I need to understand.: So it's day 12. I have... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I need to understand.

nsd_user663_4293 profile image
16 Replies

So it's day 12. I have almost managed 2 whole weeks. That's an incredible achievement for someone who has smoked since about 14 and is now 50, but instead of feeling happy I am just finding it such hard going that I am getting quite down about the whole thing.

I need to try to understand what's going on in my head. I must want to stop or I would be smoking right? So if I want to stop why am I finding it so hard?

I try to imagine the freedom which I am sure a few days ago sounded fantastic, but now I don't seem to care. I have never been unhealthy and I can I suppose afford to smoke so they are not the big things for me, it is the control nicotine has that I want to put a stop to.

I just don't understand why I am finding it so hard or why I am not happy that I have got this far without giving in.

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nsd_user663_4293 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_8572 profile image


You are missing something that has been such a huge part of your life, for all those years...I suppose in a way its a from grieving for a loss...thats my interpretation of it...

It will get better...


49yrs of age

smoked 25 to 30 a day for 36 yrs

quit date, 16th feb, 2010

lozengers, will power, and this formum

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hi Candowilldo - great positive name btw! Congratulations on getting to day 12 and you are right, thats a great achievement on its own. I found it very difficult like you initially - thats not to say its all plain sailing now - but I question it less - I think its just one of those things that you have to keep telling yourself over and over again. I dont need it, I dont want it and I'm so much better off without it.

I'm glad to hear that you have no current health worries, thats fantastic but if you did continue to smoke how long might it be until that situation changed? You have no way of knowing and thats the point really.

I think its easy to over ****yse it in the early stages and in the end it just goes around and around in your brain with no great conclusion and therefore (for me) I just tried to stop reasoning it out and just did it.

I dont know if any of that is helpful at all, but I would suggest that you read as much as you can from the links in peoples signatures, I found that very helpful - its great to know what you are feeling is normal. Good luck and keep up the good work you are doing great.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

I agree, when you have smoked for such a long time it is an ingained part of your daily routine which can be quite hard to get over. My son finds he gets terribly down & is still trying to quit for that reason. I have told him that you are not giving anything up, just gaining a whole load. Whats nice about what smoking does to you? Absolutley nothing. Cup half full not empty!!

I hated that moment in time when you automatically went to reach for a fag & realise you don't smoke anymore. It's a horrble moment but lasts for seconds if you go off do something else to take your mind of it. Our minds just need reconditioning thats all!!

I wish you well with your quit, it does get easier, promise :D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Check out Vikings 2 year post in the 1 year thread. I found that to be pretty good at summing up why you quit. In fact, i've printed it out.

I found it didnt take long to forget why I quit. I found though, that by posting help to others starting their quit it helped me continually reinforce to myself why I quit. I found through links the tales from the quit site which helped my head. I learnt about HALT (are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. All which mimic the feelings of a crave) I found my no smoking self and really rather liked her. Bit cheesy. But true.

It can be difficult. But the benefits are terrific!

nsd_user663_8102 profile image


i'm no expert but i think you need to see this has your choice because thats what it is. you are healthy and can afford to smoke so why haven't you for the past 12days..because you've chose not to.

ive not smoked for 5 weeks and only the past few days a friend made me realise its my choice not to smoke, somedays i choose not to smoke for that day somedays it might be by the hour, half hour etc... but if i want to smoke i know i can but for this hour etc i'm not because ive chose not to.. its not easy i had a rubbish day yesterday could of reached for the cigs but thought will it change anything..so left it for half hour etc worth a try...

Well done 12 days is a great achievement :)

nsd_user663_4293 profile image


Thanks for all the replies and support.

Got home after work, put my fiver in the jar and burst into tears:o

Had a long chat with OH, who I was convinced knows absolutely nothing of what I am going through, even though he stopped a year ago.:D

I think there have been some brilliant comments here and maybe neddy's is the closest to what I needed to hear - this is my choice. The whole stopping thing for me is about control and I have allowed something to take that control away again by getting depressed and miserable. Now I need to take it back again and choose not to smoke and be happy about it.

I'm not out of the woods yet I know that but I am really finding the advice and support on here so helpful, so thanks again.

nsd_user663_7964 profile image

don't ignore depression

Hi Cando

Can't tell from your other posts - are you using Champix? If so, depression can be a side effect and if it continues, please see your doctor. I'm on Champix and I also have been treated for depression for many years, so I'm very alert to the warning signs. It's not something to take lightly. Champix is a great drug (working wonders for me) but it can have some nasty effects.

Even if your not using Champix, don't ignore it if you feel depressed. When you get down it's easier to stay there than to get up and fight. Talk to your friends, family about it and enlist their help.

Hope it's just a moment in time for you and it passes very soon. And congrats on getting through your second week!

All the best


nsd_user663_4293 profile image

Hi Cando

Can't tell from your other posts - are you using Champix? If so, depression can be a side effect and if it continues, please see your doctor. I'm on Champix and I also have been treated for depression for many years, so I'm very alert to the warning signs. It's not something to take lightly. Champix is a great drug (working wonders for me) but it can have some nasty effects.

Even if your not using Champix, don't ignore it if you feel depressed. When you get down it's easier to stay there than to get up and fight. Talk to your friends, family about it and enlist their help.

Hope it's just a moment in time for you and it passes very soon. And congrats on getting through your second week!

All the best


Thanks, I am on Champix, but it's not depression as such, been there, done that. This is my mind having a battle with itself. In fact I am having no side-effects from Champix other than some nausea. Actually I don't think they are working for me.

As Neddy says this is about choice and I think I am having a crisis because whilst intellectually I want to stop and know I should stop, I can't deny that I get pleasure from smoking though I do realise that that is due to the addiction. Having never stopped before I don't know what it's like not to smoke whereas I do know what it is like smoking.

Tomorrow it is 2 weeks and it would be ridiculous for me to start again and I think that knowing that has created an element of fear(?) which has pushed me into this crisis.

I suppose the question is whether my intellect is stronger than my addiction? Certainly the cravings are relatively minor. What's going on in my head is not a craving as such.

I apologise for waffling, I think if I have written it down it may be that I can try and make some sense of it and make the right decision.

nsd_user663_8873 profile image

I know how you feel...


Your dilemas sounds much like mine. Reading your original post it seems you had similar thougths to myself - never been ill and can afford to smoke so why give up something I enjoy? Obviously none of us are ignorant enough to think it isn't doing us harm though and I'm sure we can all think of better things to do with our money.

I'm only on day 7 and would also love a smoke. However, I've made the decision and don't want to let myself down. I'm finding patches are really making things easier.

Gotta run - at work here....

Stick with it buddy!!

nsd_user663_4293 profile image


Your dilemas sounds much like mine. Reading your original post it seems you had similar thougths to myself - never been ill and can afford to smoke so why give up something I enjoy? Obviously none of us are ignorant enough to think it isn't doing us harm though and I'm sure we can all think of better things to do with our money.

I'm only on day 7 and would also love a smoke. However, I've made the decision and don't want to let myself down. I'm finding patches are really making things easier.

Gotta run - at work here....

Stick with it buddy!!

Thanks. I can't go back now after 13 days. Just going to stand in the corner and have a word with myself.

nsd_user663_8873 profile image


Thanks. I can't go back now after 13 days. Just going to stand in the corner and have a word with myself.

That's the way - have a word with yourself (but keep it down, people will think you're nuts)!

Read your comment on another post about not looking forward to seeing the nurse today. How did that go?

I saw mine yesterday for a fresh pack of patches. She smokes herself and said she didn't think I'd pick a day and go through with it - made me smile and feel just a little bit smug.


nsd_user663_4293 profile image

carbon monoxide reading

Actually it went very well. Carbon Monoxide level down to that of a non smoker. She said I had made her day by coming in and saying I hadn't smoked for 13 days.

I still don't think she is very good because she doesn't appear to have much understanding of how to help people quitting smoking when they are struggling.

nsd_user663_8873 profile image

I guess that's why we're here?

I guess that why it seemed so funny to me that one of my nurses smokes - although it's not very inspiring!

She must see plenty of people who unlike yourself, don't stick with it. Only a smoker, or ex-smoker can really understand what you're going through, so it isn't her fault.

Keep on making her day whever you see her buddy.;)

nsd_user663_4293 profile image


I guess that why it seemed so funny to me that one of my nurses smokes - although it's not very inspiring!

She must see plenty of people who unlike yourself, don't stick with it. Only a smoker, or ex-smoker can really understand what you're going through, so it isn't her fault.

Keep on making her day whever you see her buddy.;)

At least she understands how you feel.

It doesn't matter anyway I have some great support, here and at home.

Thanks. :D

nsd_user663_7964 profile image

good on you

Hi Cando

So glad to hear it's not depression. I've had a similar struggle, and I've slipped a couple of times since my quit date. What's kept me going, despite the slips, is the thought that I never want to have to go through this again - I'd rather deal with it now than in five or 10 years' time. Also, my mum died too young from a smoking-related illness and while I could ignore that when I was younger I'm now on the downhill slide to 50 and can't ignore it anymore.

Hang in there - we'll all be so proud of ourselves later!


nsd_user663_8736 profile image

Be stong, you even said yourself the cravings arent that strong so stick with and and they'll reduce more and more.

I know it's hard trying to break the habit but you must already be getting somewhere with that..I know I am after 10 days. I know its diffucult but there's no need for you to smoke, I know you can afford it but do this not only for yourself but also for those who care about you. :cool:

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