2 months with Side effects: Hi All Got to... - No Smoking Day

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2 months with Side effects

nsd_user663_2343 profile image
13 Replies

Hi All

Got to 7 weeks yesterday and now into my second month. Side effects still haunting me. First 2/3 weeks I was told would be a little hair raising but apart from a few cravings nothing I couldn't handle with a little faith. Into my 5 week and I experienced panic like you would never believe, real flight or flight feelings.

Booked to see refelxologist yesterday and offloaded a lot which helped and she did a lot of tapping on me (also in Paul McKenna's book).

So what did I do. Bought 10 cigs on the way home and puffed at one. First puff, coughed. Second puff was good, sorry but it was. Then no sensation no feelings of 'coming home' just nothing. WHY oh WHY did I do it?

Well I did it because I was angry. I wasn't expecting such emotions to come like waves with giving up smoking- anxiety, sadness, nausea, can't sleep, sleep too much, eat too much then appetite goes, digestion problems with acid and bile. Such a rollercoaster of withdrawal symtoms, yes yes I knew I would experience cravings with anxious/aprehension feelings but none of the other crap! especially after 6 weeks when everyone says you should be over the worst. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP.

Sorry to sound off but is anyone else feeling like me. Please tell me it will get better. I do not see my blip as a failure and will not count this as true smoking quite the opposite. It takes courage to quit even for 1 day and for me to get to 7 weeks after 45 years of smoking is quite a feat. I may have another blip, I don't know, who knows what tomorrow may bring. I do know that I will face each day with courage and even if I falter I know I am trying.

Will keep you posted on how I get on.


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nsd_user663_2343 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Hi linda~

I'm sorry to hear you are going through such hell! I am 32 days into my quit cold tukey and feeling good. Of course I didn't smoke as much or as long as you, but i don't even know if that makes a difference. I went through hell on my second week and since then it has been a few bad days but nothing like that week. Is it possible that you are experiencing severe anxiety? That can really mess with your head. I'm sure you are experiencing serious withdrawal, but I'm thinking maybe it's going beyond that. I used to have extreme anxiety and it was pure hell. It would wake me up out of a deep sleep like a freight train was running through my head. I would wake up in a profuse sweat, and my heart would be racing. I have no idea what triggered it but when I feel it coming on now I take medicine and it subsides. I hope you feel better soon. Hang in there and don't worry about the blips.:D

nsd_user663_2343 profile image

side effects

Thank you for your wlecome response. Yes I too think I have had a liberable amount of anxiety that has become accute but I am still determined not to give in to smoking.

I have began taking St John's Wort again, a herbal remedy that claims to aleviate mild 'downers' and anxiety. You say when you feel anxiety coming on you take medicine that helps. Is it prescribed or over the counter like St John's. Would be interested to know if there are other products out there that may help.


Smoked for 45 years ending up on 30 a day

Quit 12 September 07

Method Cold Turkey

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Linda: some info for you!


Here is a link to the medicine I take. It describes the majority of what u r experiencing. It is not over the counter though. You will have to see a doctor. It does work wonders!

I hope this helps!:D

SMILE:D things will get better! take care

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Linda

I am on my second quit at the moment. I quit back in march for 6 months and I too had all the same feelings depressed was the main thing.A lot of family things happend and I really stupidly smoked. But I been taken st johns wort since just before i caved in and feel a lot better. They cant hurt maybe give them a shot. Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_2343 profile image

2 months side effects

Hi Linda and Mary

Thank you so much for your responses and support. Have felt better today, maybe the St John's Wort is kicking in at last. Trigger points for me are first thing in a morning and mid afternoon as these are the times I used to really enjoy a cigarette. Going back to the docs next week for a general check up and booked in for a massage the week after. Spending some of the money I have saved!

Good luck to all


nsd_user663_2231 profile image

Hi Linda, sorry to hear you are having such a rough time of it.

If you read back through my posts, I too had awful side effects, and at the 3week stage I got a mouth full of ulcers that just wouldn't go away. I was at the stage of going back on the cigs cos I felt rubbish. I was advised to cut my dose of champix (that's what your on isn't it?) to 0.50mg twice daily. I did this and the side effects have greatly improved. Ulcers eventully cleared, although having said that I can feel one starting up again - so no doubt that will be followed by more!

I am determined to keep going, in the scheme of things it is a small price to pay to be nicotine free.

Good luck and chin up x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

HI Linda

Just reminded me havent took mine today my be thats why i feel low. a lot better than this morning. grand daughter over so that will keep me on my toes. HEHE Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

A message

Hi Linda and Mary

Thank you so much for your responses and support. Have felt better today, maybe the St John's Wort is kicking in at last. Trigger points for me are first thing in a morning and mid afternoon as these are the times I used to really enjoy a cigarette. Going back to the docs next week for a general check up and booked in for a massage the week after. Spending some of the money I have saved!

Good luck to all


That sounds really good right about now! I hope u have a good weekend. Stay strong, busy and positive!! And remember to :D!

nsd_user663_2406 profile image

Good luck!! You are right about the money bit, we worked out that over a year I could save 3500 Euro. Enough to buy a major piece of equipment to really kick start the farm......Denise wants a holiday, but who is giving up smoking (Gimme a tractor!!) :D

OK, its only day 1 for me but hey, I can hope!

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Gimme a tractor!

Good luck!! You are right about the money bit, we worked out that over a year I could save 3500 Euro. Enough to buy a major piece of equipment to really kick start the farm......Denise wants a holiday, but who is giving up smoking (Gimme a tractor!!) :D

OK, its only day 1 for me but hey, I can hope!

Oh my! U sound just like my husband! He is working on fixing up 3 of them at the moment. I keep wondering when at least 1 of them will run! LOL

Day 34!:D

nsd_user663_2415 profile image

Hi Linda

Wow I just posted my first post, have since read urs and I feel so relieved that its not just me cracking up!!! Please know that ur not alone, I gave up 4 mths ago and feel more and more down, I can't tell u how bad! Also Chronic indigestion!

I am real worried, this isn't like me!

No-one talks about this side of giving up!!!!!

nsd_user663_2343 profile image

2 months with side effects

Hi All

Well since my last thread re 7 week side effects I did crash. I was doing sooooooo well but the acute anxiety and the anger!!!! ( I am normally very passive) came with a vengence. Some on the forum have said it is the last attempt of the nicotine to get you back and it did. Can't understand this though, thought the nicotine was out of your system after a couple of days. Maybe I was not fully prepared for the psycological hold/effects that cigs have on you. Well I want to stop again which is a good thing, but have niggling fears at the back of my head re the 7 week itch.

Will keep you posted on where I am at.



Smoked for 40 odd years

1st time quitter 12 September

Method cold turkey

Started again 3 November

2nd attempt - ?????

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Linda, well done for deciding to quit again :)

I think it's a very smart decision to stop again now - not despite little time having passed since your relapse, but because of it ;) You have learned the lesson and I'm sure you are stronger than you were before. This addiction is terrible as in it has a huge, powerful grasp on the brain even though the nicotine is out of our body very early in the quit, you just try to stay alert, don't let the monster lure you back to where you do not want to be, and most of all go live as happily as you can! :D

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