Struggling tonight: I'm struggling tonight... - No Smoking Day

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Struggling tonight

nsd_user663_53658 profile image
37 Replies

I'm struggling tonight for the first time in ages and I have no idea why :(

Could someone please give me a kick up the backside?

Molly x

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nsd_user663_53658 profile image
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37 Replies
nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Oh no! You're miss positive of the forum! Take a few deep breaths, have a cup of tea and smell your hair (yes really) and revel in the fact you are a NON SMOKER

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Consider yourself kicked!!!!

When I have been struggling what has helped me is not only you and the rest of the guys on here, but I look back on the comments I have posted to others. Where I give out encouragement and positivity. This seems to work for me, couldn't tell you why or how, maybe I just write good stuff (lol) or, more likely, I don't want to be a hypocrite.

However Mols you are doing awesome, and everybody needs to have an off day now and then, that's how we keep ourselves grounded and understand just how hard sometimes this is, and that we only want to do this just the once.

Sending you all the good vibes I can

Don xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Deep breaths taken, hair sniffed (felt a bit odd like candid camera was watching me, they weren't were they?)

I'm to embarrassed to read my own posts, I pretend they haven't happened after the fact Don.

I'm sorry for worrying you two, I went into a tailspin. I'm going to put Nirvana on now, that'll sort me out!

Thanks again x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Music solves everything!

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

And sleep I find solves a few things to!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Don't talk to me about sleep! That's the problem I reckon, I've had one night when I've had more than 4 hours sleep in I don't know how long now, I try not to look! I did a thread about it and despite everyone's best advice (Una's was the closest) nothing is working. I had 3 hours last night!

Oooohh I just love sinking into self pity!!

Ignore me, lack of sleep is such a small price to pay and I'll take it any day over what some people have had to deal with on here. That's one of the reasons I love this place! Puts things in context everyday. I wobbled, I'll be ok though

Thanks for listening to me moaning!

Molly x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

I've found Valerian tea works quite well too :-)

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

I know exactly how you feel (collective moan coming on). Averaging about the same. I am sure I am just staring at a screen halve the time looking like Kung Fu Panda. But, as you say, a small price to pay, and nothing that I didn't know was going to happen from past experiences. Although having less sleep, it feels as though I have more energy and know that the body won't let it be like this forever. It will naturally find its rhythm again, just a little patience and all will be well again.

Thinking of you

Don x x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I know what you mean about energy, I've just put Fratelli's on and dancing around my living room (18ft long) (so pleased no-one can see me!) I'm back on track now.

I'm so sorry for being a worry, I'd take it back if I could :o

You're right, that's what keeps me going, I know it'll sort itself out in the end.

You're such a brilliant addition to the forum Don x

Molly x

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

You're to kind.

But I will help in any way I can. And you go girl, dance the a$$ of that mahusive living room of yours.

Don x x

nsd_user663_53306 profile image

Hang in there, the craves will (and always do) pass....turn up the music and keep dancing :)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I will ta, it wouldn't be so bad if I could just stop singing!

Thank you Don and Kazzi. I love you guys x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

I'll get some ear plugs.....

nsd_user663_52845 profile image
nsd_user663_52845 a very deep echoey voice ..............

"Did some one mention @ss kicking!!!"

Oh....too late ...... sorry!

I'll fetch my cloak!


nsd_user663_53617 profile image
nsd_user663_53617 a very deep echoey voice ..............

"Did some one mention @ss kicking!!!"

Oh....too late ...... sorry!

I'll fetch my cloak!


How very handsome you are Greg!!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Thanks Kaz

The cycling has done me the world of good!......never looked so trim!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hang in there, the craves will (and always do) pass....turn up the music and keep dancing :)

Hi there! I missed this, thanks so much, I'm still dancing x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I'll get some ear plugs.....

No don't! There'll employing me on the Nhs next year as an alternative to ear syringing!!!

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Thanks Kaz

The cycling has done me the world of good!......never looked so trim!

It certainly has paid off - and do you have a new hairdresser per chance?

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

You're to kind.

But I will help in any way I can. And you go girl, dance the a$$ of that mahusive living room of yours.

Don x x

It only feels massive cos there's practically no furniture in it!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

It certainly has paid off - and do you have a new hairdresser per chance?

Why....I din't think you would notice ..... flicker flicker eyelids......

I said remind me of home so she gave me a perm!!

Sighhhhh! :rolleyes:

Glad your over the blues Mol


nsd_user663_53658 profile image
nsd_user663_53658 a very deep echoey voice ..............

"Did some one mention @ss kicking!!!"

Oh....too late ...... sorry!

I'll fetch my cloak!


I know, I can't believe you missed a chance to kick my arse! Its a pretty good arse as well! It has absolutely no bruises on it because everyone just cuddled me in your absence! At least I didn't get any fishy treatment for which I am profoundly grateful!

Seriously Greg, even though you weren't here I thought about what you would say. X

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Only just seen this as I have been out enjoying myself at my Christmas lunch with work.

Sorry you are struggling Molly but I am afraid this happens now and again. This is when we have to grit our teeth and get on with it. It doesn't last long you will be fine tommorow and each time it happens it gets weaker and weaker, hope you are feeling ok now (better than earlier) Tommorow is another day. xxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Only just seen this as I have been out enjoying myself at my Christmas lunch with work.

Sorry you are struggling Molly but I am afraid this happens now and again. This is when we have to grit our teeth and get on with it. It doesn't last long you will be fine tommorow and each time it happens it gets weaker and weaker, hope you are feeling ok now (better than earlier) Tommorow is another day. xxx

Hi Hazel, I feel fine now thanks. Everything feels kind of surreal at the moment and its making my emotions a lot stronger than usual so when I'm up I am manic and when I'm down I just tailspin and its awful. I have cried every night for what feels like forever, and it's for no reason! I just can't seem to stop myself.

I'm not sure if its lack of sleep or just me going bats. I don't care though because people on here go through so much worse, it's a small price to pay for being free.

I'm lucky as well because every night I have someone to "talk" to

I love this place, I really do

Molly x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Molly you will always have someone to "talk to" on here that is for sure!:) and I am glad you are feeling better.xx

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


You,ve cheered up already my love. I have absolute every faith in you that you'll get through this unsettling stage. Try and get to bed at a reasonable hour and switch off from the Forum.

Much love from yer Forum Ma !!!

Fi x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Only just seen this as I have been out enjoying myself at my Christmas lunch with work.

Sorry you are struggling Molly but I am afraid this happens now and again. This is when we have to grit our teeth and get on with it. It doesn't last long you will be fine tommorow and each time it happens it gets weaker and weaker, hope you are feeling ok now (better than earlier) Tommorow is another day. xxx


Now that's my kind of lunch:) 10 hours!!!! Hope you had a great time:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

It's the "rollercoaster fish slap" effect Mols!

Very well known in most European Physics Academy's .... well.....the ones that have courses on trout handling that is..... anyway.....

You are Lady Positive so when you take a minute to think about yourself it maybe hits you even harder? Just a suggestion..I think that's what I felt on my last major wobble....

But it aint gonna beat us missy...."OH NO!!"....shut up Churchill! :rolleyes:

Did you try that remedy night yet?

I was still awake until 3am on Saturday night....after a couple of beers I'm usually giving a starfish impression on the bed! :D

Couple of drops of rescue remedy night...and I was away.

Worth a try chuck



nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Don't talk to me about sleep! That's the problem I reckon, I've had one night when I've had more than 4 hours sleep in I don't know how long now, I try not to look! I did a thread about it and despite everyone's best advice (Una's was the closest) nothing is working. I had 3 hours last night!

Oooohh I just love sinking into self pity!!

Ignore me, lack of sleep is such a small price to pay and I'll take it any day over what some people have had to deal with on here. That's one of the reasons I love this place! Puts things in context everyday. I wobbled, I'll be ok though

Thanks for listening to me moaning!

Molly x

Iv got a tea called sleepy time tea.. Really does relax u.. I get it from sainsburys

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Iv got a tea called sleepy time tea.. Really does relax u.. I get it from sainsburys

Is it herbal, I've never really drunk tea but I'll give anything a go!

Thanks Shelly, how're you?

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Is it herbal, I've never really drunk tea but I'll give anything a go!

Thanks Shelly, how're you?

Yes it's all herbal. They do it in tablet form too.. The tea better tho as its warming

Ye I'm great thanks. Well apart from having a silly bad chest and cough.. But I think it's finally clearing all the junk of my chest.. Not had the quitting smokers coff yet..

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

It's the "rollercoaster fish slap" effect Mols!

Very well known in most European Physics Academy's .... well.....the ones that have courses on trout handling that is..... anyway.....

You are Lady Positive so when you take a minute to think about yourself it maybe hits you even harder? Just a suggestion..I think that's what I felt on my last major wobble....

But it aint gonna beat us missy...."OH NO!!"....shut up Churchill! :rolleyes:

Did you try that remedy night yet?

I was still awake until 3am on Saturday night....after a couple of beers I'm usually giving a starfish impression on the bed! :D

Couple of drops of rescue remedy night...and I was away.

Worth a try chuck



I could never stay down with you around Greg, that's what I love about you! I've cried a lot in the last couple of weeks and more than once I've done it whilst laughing at the same time because of you.

You are one of the reasons I'll stay quit x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Yes it's all herbal. They do it in tablet form too.. The tea better tho as its warming

Ye I'm great thanks. Well apart from having a silly bad chest and cough.. But I think it's finally clearing all the junk of my chest.. Not had the quitting smokers coff yet..

Me neither, I keep wondering when it's going to come along

Thank Shelly, I'll have a look x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hey Molly - why the long face :D

Sleep deprivation is torture. I don't know if this has already been mentioned but have you tried melatonin? I found it to be brilliant and was recommended by a long term quitter who also had success with it.

Hope you get some sleep soon :)

Thanks Karri x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image


You,ve cheered up already my love. I have absolute every faith in you that you'll get through this unsettling stage. Try and get to bed at a reasonable hour and switch off from the Forum.

Much love from yer Forum Ma !!!

Fi x

You are so definitely not old enough to be me ma!

My lack of sleeps is one of those things, I only really feel it when I go slamming down and thankfully that doesn't last long!

It would last so much longer if it wasn't for you guys though and no doubt at all in my mind I would've started smoking if it wasn't for you lot! You're ace and I love you x

Can I still call you me mum? X

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Course you can, I'm just the mothering type, and I give a great Bozie! I'm Ma at the office too!!

This insomnia will pass Molly, but perhaps you do need a wee help, maybe speak to the Pharmacist, or as Shelly says try Herbal Tea.

And as I said you should switch off from here earlier, cause you're mind will be in overdrive.

Sending you a night, night hug:) And a sleepy waggy tail from my lab Meggie:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi everyone, I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the replies last night. I feel a lot better today. Back to my usual chirpy self :D

I'm off work for a couple of days after today so I'm going to catch up on some sleep, well, around Xmas shopping!

Anyway, thanks again.

This forum is so cool as is everyone on it :D

Molly x

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