April 29th - I stopped today, anyone else? - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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April 29th - I stopped today, anyone else?

nsd_user663_3201 profile image
25 Replies

Hello all! I just found this forum last weekend and it's helped to inspire me to quit (yet again). I've smoked for about 25 years, about 20 a day. Sounds awful when I read that! Have tried cold turkey, Allen Carr, patches, hypnosis...think I need NRT so have opted for the patch again. But I've never tried internet forums for support so I'm very happy to have found this site.

As planned, had my last one this morning (had three, with the last one at 7.30am). I tried a microtab at about 10am when I normally would have a smoke break, but didn't like it much and took it out before it fully dissolved. After lunch I put on a 5mg patch (the lower dose ones seem to be the only ones I can tolerate - get too edgy otherwise.) Have had quite a few cravings, including those rapid-fire ones that come one after the other in quick succession, but somehow breathed through them and drank lots of water...

Anyone else stopped today? I am already super-aware of my smelly clothes/home/etc. I think I'll spend the entire bank holiday weekend cleaning and doing laundry! And hopefully, not smoking...

So glad I found this place!!! :)

Maggie L.

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nsd_user663_3201 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Welcome to the forum Maggie.

Congratulations on your decision to pack in the fags.

I stopped over three months ago now - so there is proof that it can be done!!!;)

I'm sure you will find people here who have quit if not today then within a few days.

I know a lot of people form teams which has been a real help to me and my quit gang (GO TEAM 10!!!!!!)

Keep strong and you WILL succeed!;)

nsd_user663_3201 profile image

Thanks so much for the well-wishes...very timely as they arrived just as another craving did! Breathe....also said a short prayer to distract myself!

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Thanks so much for the well-wishes...very timely as they arrived just as another craving did! Breathe....also said a short prayer to distract myself!

That is the thing I found best about this forum. When I first quit and the craves hit - I'd pop on here and type any old s*** until it had past. That and read all the old s*** all the others posted on here as well!!!!:eek: (joke)

I was well into double figures most days when it came to postings for the first few weeks:eek:

It does get better though - it really does.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Well done Maggie for deciding to get rid of those filthy fags!! Best choice you will ever make!!

Let each crave wash over you.... this will pass...

Best of luck (luck has nothing to do with it btw lol)

Wkd ;)

nsd_user663_3201 profile image

Thanks WkdFairy! I like that idea, that the cravings just wash over you....will use that one! Cheers - Maggie

nickywalton profile image

Welcome Maggie

congratulations on your decision to quit - that decision is the

worst part of your quit, so it's over already;)

this forum has been no end of help to me and I'm sure it will

be for you...and read read read - anything and everything to

do with quitting...:p

good luck, stay strong, keep posting...we're here when u need us:D


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Maggie

Congrats on your quit Hope we can offer you lots of support. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Thanks WkdFairy! I like that idea, that the cravings just wash over you....will use that one! Cheers - Maggie

Of course you can use that one! It helped me heaps, I just wouldn't let the feelings consume me.

Keep us up to date ;)

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Excellent maggie well done - but please tell me its the 28th today - otherwise we have all missed my daughters 18th :(

nsd_user663_3201 profile image

Oops - meant the 28th!

Oh my, I am off by a day...and can't figure out how to change the title of this thread...so will stick with it. But I'll be counting my progress from the 28th!

Thanks to all for the lovely messages...just reached out for an imaginary cig while reading them and actually laughed, which was quite surprising. You've helped make the first smoke-free evening not so bad after all!



nsd_user663_2629 profile image

lol you can have as many imanginary cigs as you want - enjoy!! :D

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Of course you can use that one! It helped me heaps, I just wouldn't let the feelings consume me.

Keep us up to date ;)

I apologise in advance if this is a negative post...

wkdfairy...in respect to the line I highlighted, do you not feel that by putting up 'defences' to stop oneself experiencing nasty full on craves, that you are building up an ever growing dam that one day might break free and overpower all the 'defences' you surrounded yourself with and totally overpower you? Can you understand what I mean by that? Not very good at explaining things sometimes...

Just that, what I described above is how I feel sometimes. Since reading AC's book I have found it relatively easy to remain smoke free. Especially the first two weeks, they were a piece 'o piss. But sometimes, when I'm keeping a positive mind frame, I feel as if all those 'mental guards' I put around me that enables me to experience a fairly easy time of stopping smoking, I feel as if they might wash away...leaving me exposed and vulnerable to the might of the nico monster. Am I even explaining myself AT ALL well? lol ggrrr I know what I want to say but my mind is scrambled!

Anyway, if you made sense of any of that please feel free to respond! :D

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Welcome Maggie, and congratulations on your wise decision :)

That's your first smoke-free day almost over, and I'll bet it hasn't been nearly as painful as you imagined it might be! :)

I have been quit for 2 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 23 hours, 48 minutes and 48 seconds (70 days). I have saved £354.95 by not smoking 1,419 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Days, 22 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/02/2008 22:00

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Good morning maggie - how r u feeling - the worse it nearly over so stay positive.


I have been quit for 3 Months, 4 Weeks, 7 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds (119 days). I have saved £540.48 by not smoking 2,386 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 1 Day, 6 hours and 50 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/01/2008 00:05

nsd_user663_3074 profile image


Hi Maggie

Welcome to the wild wild west, you will have good days and bad days and different feelings all the way, were all different and our experiences are not all the same from the methods you use to what you read, but one thing we all have in common is the ability to support each other. So stay strong and whenever your feeling down get onto this forum and shout, I myself don't use it at home, but I come on at work and howl at some of the treads that have gone on overnight. SO GOOD LUCK.


nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I apologise in advance if this is a negative post...

wkdfairy...in respect to the line I highlighted, do you not feel that by putting up 'defences' to stop oneself experiencing nasty full on craves, that you are building up an ever growing dam that one day might break free and overpower all the 'defences' you surrounded yourself with and totally overpower you? Can you understand what I mean by that? Not very good at explaining things sometimes...

Just that, what I described above is how I feel sometimes. Since reading AC's book I have found it relatively easy to remain smoke free. Especially the first two weeks, they were a piece 'o piss. But sometimes, when I'm keeping a positive mind frame, I feel as if all those 'mental guards' I put around me that enables me to experience a fairly easy time of stopping smoking, I feel as if they might wash away...leaving me exposed and vulnerable to the might of the nico monster. Am I even explaining myself AT ALL well? lol ggrrr I know what I want to say but my mind is scrambled!

Anyway, if you made sense of any of that please feel free to respond! :D

Hi Maddy

Hadn't thought of it like that :eek:

Nah, this time i'm trying it differently and so far it seems to be working. I still acknowledge that I am in a full on crave but don't dwell on it.

Last night for example I had to leave this forum abruptly because I suddenly couldn't stop thinking about smoking!! This developed into full on 'want a smoke' mode. I actually had to go and stand in the spare bedroom (who knows why that room) and go over the reasons I stopped smoking. That was the worst in weeks. I still think about it ten times a day but that's the worst 'crave'.

I think it's all down to the individual what works for them, I think we stop smoking inspite of and not because of our methods. We just do not want to smoke any more and it really is a matter of waiting for the 'desires' to diminish in frequency which mine did (Thank Gawd).

Does this mke sense LOL :p

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Wow, love the new addition to your sig WKD! That sounds great!

And yeah I understood what you said. Its just weird. For two weeks, I genuinely did not want or crave a ciggie. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Yet now, I occasionally feel like I'm going to feel overwhelmed by a huge wave of a crave. Maybe it goes back to what I said a while ago? Maybe I'm just afraid that something is going to happen because NOTHING is this easy! And definitely not stopping smoking.

Yeah I've had some times over the past week that I have wanted a ciggie. Or thought I did. The thought of actually smoking it though fills me with disgust. Or am I just telling myself that? arrghh! I don't know. I'm in a weird place.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Glad you like the sig, good isn't it?

What you say about the craves, this is a terrible place for anyone to be and the best reason I can think of to Never Smoke Again.....

I think our bodies are all so used to being given that muck pretty much as soon as you started thinking about it everyday for years, that it is in shock!

Why can't our bodies crave things that are good for us? Pah! I hate smoking and what it does to us!

Sure, we've all been through worse than this!

Good Luck Everyone ;)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Oh I'm not craving, wkd. Just in a weird place is all. Hard to describe so Imma gonna shut up :)

And yes, good job everyone. Lets show this evil weed that WE are in control now, not 'it'. Damn right too. I feel in control at long last and it feels good, so keep it up everybody.

nickywalton profile image


think I'm in pretty much the same (dark) place you are from reading your posts...first three weeks were a walk in the park...now, just seems to be getting worse and worse...

like you I don't want to smoke but want to do something:confused: think you have some crap stuff going on in addition to/outside of the quit? So have I...gave up waiting for a "quiet, stressfree" time to quit cos it just wasn't gonna happen!:mad: but somehow keep going by telling myself that smoking won't make any of it any better...

(have that phrase tattooed on the inside of my eyelids!!:cool:)


nickywalton profile image

Oh I'm not craving, wkd. Just in a weird place is all. Hard to describe so Imma gonna shut up :)

And yes, good job everyone. Lets show this evil weed that WE are in control now, not 'it'. Damn right too. I feel in control at long last and it feels good, so keep it up everybody.

ahh...maybe I need to take that last post back!?!?!:confused::D

hope so for you...


nickywalton profile image


your sign off "poem" - did you write yourself? Its brill:D

sent it to the b/f cos he's so scared of life!?!?;) (i.e. he won't

do what I want him to!!!:o)


nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Wish I could claim it Nicky!

It was on an email I received once and I wrote it down and put it on a few forums. Everyone loves it :D

nsd_user663_3097 profile image

Yep GREAT signature WKD!

Glad we are all still off the smokes and new members are joining - to all new member please rest assured it CAN be done with a little effort.

Those that have been off a while - remember it is very easy to drop your guard, do not smoke, stay strong, stay free.

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Somewhere in Yorkshire by the sounds of it lol

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