Days 1-4: Hello! I didn't know this forum... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Days 1-4

nsd_user663_49642 profile image
16 Replies

Hello! I didn't know this forum existed or I'd have been along sooner. :) I had my last cigarette (well, roll-up) on Sunday and have been smoke free since Monday.

I'd love to tell you that I feel great but actually what I've done mostly is lie in bed and cry! This is actually my second attempt this year, as my attempt in April ended after everyone in the house told me that it clearly wasn't the right time - again all I did was cry or snap at people.

So far I have told a CLIENT that I can't talk to her about her website as it is crap and is upsetting me too much (ooooooops!!!), and just earlier told my good-for-nothing useless disgusting awful horrible HORRIBLE husband that we're not in love any more. (Ooooops. Usually I think he's just a little bit of a git!)

So! Insanely depressed and lying in bed wishing everyone would stub their toes because they all deserve it, but at least I haven't smoked!

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nsd_user663_49642 profile image
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16 Replies
Unah profile image

What are you using to help you stop? I'm using patches and an inhalator. I'm not having any craves but I am so tired that nothing is getting done

nsd_user663_49642 profile image

Hi Una! This time around it's Champix (I know there's a group! :-)) but last time it was e-cigarettes. The time before that was cold turkey (lasted 9 months), the time before that was patches (2 months). I think it was patches the time before that too (6 months), and when I was pregnant it was hypnotherapy (when I actually stopped for over 2 years!). So I've pretty much used everything before, but I almost always end up feeling like this. It's so rotten. :(

nsd_user663_42390 profile image


Hello! I didn't know this forum existed or I'd have been along sooner. :) I had my last cigarette (well, roll-up) on Sunday and have been smoke free since Monday.

I'd love to tell you that I feel great but actually what I've done mostly is lie in bed and cry! This is actually my second attempt this year, as my attempt in April ended after everyone in the house told me that it clearly wasn't the right time - again all I did was cry or snap at people.

So far I have told a CLIENT that I can't talk to her about her website as it is crap and is upsetting me too much (ooooooops!!!), and just earlier told my good-for-nothing useless disgusting awful horrible HORRIBLE husband that we're not in love any more. (Ooooops. Usually I think he's just a little bit of a git!)

So! Insanely depressed and lying in bed wishing everyone would stub their toes because they all deserve it, but at least I haven't smoked!

Well come to the forum! Sorry to hear you are suffering so much, you will gets lots of support from the people on here. I hope that helps you and lifts your mood.

nsd_user663_48073 profile image

I'm using Champix too and for the first week I couldn't post on the forum. My first few days were a little like yours. I even caught myself yelling at my kids one day (something I never do). What you are going through should pass after about day 5 or 6 making you feel almost human again. This is my longest quit (5 weeks and two days) to date and I credit Champix, this forum, and, myself.

Here you will find a huge assortment of people from all backgrounds, united by a common not smoke another puff!! We help where we can and take advice and inspiration when we need it. We vent at all the crap that we feel and nobody judges (Well, in theory).

If you feel down, make a quick stop on here to distract you (it helps more than you know guys :D)

I hope that you start to feel more like yourself soon, and we'll be here whether you do or not. ;)

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

Welcome to the forum Katya & congrats on 4 days :)

Stay strong & you'll do this...

Denise x

Unah profile image

Oh boy, you really have tried everything. Nobody can say you give in easily. I certainly admire you. This is only my second try but I fell by the wayside on the 12th day and started back again the day after. Day 12 for me tomorrow so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I was going to try hypnotherapy but it is so expensive and I haven't seen anyone on here who has used it. I hope you feel better soon and we're all here if you need a good moan :-)

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Well done Katya great positive post:)

I can sympathise and identify with all the attempts to quit.

Don't know how old you are but it would seem you have almost spent more time not smoking than smoking hehe.

Never give up giving up;)

nsd_user663_49642 profile image

Wow, thank you everyone for such lovely replies!! :)

So glad to hear from another Champix user. I've actually been taking it for 11 days all together now and was starting to wonder if I was going to one one of the minority who actually have a psychotic breakdown. I feel quite reassured!

Una, hypnotherapy is fantastic and was the best method I ever used to stop. Having said that, I DID have to go back for a free "top-up", but the actual process of quitting was amazing. As I mentioned, that was when I was pregnant and until I had the hypno I was so hormonal and depressed anyway I ended up telling my husband that after I'd had HIS baby he could KEEP the damn thing and I was going to LEAVE him so that I could SMOKE! :D I was a little more reasonable after the hypno. :)

I forgot to mention I also once used Alan Carr's book which I adored, but sadly it only works the once - re-reading it is not the same. Incidentally I also stopped drinking for six months with his alcohol version - I do like the Alan Carr stuff.

What is everyone here using? Are you all using NRT (apart from my Champix bud of course)?

Oh, and I am 33 years of age. :)

Unah profile image

I read Allen Carr's book but I preferred Kristina Ivings.

Guess we've all said similar things to our husbands especially when we were pregnant :-)

nsd_user663_49462 profile image

Hey Katya .... hello, welcome, congrats and good luck in kicking it. I'm also on day 5 myself. I tell myself good for you each day. I come to this forum and get a kick out of comments and also find it rewarding to read others ups and downs. I'm still waiting for the worse to come though. Almost scared. All seems 'not too bad' right now. Doesn't sound right LOL. I'm using the E-cigs (vapor only) for when I think I need to puff. I tried Champix and after a week I realized it was the cause of so many side effects I had that I threw that in the garbage. That stuff shouldn't be on the market.

nsd_user663_49642 profile image

Hey Savvy :) Yes, that's sort of how I'm feeling about Champix in ways - I'd have to admit that I have not been enjoying the suicidal thoughts or permanent faintness since I started taking it. The physical symptoms all sort of blur though as I have M.E. so feel rubbish a lot of the time anyway.

Una, isn't pregnancy evil?! :D I've managed to make myself sound like a right cow on this thread haven't I! Haha! ;)

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hi Katya and well dont on quitting try not to think about previous quits as they are in the past

just concentrate on this one and taking one crave at a time

dont forget you will also be having withdrawel effects on top of side effects as well and some arnt very pleasant

but they do get easier and pass :)

i know afew people that have tried hypnothearpy and its worked really well for some especially one of my sisters who was smoking upto 60 a day :eek: so she had afew sessions and that was it

but i also know people that it hasnt worked for so its like anything really somethings work better then others

trying to have a positive mindset will work wonders

and saying i will not smoke today when you wake up will help

come on here and post as much as you can

onwards and upwards is the way to go


Carol :)

nsd_user663_49642 profile image

Hi Carole!

Yes, you're absolutely right. That's why it's so great that there are so many quit options out there - you're bound to find one eventually that works for you! :D I stopped taking the Champix three days ago because I was genuinely worried about what it was doing to my mental health. Day 7 today and officially cold turkey. :eek:

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Hi Katya

Welcome, and well done! A week under your belt, and now on week 2. :)

As your body is now nicotine free, from here on, hold on tight to to the fact that any withdrawal symptoms are brainwashing caused by the big monster in the mind. :eek: Mind over matter - you can do it! :D

BW, Shazza x

nsd_user663_49645 profile image

Well done, Katya. A week is fabulous.

I think it's great that you've ditched the Champix. From what I've read of the side effects, using it to quit smoking is just as bad as cold turkey anyway, so you may as well get some personal boost out of suffering the latter. At least taking it kept you focussed over that first week so you got over the nicotine free bit with 'help'.

ANyway, the hardest part is over now. The stopping and not going back in those first few days is harder, I think, than resisting later on, when you ar eneither physically nor mentally chained to the habit.

Good luck going forward. I'm a few days behind you and Tommy and will be keeping up with your progress as I make my own.

AngryBear profile image

Hey Katya hope it's still going well for you, I'm on (more or less) day 4 and it's biting, but I'm still good for now....nearly broke a toe kicking the shed while trying to start the lawn mower earlier, so I know how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!

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