Hey there: Hey guys, i'm christmas_tree. In... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_55140 profile image
8 Replies

Hey guys, i'm christmas_tree.

In so many ways i really don't know what i'm doing here. I love to smoke. I won't lie. I'm 16 I started on Stoptober (which is ironic within itself), but my birthday is tomorrow and i don't want to smoke so frequenty. I smoke at school and stand outside and smoke everyday 3 times. I usually smoke 5-6, either Marlboro red or hand-rolled Golden Virginia. I use plain filers and Menthol - but sometimes cherry if i pick up some crappy Amber Leaf.

I think it's time to cut back. A place i would be happy with is if i smoked 3 times a week. Currently i smoke 30-40 a week. I'd also like to stop smoking within school, as it occupies time and - although i like the fruity smell - it's evident nobody else does and i don't want my parents to find out because i'll probably be in a position where i lose respect.

Anyway, i'd love some support and "yeah 3 a week is a good place to be" comments :')

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nsd_user663_55140 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_44570 profile image

Oh, dear!

Christmas tree!

First of all, well done for having the guts to recognise that smoking isn't the best of things you can do. This is the right place for support, but I don't think you'll get the type of support that you expect. I don't thing there will be anybody on this forum that will advise you to carry on smoking even if it is greatly reduced.

Let me point out that there is really no such thing as a three a week smoker. Eventually you will be back smoking as much as you do now. Only it will increase and keep increasing.

Before you know it, you'll be in your 20's / 30's / 40's and the memories of your life will be interlinked with smoking. This will result in great difficulty when you actually decide to stop. So please. Please stop now.

I promised to not go down this road, but my fingers are typing faster than my brain can stop me - but If I were your mum, and I am old enough to be, I would suggest you go and see an NHS stop smoking clinic and nip the habit in the bud before it really becomes a BIG problem.

Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear. But we'll all be here for you to help you through your quit!

Let us know how you get on!



nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Hi Christmas Tree,

I expect every one of us can remember being in your shoes twenty, thirty or forty years ago.... and here we all are twenty, thirty or forty years on, still trying to break free. If you think about that, perhaps it will tell you something:mad:

I hate to preach or sound judgemental, but it is obvious from your post that you have no understanding of addiction. I would advise you to read Allen Carr, and hopefully this will convince you that thinking you can just smoke a couple a week is living in cloud cuckoo land.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi Christmas Tree,

I expect every one of us can remember being in your shoes twenty, thirty or forty years ago.... and here we all are twenty, thirty or forty years on, still trying to break free. If you think about that, perhaps it will tell you something:mad:

Yes, to what Egg says. Yes, yes, yes. The vast majority of us here have smoked for upwards of twenty years. Most started in their mid to late teens, like you. All of us, at the beginning, didn't smoke that much and thought it was a controllable habit and altogether quite liked it really - liked how it made us look, liked the feeling of being slightly rebellious, liked the taste, liked the little rituals of smoking - the rolling, the lighting, the posing ;)

But then ten, twenty, thirty years down the line when our breathing was compromised, our fitness levels poor, our fear of cancer HUGE, our spending ridiculous, our kids frightened for us, our teeth and skin damaged... despite all that we still hadn't stopped, because we'd built up a whole lifetime of smoking associations and couldn't imagine the thought of being without our smoking crutch. It's cost us blood sweat and tears to finally kick the habit into touch.

The longer you go, mate, the harder it is to stop. Ask ANYONE here and they will tell you they wish with all their hearts that they'd never started. Please try to knock it on the head completely while you are still young and haven't done any permanant damage to yourself. Maybe you do quite like smoking, but believe me, it doesn't like you. Before you know it, it will control you.

I'm sure you feel like we're all lecturing but it's because we've all learned the hard way. I hope you give this some serious thought. Whatever pleasure smoking gives you, it isn't worth the cost.

Wishing you all the best


nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Hi Christmas tree, and welcome.

It has taken courage to come on here and admit your situation to us, so well done with that. I expect everyone on here is a lot older than you, so it may be hard to clearly realise that we have all been 16 once! As I remember it, when I was your age, I had no comprehension of what it is like to be in your 40s (I only know what it's like because I am in my 40s now!). How can you possibly know that when your 16? In truth you just can't. When I was 16 it seemed somehow impossible that I would ever by 40! - do you feel the same? And yet, if you don't die first, the time will come (in 23 years time) when you are celebrating your 40th birthday. Shocking really, I know!

My point is this, if you carry on smoking, you will be smoking on your 40th birthday. Your smoking habit will not magically stop or just peter out. Far from it. Smoking has established firm control over you already, and you are now an addict. You will gradually smoke more and more until you are smoking 30 - 40 per day (never mind 30-40 per week). If you don't believe that you are an addict, then try temporarily stopping smoking, and see what happens.

We would all secretly like to smoke one or two a week, or just be social smokers. That sort of thinking is what causes many quitters to start smoking again. Before they know it they are back up to 40 a day, just like they were before their quit.

It really is all or nothing. If you want to avoid dying a horrible drawn out death then stop smoking now. You will soon be out of the habit of it and you will feel a massive relief for stopping, believe me.

Here is a thought experiment for you: How would you feel if your parents started smoking?

I really hope you decide to knock your smoking addiction on the head. Although you may feel that your post has had a bit of a tough reception from us, please feel that you can carry on posting on here, and that we will help you in what ways we can. :)

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Christmas tree,

I started at your age, for me it was just the odd embassy filter at youth club (youth clubs existed then!).

The other guys have said everything you need to hear, but my plea is simple, and here it is for the avoidance of doubt:

You are embarking on an unnecessary, highly adictive course of action that can cost you thousands of pounds and lead to a slow, painful and early death. Fact. PLEASE.....STOP SMOKING NOW!

I have children, they are younger than you. We've had the conversations. As Max has said, 3 a week is not a good place to be. Zero a week is however acceptable.

Just...don't...smoke...at...all...please! You are still lucky if you still don't need to.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Christmas tree, I'm 51 and smoked for 31 years.

I've done a lot in my life and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that the only thing I regret doing is smoking.

I bet that most people on this forum feel the same.

Over the years I smoked I convinced myself I liked smoking, convinced myself that they calmed me down in stressful situations and, whenever challenged, told people it wasn't affecting me as I didn't have a smokers cough, I wasn't out of breath and I still felt fit etc.

All lies.

On top of that, I've spent the best part of £100,000 at today's prices!

Don't be me. Don't wake up in 10, 20 or 30 years and think "I wish I'd never smoked".

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

This is interesting actually.

KK, if as a former smoker your advice is don't smoke, then you're SUPER qualified!

Christmas tree, as I said I have children younger than you. My oldest is in year 7 and already he knows a couple of lads in his class who've tried smoking. Which fills me with dread, and I have to trust that the level of sport he plays, his intelligence, education including our parenting and a non-smoking family (which now includes me) will keep him level.

Every pack is plastered with health warnings and pictures of disease, advertising was banned years ago, including formula 1 sponsorship, and the anti-smoking messages including those that the government force at us through TV are prominent. the risks are widely publicised.

So a genuine question I'm hoping I never have to ask a child of mine - what makes smoking in any form, to any degree OK? I'm genuinely interested and it may help me in the future. And by the way - respect to you. I didn't think I'd see anyone so young on this forum, bl00dy well done for having the courage to think long and hard about this and post here.


nsd_user663_55140 profile image

Wow, the amount of posts here really took off. I've cut back to 1 a day - which is killing - and I aim to stop completely within the next week. Thanks guys.

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