day 15.... not feeling it :((: Hi all I am a... - No Smoking Day

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day 15.... not feeling it :((

nsd_user663_2681 profile image
16 Replies

Hi all

I am a newbie to this site but really wanted a bit of feedback.. I'v looked at lots of posts and am yet to find anyone who actually feels worse after giving up.

I dont want to be a killjoy but I am finding it harder as time goes on not easier..

my list of non smoking ailments are:

bloated stomach

lots of horrendous stinky wind.. ( TMI I know)

bleeding gums


half a stone weight gain in 2 weeks despite eating less and exercising more..

bad skin

constantly tired and lack of energy

can anyone relate to these symptoms? I have been to the doctor as was in such pain with my tummy and he said I am grieving for my "friend" and it will pass...I am starting to wonder... this is my 5th attempt in 2 years to quit the demon and I am trying to remain positive and not give in...

Pleeease someone tell me this will pass soon and I will get a burst of energy radiant skin and a flat tummy.... ok... well maybe just the burst of energy then ;))

much love and luck to all xxxx :)

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_4522 profile image

It is miserable isnt it donna...I would love to be evangelical and screaming from the rooftops that quitting is great but the reality is different..I have experienced most of your symptoms but I have also been dizzy and really really I mean sleep all day tired...most of us are putting brave faces on and trying to be positive to help other people, we are miserable too trust me...our addiction is also looking for excuses to fail and that is what we must overcome....think of this as a test..its all in the mind..the physical stuff is real but will go shortly, I know I have stopped many times before....its the mind we must tackle and beat....

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi all

Thanks for responding so quick.. I admit I was just getting shoes on to go out and get some :/ but I wont... its stupid and I will regret it.. just hope some of these physical symptoms go away and maybe I could handle it better, I feel miserable and will get off here now before I bring everyone else down lol, thanks for stopping me in my tracks tho, tomorrows a new day hopefully w ewill all feel a bit better x

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Hi Donna,

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch but I'm sure it'll soon get better :-)

I can relate to a couple of things that you've mentioned....the wind thing in particular - even the dog gives me dirty looks and leaves the room :o not sure what can be done to help but I'm glad it's not just me!

One thing I've noticed since I quit is that I get really thirsty and I'm drinking about 2 and a half litres of water a day plus 3 or 4 hot drinks. I also noticed that my skin looks and feels younger which I think could be down to all the water?

Perhaps more water would help you to get your glow back?

Keep going, it'll be worth it! :D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

it was indeed a close call thanks :))

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Donna,

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch but I'm sure it'll soon get better :-)

I can relate to a couple of things that you've mentioned....the wind thing in particular - even the dog gives me dirty looks and leaves the room :o not sure what can be done to help but I'm glad it's not just me!

One thing I've noticed since I quit is that I get really thirsty and I'm drinking about 2 and a half litres of water a day plus 3 or 4 hot drinks. I also noticed that my skin looks and feels younger which I think could be down to all the water?

Perhaps more water would help you to get your glow back?

Keep going, it'll be worth it! :D

Hi Juju,

Nice to meet you, I am finding it comforting that we have smoked for the same amount of time practically, and we're both suffering the same symptoms, I can only assume it does go eventually because if it carried on nobody would ever give up so fingers crossed all these nasties will go soon xx

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Nice to meet you too Donna :-) I hope the forum and the people here help to make tomorrow a bit better for you....

I think all our bodies react differently to stopping and I think that your mental attitude has a lot to do with it too. If somebody is forced to stop is bound to make you miserable, tense, depressed and you're gonna feel like you're missing out or depriving yourself. . . . That's how I felt on previous quit attempts.

This time is much different and I can only put it down to reading the Allen Carr's removed my desire to smoke therefor I don't miss it or have any cravings... I never even expected it to work! If you're struggling to point of seriously thinking of buying cigs then it could be worth spending a fiver on the book and seeing if it can help you too? (No I'm not a relation or on commission lol)

Best of luck :-) x

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Donna,

Enjoying the snow this morning? :cool:

The first three weeks were the worst for me, past that point and you should start to feel much better! I had headaches, my chest hurt, couldn't concentrate on anything, digestion all over the place...but a couple of things:

It's just your body getting accustomed to not smoking, and it will settle down.

Drinking water is great for you!

It does get better, and a few days isn't long in the great scheme of things. Keep it up! You'll be more than ok, you'll start to feel great soon :)

Unah profile image

Hi Donna,

You are not alone. I suffered from all those except the weight gain and the bleeding gums. It's all normal. There are quite a few of us who have had the same problems. I think it's important for people to tell it as it is otherwise you think there is something wrong with you.

Everything clears up in time. I slept continually for a few weeks but I didn't mind that:) I suffered from depression for the first time in my life and stupidly allowed the doc to put me on anti depressants. 8 weeks of hell. I came off them and loaded up on vitamins and positive thinking apps and was soon back to normal. That's what I think anyway.

It will all get better. Hang in there and read lots of posts.

nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Hi Donna ... you are doing so well and I too have had many of the symptoms you are suffering with. You have come a long way but keep reading and posting on here and it wil remind you that there are loads of fantastic people all willing to help and encourage you.

On a spooky note .. I'm also a Donna in Bristol but am a little behind you on day 10, lets show'em us Brizzle girls can do it !!! :D

Donna a.k.a Nonny :)

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Hi Donnaj. We smokers have such high expectations! We draw stinking toxic smoke into our bodies every hour, all day, for 20 odd years (or more). Then, when we stop doing that, we expect our bodies to sort themselves out in a couple of weeks!

The symptoms you have are common (I had most of them, and insomnia and other stuff too) so don't let them worry you. Tiresome though the symptoms are, they are a perfectly normal part of quitting.

The main thing is this. Your body is clearing itself out and is also adjusting to no longer experiencing the effects of nicotine and the 1000s of other chemicals in tobacco smoke. As you know, the symptoms you are getting are the signs that this process in underway. Annoying though it is to read: this is a good thing!

One thing is guaranteed: It will get easier.

Stick with it. You are doing really well. It won't be long before you notice that it's getting easier for you. Well done with your quit so far.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Donna :)

I'm sorry you're havign all those symptoms, but like other people have said it's your body getting used to not having all the chemicals from smoking going into it.

Am 5 and a half weeks into my quit, and honestly at the start I felt lousy. Was tired, grumpy, tearful, couldn't concentrate, I was clumsy and felt generally yuck.

Now I'm still tired and I get craves but they are so much weaker than before.

Didn't believe it when people said it would get better but it does!!

Stick with it 'cos it does get so much better

Gemma :)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hi Donna

I was tired, weak, dizzy, emotional, angry, restless, loss of appetite, massive return of appetite, put weight on, depressed, lonely, bored, sad, unable to concentrate, hated everyone around me, ilogical, anxious......

......and then I quit smoking :)

So you see?

It does all pass in time.

I felt like crap at the start....really crap. I still have a lot of the symptoms above but through it all I am becoming happier and happier that I have quit.

We need to give ourselves time.

I've read it before and I know it's sort of the Al Carr way....write down the positives and the negatives in two columns and see which one out weighs the other :)

Stay strong, keep going and keep posting.

You'll be fine :)

Take care


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Donnaj,

I hope you are doing ok on this cold and snowy Friday.

I can't really add anymore to what has already been said. We all get some symptoms from quitting to a greater or lesser degree.

I embraced mine as I sign that my body was getting rid of all the c**p I had inhaled into it day in and day out for years. Many years!

Some of it is plain horrible, some just a nuisance. You're body is healing so hang on in there. :D


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thank you all so much for your kind words it means alot... I would love to say today has been a brilliant day but alas it hasnt I have been a complete bitch to my husband ( who is also giving up smoking) he is the nicest man in the world and doesnt deserve me talking to him like crap but its like a rage that builds up in me I scream and shout I know Im being horrible and then 10 mins later Im ok again... he doesnt know if hes coming or going lol.. I am normally a lvoing caring happy person but this has turned me into a monster.... I'm giving it another 2 weeks if there is a tiny sign of improvemement I shall carry on, if not Im gonna have to buy fags.. my husband is really tolerant but he is getitng to the end of his tether with me and I dont want a divorce :)))

P.s Ladies.... I am due Aunt Flo in about 4 days ;) ... does that have any bearing on how Im behaving as I have only been really bad for the last week

thanks in advance xxxx

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

DonnaJ, If it gets to the point where you have decided to put a cigarette in your mouth then maybe there is an alternative. Why not consider NRT? Regardless of what anyone says about it, NRT is better for you - a lot better for you - than smoking.

Quite a few people seem to get a period of rage. "Angry Bear" is one notable example. It does pass so, in the meantime, maybe when you next get a calmer moment, reassure your husband that your rages have got nothing to do with him! It will help him and also take the pressure of feeling guilty off you.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Donna ... you are doing so well and I too have had many of the symptoms you are suffering with. You have come a long way but keep reading and posting on here and it wil remind you that there are loads of fantastic people all willing to help and encourage you.

On a spooky note .. I'm also a Donna in Bristol but am a little behind you on day 10, lets show'em us Brizzle girls can do it !!! :D

Donna a.k.a Nonny :)

hahaha nice one Nonny!

Keep up the good work :))) xxx

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