Can't stop crying today: :( Well I have had... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Can't stop crying today

nsd_user663_34321 profile image
11 Replies

:( Well I have had a 9 day stretch, followed rightaway by a 22 day stretch and I was feeling pretty good - even posted it in week 3 to say how great I was feeling. No craves, the restlessness all that stuff had eased off. Well I had some bad news yesterday from the dentist (different to my usual one) along the lines of all my teeth are loose and will prob have to come out :( I felt very sad, went for a drink and kind of tried to get my head round it, decided to be brave and deal with it. The odd smoking thought crept in as i was drinking but I dealt with that fairly easily. Went home and was told someone I used to know who caused loads of trouble for me and my lil girl is MOVING BACK TO THE AREA and even sending her daughter to same school as mine! That was it then, I lost the battle with Nicodemon. I have spoken to my quit advisor as I'm on Champix and she said I can carry on with my treatment and was reassuring but now the demon craves are back, I've been buying cigs and throwing thenm away over and over.:( Floods of tears all day about everything really. Sorry this isn't a very positive post - just hate the thought of the early days AGAIN. Hopefully I will be back and stronger tomorrow in room 2

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nsd_user663_34321 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_34721 profile image


Sorry to hear you are feeling so down :(

Dont be so hard on your self, and try to take things a day at a time.

My thought's and prayers with you!

Stay Strong

nsd_user663_35121 profile image

It sounds like you've had a horrible day. I can really understand why you might have given in to such a strong craving when you're so upset.

Don't beat yourself up about it.

Its either a blip or not, but whatever it is I'm sure you'll sort it out.

You were strong enough to get this far and you can do it again.


nsd_user663_35711 profile image

Dear JoC

Reading your post I really felt your pain. I know how hard it is to have someone causing trouble for you, I had a neighbour like that once. Dont worry too much about your blip, you havent gone full way back to the habit yet so put it behind you and carry on. There are so many supportive people on here Im sure you will get all the encouragement you need.

Thinking of you

lillie xx

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

So sorry that you are having a rough time Jo.

I think if I were in your position, I would want to see another dentist to discuss my options - it may well be that all is not lost with your teeth.

Do you have someone who can advise you about this woman who is moving back to your area? If she caused problems for your daughter, it might be worth talking to the school about your concerns.

These are both horrible problems to be dealing with - but neither of them will be helped by smoking. It is important that you find some appropriate help and support to deal with them.

If you are continuing on the Champix, I suspect that it won't feel as bad as your original day one, although it is inevitable that you will feel it a bit. I suspect that being under so much pressure with the other issues, it is difficult to separate what is a craving and what is distress over the problems that you are having - they can feel very similiar.

I do hope that things start to improve for you soon.

nsd_user663_35834 profile image

Sorry to read your having problems and upset JoC and unfortunately I'm only on Day 2 myself so I can't really add any advice.... I'll leave that to the wiser and more experienced quitters.

For what it's worth I reckon you should listen to Mrs T that although you are having a rough time, even if you smoked 1000 ciggies one after the other...... that would not help solve any of your problems, it would only add to them because you would be soooo dissapointed that you have let all your excellent work so far go to waste !

So dust yourself down, tuffen up, forget this morning, this afternoon etc... you can't change that..... but get back on the wagon and consider this a 'blip' ;)

p.s give me a few more days and watch my positive postings start to ( hope not :p )

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Gosh Jo,

If I had had a day like you had with all that worry I am sure I would have had a cig as well. So don't give yourself a hard time. You have had two good stretches and even after a blip you didn't say stuff it, you did the right thing and spoke to the stop smoking advisor. You might have bought cigarettes but you have been throwing them away which I still don't think I could do if I had a pack. So you obviously still want to quit and are still on the right track :)

If you are continuing on the Champix, I suspect that it won't feel as bad as your original day one, although it is inevitable that you will feel it a bit. I suspect that being under so much pressure with the other issues, it is difficult to separate what is a craving and what is distress over the problems that you are having - they can feel very similiar.

Mrs T is right I know as I had a false start on the Champix, but my second Day 1 wasn't anywhere near as bad as the first Day1. Today might be tough,

but I am sure tomorrow will Be better. So hang on in there, and don't let other people throw you off your quit, they are really not worth it.

Take care,


nsd_user663_35834 profile image

Zoe - Why not send JoC your 'knit a f*ing cat book' to cheer her up ? :eek:

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Noooooooo Dragon:eek:

I tried to send it to Pip but a fist came through puta screen and now I have two lovely black eyes:cool:


nsd_user663_34321 profile image

Thanks for all your replies - cheers me up to know that I can come on here and there are so many supportive people. If I get craves again I'll deal with them - had plenty of practice now :p Champix and these forums will get me through. I've had a false start before - 9 days - seem to have done a lot of the early days :rolleyes:

I have an appointment with my usual dentist next week as I've got an infection. He is a least nice and sympathetic. The. troublemaking women is more complicated as we were "friends" due to our children having been best friends. I really hope she doesn't want to resume our "friendship"!!! She did cause no end of problems for me and my lil one, trampling all over to get what she wanted and stirring things up to get people to take sides with her. I wouldn't mind her moving back if her daughter wasn't going to the same school but they're older now and with any luck will be in different classes

As for a knitted cat .... well I have 2 "real life" cats so can see the advantages - no need to feed, no expensive vet treatment ....;)

nsd_user663_33894 profile image

Hi Jo,

I'm sorry you've had a rough time, but I'm glad you're back and trying again.

Please don't be disheartened about your slip - it happens to so many people, but you've had the courage to come on here and admit it, and I think that's a positive step.

There's a saying I've heard: Two steps forward and one step back is still in the right direction [or summat like that]

And I echo Mrs T's practical advice: get a second dental opinion, and see if someone can advise on the situation with this person - maybe try Citizens' Advice Bureau if you're in England/Britain.

We're all rooting (spelling?) for you :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Jo,

So glad you are feeling better now, good on ya:)

As for the cat thingy,

As for a knitted cat .... well I have 2 "real life" cats so can see the advantages - no need to feed, no expensive vet treatment ....

See what you mean, but knowing my luck it would still find a way to bite me on the bum:p

Oh oh, I feel another Champix dream coming on oops, oh well, I can take it ....


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