks again.....

I'm really not trying to nag, sorry if it sounds like i am :)

But I only smoked outdoors, 20+ a day most recently, never in my car, my or a non-smoker's house and got the e-cig thinking it would keep me off the real ones - which it did but unfortunately, i ended up a lot like your picture. You can use them to quit, but you have to be really strict to use it when you're desperate for a smoke and not when you fancy it!!

The tricky thing is that with a fag you can only smoke it to the filter, unless you light another one of course, but there's no timer on an e-cig and they don't give you the same kind of kick a fag does so it's very easy to "smoke" a lot more than you realise - it sort of creeps up on you!!

They say to count the puffs, but that's not easy.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi there, I know it's daunting, but you need to decide whether or not you want to be a non smoker first. It sounds a bit like you aren't really fully committed to it yet. In which case, you will probably be less likely to succeed I think.

If you are 100% committed to stop, and you only use the e-cig temporarily to get through the first bit - my plan is 12 weeks max- then you should do fine.

Don't talk yourself out of it now! You seemed more positive about it earlier in the day. Don't treat the e-cig as your saviour, but more as a means to an end.

Sorry I know I'm being tough but I've been where you are.


nsd_user663_22435 profile image

I used to only puff on it a couple of times...I never, ever used it like it was a real one. A couple of puffs to get over the crave & that was it. Use it as a tool, not a substitute. Like I said, 7 days of using it in the first week & after that, I didn't touch it again...nor did I need to.

nsd_user663_22353 profile image

I'm inclined to think that if they had the same tax burden levied on them as tobacco then they wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of negative press they've had.

I know people who've used them for years & swear by them. I tried one just prior to quitting & it was a decent enough substitute i thought but i'd rather be free of the whole thing so i quit completely.

I think they're about as safe a way of smoking as you're gonna get... but that's not really saying much given the alternative, is it?

nsd_user663_57219 profile image

Thank you

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