Side effects from not smoking!: My OH and I... - No Smoking Day

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Side effects from not smoking!

nsd_user663_35913 profile image
5 Replies

My OH and I gave up together at the same time. Prior to that we spent many a 'happy' evening drinking copious amounts of red wine, talking absolute bollocks, and smoking and smoking and smoking - until the wee hours of the morning. The next day was a bit horrendous but we always had a chuckle about the daft conversations from the night before.

That has all changed now - and it's probably not a bad thing. I've cut back on drinking BIG time and OH has given up drinking completely now. Over the last few months, since he has given up smoking - my OH has started to get incredibly angry when he's had a few - and I mean maybe 2 or 3 glasses of wine or a couple of beers - not much. And it gets worse the more he drinks. It is seriously a Jekyll and Hyde moment - he is normally the most laid back, silly thing around - but give him a drink without a cigarette and you had better start running. He is never violent I hasten to add - just really lets you know what he things of you right then and it's not very pleasant! :(

So in order to save our marriage, his dignity and a night a police cell (he got angry with a policeman just recently :eek:) - he has given up drinking entirely. I'm not - I'm still okay with drinking but it is quite interesting the effect that smoking had on him.

Gosh - I feel like we have finally grown up into mature adults now - and it's not a bad place to be....:D

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nsd_user663_35913 profile image
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5 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I read your post with interest because I also gave up the drink when I quit, and the caffeine as well, in for a penny in for a pound, I didn’t give the drink up due to anger but just because having a drink seemed to create a big ciggy crave, I am now 2 + years down the line and will sometimes and I mean a rarely sometimes have a glass of wine, maybe when OH has the nicco demon under control he will be able to have a bevy or 2 but you give him a big hand shake and a slap on the back and tell him he is one hell of a man that can see where the drink is taking him and be big enough to admit it, I think lots of [people give up the drink to help there quits and then find it’s not an essential part of their life any more.

So well done to him for that and well done to you for also knocking the cigs on the head, it’s not easy but it is so worthwhile.

nsd_user663_43283 profile image

My OH and I gave up together at the same time. Prior to that we spent many a 'happy' evening drinking copious amounts of red wine, talking absolute bollocks, and smoking and smoking and smoking - until the wee hours of the morning. The next day was a bit horrendous but we always had a chuckle about the daft conversations from the night before.

That has all changed now - and it's probably not a bad thing. I've cut back on drinking BIG time and OH has given up drinking completely now. Over the last few months, since he has given up smoking - my OH has started to get incredibly angry when he's had a few - and I mean maybe 2 or 3 glasses of wine or a couple of beers - not much. And it gets worse the more he drinks. It is seriously a Jekyll and Hyde moment - he is normally the most laid back, silly thing around - but give him a drink without a cigarette and you had better start running. He is never violent I hasten to add - just really lets you know what he things of you right then and it's not very pleasant! :(

So in order to save our marriage, his dignity and a night a police cell (he got angry with a policeman just recently :eek:) - he has given up drinking entirely. I'm not - I'm still okay with drinking but it is quite interesting the effect that smoking had on him.

Gosh - I feel like we have finally grown up into mature adults now - and it's not a bad place to be....:D

I notice your on Champix, if he's on them too, I'll bet that lots to do with it..... tell him to have have a drink a month after you're both off the champix, I found Zyban to do something similar a few years back

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

EEEEEkkk Champix and alcohol turned me into an alcoholic and a ridiculous chainsmoker, was on that loop for years ,its nasty and hard to spot when your on it , my advice to anyone in that place is dont drink with head-altering drugs the effects can be substantial and pretty much permanent, well, hard to shift anyway. that was my experience, maybe your O h will be different ,

Mash x

nsd_user663_35913 profile image

It was just me on Champix - he gave up cold turkey. And I stopped using Champix months ago now...and to be honest, they didn't really affect me in any particualy bad way (just the vivid dreams and a bit of nausea).

I think my OH is just one of those people who gets angry when he's had a drink - and whilst he was smoking, the nicotine helped keep his mood stable but without it...oh dear. He also suffered badly from the hangover depression and anxiety the next day - so it's just the way alcohol messes with his mind.

Although I don't experience anything like the anger and depression, I am also thinking of giving up alcohol. I'm just finding that I don't particualy like it anymore - I don't like the feeling of being intoxicated (even mildly) and I certainly don't like the next day after a glass or few too many. And - OH has lost 1/2 stone just from giving up drinking! I could do with that too...:D

However - not going to give up caffiene or being a grumpy cow - got to have a few vices ;)

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Interesting post, I thought I would share my thoughts and recent experience.

Since I quit last September (2011) I have hardly touched alcohol especially since Christmas. This is a drastic change as I was somebody who would drink pretty much every weekend but to be honest not a great deal during the week, I would say I was more of a binge drinker.

I am now 32 but since I was 25 I have suffered with mild anxiety/panic attacks in some was shape or form (usually caused by stressful events) but up until September (my quit date) I had been fine and not experiencing anxiety at all for maybe 2 years.

Since January my anxiety/panic attacks have become a lot worse and I have been seeing a councillor for the last few months to help understand the underlying issues and ways of beating the anxiety, it is certainly a long process and some days I feel better than others, I've certainly learnt a lot about myself.

My point is that I hardly ever drink anymore because more often than not my hangovers are awful and last for 2-3 days plus I feel quite anxious during that time, quitting smoking was the catalyst for this life change and this change is taking a lot longer to become normality for me.

I am starting to question if smoking is also a reason for my anxiety becoming worse, I am also questioning if by not drinking alcohol this has also made me more anxious (I understand that alcohol can suppress anxiety). Obviously as well as these questions I am searching for answers with my councillor by examining past life events.

I suspect that it is a mixture of all of the above that has contributed to my recent bout of anxiety.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has had similar experiences.



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