Aaaarrgghhhh!: Sometimes things just get a... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_52845 profile image
35 Replies

Sometimes things just get a little too much to handle!

My psoriasis has got a little worse of late which I’m putting down to stress as that is the biggest trigger for it.

Work is awful, as I work in agriculture the weather has seriously affected business and it’s my job to build it up….but the weather won’t leave us alone….been raining for about 9 months now!!!

After losing 1 ½ stone with my cycling since August I’ve put ¼ stone back on and all I want to do is eat…eat…eat….drink…drink….drink…. Sausage rolls & beer being my nemesis!!

To top it all off the boiler has blown completely!

Had the engineer back at it yesterday and it needs replaced…’s going to cost thousands! That’ll be the savings wiped out then!!

As a result we have had to cancel the holiday that we had planned in March, for our wedding anniversary, which would have been our first holiday in about 7 years!!!

It was also going to be the time that I quit the NRT completely – with a change of routine, scenery and leaving the phone at home (I’m on call usually 365 days a year!!)

I know sucking down a few “sticks of death” isn’t going to help with ANY of this sh1t but can someone please tell me…..

Where in the book of life does it say:

“Whilst thou are feeling most vulnerable thou wilst have the boot …. firmly stuck in!!”

Sorry for having a moan but really needed to get things off my chest!!


:mad: :mad:

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nsd_user663_52845 profile image
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35 Replies
nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Aww Greg,

Really sounds like you're going through it at the moment. Work is always a big stress factor and I used to look forward to coming home so I could light up. Surprisingly however I find that since stopping, I seem to get much less stressed.

Such a shame about the bloody boiler and having to cancel your holiday, that is really pants, I know it's not much consolation but just imagine how much less money you'd have if you were smoking, it all adds up.

In regards to the weight/eating - over the last year I have gone from a size 12/14 to a size 16/18 and put on several stone, down to quitting smoking. I finally faced the scales this morning and could have cried.

However what I've told myself is - I have quit smoking, one of the best things I have ever done in my life. The weight gain has made me more determined to stay a non smoker as if I start again the weight will all be in vain. My next goal is to walk into the penthouse the same size I was a year ago.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that these things all come at one and do their best to p**s on the party, but stay strong and celebrate your achievements. I am sure you'll get to go on your holiday some time soon - maybe make that your goal for 2013, something to work towards?

Big hugs buddy - and have a beer (not at work obviously) you need a release sometimes!!

Karen xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Oh Greg, I'm so sorry all this is happening at all let alone all at once!

Life is a sh1t sometimes isn't it. Its such bad news about your boiler, they are so expensive aren't they. Mine conked out about 5 years ago now, it was in the middle of winter as well! It cost a fortune to get a new one fitted.

You're totally right about the cigs though, I know you'll pull through this without falling. You are far too strong a person Greg.

Please feel free to moan whenever you need or want to, its what we are all here for chuckie.

I have my fingers crossed that things start going right for you for a change!

Hang in there, I'll be thinking of you and

sending tonnes of positive vibes over Carlisle way

just for you :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww Greg, I am sorry you're going through all that - there's never a good time for stuff like that to happen but all of it together? :eek:

It's a real shame about your holiday too :(

You are right though, smoking won't make any of that go away - it'll just make you feel lousy for losing your quit and poorer 'cos those things are so expensive!! The ones I smoked have gone up again to £8!!

Stay strong and rant on here!!

Gemma :)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hello all

Thank you so much for pulling me out of it.

I really was starting to feel sorry for myself this morning!

I had just set my mind (and heart) on “finishing” my quit (coming off the NRT) when on holiday with no distractions or work phone calls.

When it all went Pete Tong I just felt a bit lost and didn’t know where to turn!

Luckily I turned here first and the faithful army of quit buddies stormed in…arms flailing, teeth gnashing and boots flying! :D

There is hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel.

We are going to pull the boiler out tomorrow and see if it can be welded by an engineer friend I have.

Maybe it can’t …. but I figure it must be worth a go first…..gulp!

Then the holiday will be back on .... ohhhh yessss :D

Thank you again peeps

I feel privileged and honoured to be alongside you :)

Take care



nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Nifty and a bunch of Forum friends were walking along the beach, all barefoot except Nifty who had BIG BOOTS on.

After walking miles along the beach, everyone was in good spirits, we'd even cheered Nifty up. So, on the way back, Nifty says, oh where's my footprints in the sand, and we all replied, not there cause we carried you....

Fi x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Oh my word!

Think I'm filling up....and smiling from ear to ear at the same time!

Quick put my cycling glasses on so no-one can see! :cool:

Ahhh thats better

Thanks Fi



nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Poor Nifty, sometimes life sucks and everything comes at once. I am hoping for a better 2013 . In 2012 we've had a move, a flood, in litigation with neighbours from hell and a sudden tragic death.

But really, life IS beautiful. You've done a bloomin amazing thing getting yourself off the cigs. Don't forget that little gem.

My daughter was treated for psoriasis from being very young till she was 30. hers always seemd worse in stressful times too, exams etc. It turns out it was not psoriasis at all but Coeliac disease. Might be worth getting checked out for that.

I've got everything crossed now that your boiler can be welded. Here's hoping like mad xxxx

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Thanks Becky, that sounds interesting.

I have not heard of the link between the two conditions but after a quick google search it's actually documented all over the net!

Think a trip to the doctors is in order.

Thank you and Max for your support :)

Take care


nsd_user663_42390 profile image

lucky man

Oh my oh my! I have just come across this and do you know what.... you dont need me! How lucky are you Mr Nifty to have soooooo many friends on this forum all there reaching out to you in your time of need. What goes around comes around and you deserve all the support because you give it too. There are some lovely people on this forum.... Just

nsd_user663_52845 profile image


Thanks Hazel :)

I just needed somewhere to let off steam, which isn't usually like me, but this place is amazing, whether you are happy, sad, angry, upset ... whatever...

Bit like smoking really isn't it.....but 475,000,000 times healthier :)

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

You are welcome, Mr Nifty.

My daughter diagnosed herself initially. She has a lot of medical training background ( Dental Surgeon).She read something on the net about a particular position of the rash I think, then read more, then decided she had all the symptoms and went to Doc's for a test.This was a skin test which confirmed the wheat allergy. Then she had to have a biopsy of her bowel to show extent of damage to the things that absorb vitamins n good stuff, and the Coeliac Disease was confirmed. She gets bread n stuff on prescrition, and has followed faithfully a wheat free diet.

Her skin condition has totally cleared has her asthma and she now never gets hay fever! She used to suffer hay feve and asthma very badly. This condition can also cause infertility in women, and she was trying for years to have children. Within a year of being gluten free she was pregnant and a year later along came number 2. Well worth a check up me thinks. x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Thank you for all your support peeps.

Well, we started on the boiler at 7.30 this morning.

Took a couple of hours to get it out but when we did......saw the leak straight away on one of the weld seams!.... "oooohhhh" we thought, this looks do-able!

So laid it down, quick rub down with a grinder and 5 minutes welding.

We wouldn't know if it was OK until plumbing it back in so after an hour or so putting it back, turned the water on and crossed "everything"






It's been pressurised and working since around 2PM and looks good to go!

Hopefully get another 10 years out of the old boiler yet......

"no ...... not you dear!"

"OWW....what was that for?"


Hopefully the holiday is back on and the quit will be complete :-)

Thanks again peeps,

Take care



New boiler - £3000

Having a heating engineer mate that can also weld - £160

Support on this forum - priceless!

Dippy_Egg profile image

Yay and Hooozah......:)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image


Me ole mucker! I can't say how chuffed I am fer ya!

Actually I can, Greg, I am so utterly pleased that you got it fixed like that and that your holiday is back on the cards!

You sooooooooooo deserved good news my little pork pie and it's cosmic karma that you got it!

Wooooooohoooooo, int life briiiillllliant sometimes :D:D

Well pleased Molly x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

So bloody pleased for you Greg, you were due a bit of good luck - we shall be expecting a postcard mind from your jollies!!

Get in :-)

Karen x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Thanks Mols & Kaz

I'll bring some rock back for you...and maybe some candy floss..

Only problem is, in March nearly everything is shut...but I like it that way! Soooo quiet :)

Last time we went away we visited a castle, thinking it was empty. I was wandering around the semi ruins and my better half wandered off! thing I know she vaulted a 4 foot wall at about 100mph..."there's a man in the booth!"

They were actually open and we should have paid a fiver each to get to see it! oops! :o

Wish I'd video'd it....she's only about 3' 6" anyway so it was a jump to make an olympic high jumper jealous!! :D

Thanks for your support buddies, we'll be walking into that Penthouse like The Three Musketeers before we know it!

Porthos, Aramis .... and err.....the other one!




nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Stuff the Penthouse, me and Mols are coming on holiday with you....

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Did someone mention a holiday?

I'm definitely up for that Karen!

What do you say Greg, can we come along? Can we, please? Aw go on, let us come too, we promise to be good, honest ..... :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Come on Mols, know you and Kaz are more than welcome chuck :)

Booked and paid for the cottage last night....say a cottage it sleeps 8 so party time anybody :D

I did say to K that as long as you bring a bike and a pair of wellies you'll be fine!

Can you imagine what the beaches are going to be like in March :eek:

Freezing, wet and .... empty.....just how I like it :-D

I mean ............. its been snowing all this morning here!! :eek:

If this keeps up I'll have to get outside and build a snowman!



nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Flipping eck Greg you make it sound such a lot of fun!!

A cross between farmer giles and Tour de France!!!

Just my kind of holiday - what about you Karen? I just know with Greg's description you won't be able to resist will you!

I love empty beaches, especially if I've got my dog with me, she adores water :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Well maybe we should drop in on him and Mrs Nifty - give em a shock, bout time I got the use out of my bike rack!!

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Nifty Me and MrM are off on our hols in March. You going any where near Northumberland?

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Nifty Me and MrM are off on our hols in March. You going any where near Northumberland?

Yes we are Sandra, we're going to Beadnell, near Alnwick.

Where are you off to?

nsd_user663_53394 profile image


OMG When are you going- we are going on 23rd

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

OMG When are you going- we are going on 23rd

Oh poo!!

That's the party ruined Sandra

We're going on the 2nd :)

Small world??

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Never mind, you can tell us all the best place4s to go.

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Are you actually going to Beadnell then?

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Oh that is brilliant news about the boiler:D.

Those beaches up on that bit of the Northumberland coast at Bamburgh are the best in the country IMHO....simply stunning. Alnwick Castle is well worth a view.I just love that garden and all its features, absolutely fabulous. You must go to Craster and get some crab. I'm talking myself into a visit .I used to live in Northumberland and it's so beautiful at any time of the year.

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Thanks Becky

It is beautiful. We've been there before and loved it.

Holy Island was a great visit.

I really fancy some crab now ..... thanks for that ....... craving for some even!! :p :)

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Christow Bank, kind of next door. Its our 25th wedding anniversary. We went to Alnmouth 1st time round but we want to bring 1 of the dogs so a cottage is better. Have fun Nifty. Is it just you and your wife?

nsd_user663_44570 profile image

Phew! So relieved for you!

Thank you for all your support peeps.

Well, we started on the boiler at 7.30 this morning.

Took a couple of hours to get it out but when we did......saw the leak straight away on one of the weld seams!.... "oooohhhh" we thought, this looks do-able!

So laid it down, quick rub down with a grinder and 5 minutes welding.

We wouldn't know if it was OK until plumbing it back in so after an hour or so putting it back, turned the water on and crossed "everything"






It's been pressurised and working since around 2PM and looks good to go!

Hopefully get another 10 years out of the old boiler yet......

"no ...... not you dear!"

"OWW....what was that for?"


Hopefully the holiday is back on and the quit will be complete :-)

Thanks again peeps,

Take care



New boiler - £3000

Having a heating engineer mate that can also weld - £160

Support on this forum - priceless!

Sorry I'm getting to this so late, Greg!

I'm really relieved you sorted the boiler out, but there was no doubt in my mind that you would have pulled through and completed your quit even if the boiler went, and your hols had to be cancelled...

The other thing I was going to mention is that you are approaching your month three, no? *shakes head* bloody three's again! They have a habit of messing with my quits. Just be aware of the danger zone and move forward.

In any case all's well that ends well! So pleased for you! Hurrah!



nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Thank you Nik

I'm keeping my guard up .... Marquis of Queensbury rules.......but with the gloves off this time! :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Christow Bank, kind of next door. Its our 25th wedding anniversary. We went to Alnmouth 1st time round but we want to bring 1 of the dogs so a cottage is better. Have fun Nifty. Is it just you and your wife?

Yes mrsm just me and the good lady.

Hope she can stay with me and not come home half way through as I'll be getting off the NRT during the week :eek:

Planning on eating crab, drinking wine (and probably a real ale or 3!), cycling, and walking along seriously quiet and seriously long beaches.....that's the plan anyway. :)

Unless, of course, I come off the NRT early.....I stopped smoking "by mistake" so think I'll try and sneak up on myself with the NRT too....I do like a surprise :)

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Hey, I stopped by mistake as well. Think Northumberland may be the place for me to stop the lozenges too, I have bought some sugar free polos, because I am not sure I need the nicotine. See how it goes, but I am easy because anything is better than smoking.

nsd_user663_33140 profile image

Glad to hear you got the boiler sorted Nifty :D I was just about to strap my OH to a jet ski with a boiler on his back and send him over the water to you :)

We ran out of oil just before Christmas and finally got a delivery...then the pump on our heating broke. Lucky my OH is a plumber and managed to get it fixed for us....I really do love him on those types of days.....cue me batting eyelashes ;)

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