another hurdle- not quite mastered... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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another hurdle- not quite mastered...

nsd_user663_8221 profile image
10 Replies

I’ve just got back from a few days camping, the sun was shining and hubby was off work so we couldn’t resist- we did our annual 3 miles from home test run. The first thing we had to nip home for as it had been forgotten was a lighter- not something we’ve ever had to pack before as it’s just in my bag, got home, remembered I ceremoniously binned them all when I quit and went to the shop- durrrr. Anyway, I live to tell the tale, it was a lush few days, but I found it tremendously hard, I didn’t crave, it wasn’t so much the “OMG I need a fag” moments, and it wasn’t even really a habitual thing- the weather wasn’t nice enough for the lying out in the sun with beer association ciggy. It was something else-more abstract, that I haven’t quite figured yet (maybe part of the loss thing that I haven’t felt too much yet).

I’m sure my mind set should be feeling very proud that another trigger type hurdle has been beaten, but actually I feel a bit cross with myself really- for not having had the insight to realise what a challenge it would be and for having been a bit of a drama queen over what, essentially, was just three days without smoking- Hope everyone’s doing well

Pols xxx

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nsd_user663_8221 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Pols, yes i get craves/ wants etc. when i go away for the day or on holiday etc.It's sort of a " I'm on holiday-having fun- i used to smoke while doing this fun thing-it's not fun without smoking"

I have a festival in summer that i'm VERY worried about because i can't imagine festivalling without smoking! Sitting beside a tent without smoking!

This is my last remaining trigger/ association to break i think, as i have successfully conquered drinking alcohol which was my main demon. (Drinking alcohol at festival???:eek:)

Just breaking down the last of the associations and allowing those pangs to pass i guess.

nsd_user663_8221 profile image

Ah yes, I know, a festival without a ciggy, it seems a weird concept, I find myself wondering "what if i just smoke for those few days then stop again" but I know in my heart I can't and I'm just gonna have to deal with it- somehow or another. I'm so gonna lapse back onto nrt, just coz that's less bad than lapsing back into full on smoking

I've found alcohol less hard than I anticipated, but I think festie is gonna be harder than I'd considered. The 1st I'll be with non/ex smoking friends all of whom are pleased I've quit so that should be OK, the 2nd is with my Sister's who only smoke with me at festivals- that'll be a toughie. When have you got festie? How long will you have been quit when it comes along?

Pols xxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Fancy having to go home for a lighter and then to the shop ;)

I think you did well all in all.:) I know this camping/festie/warm evenings lying out on grass with a beer association has been playing on your mind but this little precursor has helped in some useful ways.

It's great you had some sunny weather in March and went for it. You'll be chewing over how this trip felt without smoking and it's effects on you come the next few days and with a little understanding nod to yourself, any time now, will feel better about the next trip away.

You did it and with out that much drama. It was a challenge, more of a challenge maybe than you expected, but you got through it.

You did good :cool:


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

I took my first ever holiday not being a smoker last year in July. Even at times in the past on failed quits i've managed to convince myself that smoking on holiday didn't count. Of course, thats a load of rubish!

Not saying it was easy, early morning sun, kids and husband asleep, outside on a sunbed with a good book and a cup of tea. I'd have been 5 months quit and got plenty of wriggly worm slighly sick feelings and a couple of 'what the hell, lets smoke' ones too. But I didn't smoke. And the next long break I took in September was totally easy. Not an urge. It is a trigger. It can be hard work to overcome it, but once you get to the other side the grass truly is greener xx

nsd_user663_8526 profile image

Ah yes, I know, a festival without a ciggy, it seems a weird concept, I find myself wondering "what if i just smoke for those few days then stop again" but I know in my heart I can't and I'm just gonna have to deal with it- somehow or another. I'm so gonna lapse back onto nrt, just coz that's less bad than lapsing back into full on smoking

I've found alcohol less hard than I anticipated, but I think festie is gonna be harder than I'd considered. The 1st I'll be with non/ex smoking friends all of whom are pleased I've quit so that should be OK, the 2nd is with my Sister's who only smoke with me at festivals- that'll be a toughie. When have you got festie? How long will you have been quit when it comes along?

Pols xxx

Hi Pols, are you still off the NRT? If so you are doing brilliantly - I haven't managed it yet:( Got into a panic and nearly bought fags so decided I need a bit more time on the puffer. I'd not thought about holidays until this dicussion and I'm glad it's been mentioned because forewarned is forearmed. I love sailing and ther's nothing better than bobbing along with a fag on the go - so I'm going to have to get my head round that pretty quickly

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Pols (I've gotten confused with Pol, Pols and Polster lol)

It's Glastonbury so a few months yet, by which time i hope i will feel a bit better about it. Doesn't help that last year (i spent a year going round in circles quitting and relapsing) i started smoking again before it because i knew it would be a massive problem. (7.50 a packet there-not clever) It's an associatoin thing because as Fi says and yourself, you do think "ooh, I'm on holiday-i could just...."

Oh well, here's to breaking that last association. Do you go to Endorse it in Dorset Pols? i want to go to that one this year.

nsd_user663_8221 profile image

Yea, sorry about the confusion, I didn't pick my username very wisely. I can't tell you how many times I've thought about as I won't manage fest I'd may as well smoke now, or that I'll just smoke for those few days. I guess since you've broken that yo yo quitting pattern now it'll be easier this time in that you're a few months in, rather than on the back of nth short quit over a few months. I really want to try endorse it dorset one year- never enough money or time. First one is July, with lots of ex and non smokers, all very pleased I've quit- they should carry me through. 2nd one is Sept, with my 2 Sisters- Sister 1 only smokes with me, Sister 2 currently fag free as pregnant but planning to smoke again at festie- eeekk....

al- was off the nrt until about 11 o clock last night when I ran out of wine and moved onto rum and which point the puffer was back out- oops. I'm sure with the right planning etc we can go sailing and festie-ing without ciggies and still have a great time. It's not the fags I enjoy about festivals and camping, as Jude says, it's the association....

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Well done you xx u didnt crave , u didnt want one ...thats good init?

Just the bereavement bit i guess you dealt with a loss, an emptiness? maybe xx

But hey got through it & out the other side smiling & not smoking

Brilliant xx:)

nsd_user663_8526 profile image

al- was off the nrt until about 11 o clock last night when I ran out of wine and moved onto rum and which point the puffer was back out- oops. I'm sure with the right planning etc we can go sailing and festie-ing without ciggies and still have a great time. It's not the fags I enjoy about festivals and camping, as Jude says, it's the association....

Hi Pols - you're dead right about the association bit - went sailing at the weekend and all was well when I had things to do but awful when it came to relax. I kept thinking how much safer things on the boat were now I wasn't smoking as there's a full tank of diesel, a can of petrol and a bottle of gas on board! that made me feel better.:)

nsd_user663_8873 profile image

Holiday smoking....

Just reading this thread made me think of sitting out on in the early morning sun, feet up, fresh coffee, good book..... 'no cigarette'!!

Need to get ready for that one!!!

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