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hey everyone!

nsd_user663_1989 profile image
38 Replies

Hi everyone, hows it goin?

not managin to get on here nearly as much as b4 with the kids being off, they take up all my spare time, keeping them amused throughout the hols, alot of u are prob in the same boat. :rolleyes:

anyways Im still goin strong, and the cravings are getting much less although there are still alot of hairy moments but i am overcoming them,I still dont trust myself to drink after last time because i know that i would smoke, i just know it. I hope you are all still fighting fit and staying strong! have been quickly looking at all your posts and some are soooooooo funny i was roflmao, although I just havent havent had time to contribute much.

takin the kids to the wacky warehouse later this afternoon coz they are gettin cabin fever and then they start to create and fight and scream, and i lose my temper, and, oh you know the rest........

wont be on week starting the 27th as im goin camping wahey lucky me!, so wish me luck.

Stay strong and let me know how youre all doing coz im a bit behind, charlene.:D

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nsd_user663_1989 profile image
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38 Replies
nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Charlene

Just to say what an inspiration - 2 Months!!! I'm only on Day 3 and it feels like I've gone through an Indiana Jones and the Temple of Cig adventure, with snapping crocs and spewing volcanoes!!!

Have a great camping trip. Where abouts in the country are you going? We got a tent from Father Christmas at Christmas time and put it up in the garden - but it hasn't made a trip to a camp site yet - the kids are still too cagey about it all. Hope the weather is good for you - ie NWN - No Wellies Needed!!!!!!

Well done and stay strong - I will look forward to the two month period - and just think you'll be on 4 months then?>????


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

god that seems so far away doesnt it?, just replied to your thread a minute ago hun, hehehehe.

Well for THE trip we are going here there and everywhere, starting off at coniston and climbing the old man, and hoping to get as far as cornwall.

this is providing all goes well, if coniston fairs out we are moving onto blackpool, then down to the sunny south hehehe.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Cor - so it's a proper camping trip - ie. you're actually moving about and not going where there's TV's Sofa's etc. available for the Tents (a bit like the harry potter tents)! Well thinking back to my guiding days I would say you would have to remember to take a spade, a tin opener, a swiss army pen knife - or failing that a potato peeler may do the job, string, bin bags (in case the tent leaks) and loads of pacs of marshmallows to toast on the fire. I bet you'll have the best time. I would love to do something like that with my brood - touring about - I really really hope the weather is good to you and it's 24 degrees every day!!! If you get to Cornwall you'll have to go surfing and stick a picky up here to show us!!

And while you're in that beautiful fresh air and sunshine there will be no desire to pollute it - you'll be living life too much!!

Go for it Girly!!


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

thanks poppy Im really looking forward to it although im abit apprehensive, hubby knows what hes doing hes done it all before, but im a real novice im afraid, and i dont like creepy crawlies, in fact spiders actually halt my breathing, so god help me on this trip.

looking forward to a smoke free trip though hehehe.

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

ps no-one i repeat no-one will ever see me in wetsuit, lol, so no pics of surfing im afraid.

no leg pics either hehehehe

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Charlene - if you can stop smoking you can overcome anything even a spider.

Here is a way to overcome spiders.

1) Have you seen Charlotte's web??? If you haven't I would strongly urge you to go and rent a copy - it's a kiddies film/book. I read the story when I was little and the new movie came out recently so saw it with the kids.

2) When you have seen said movie you then look at spiders as being 'Charlotte' all smiley and cutesy and they may even weave you a message in their web.

3) Call them Charlotte and you'll feel better 'Oh look there's a charlotte'!!

We had the biggest and I mean the biggest Charlotte on our ceiling the other night. I couldn't reach it (of course) so hub had to gently put Charlotte in the rain.

Good Luck!!


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

hmmm I must admit admit im dubious this will work for my life long extreme phobia (i even sleep with my face in my pillow so they cant get in my mouth, coz i read somewhere we eat 8 spiders in our life time?!, and put shoes on for if the lights are off and im going to the toilet in the night or something. hehehe)

however i promise to try your theory and I will let you know how i get on afterward when confronted with a spider.

thanks poppy, charlene

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

I've never heard that about eating 8 charlottes!!!!!

Well my 'thing' phobia is Maggots! Blurty Gurty from number 30!!!!

When I was a little girl a boy tipped a whole bucket of maggots over my head - cor nice boy!!!

Anyway since then - I will tolerate them (only if I really really really have to) ie like over the summer when I had to clean wheely bin once - but we now have a cleaning wheely bin service so relieved of duty hoorah!!!

I feel yucky just thinking about them. Also around the same time I got the bucket on my head on Dr Who (with John Pertwee) there was the story of the Giant Maggott - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - it was like in this giant hole and about 10 times the size of the Dr. So then my head went funny - giant maggot - little widdly maggot - all maggots are therefore nono.

Is there a nice film about maggots - may be there is one called Edward!


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

hehehehe iwill search for you, mind you poppy i dont blame you having THAT phobia your story made me shudder, you poor love.

I used to work in a certain shop where you used to find maggots in the cat and dog food, youd have the smell in the warehouse but had to wait a while to find the maggot infestation until they made themselves known, yuck!

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

that would be werid, mind you you would know me youve seen my pic silly!

nsd_user663_1989 profile image


God id have people trying to put me under citizens arrest for gods sake! lol

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

kids! honestly my five yr old william is doing time on the naughty chair as we speak, I dont know whats wrong with him, not just today, but hes constantly rude, hyper, screaming like an emergency siren all the time whilst running wild, and interrupts conversations shouting !"im talking now!", screams, shouts and kicks out if you tell him off.

hes a nightmare when we are out anywhere always running away, and is really cheeky to the point I want to explode if i tell him off, he has no respect for me, and no punishment seems to work, im at my wits end with him honestly, and recently we have started with night terrors so im up at night as well.

hes so maniplative i dont know what to do, i feel as though he is laughing at me, oh AAARRGGHHHHHHHG!:mad:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

kids! honestly my five yr old william is doing time on the naughty chair as we speak, I dont know whats wrong with him, not just today, but hes constantly rude, hyper, screaming like an emergency siren all the time whilst running wild, and interrupts conversations shouting !"im talking now!", screams, shouts and kicks out if you tell him off.

hes a nightmare when we are out anywhere always running away, and is really cheeky to the point I want to explode if i tell him off, he has no respect for me, and no punishment seems to work, im at my wits end with him honestly, and recently we have started with night terrors so im up at night as well.

hes so maniplative i dont know what to do, i feel as though he is laughing at me, oh AAARRGGHHHHHHHG

Aw *hugs* Charlene x x x x x

Sounds like my wild son :o Night terrors can be eased by gently waking him before you go to bed, this worked with my son. just a cuddle to wake him enough to make him murrmour something not neccissarily open eyes sitting up!!!

Keep with the naughty chair and try and introduce a reward system too. I use a two hourly one when things get out of hand >_< i reward his behaviour every 2 hours, if he been bad it's a sad face. 3 sad faces in one day and he'll lose a privilage. The key is in rewarding good behaviour more so than punishing the bad.

But my total secret weapon which I can not live without! is omega 3's :p they do help a lot with his concentration and general behaviour. He's the only one of my kids that is wild! lol and cant tolerate fizzy drinks or additives etc :rolleyes:

Happy camping :D lol

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Charlene

Escaping from my AHHHHHHHHH moment with my brood I have come to chat with you about yours.

Buffy's advice is what I did with Matthew also - as he had night terrors - used to sit up in bed, eyes open and then bang his head on wall. But the calming voice of Mum saying 'It's ok' and to encourag him to lie back down did the trick over a period and now he's ok - just wakes for other things though!!!!

With regards to your little one's behaviour as mine are so different none of the 'super nanny' type techniques have ever worked with them due to the very nature of their disibilities. Therefore it is hard for me to know at age 5 years what 'normal' kids are like. Buffy's advice is excellent.

However what I would suggest you do is the following if you are concerned:- i.e. this is more than just the summer holiday wobblers - it has been ongoing for a while and you have a feeling...

1) Firstly you should keep some type of diary about your little one - it doesn't have to have everything in it - just key things that you think are important. Remember YOU are his MUM and YOU know him best. Keep this going for a period of time. Document persistant themes ie if he becomes aggessive at what times and can you identify the trigger? Does he interupt people speaking all of the time? List the efforts you have made to rectify, how long the sanctions ie naughty step you have used them, his response to sanctions etc. Does he behave or do anything else that has made you wonder - you will know. If you cannot write it down due to lack of time - you could try using a dictaphone.

2) If you find that you have kept a diary for a while (I would say 1 - 2 months) and there are things in there you would like to get reassurance about etc. then make an appointment with your Health Visitor or otherwise your GP. Explain your concerns and show diary. Also has anyone else in the family or outside made any comments? Try and get their comments also.

If your GP feels there is a need for your little one to have a check up he will refer to your local CAMHS or Paediactric Consultant. BUT this will only happen if it is felt it is needed.

3) What ever happens don't worry and don't for one moment think this is your fault. You are a great Mum. ALL children have behavioural issues throughout their lives for many different reasons. Some because they just find it hard to say what they really feel; some because it is their time of life; some because of simple frustrations ie glue ear which can be rectified with gromits so easily; food intolerances and allergies - response to chemicals etc. etc. etc. and the very last catagory (after so many) falls with children like mine and the fact that their brains don't work properly and are wired totally differently - but this is a minority.

Take care and don't hesitate to come back to me if you need any further info etc. on particular issues - I would he happy to help.

Now go and stick your head in the fridge (to cool down) and while you are there grab a nice glass of wine/water/juice what ever you fancy!!

Loads of Hugs


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

wow, you are great friends with great advice, thanks very much!

he is on omega three twice a day to help with his behavior, and he is sensitive to anything with additives in them and what not.

I think the omega three does help up to a point, but his behavior and cheek is like he really cant help himself.

Even on the naughty chair he will sit there giving out, so i moved the chair into the hallway a while ago so i dont have to listen to him.

later on at night time he will come over and say hes sorry for playing up all day and want a cuddle, night time is the only time i get one.

Feeling calmer nbow, i took them both for a nice long walk and a play in the wacky warehouse and that has helped, so theyve had tea and are now behaving themselves,

Thanks both of you for your support, and know that if I can ever return the favour just shout ok?

poppy im am going to keep a diary like you said and see if I can see any patterns etc, so thanks for that brain wave.

Stay strong guys, charlene.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Glad you got through the day x x x x

I reckon these lads need to be entertained constantly!

When we went out yesterday, there was an abundance of fussing older ladies which was lovely they were lovely ladies. Said son was as good as gold :p he likes the constant fussing lol

All I need is to employ an en triage of fussing older ladies :D

Think I may too try and keep an eye out for triggers thanks poppy :)

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

yeah just tonight to get through in between 11 and half past and he will be screaming his head off (night terrors), you could set a watch by him! hehehehe

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

try popping in and arousing him at about 10:30 just to slow the depth of sleep. It doesn't work for eveyone but it did my son, after a week of that it stopped altogether, though he still wets :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

thanks buffy I will do that, I dont think i will arouse him though, I will just rouse him! hehehehehehe lmho! :D

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

ps will let you know how we get on with it, hopefully it will work!

keep you posted!

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

This is quite funny, talking about fussing old ladies. My Matthew says what he thinks, and often what other people think but don't say. A lot of this is therefore inappropriate and upsets a lot of people - but he doesn't understand this. A lot of the time it is also a response to an environment or situation he cannot cope with e.g. the bus.

Oh the bus - the joy of the bus. When we go on the bus Matthew sits in his disabled buggy, hood up, cap on etc. Well we got on about 2 months ago and all the pensioners were on. He started rocking and flapping and several of them really stared. Well Matthew was very aware of this so he shouted at the top of his voice, 'Stop staring your wrinkley old faces at me - I don't like them'. At that point the words floor, open and dissapear plopped into my head. I did my usual thing of trying to calm Matthew down, apologising, while being very aware of the tutting behind my back - to which Jessica shouted really loudly ' We can't help it we've got Autism so leave us alone.' followed by very loudly again 'Mummy why has that man got a bald head?' And so it goes on - I can laugh about it now. Jessica shouted at the Tesco check out the other day 'Mummy what's fertilization? It's to do with a man's winkle isn't it?'.

Both of them will only ever let you near them, touch, cuddle etc. if they say you can. One of their regular sayings to people is 'No huggies and No kissies'.

Take care yous and so happy to help anytimes


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

thanks buffy I will do that, I dont think i will arouse him though, I will just rouse him! hehehehehehe lmho! :D

Ooooops >_< Buffy gets banned :o

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D great kids !!

I think it only fair these 'head up a**e people' get told by them. It's only 10 minutes of their life, they carry on with their lives unscathed. Your kids deserve their moments of glory with what they have to live with 24/7

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

hehehehehehe it must be so hard for you, but I really couldnt help laughing at this post sorry at some of the things your little angels have said!

you shouldnt apologise though, they WERE stupid old people as your son said, and shouldnt tut tut you when youre trying your damdest, and its not your sons fault.

I had something similar yesterday in tesco with a women, not old though around fortyish, alex my youngest who does have alot of problems was throwing himself all over the floor, screaming, I couldnt pick him up coz hes too heavy for me when he doesnt co-operate, anyways this women was looking at us with her lips pursed and that made me start sweating!, then she shook her head slightly as though to say "well really, cant she control him!?".

Well that was it, I turned around left alex to it on the floor coz there was no settling him anyway, and just supervised the tantrum and said to the women "well, have you had a good enough look now or do you have a staring problem?"

she was really embarassed and didnt know what to say, she looked away and walked off to the tills blushing.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

hehehehe nice one :D

I have found one of the most stressful parts of parenting is other peoples inability to cope with my kids, if i can keep calm and handle a situation then so should they!! it's my gig !!

:mad: busy bodies :mad:

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Too right I said to my husband theres no excuse, even b4 i had kids and didnt understand them, i still didnt do that, I used to and still do smile sympathetically at the parent and say "soon be bedtime", coz it is no-ones fault when a child acts up, that is just what they do!

I have zero tolerence for these people, the only person whos allowed to look at my kids like that is me!

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

ps- you are sooo right that part IS the most stressful bit of parenting!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Too right I said to my husband theres no excuse, even b4 i had kids and didnt understand them, i still didnt do that, I used to and still do smile sympathetically at the parent and say "soon be bedtime", coz it is no-ones fault when a child acts up, that is just what they do!

I have zero tolerence for these people, the only person whos allowed to look at my kids like that is me!


Me too, if anything I think that the parents do well to take up the challenges, it is all too easy to sit indoors for fear of what the kids will do. It takes a real parent to take the challenges on headfirst for the sake of their children's needs. Children should be seen and heard that is what makes the world turn.

Oh my, a long awaited break and i am missing my eldest 4 already :rolleyes:

No win situation rofl :p

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Guys - I really really really really wanna cig a cig AHHHHHHHHH

I do I want a smokey joe. The pull is hard and strong. It's mad how it just comes at certain times.

If I was an alarm I'd be going " WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW" now I really would and I wouldn't stop until I had a smoke.


And so my decision is....................to get a chocice and chill. Sorry guys the pull is bad at the moment. Oh just a tip if anyone wants to know. If you get those flakes for the 99 ice creams from Tescos and put them in the fridge/freezer so they go all hard, they are just the right size as a cig so you can have a choco smoke!

Big Hugs


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I hide all my chocolate in the freezer :D tip from my mum in law.

You can eat it straight from and no one can find it :D

The craves feel worse poppy because you are having periods without craving x x believe you me they are not as bad as you think and if you do something else for 10 mins the crave will leave, tail between it's legs x x x x

If it is tough do your 10 mins writing :D

You have come soooooo far x x x x you have the upper hand now x x x x

hour by hour x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Thanks Buffy - feel better now. I'm going to do some ironing and watch and movie and keep flicking over to here in between times.

Are you ok this evening?

Loads of hugs


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Glad your feeling better x x you deserve this x x

yes i am cool ty watching tv and sorting my facebook photos! :D

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

quiet nite in eh?, I am watching jaws 3 on itv3 and its pants! hehehehe

got wind right behind my breast bone, giving me chest pain too, it really hurts if i breathe in deep, and i keep burping and it wont ruddy shift!

Hope ur feeling better now poppy and the cravings have subsided, keep chompin that choccy if that is what helps.

I myself have been craving alot today, and there have been moments where ive thought, i really want a fag!, so ur not alone hun and we are all here for u!

Stay strong, charlene.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

if you have bicarbonate of soda a 1/4 of a teaspoon in water it may help shift that.

I am going to cook some noodles i add butter and pepper hmm nice snack and swerves the craves!

EAT EAT EAT must EAT!!! :p lol actually as i push 6 months i have lost some weight and not eating as manic as before

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Hope i do too if thats the case, although I dont know if i can afford to hang on another four months, have a sneaky feeling I will look like the michelin man if i wait till then.

Thanks for the tip buff i will try that now, should it be cold or hot water?

Its the garlic kiev that i ate for tea coz all i can taste is garlic, its makin me feel sick as well, yuck.

I know garlic never agrees with me, why do i do this to myself time and time again, hehe :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

lol >_< shame cos garlic is good for you , if you can build up a tolerance it would be good i use garlic loads. i get that with raw onion though can not take it!! lol

Small amount of cold water don't be drinking a pint!! you just want an easy couple of mouth falls and drink it down.

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Its makin me belch buffy, still feel sick though and I feel like i have a ball in my throat, weird.

pains gone though when i breathe in so thanks.

Thought i was gonna pass out with all that shallow breathing hehehe:)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Its makin me belch buffy, still feel sick though and I feel like i have a ball in my throat, weird.

pains gone though when i breathe in so thanks.

Thought i was gonna pass out with all that shallow breathing hehehe:)

Aw >_< yes it does make you do that, it kind of pushes out all that trapped air and that is the pain. its in the bubbles :D lol

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