When will I feel like a non smoker? - No Smoking Day

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When will I feel like a non smoker?

nsd_user663_55073 profile image
8 Replies


19 days quit today, and I feel great, very positive and happy after yesterday's palarva with that daft nurse.

Anyway, I keep telling myself I am a non-smoker but I am not convincing myself, I still feel like a smoker, when will I start feeling like a non-smoker, (if at all)??

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nsd_user663_55073 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Well thank you Max, that certainly cleared that up for me :D

nsd_user663_54958 profile image

Well said Max! How things are wired in our heads goes beyond me sometimes. Eg I learned to drive right hand side of the road when I was 18, drove a few years and then had 15 year gap without driving at all. I then moved to UK and had to learn to drive again (as you cant live in this country without a car) but now diffent side of the road. First few weeks I kept banging the drivers door with my right hand every time I needed to change gears. Unbeliveable. But eventually I learned and driving on the left seems very natural. Funny, eh?


hellerscatch profile image

I started a post saying i think i am a non smoker, but really i think i will always be a smoker who hasn't had a cigarette today, i know i will never ever be able to have one, or i will start up again properly, can't really truthfully say, at this moment in time that i will ever be able to think of myself as a non smoker, but a smoker who hasn't had one today will have to be good enough, cos i aint going to! ;);):confused:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's a bit odd isn't it?

Like Max said, we've been smoking for a long time - off and on for nearly 13 years for me - and it's going to take a long time to unlearn *but* 7 weeks in, my smoking days seem a very long way ago.

The "imp" in my brain keeps saying "I want a fag" - it's changed from "need" now, but I don't have any intention of having one.

It'll come though!!

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

It is all a journey, to undo years of being a smoker as said takes time, it's kind of part of who you are and it takes time for that to change. You'll get there x

nsd_user663_53306 profile image

In the initial stages, I thought of myself as a smoker who wasn't smoking. For me, it helped not to put additional pressure on myself by considering myself a non smoker. I wasn't smoking but didn't quite believe in myself or my success but as time passed (113 days), I'm now beginning to think that l just might be a non smoker. Little things will start happening as you progress in your quit....the triggers lessen, the craves slow down, the act of smoking becomes less familiar and you'll find yourself looking at smokers and thinking how bizarre it is to inhale and exhale smoke.

Everyone's experience is different so just go with the flow and take it one day at a time,


nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Confusing isn't it? I think I'm a former smoker. And also a non-smoker because I don't smoke.

As for the future, haven't got the foggiest, no idea how I'll feel in five years, next year, next week, tomorrow... All I can be sure of are two things.

1. Smoking is bad, stopping is good, my body will get better and I will feel better the longer I go without smoking, so I will never smoke again;

2. I am blindly trusting that at some stage in the future it will seem like I've never smoked. No idea when, and until then point 1 above will keep me on track. I just have to get on with it really.

I also know I can never take another puff, which is a shame, i really wish it didn't kill you. I understand where Hellerscatch is coming from.

Probably doesn't help Jane, sorry.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I also know I can never take another puff, which is a shame, i really wish it didn't kill you. I understand where Hellerscatch is coming from.

I know what you mean - have to admit I'm slightly envious of my friends who are social smokers (and really are) and can smoke when they feel like it - *but* that's too late for me so I have to deal with it. Just like an alcoholic can't have another drink, I can't have another smoke.

Anyway, I think I'm a non-smoker now. Why?

'cos I had an argument with my dad tonight (I still live at home :eek: ) and not once did I think of having a fag - would have run off for one or at least thought about it before but now - not at all. :D Went through all the usual emotions, stressed, annoyed, upset and so on but not a whisper from the fag imp!!

Well that's something good to take out of having a row, lol.

Pleased him too 'cos he *really* hated me smoking!!

(which was why I started :p )

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