i just dont understand: :mad: Today since my... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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i just dont understand

nsd_user663_53212 profile image
19 Replies

:mad: Today since my weird dream last night has been a nightmare, and im with BIGGRIN on the grumblegrumble thread:(

I have craved and craved today, my mind has been trying to justifie the have 1 fag thing, and believe me i came bloody close, ( especially when i brought my mother-in-laws fags ) i was so tempted to just have 1, it took all my will power and a couple of lozengers that have now given me a head rush to through this????

I dont get it, after such a weird vivid dream, it could make me feel right back there at day 1

Am i going mental

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nsd_user663_53212 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

On Sian, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I can't say anything about the dream because although it has happened to me once it didn't make me crave.

You have to spend an awful lot of time around people who smoke though, do you think that has something to do with how you're feeling as well and maybe your dream has made it worse?

You're so determined though, you've got through some extremely difficult days and not given in. I just know you'll get through this one as well.

You're in my thoughts


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Sian, nearly everyone goes through urges to have a smoke at the oddest times during their quit.

Some get over it quicker than others but we all go through it.

Some have had an urge to have one after 8 or 9 months but by that stage the urges are usually fleeting and easy to get past.

Your body and mind are still readjusting to life without the drug you used to put in it every half an hour or so per day.

That and the repetition of the actual act of smoking.

Don't get downhearted or depressed about it, it's quite natural really.

Eventually the urges will get weaker and easier to control until one day they rarely, if ever, happen at all.

Just remember NOPE. Not One Puff Ever.

Keep on keeping on girl, you're doing fine :D

nsd_user663_53753 profile image

Sian you are doing amazingly bluddy fantastic, please don't let a silly dream make you feel this way.

Be the stong woman that we all know you to be, Have a scream, shout, throw something as hard as you can, take a long hot soak in the bath or a very cold shower, but please please please don't give in to the killerettes.

Stay strong hun, you can do this. We are all rooting for you.

Love May x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

I feel for you Sian

I am really struggling at the moment :(

I gave in to my wife's "lets put the Christmas tree up!" as we wanted a bit of joy :)

I finished about 6.30pm and have craved like crazy since!! :mad:

I think as I always had a smoke once I had finished putting the tree up and sat back to admire it but this time there's obviously something missing!

It is quite upsetting isn't it ..... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Just wish it would go away.

We'll get through it Sian I am convinced but won't it just p*ss off!!

We aint gonna fail after this long ..... uh uh .... no way girlfriend! :D

Take care



nsd_user663_53753 profile image

Ok... Now I know what I'm going to be asking Santa for Christmas this year.

I'm going to ask him for a time machine so that we can all travel a year into the future and reach that penthouse without having anymore cravings, withdrawls or false memories/wants of those awful killerettes.

Stay strong peeps :)

Love May x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

That's a great offer May

Book me a seat!

Mind you, we could go back a few years (well quite a few for some of us :rolleyes: ) and go back to a time before we smoked!

....don't think I would want all that angst and spots again though! hehe!

Take care



nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Sian you're always sI positive and have done amazingly well. I know you won't let it get the better of you at this point, you've come so far. That nicotine monster gets everywhere, ride out today, have a nice sweet smelling bath, tomorrow is another day. Big hugs xx

AngryBear profile image

Hey Sian I had a weird fourth week where I craved B & H fags specifically, having had a really calm week 3; as Capitan says, it's odd how and when the craves occur, push through, you've done so well and been so supportive of others, it will pass ;)

nsd_user663_53212 profile image

feeling better

Thanks for all the supportive msgs, not sure where them cravings come from today but so glad I held tight and didn't fall for them:D

Mad 6wks and 5days in and they still creep up and catch me off guard little buggers, they deserve a quick slap off mine and Greg's healthy trouts lol ( nikii;) )

But thank you everyone you are the reason I'm still here (((Big hugs)))

nsd_user663_53437 profile image

It must be super hard to spend all taht tiem around smokers? I dont know how I would cope with that! The only time I see a smoker is when I pass one outside!!

You are sooooooo strong girl xxx

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Well done to Sian again

Well, you certainly are being tested in this. Ive gone past being jealous of smokers, I feel sorry for them, trapped in their miserable deluded bubbles, but I am still wildly jealous of the people I know who can just have 1 at Christmas or whenever. I have to keep telling myself that if that was a possibility for me I would have managed to achieve it in the past 40 years that I have been a slave to nicotine, but I didnt and I cant, and if I have 1 I will think of nothing else but when can I have the next 1 and soon, very soon, my life will be dominated by smoking, and nothing, not the self loathing or the violent disapproval of my family, nor the lack of money or the obvious effects on my health and looks or the stinkiness of my house will stop me until I come crawling back here in about 2 years time to try again, even more convinced than I was this time that I am doomed to fail.

Dont do it Sian, be a role model, be cool and calm and contented in your quit and soon you will find others around you also wanting to free themselves of this awful burden.

Well that is what I am telling myself anyway.

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Reminds me of the bullshit a smoker tells themself, and the bottomless depths of depravity that a smoker will go to, for just one fag. Strewth! Home truths are not easy to hear :eek:

nsd_user663_53212 profile image

Well, you certainly are being tested in this. Ive gone past being jealous of smokers, I feel sorry for them, trapped in their miserable deluded bubbles, but I am still wildly jealous of the people I know who can just have 1 at Christmas or whenever. I have to keep telling myself that if that was a possibility for me I would have managed to achieve it in the past 40 years that I have been a slave to nicotine, but I didnt and I cant, and if I have 1 I will think of nothing else but when can I have the next 1 and soon, very soon, my life will be dominated by smoking, and nothing, not the self loathing or the violent disapproval of my family, nor the lack of money or the obvious effects on my health and looks or the stinkiness of my house will stop me until I come crawling back here in about 2 years time to try again, even more convinced than I was this time that I am doomed to fail.

Dont do it Sian, be a role model, be cool and calm and contented in your quit and soon you will find others around you also wanting to free themselves of this awful burden.

Well that is what I am telling myself anyway.

You know Mrsm you have just hit the nail on the head and everything u just said is what I argue in my head, especially the last couple of days:confused:

But like u I can't have just 1 cig as 1 leads me straight back too 35 a day and more :eek:

Tell u 1 thing though going to end up in Looney bin if I carry on arguing with my self :o

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Arguing with yourself is fine as long as you win.

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Arguing with yourself is fine as long as you win.

My word mrsm .... that was deep!

started thinking about that and confused myself!! :D

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Me too !!! :confused:

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

It was a joke


nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Doh !!! :o

nsd_user663_52845 profile image


I know it was mrsm, it was brill! :)

Think I've said before I have been a Pink Floyd fan all my life and that statement you made was depper than any of their lyrics! hehe! :D

Heavy ... man!

Not what you're looking for?

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