Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew: WE MADE IT! :D... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

nsd_user663_42220 profile image
75 Replies


At 11.30 pm on Saturday 26th January 2013 Rochelle and I achieved 1 year quit!

Gina will be with us in 4 days :)

I wonder if Becs has made it? She hasn't posted for 6 months, but she logged on to the forum on 6th January 2013 so has looked in recently. Becs, if you see this let us know how you are.

It was nice to hear from Dolly and I'd love to hear that Si is contented and doing well.

How did we make it?

For those at a loose end, here's a thread by thread account of how we got here... (Where Dolly's Mixtures first met) (Where Dolly's Mixtures were formed) (Week 3) (Month 1) (Month 2) (Month 3) (Months 4 & 5) (Months 6 to 12)

For any newcomers who get through all that, what it shows you is that it can be done.

In those threads you will see that all of us, at one time or another, went through all the doubts, fears, tears, stresses, craves and side effects as you may be going through and feeling.

What it also shows is the laughs and good times too. The hope and determination. The power of this forum to help you through the bad times.

We did it. Others have done it before us. You can do it too. :D

Written by
nsd_user663_42220 profile image
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75 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Huge congratulations to all of you - it's an amazing achievement!! :cool:

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Congratulations all of you, I can't wait to be posting something similar this time next year.:D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Brilliant! Well done!:D

nsd_user663_54938 profile image

still trying

BIG BIG WELL DONE , fingers,and toes i get to the 1 year x

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Massive well done to you:D:D:D

nsd_user663_44570 profile image


I remember you guys from my previous quit in February last year! So proud that you have made it a full year! Here's to spending the rest of your lives smoke-free!

Congratulations and very well done!



nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Many happy returns for making it this far. :)

You have been an inspiration to many on here Capitan.

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Congrats To Gary and the rest of the 'crew'. I have loved reading about the journey you have all been on. Very inspirational:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_42839 profile image

Hi Capitan

I remember you well from my quit as you guys were a couple of weeks in front of me and I could lots of support and advice from you!!

Not surprised to see you make it to the other side! :)

Mandy x

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Happy 1st year anniv :)

Hi Gary , Rochelle and all the members of the January 2012 crew , a big big congratulations to all of us for reaching one year !!!!

Where is the champagne ??? Cheers to the next year !!!

Xxx gina :)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I forgot it was 1 year! I realised about 2 days later lol

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

A pretty awesome quit crew, indeed. Congratulations to Capitan and to all of the Jan 2012 quitters who have made it all the way to the penthouse.

Here's to many more happy smokeless years!

Helen x

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Well done to The Crew - fantastic achievement! :D

Si22 profile image

Well done guys, hats off to you all, im still here wondering if i should give it another go, i remember how good i felt fitness wise after such short space of time of stopping.

I only managed 4 months and a day last time. hmm. I remember it like i remember all the other times ive tried, its damn tough going the first few months. i think i might just give it another go using Wednesday this no smoking day as a start date. Ill see, not got my mind in set yet. but hey when i comes to stopping smoking when do we have eh.

Im not promising ill do it but at least im thinking about it which must mean some. well id like to think it does. The thing i find hard is its all hands on in the beginning then after a few weeks/months stopping smoking becomes boring. I just have to get over that stage. I really dont know.

Anyway folks really glad you made the one year bench mark, i so wanted to stay with you at the time, but i stumble and fell, through a tough time i had. One day im sure ill be smoke free.

Kind regards and hope to speak Soon. Si

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Well done guys, hats off to you all, im still here wondering if i should give it another go, i remember how good i felt fitness wise after such short space of time of stopping.

I only managed 4 months and a day last time. hmm. I remember it like i remember all the other times ive tried, its damn tough going the first few months. i think i might just give it another go using Wednesday this no smoking day as a start date. Ill see, not got my mind in set yet. but hey when i comes to stopping smoking when do we have eh.

Im not promising ill do it but at least im thinking about it which must mean some. well id like to think it does. The thing i find hard is its all hands on in the beginning then after a few weeks/months stopping smoking becomes boring. I just have to get over that stage. I really dont know.

Anyway folks really glad you made the one year bench mark, i so wanted to stay with you at the time, but i stumble and fell, through a tough time i had. One day im sure ill be smoke free.

Kind regards and hope to speak Soon. Si

Try when you feel mentally ready for it. It's your life and only you can choose what to do :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I haven't been on here since I posted our 1 year thread and would like to thank everyone who posted for their kind words.

The forum has changed totally in terms of regular posters, but it's good to see so many of around my time gradually reaching the penthouse and so many of the "newer" quitters doing so well.

I'll have done 17 months in a few days and just don't think about smoking now.

Keep it up everyone, the early days of stress and torment are worth it when you get to the point where you have broken free of the evil weed.

The one thing that will remain with me forever is NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.

As long as I'm not stupid enough to think I can have the odd smoke and control it, I know I'll never end up smoking again.

Keep on keeping on, down the yellow quit road. :D

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Congrats to you guys!!!!! I check out the 1 year postings from time to time for some inspiration. I am only 7 weeks into my quit - and have forever to go! I like to read about how you one year quitters do not think about smoking anymore. You help let me know there is light at the end of the tunnel. So thank you for posting - and congrats again!!!!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Melzee :)

Stick at it and just remember that no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, don't light up again.

I went through 3 funerals in my first year and it would have been so easy to use them as excuses to cave in but I didn't.

We have smoked for similar amounts of time and both chose cold turkey.

If I can do it, so can you - Good luck and just remember NOPE. :cool:

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

thanks melzee :)

stick at it and just remember that no matter what, no matter what, don't light up again.

I went through 3 funerals in my first year and it would have been so easy to use them as excuses to cave in but i didn't.

We have smoked for similar amounts of time and both chose cold turkey.

If i can do it, so can you - good luck and just remember nope. :cool:

thank you!:d

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Thought I'd check in and see if there was any new posts in here. I too don't really think about smoking, unless I realise how long it's been and I start thinking about how great it is that I don't do it anymore! :)

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

18 months soon

Gary, Rochelle good to that you guys are doing great ! I think I m a proper non smoker now and can have a friend next to me smoking while having a drink or two or three and not even noticing it :) feel so proud of myself whenever I remember I quit and how long it has been !!!! Best decision I ever made !!

Guys who are starting or already started wondering when the pain and suffering will go , keep at it and don't give up , it will suddenly disappear I promise !!!


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi Rochelle and Gina (and everybody else on the forum) :D

Rochelle, Gina and I have all reached 18 months now - 1.5 years!

I have to say that at the start of my quit the first couple of days felt like a week, the first week like a month and the first month like a year.

It gradually got easier and easier and the last 6 months, from 1 year on, have flown by. :D

Whilst not complacent, I feel totally comfortable in my quit now and trigger points have all but vanished as I have seen them off over the last 18 months.

Most people find it tough at the start but quitting is achievable.

All you have to do is not light up. It really is that simple. :cool:

Good luck to everyone, keep on keeping on, down the yellow quit road. :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

600 DAYS!

Yep, at 11.30 tonight I will have done 600 days smoke free! :cool:

It struck me today that nobody offers me a smoke or asks if I'm going outside for one anymore, which confirms to me that me not smoking is not only the norm for me, but also how everyone sees me now - as a non smoker. :D

There's a whole trainload of you charging towards the Penthouse which is really good to see, I look forward to greeting you all as and when you arrive. :cool:

Keep on keeping on, down the yellow quit road. :D

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

600+days for me too

Well done Gary , just thought will check in and say hi to all :) here is to the 700th day to look forward too :)

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Hey well done to all of you!!!.....Im soooo jealous but proud of you back again giving it another go, wish me

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Toyah, great to see you back trying again and thanks for your lovely comment. Don't be jealous of us, come and join us all as a non smoker! :cool:

Nice to hear from you Gina, tonight Rochelle and I will have completed 20 months and you will be with us in a few days :D

Si, I see you logged in a day or so ago, how's it going buddy? Thinking about a stoptober quit? We will be here rooting for you if you do, pop on and say hello.

Shojam, long time no see, but I see you've posted recently, how are you?

Dolly & Becs, do you still look in?

To everyone else, particularly new quitters, you have to believe it can be done because it can. The struggle is absolutely worth it and, if you refuse to lose, you'll only ever have to go through it once.

Good luck to you all!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Oh yes!

Rochelle and I have now done 21 months - 1.75 years! :D

Gina will be with us in just a few days! :D

This second year is going so quickly and smoking is something in the past that I used to do. I never get craves now and I'm never taking the chance of reawakening the monster ever again.

Once I decided to quit for good I promised myself NOPE. Not One Puff Ever.

I have stuck to that and since 26th January 2012 I have never had so much as a drag and I never will again.

Believe new quitters, believe.

I was where you are now. I wondered if it was possible, if it ever got easier, if the craves ever went away, if I would ever lose the weight I put on, if leading a life without smoking was achievable.

I am here, 21 months later, to tell you that all of the above is possible. I now swim 2500 metres, 3 times per week - 5 miles! When I first started, back in March this year, it took me 1 hour 15 minutes to swim 1250 metres. I now swim 2500 metres in 55 minutes.

I am fitter, healthier, wealthier and happier. I sleep better, have more energy and am much less stressed than I have ever been. I've discovered what everyone told me during the early days of my quit - smoking does not make you feel less stressed, it causes it.

Stay strong new quitters and in a little while you will be where I am now. Just keep saying no and eventually not smoking will become normal. Not smoking will become your new habit.

BELIEVE! :cool:

AngryBear profile image

Great post Capitan, but swimming?? I can't swim more than a length :D

Congratulations, another great example of what can be done.....

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Great post Capitan

In fact yours is one of the journeys I enjoyed reading my early additicted to Forum days! And Austin's, and Hellesbelles and Alex76 to name another few.

Nice to see you popping back too. And I agree smoking causes stress, it doesn't make it go away! Fact.

No interest in running,! walking the dog, yes, and loving swimming too.

Fi x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Karri, an unexpected but pleasant surprise to get a reply from you, thankyou :D You are doing so well this time around and whilst I do not want to put any pressure on you, don't throw it away this time :cool:

(Not so) AngryBear, thanks for your reply :D Compared to what you do, swimming is a doddle! My wife has diabetes so rest assured that some of my hard earned will be coming your way when you do the London marathon :cool:

Nutmeg, thanks so much for your comment. You've made the Penthouse too and I missed it :( Congratulations to you too :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done Gary, I am 11 days behind you and as Nutmeg said I have followed your journey all the way. I always knew that you would be a successful quitter, sometimes you can just tell. You are getting your rewards now feeling healthier happier wealthier and that is just great! Brilliant :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Haze :)

We are all doing great, I just wish I'd done it years ago.

Still, better late than never eh? :D

nsd_user663_43351 profile image


Thought I will say a quick hello to my crew and to ALL quitters, 1 year 10 months over and done with , waiting to proudly say , "I have been a non smoker for 2 years " in January !

Well done Gary on swimming , I have also managed to lose the extra pounds and become lean and strong ! Still working out 4-5 days a week and do a lot of cardio which I could not do earlier !

Will check back soon :)

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

This I like. Isn't it great not being a smoker. I hit 2 years the same day as you Gina and it's the best thing I have ever done.

Anyone who doubts what I say just try it.


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well done Gina, we aren't far off that 2 year milestone now are we! :D

I don't know about you, but the second year has gone really quickly and I'm settled into a no smoking lifestyle now. :cool:

Today is another milestone for me...

That's right, 1 million minutes since I last smoked! How cool is that! :cool: :D

In exactly 7 days it will be 23 months and then 1 month after that it will be 2 years!

If there are any newcomers looking in and thinking about quitting, do yourself a favour and give yourself the best christmas present ever and actually do it.

Yes, it can be hard at times, but as the old saying goes, nothing worth having comes easy. Believe me, a no smoking life is worth having.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all have a good one :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Cheers Karri :)

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

What a great but scary post Gary

its so good to see that most of the dolly mixture group still going strong and for those that didnt

never ever give up giving up

you will get to this point too

Hope you have a Great Christmas hun and look forward to seeing you reach the two year mark :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Was thinking it's going to be 2 years at the end of the month that I stopped smoking. So thought I'd check in on here :) pleased to see you still smoke free Gary. Knew you would be though.

Best thing I ever did was stop, started my weight loss journey off too and I'm now at target, with a loss of 8st 10.5lbs. I feel absolutely amazing!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Carol & Kat, it's nice that someone posts here :)

Well here we are Rochelle (have you really lost 8 stone 10.5lbs?:eek:) , another milestone achieved :D

In 4 days time Gina will be with us :cool:


The second year seems to have absolutely flown by. I have very rare and fleeting thoughts of smoking (mainly when I look in here), but no craves at all.

Smoking is now definitely something I used to do rather than something I have given up.

To all the new quitters just remember NOPE (Not One Puff Ever). Cigarettes attack in packs (10's & 20's), never alone.

We are all addicts and 1 cigarette is one too many, whilst 1,000 is never enough.

Don't feed the habit and it can't take hold again.

Tough it out and eventually your subconcious will catch up with your desire to quit. At that point the quit becomes easy and you are well on the way to becoming a real non smoker.

You just have to tough it out to start with and it's really not as bad as your mind thinks it will be.

Good luck all

Keep on keeping on, down the yellow quit road :D

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Yay Capitan ! ! !

Where did that year go! It's brilliant in some ways but that means I'm another year older too :D

Seriously, all you guys are an inspiration, you really are and this place is incredibly lucky that you take the time to come back and inspire newbies. I know you have inspired me and kept me going on more than one occasion and for that THANK YOU :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

congrats Gary and pat on my back too , shall we look forward to the 3rd smoke free healthy year ? :))

Thanks Carol & Kat, it's nice that someone posts here :)

Well here we are Rochelle (have you really lost 8 stone 10.5lbs?:eek:) , another milestone achieved :D

In 4 days time Gina will be with us :cool:


The second year seems to have absolutely flown by. I have very rare and fleeting thoughts of smoking (mainly when I look in here), but no craves at all.

Smoking is now definitely something I used to do rather than something I have given up.

To all the new quitters just remember NOPE (Not One Puff Ever). Cigarettes attack in packs (10's & 20's), never alone.

We are all addicts and 1 cigarette is one too many, whilst 1,000 is never enough.

Don't feed the habit and it can't take hold again.

Tough it out and eventually your subconcious will catch up with your desire to quit. At that point the quit becomes easy and you are well on the way to becoming a real non smoker.

You just have to tough it out to start with and it's really not as bad as your mind thinks it will be.

Good luck all

Keep on keeping on, down the yellow quit road :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done to all of you on your 2 years quit:) I will be joining you next week:)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Jenny, Molly and Haze :D

Well done Gina, we keep missing each other :D

In a months time it will be 800 days quit. :cool:

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks Jenny, Molly and Haze :D

Well done Gina, we keep missing each other :D

In a months time it will be 800 days quit. :cool:

Well done to you all, 800 days? Seems light years away... I'm sure it did for you guys once too...congrats:)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Donna, congratulations to you too - 2 months! :D

Knock the days down one at a time and before you know it you will be at day 365 :cool:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hurrah! Today is 800 days since I last had so much as a puff from a miniature cigar (I smoked Hamlet Miniatures like cigarettes). :D

It struck me recently that I no longer know how much a tin of 10 costs now (I used to smoke 20 plus per day), yet when I smoked I knew exactly how much they were and where the cheapest were being sold from week to week.

How much have I "saved" since I quit? Conservatively it is approximately £6,400!

Better health, fitter and more money, what's not to love about quitting :D

nsd_user663_61250 profile image

What a fantastic achievement - 800 days and counting.

Well done - can't say any more than that!!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hurrah! Today is 800 days since I last had so much as a puff from a miniature cigar (I smoked Hamlet Miniatures like cigarettes). :D

It struck me recently that I no longer know how much a tin of 10 costs now (I used to smoke 20 plus per day), yet when I smoked I knew exactly how much they were and where the cheapest were being sold from week to week.

How much have I "saved" since I quit? Conservatively it is approximately £6,400!

Better health, fitter and more money, what's not to love about quitting :D

Another fantastically motivating post from you Gary, so glad your here :) and congratulations on 800 days :) :cool:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Finally, Donna & Jenny :D

You will be surprised at how quick the time flies once you get into a settled quit.

Before long I'll be congratulating you all for reaching similar milestones :cool:

I'll post what I've been doing with the saved money soon :p

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

That is absolutely amazing!!! Well done indeed!!!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hahaha, they were miniatures Karri, the same size as cigarettes, but yeh, I smoked them like cigarettes, full inhale and all :eek:

Thanks Sjt13, you're not doing bad yourself are you, nearly 1 year for you :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Ok, so what have I done with the saved money?

Well, I decided I fancied a weekend fun car to mess about in and try to recapture the memories of a faded youth :rolleyes: :p

Having looked around, this car caught my eye and, for the first time ever, even though I swore I never would, I bought myself a brand new car! :cool:

It's a Fiesta ST2 in Spirit Blue.

Obviously the money I have saved so far paid a nice deposit and what I'll save in future will pay for it all :D

Here it is...

nsd_user663_61573 profile image

Cracking motors them Capitan, you have made a good choice. Enjoy :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Marty :cool:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

123 weeks!

No love for my car bought from saved smoking money then?

Never mind, I don't care, I'm enjoying it :D

Well, today marks exactly 123 weeks since I stopped smoking :D

Not smoking truly is the promised land and here's the thing...everybody can own a plot of it!

I used to spend a lot of time outdoors just so I could smoke, now I spend a lot of time outdoors and actually appreciate it.

For anyone thinking about quitting, stop thinking and start quitting.

For anyone struggling early on in a quit, keep plodding on, it truly does get easier and easier.

For those now comfortable in their quits, Hurrah, isn't it great! :D

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hi Jenny

I logged on after a long time & read your reply to Gary , thank you for such kind words !! You & I , and several others have made it haven't we ?? Big thanks to this forum !! It's going to be 2 and half years for me in 20 days and I still feel that this is the best thing I have done in my life !! The worst was trying to look cool smoking :))

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Jenny, at least 1 person made the effort to reply :rolleyes:

Well done Gina, we are nearly at 30 months (two & half years) now! It will be on 26th July for Rochelle and I and 30th July for you :D

Today however it is another anniversary...

900 days! :D :D :D :D :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

That is absolutely brilliant!! Well done to the whole crew!


nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Lovin the ST :) Nice, better than smoking it :)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Love the car Capitan, a proper pocket rocket:D:D

You're not the only one to turn their smoking money into a nice shiney new car - like you I always swore I'd never buy brand new, but suddenly I found I could afford it:rolleyes::rolleyes:

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Well done all, and Capitan - fab car. Amazing how much more cash we have when not smoking (currently saving for a late 2015 Cruise)

nsd_user663_25112 profile image


:D Well done Capitan. I have now done 11 months. Will meet you in the penthouse soon. :)

Well done to all in penthouse.


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks to you all above ^^^^^ :D

Egg, don't keep us in suspense, what car have you bought?

Nicky, do tell, where are you going on this fabulous cruise?

Fleetwood, I can't tell you how pleased I am for you, you have persevered and overcome! Well done :D

Keep on keeping on everybody, down that yellow quit road! :cool:

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Hi Capitan, The cruise is a 14 night Canaries one. The treat for not smoking is at least a balcony cabin (we went inside on our Spain/Morocco cruise last year), maybe if I'm very careful with money a mini suite - oh how I would love to stay in one of those :D:D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

1000 Days!

Hi all,

I've just got back from swimming and realised that today is another milestone...

1000 days quit!

I can't believe I swim regularly now as the last time I swam was over 35 years ago, before I even started smoking!

I'm getting fitter, not fatter and not missing smoking one bit. Sucking in fresh air is so much better than sucking in smoke :cool:

Stay with it everybody, there is a quit out there for everyone - you just have to play hunt the quit until you find the one with your name on it :D

Keep on keeping on, down the yellow quit road :)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Capitan, that's one mega-milestone and your joy and pride at being a truly ex-smoker shine out of your post like a great shiny thing. :D

Many, many congratulations :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi all,

I've just got back from swimming and realised that today is another milestone...

1000 days quit!

I can't believe I swim regularly now as the last time I swam was over 35 years ago, before I even started smoking!

I'm getting fitter, not fatter and not missing smoking one bit. Sucking in fresh air is so much better than sucking in smoke :cool:

Stay with it everybody, there is a quit out there for everyone - you just have to play hunt the quit until you find the one with your name on it :D

Keep on keeping on, down the yellow quit road :)

Flippideedoodah! 1000 days! That really is amazing Gary, massive congrats xx

Well, at 11.30pm last night I achieved 3 years quit!

I can honestly say that I no longer even think about smoking anymore, I have no desire to have one, no longer have any triggers at all and wouldn't smoke again if they were being given out free.

That said, I'm still going to stick with NOPE for the rest of my life. I'm never going to risk reawakening that monster because I've seen what has happened to others. The best way to quit is to never put a lit cigarette in your mouth and inhale. It really is that simple.

I'm firmly of the belief that you don't lose a quit, you give it away. Every last one of us can find a reason to smoke, addicts are good at that. The truth is, that if you continue to wait for that perfect time in your life, the time when everything is perfect all the time, then you'll never quit, you'll always find a reason or excuse as to why you had to smoke.

I don't believe you necessarily need a plan either. My friend died and the next day I quit out of respect for him. It was only meant to be one day, but at the end of it I thought I'd try another day, then another. Now it's 3 years! There was no plan, I just stuck to NOPE. It was hard at times, very hard, but why did I succeed? I didn't put a lit cigarette in my mouth and inhale, it's that simple - have I said that before?

Not everybody has to have a "blip" either. I've seen plenty on here succeed without having a blip. I'm not saying people don't, but the way I look at it is, if you think you're likely to have a blip, because everybody seems to have them, then you too are likely to have one. Why put that in your mind to start with? I was absolutely determined not to have a blip - there is no way I wanted to ever do those first few weeks ever again! It was hard, but achievable - just don't put a lit cigarette in your mouth and inhale.

Alcohol is something I didn't have to contend with as I don't drink, but I've seen so, so many people lose a quit because they had too much to drink and lost their inhibitions and willpower. If you really want to quit and can't trust yourself after a drink, then either don't drink alcohol at all or ensure you only have a couple. If you really want to quit then you'll do what it takes.

People always seem surprised that they are having bad craves even after quitting for just 2, 3 or 4 months etc - why? Most of them had smoked for 10, 15 or 20 years or more. Why do people think they can break a 10, 15 or 20 year habit in a few months? Be kind to yourself and give it time - slowly, slowly catch the monkey!

This sounds like a preachy sermon and it's really not meant that way. It's just that quitting is a serious business and if you want to succeed, really want to succeed, then all you have to do is not put a lit cigarette in your mouth and inhale. NOPE!

Good luck to one and all, the hard work at the start really is worth it in the end :)

Oh Capitan, my Capitan (to misquote Walt Whitman :)) that is one fantastic post....

Three years is one magnificent achievement and it's so lovely that you're still popping in regularly to share your wisdom with us. Many, many congratulations from me. :D

Great post Capitan and many congratulations, .

I remember your posts back on my last quit in 2012, always positive and uplifting and good to see not changed

Nice work:) and NOPE all the way

Thanks Lostie, Skiddaw, Kat, Tea & Andrew, I appreciate you taking the time to reply :)

woop woop fiesta :D

have u got it now then? im a lazy reader sometimes sorry if you have said

Had it a year now, it's the ST sports model. Buying it using money I would have spent on smokes and using it as a fun weekend car. They really are nippy, good handling cars that drive like go-carts - I love it! :)

Thanks Karri :)

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set up a Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew social page if you want to join it. The link to it is:...

Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

Hold on tight Months 4 & 5 room, Dolly's Mixtures are in da house! :D Rochelle and I moved in as of

Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

Hurrah! The first month down and first to move into month 2 are Rochelle and I, with the rest of...

Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

Myself and Rochelle have the same quit date and Si is not too far behind us. I know about Dolly,...

Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

room 6 months+ :D When I looked down the board to where you were all those days, weeks and months...