Back on the e cig - feels like I've failed - No Smoking Day

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Back on the e cig - feels like I've failed

nsd_user663_57259 profile image
27 Replies

After managing to leave the e cig alone for a few days I used it again today :(

I guess I am addicted to it after all......

Not feeling too good right now I have to admit.

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nsd_user663_57259 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Stop beating yourself up!!

Honestly hun, the e-cig isn't great but it is not smoking so you're not to beat yourself up or feel bad about it!!

You've only failed if you reach for a real fag, not an electric one.

I understand how you feel - had a battle with it myself but it's definitely the lesser of 2 evils.

If it stops you from actually smoking then it's not such a bad thing, but do try to use it as little as possible :)


AngryBear profile image

Hey Sarah, after 39 days quit, you don't need that blo*dy thing. Was there a trigger that caused you to pick it up? Don't feel too badly about it, it won't help you, but look at what caused it.

Well done for posting, shows your determination to not hide away...... chin up ;)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks all - no real trigger I've just been struggling all day. I've been irritable and moody (more than usual) and a bit sad. I didn't intend to stop the e cig so soon but when I got poorly earlier in the week I didn't use the e cig at all for a few days. I did intend to get off the e cig over the next 6 weeks anyway but I almost thought I had cracked it until today....

Tomorrow will be a better day I hope!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks all - no real trigger I've just been struggling all day. I've been irritable and moody (more than usual) and a bit sad. I didn't intend to stop the e cig so soon but when I got poorly earlier in the week I didn't use the e cig at all for a few days. I did intend to get off the e cig over the next 6 weeks anyway but I almost thought I had cracked it until today....

Tomorrow will be a better day I hope!

It happens Sarah, don't upset yourself about it!!

Just use it as little as poss and you'll be free in no time :)

AngryBear profile image

Well hopefully tomorrow's a better day; as Gemma says, don't feel too bad, keep posting!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thx guys I'm drowning my sorrows in a glass of Rioja and a Cadbury Creme Egg - weird combination I know!!

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Great, now I'm gonna have to go to the garage to stock up on creme eggs :D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thx guys I'm drowning my sorrows in a glass of Rioja and a Cadbury Creme Egg - weird combination I know!!

Ooh good idea!!

Think mine have learned to swim though :/

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Ooh good idea!!

Think mine have learned to swim though :/

Try my combination - it might work!! I'm debating going to the garage to get one of those new Cadbury bars with jelly popping sweets in them - looks yummy!

Must be something in the air at the mo that we are feeling down.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Great, now I'm gonna have to go to the garage to stock up on creme eggs :D:D

Sorry!! I raided my kid's Easter egg haul... Thank goodness they don't like Creme eggs!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image


You absolutely have done nothing to be ashamed of or embarassed about here! Failure my eye!!:rolleyes:

The ECig is infinitely,INFINITELY better than a real fag.

But over time,most of us think fresh air is better then continuing to inhale a pesticide.So the ECig is better as a means to get off real fags and over time ought to be dropped.

You are almost certain to succeed in my humble opinion even if it takes a slightly convoluted route so turn that frown upside down.:D

Thx Max, I do feel a bit silly about it all but I really thought I'd cracked it and could do the rest cold turkey. It feels c****y that I don't have enough willpower to go without anything.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Try my combination - it might work!! I'm debating going to the garage to get one of those new Cadbury bars with jelly popping sweets in them - looks yummy!

It sounds fab!!

Not drinking tonight 'cos I slightly overdid it on Tuesday :eek::eek:

Must be something in the air at the mo that we are feeling down.

Must be!!

*Is just blaming men* :p

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

It sounds fab!!

Not drinking tonight 'cos I slightly overdid it on Tuesday :eek::eek:

Must be!!

*Is just blaming men* :p

My poor hubby is hiding upstairs cos I've been so moody and its not even his fault! You obviously just haven't found the right man yet Gemma!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My poor hubby is hiding upstairs cos I've been so moody and its not even his fault!

Aww, LOL

Know how it feels when *everything* p!sses you off though!!

You obviously just haven't found the right man yet Gemma!


Tell me about it :(:(

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Aww, LOL

Know how it feels when *everything* p!sses you off though!!


Tell me about it :(:(

The right one will come along when you least expect it! You seem like a lovely person and you need to wait for a guy who deserves you

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The right one will come along when you least expect it! You seem like a lovely person and you need to wait for a guy who deserves you

Aww thanks hun :) I wish he'd get a flipping move on!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well I have now bought some of the low strength gum to try help me move away from the e cig. Not sure if its a good move or not as it's still nicotine but will see how it goes. Not giving up on the e cig just yet though but will try use the gum as a first emergency point of call with the e cig being the last resort.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well I have now bought some of the low strength gum to try help me move away from the e cig. Not sure if its a good move or not as it's still nicotine but will see how it goes. Not giving up on the e cig just yet though but will try use the gum as a first emergency point of call with the e cig being the last resort.

That's a good idea Sarah :)

You might be different, but personally the e-cig was a pain because while it's not smoking (and you're not to beat yourself up about using it) you're still putting a white stick in your mouth, inhaling "smoke" and blowing it out, which for me was a big part of my smoking habit. Gum is different 'cos there's nothing smoker-ish about it!!

When you need the e-cig it's fine, but the less you can sue it the better!!

stevechelt profile image

My first post here for many months. Sorry it is so long!

I would try not to fret about it too much. I stopped smoking almost 7 months ago using an ecig and am taking it all slowly, my idea being not to stress over it and let the 'nicotine devil' get the upper hand in my life again. So I am not letting myself worry about using the ecig after 7 months, I still absolutely rejoice in the fact I'm not smoking real cigs and haven't since last November. My health continues to improve slowly (the biggest improvements came very fast in the first week), I've noticed my sense of smell is still improving and this winter was the first without a 'chesty cold' in many years and my smokers' cough is a distant memory! I dwell on these positives whilst continuing to use the ecig.

Of course I admit I still have the nicotine addiction, but having separated it from smoking burnt tobacco leaves I feel it is now on the defensive against my (not very strong) willpower. Already I have reduced the strength of the ecig fluid from 18 to 12mg and it (the 'nicotine devil', as I call it) hasn't noticed, in a few months I'll reduce more and eventually go to 0mg (as one person I know has managed after 2 years.)

I have noticed that my use of the ecig has reduced a moderate amount over the last few months. Maybe it is the lower strength I am on, or maybe the habit is slowly fading as I know the ecig is there whenever I want, so I do not feel the urge to use it whenever I had the opportunity, as with real cigs. I imagine it will continue to reduce and once I'm used to 0mg it may become something I only touch if an unexpected urge to smoke hits me.

Anyway, to conclude, the gist of what I am trying to say is that I do not stress over it. My attitude is "so what" if I am still on the ecig, I am NOT SMOKING and now feel no urge at all to smoke a cigarette. I am still over the moon that I have given up smoking and will tackle the far less harmful ecig addiction now the 'nicotine devil' has been separated from his very toxic compatriots.

Stopping after 35 years of 20+ a day is not something that can be achieved overnight without much stress (not for me anyway), if I can avoid the stress of it and take it slowly and at my own pace I feel my chances of staying stopped are very high. Friends of mine who stopped and restarted in the past always found they cracked when under stress. One friend stopped for 7 years when he was a high-level football referee, then restarted in an instant when his marriage broke up, now back up to 20 a day. Times of high stress can happen to anyone, if it happens to me in the future I'll just reach for the ecig and not worry, compared to smoking it's nothing.

Sorry again for the long post! If it only helps one person stay off smoking tobacco I would be pleased!

Cheers, Steve

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

My first post here for many months. Sorry it is so long!

I would try not to fret about it too much. I stopped smoking almost 7 months ago using an ecig and am taking it all slowly, my idea being not to stress over it and let the 'nicotine devil' get the upper hand in my life again. So I am not letting myself worry about using the ecig after 7 months, I still absolutely rejoice in the fact I'm not smoking real cigs and haven't since last November. My health continues to improve slowly (the biggest improvements came very fast in the first week), I've noticed my sense of smell is still improving and this winter was the first without a 'chesty cold' in many years and my smokers' cough is a distant memory! I dwell on these positives whilst continuing to use the ecig.

Of course I admit I still have the nicotine addiction, but having separated it from smoking burnt tobacco leaves I feel it is now on the defensive against my (not very strong) willpower. Already I have reduced the strength of the ecig fluid from 18 to 12mg and it (the 'nicotine devil', as I call it) hasn't noticed, in a few months I'll reduce more and eventually go to 0mg (as one person I know has managed after 2 years.)

I have noticed that my use of the ecig has reduced a moderate amount over the last few months. Maybe it is the lower strength I am on, or maybe the habit is slowly fading as I know the ecig is there whenever I want, so I do not feel the urge to use it whenever I had the opportunity, as with real cigs. I imagine it will continue to reduce and once I'm used to 0mg it may become something I only touch if an unexpected urge to smoke hits me.

Anyway, to conclude, the gist of what I am trying to say is that I do not stress over it. My attitude is "so what" if I am still on the ecig, I am NOT SMOKING and now feel no urge at all to smoke a cigarette. I am still over the moon that I have given up smoking and will tackle the far less harmful ecig addiction now the 'nicotine devil' has been separated from his very toxic compatriots.

Stopping after 35 years of 20+ a day is not something that can be achieved overnight without much stress (not for me anyway), if I can avoid the stress of it and take it slowly and at my own pace I feel my chances of staying stopped are very high. Friends of mine who stopped and restarted in the past always found they cracked when under stress. One friend stopped for 7 years when he was a high-level football referee, then restarted in an instant when his marriage broke up, now back up to 20 a day. Times of high stress can happen to anyone, if it happens to me in the future I'll just reach for the ecig and not worry, compared to smoking it's nothing.

Sorry again for the long post! If it only helps one person stay off smoking tobacco I would be pleased!

Cheers, Steve

Thank you so much Steve! Your post is very much appreciated. I am having a pretty stressful and sad day today - in fact the most stressful I've had in years and very nearly went to buy ciggies a few hours ago. But instead I went to the smoking area with my e cig and puffed away for a few minutes. I now do not feel the need to buy ciggies even though the stress and sadness is still here, I know deep down that a ciggie will not take the stress away it will just make me feel worse for failing with my quit.

Well done for staying off the ciggies for so long!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know deep down that a ciggie will not take the stress away it will just make me feel worse for failing with my quit.

This is very true :)

I hope you're feeling better today hun!! xx

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

This is very true :)

I hope you're feeling better today hun!! xx

Thx Gemma. Just having a tough time after being hurt by the person I love most in the world :(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thx Gemma. Just having a tough time after being hurt by the person I love most in the world :(

Aww I am sorry hun

(((( huge hug ))))

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Aww I am sorry hun

(((( huge hug ))))

Thx! ((( hug gratefully accepted and returned)))

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Whole lot of hugging going on,on these forums :D:D

What a bunch of Care bears we all seem to be :D

Hope you are ok Sarah X

Thx Max - the hugs are great and yes I'm ok thx

nsd_user663_57123 profile image

Sending you a great big South African hug!

Hope you are feeling a little better.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Sending you a great big South African hug!

Hope you are feeling a little better.

Thanks very much - the South African hugs are fab!

How are you and Mario doing LI?

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