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newbie on day 7

nsd_user663_40407 profile image
16 Replies

hi all, found this forum by chance really, so thought i'd register and join in.

today is day 7 for me, its been a mixed week really, the mornings have been easier but the evenings i find are the hardest.

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nsd_user663_40407 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hi and welcome :)

Well done on getting through the first week are you using NRT or going cold turkey?

There are going to be alot of triggers that you will automatically think of having a ciggie you just have to try and keep hands and mind busy till it passes they will get weaker and you will starting having hours then days where you wont even think of it

Onwards and upwards is the way posting on here and reading the different threads will help keep you focused

Regards Carol


nsd_user663_40412 profile image

Same as me!

Hi there, i'm a newbie on day 7 too, new years eve smoked my last ever fag hopefully, i too am having trouble in the time between eating my tea and going to bed, days 1-3 were the hardest so far, with yesterday being quite tough cos had alot of wine and sooo wanted a fag! But stuck to it and didnt have one, rather pleased with myself. Only problem i've had is that i'm hungry alllllll the tiiiiimmmmeeee! Have been eating so many sweets its not even funny, all my teeth will end up falling out! Started chewing cocktail sticks today to see if that helps and i have eaten less sweets but would feel like a freak doing that in public! Went cold turkey and it wasnt as bad as i was expecting, are you using inhalators or gum, or going cold turkey too? Would be interested to hear if you're having any probs similar to mine

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Day 7 for me too

Hi all I found this just by chance, need help really bad.

Can handle the cravings, but the sleepless nights and anxiety attacks are scaring me, Im tearful & feel sick. Is all this normal or am I having a break down? It gets really bad at night.

Tried patches and that puffer thing feel like Ive wasted my money so will try anything once....

nsd_user663_40412 profile image

I had sleepless nights until thursday night when i just woke up once, this morning woke up at half 6 tho and couldnt get back to sleep grrr... Have read loads of websites and youre not the only one to get those symtoms, i got constipated too.... How do fags affect all these things???

nsd_user663_40296 profile image

Its so hard!!

Hello all,

Im new on here,im on day 5 today,and really struggling,smoked 25-30 a day,using the 16 hour patches,and the quick mist spray.

Feel awful,skin looks rough,im tearful,have lost my appetite,which is probably a good thing Lol,when wil i feel better..

Sorry for butting in on your post could not find a thread button to start my own x

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Im starting to wonder why I bothered, I felt ok when I smoked :(

nsd_user663_40412 profile image

No worries matey! I personally reckon if you've lost your appetite then youre getting too much nicotine, perhaps the mist and the patches are a bit overkill? Deffo nicotine is an appetite suppressant, so that would be my guess, i must admit that i've gone spotty on my nose since i quit, was gonna do a face mask today but have only just remembered lol

nsd_user663_40412 profile image

Yeah i know tracey, but hopefully this suffering is only short term... And so far we've dodged the big c bullet and emphysema etc, but cant be lucky forever! My dad died of emphysema and it was freaking horrible, i always said if i got a cough like his before he got really sick i would quit, and have had a cough for 12 months, kept telling myself i was catching cold after cold, but eventually had to face up to it, that i couldnt keep smoking. By day 2, my 12 month cough was gone. I am only 39, but i want to enjoy my retirement and not be lying in a nursing home with a chest drain sticking out of my back like my poor old dad. So i would say its worth it, just my personal opinion, this is the first time ive tried to quit, and despite my wobble yesterday when i really wanted one, have felt quite strong, so keep at it youre doing great even if you do feel like cr*p!

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Hiya cafink

I dont wana smoke, the cravings are not that bad (I think) I just feel like c**p too. Not sleeping is the worst I need a good nights sleep to function properly, but only sleeping for about 4 hours on and off.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Ahh sorry your feeling so bad :( the side effects can test the most hardy but they do get easier and pass insomnia nightmares tiredness and foggy brain are some of the worse

Your body is going throgh alot of changes drinking plenty of water will help also herbal tea such as camamile&honey ones are soothing

Just try and keep hands and mind busy when your having a crave reading the threads and posting on here will help with both and if you havent done it already write a list of your reasons for quitting and read that when your on a low

It will get easier honestly

Onwards and upwards

nsd_user663_40412 profile image

Well i dont know if my cold turkey made a difference, but my sleepings alot more normal now than it was at first, first coupla days i woke up every hour on the hour it was doing my head on, but its worn off for me and it will for you too, you've done so well, we both have, lets feel good about what we've managed to do, i had a coupla friends who were quitting same time as me n they've failed & we havent, so keep at it and those pesky symptoms will wear off, am sure someone further on than us will confirm that for me as this is my first time so cant say from personal experience but have read loads of forums as i find it helps

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Forgot to say that there is a group you could join its for the new year quitters and is full of people who like you have just quit if you click on thethe Quick Links along the top and scroll down to Social groups you will find them in there :)

nsd_user663_40158 profile image

Am onto day 8 and all of what you mentioned are normal,have had panic attacks,tears,insomnia,sickness,etc etc.Please stick with it though! you are all doing great.Will get easier day by day,stay strong and well done x

nsd_user663_40407 profile image

to answer a few qustions,

never made any plans to give up on new years eve like most do, just decided in the morning when i got up.

yes, cold turkey, no nrt, i didnt want to go down the weaning off route as i thought it would probably be best to cut out completely.

my sleep patterns are all over the place anyway as i do shiftwork so i cant really say whether or not i'm worse or better.

i always have been a big eater so i cant say that i'm eating more but i will be watching to see if i gain weight, lol.

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

day 8

well im still hanging on... decided to strip the hall & stairs today to keep me busy, don't know about saving money Ive just spent £60 on wallpaper!

Feeling a bit better today & slept for 8 hours last night.

nsd_user663_40412 profile image

Well done tracy! I too have spent twice the amount i've saved so far lol

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