Smoking when drinking: I have given up 1... - No Smoking Day

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Smoking when drinking

nsd_user663_33832 profile image
31 Replies

I have given up 10 months now but have got into the bad habit of smoking once I've had a drink or 10! At the time I enjoy it but the next day I regret it.

Any help on how to get out of this habit?

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nsd_user663_33832 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Yes. Every time you smoke one, tell yourself you haven't really given up, and that you're making a fool of yourself. You have only given up since the last time you smoked.


nsd_user663_33832 profile image

Oh no that actually upsets me to hear that. Maybe that will make me think next time.

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

You haven't quit smoking, plain and simple.

nsd_user663_33832 profile image

I wasn't asking for everybody to put their dig in, I was asking for advice on how to stop it!

AngryBear profile image

When did you last have a smoke when you were out? And do you struggle with it when you're not drinking? :)

nsd_user663_33832 profile image

I don't go out drinking that often which is a good thing. Friday was last time I went out.

No I don't struggle otherwise, not at all. In fact I think it is disgusting and when I smell it on other people I think it is horrible.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Alot of people struggle when they are around alcohol. You just have to not smoke when drinking... it is that simple. It is easier these days because of the smoking ban. At least you dont have to go outside, so therefore you are not seeing people smoking, which helps ease the temptation. There is no magic cure unfortunately, just a new way of living. You have conquered the day to day smoking, so you need the same determination with the social smoking, that should do it.:)

AngryBear profile image

Just for me..

Well, and I can only speak for myself, I had to do a few life changes in terms of routines, particularly at work, ie where I spent breaks, avoiding smoking areas etc....and to do it properly I had to abstain totally (unlike my wife who smokes sometimes when she goes out then doesn't for days and weeks on end, typically). I couldn't do that, I would be back on 30 a day in no time.

If I smoked now I would put myself back to square, or day, one (or day 4 if it was Friday). I would have to, I couldn't do it halfway. As it is I am happily on day 32.

You obviously wanted to quit which is why you post on here, and not smoking in between sessions out is no mean feat in itself; it depends on what you're looking for I guess. I want to stop, end of story, so I have to do it this way. If you want to do the same you cannot disregard the pub fags in my opinion; step one, my biggest tip because it's helped me no end.....stay away from the smoking areas, whether out or at work! :)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

I don't go out drinking that often which is a good thing. Friday was last time I went out.

No I don't struggle otherwise, not at all. In fact I think it is disgusting and when I smell it on other people I think it is horrible.

Get an inhalator to take the edge off you mite feel a bit of twit at first but perhaps it might get you off the social smoking slowly, or dont go out until you feel a little stronger perhaps!? Ask yourself is it worth messing my quit up for the small ammount of times I do actually go out? and if your disgusted most of the time with the smell etc..then that is a very good sign imo :)

nsd_user663_44204 profile image

Sorry mate but if you light up you are back to Day 1 and deffo not 10 months as you see it, yes get yourself an inhalator that's how I did it, so next time you post you are on Day 1 x

nsd_user663_35913 profile image

Sorry mate but if you light up you are back to Day 1 and deffo not 10 months as you see it, yes get yourself an inhalator that's how I did it, so next time you post you are on Day 1 x

Hmmm - since when did this forum go from supporting people to telling people what to do? It really annoys me when people dictate what others should do according to their own particular mode of operation. Everyones path to giving up smoking is different - and really, who flippin cares if someone is day 1 or day 100 - as long as we give up eventually then that is what matters! Life is too short to get bogged down with numbers!

Jolmbagpuss - drinking is the worse time for loads of people who don't normally smoke...I get tempted alot believe me. But it's down to you to do what you can not to smoke...hopefully eventually you'll get so fed up with waking up disgusted with yourself that you will be able to quit all the time. Try and figure out if there was any particular triggers that got you smoking at any particular time?

And don't be put off by the negativity on here - you've done really really well - you can do the next step too!

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hmmm - since when did this forum go from supporting people to telling people what to do? It really annoys me when people dictate what others should do according to their own particular mode of operation.


And don't be put off by the negativity on here - you've done really really well - you can do the next step too!

Sorry Fellie but I don't see any negativity here, other than you suggesting that other people are being negative. All I see is people giving their honest opinion. Whether anyone agrees with those opinions or not is subjective, but no matter how you look at it you don't get extra 'points' for jumping in, saying others are negative, and acting like the heroine that saved the day.

The forum is at is has always been as far as I can see; as great as ever.


nsd_user663_47108 profile image

Get an inhalator to take the edge off you mite feel a bit of twit at first but perhaps it might get you off the social smoking slowly, or dont go out until you feel a little stronger perhaps!? Ask yourself is it worth messing my quit up for the small amount of times I do actually go out? and if your disgusted most of the time with the smell etc..then that is a very good sign imo :)

Yep, I agree with KK and would suggest the inhalator route as well, Baggy.

Just to add my twopenneth and the bit I've highlighted in KK's post. I have never felt a twit having an inhalator with me. In fact if someone sees me with one in my hand it has been a 100% positive experience. People are really pleased to see that you are giving up - lots of "Good for You's" and "that's great's" so don't worry about that aspect.

Sounds like you are most of the way there anyway - a little help to get over that final hurdle may be all you need. :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

It's an association that you haven't learned to break. A tough trigger for most smokers, I know.

I would agree with others that if you're still smoking socially then you're not quit - but I really don't mean it harshly. What I mean is you haven't rid yourself of the habit. And if you're smoking socially then it's so, so easy for it to creep back into other areas of your life.

You've done well to cut it out of your daily routine. I'd really recommend you take the plunge and cut it out when drinking too - by whatever method you choose. It will be tough at first but if you get through a few nights out smober, it will get easier and easier, just like it did at those other trigger times that you overcame.

Maybe don't get completely sloshed those first few times, as good sense does tend to go out of the window then... :)

Don't be hurt by a few strongly worded comments: This (like the NRT/CT debate) is one of those subjects which can be a bit of a minefield. Sometimes people who are struggling (or have been through the struggle) to quit completely can feel a bit unsympathetic of the social smoker. But this is a great forum, and everyone means well.

You're doing great. Take the final leap!


nsd_user663_43351 profile image


I have given up 10 months now but have got into the bad habit of smoking once I've had a drink or 10! At the time I enjoy it but the next day I regret it.

Any help on how to get out of this habit?

First of all apologies, but i also strongly believe social smoking is as the name says, social smoking and not quitting smoking .. but ... it is definitely better than smoking all the time .. but quitting totally is the best..

But i agree with you drinking is the worst time you can give up ur vows as due to the alchohol your mind plays havoc and smoking doesnt seem like a bad idea..

I will tell you what worked for me .. after i quit smoking .. i slipped once while drinking (fortunately very close to the quit date) but gave me a life lesson, never take any smoke triggers, like drinking lightly... from then onwards i always prepared myself before going out ... telling myself time and again I will stick to 3 drinks and under no circumstance will i smoke .. I needed to do that on a maximum of 4 or 5 occassions .. after that it became easier ... and as time passed i became much more comfortable and could even hold more drinks hehe .. but i m never complacent .. even now i can stand around people smoking but the way i felt the day after i slipped always remains vibrant in my mind and by not smoking or even thinking about it, i feel way better and more in control..

hope this helps and best wishes for you being completely smoke free ..

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Yep, I agree with KK and would suggest the inhalator route as well, Baggy.

Just to add my twopenneth and the bit I've highlighted in KK's post. I have never felt a twit having an inhalator with me. In fact if someone sees me with one in my hand it has been a 100% positive experience. People are really pleased to see that you are giving up - lots of "Good for You's" and "that's great's" so don't worry about that aspect.

Sounds like you are most of the way there anyway - a little help to get over that final hurdle may be all you need. :)

Depends what circles you move in i suppose, stood watching a band in a field with most people smoking around you wondering why your smoking a tampon..was the usual remarks:D:rolleyes:.... i did

feel a bit daft but continued to use the inhalator when i went out coz i knew that it was the way forward for me personally! ............... I was proud of myself inside 100 percent positive like yourself, I am just being honest about how i felt when using it, it was just a suggestion and J/bagpuss may not want to go down that route anyhow.

Good luck to what happens next, be interesting to read.

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

i did feel a bit daft but continued to use the inhalator when i went out coz i knew that it was the way forward for me personally! ...I was proud of myself inside 100 percent positive like yourself, I am just being honest about how i felt when using it...

Oh, amen to that, KK. If an inhalator helps then in all honesty I really couldn't give a stuff what other people think!

Like you say, we are just giving our new friend Bagpuss a little knowledge from our own personal experiences. It's entirely up to them whether they decide to act on it...

Unah profile image

Hi Bagpuss, I too endorse the inhalator. When I have a few drinks I don't even notice it isn't a cigarette.

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

hi my fella only smokes when hes had a drink.. but since iv quit i think he had 1 last weekend instead of one every time i had one and that used to be a lot when i drank. so could you try avaoid the smokers when u are out and dont buy any to take with u.. as now i dont smoke my fella used to smoke mine. now he has to ask ppl who smoke wen we out. he wont buy any lol.

even tho now iv come off all nic products only about 8 days tho... i take me inhalaor with me if im going out drinking.. had a bottle wine friday night in the house and didnt need it at all.. but went out satday and really needed it. so try one of them or a 2mg NRT gum when u drink.

nsd_user663_33832 profile image

Thanks for your advice. I did have an electronic cigarette which really helped. I just need to have more will power I guess.

I get so annoyed about it the next day as I really honestly don't even crave a cigarette now. I am just trying to stop before it escalates further.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

An inhalator is the way to go. its just a case of putting something in your mouth which ok looks like a tampon but its only as ridiculous looking as a cigarette. feel free to put anything in your mouth as long as it isnt a cigarette. The association of smoking and drinking is a strong one ,it is breakable and after a while youll probably be glad to have broken it . I am, and i was a confirmed drinker smoker, thought id do it forever, couldnt imagine not doing it. now its the opposite way around im happy to say.

M x

nsd_user663_35913 profile image

Sorry Fellie but I don't see any negativity here, other than you suggesting that other people are being negative. All I see is people giving their honest opinion. Whether anyone agrees with those opinions or not is subjective, but no matter how you look at it you don't get extra 'points' for jumping in, saying others are negative, and acting like the heroine that saved the day.

The forum is at is has always been as far as I can see; as great as ever.


Yes - this forum is great - couldn't have done without it. But I do get annoyed with people telling others (and me for that matter) what day they should be on - that is all. And if you look at my previous history - you will see this has always been the case. If I disagree with what someone says - I am entitled to say so, without being accused of scoring extra 'points' or acting like a heroine. Not sure whether I should laugh or be insulted by that comment...


nsd_user663_35351 profile image

I wasn't asking for everybody to put their dig in, I was asking for advice on how to stop it!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out how to stop it, just use the same methods you have used to be succesful in other areas of your life.

indiantiger1981 profile image

Hello all the members,

i do have a query , if my quit (not a single puff) for 4 months again starts with smoking for 7days along with drinking and then after that 7days again a cold turkey quit for 1 year starts, will it be a social smoking or a quit?

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Social smoking.....!

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

I have given up 10 months now but have got into the bad habit of smoking once I've had a drink or 10! At the time I enjoy it but the next day I regret it.

Any help on how to get out of this habit?

Hi Jolmbagpuss

This has always been the difficult one for me and I know for a fact that many people have trouble with staying off ciggies when they have a drink. In the past when I've been attempting to quit, the mere thought of having alcohol triggered cravings. This time I've managed to drink alcohol without thinking about smoking, and it's because I have completely seperated myself from my 'addiction' to smoking.

The habit isn't that you smoke when you drink, the habit is that you smoke and you are addicted. The fact that you have spent 10 months not smoking when you're not drinking alcohol is great, but somewhere inside you there is still a smoker and you need to dig that smoker out and scrape it off. That means not smoking ever at all and I can see that that's what you're aiming for.

The guys who have tried to make you feel stupid or ashamed in their responses in this thread... please ignore them. What they say has nothing to do with smoking cessation, it's just the smug rantings of people who have managed to achieve what you are coming here for help to achieve.

~Good luck - I hope you succeed.

nsd_user663_43995 profile image

Was gonna make a post on this, i quit in march so 7 months quit and last weekend me and the other half went for a curry and had few drinks and i craved a cig bad(Had inhaler thing) ive never felt like this and been out drinking before maybe it was the curry and drink lol but i feel like a failed myself abit :(

nsd_user663_53295 profile image

I struggled with smoking under the influence of alcohol for about 15 years. It was the only time when I just couldn't stop myself. I would end up buying a packet when out at the weekend and then finishing the packet off slowly during the week. I finally stopped completely after getting an electronic cigarette about 6 months ago. If I get the urge I know have a backup boost of nicotine available, but I don't have to go and buy a packet of real ones. I also don't get the rotten taste and smell from my clothes the next morning.

nsd_user663_44937 profile image

Well done!!!

You have done a great job so far so don't waste it now !!! Take some low strenghth gum out with you and use that instead??

Well, and I can only speak for myself, I had to do a few life changes in terms of routines, particularly at work, ie where I spent breaks, avoiding smoking areas etc....and to do it properly I had to abstain totally (unlike my wife who smokes sometimes when she goes out then doesn't for days and weeks on end, typically). I couldn't do that, I would be back on 30 a day in no time.

If I smoked now I would put myself back to square, or day, one (or day 4 if it was Friday). I would have to, I couldn't do it halfway. As it is I am happily on day 32.

You obviously wanted to quit which is why you post on here, and not smoking in between sessions out is no mean feat in itself; it depends on what you're looking for I guess. I want to stop, end of story, so I have to do it this way. If you want to do the same you cannot disregard the pub fags in my opinion; step one, my biggest tip because it's helped me no end.....stay away from the smoking areas, whether out or at work! :)

nsd_user663_39067 profile image

I don't think there is an ex-smoker on earth that hasn't struggled with alcohol induced cravings at some point, and it is a well established trigger.

Like any other craving, it does get weaker each time you overcome it. I got completely trousered on day 2 of this quit. It wasn't planned, and it did induce cravings, but since then it seems to have made alcohol a smaller deal. It's almost as if once you beat it, it stops being quite such a big deal. Drank a bottle of red wine over the other night, and was absolutely fine. Unfortunately, you have to go through a bit of pain first, but you can do it.

This is my experience anyway, it may be different for others.



Unah profile image

I had got used to having a drink without a cig but I hadn't had any alcohol for a few weeks until last night and I started looking for them. For a couple of minutes I was quite upset and then I realised its nearly 5 months since I had a puff so I had to smile. :D

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