Ready to crumble.: Well here I am just past... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Ready to crumble.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image
23 Replies

Well here I am just past Day 13 and I am so ready to throw in the towel. Had a craving last night which I managed to get over, but today is just so bad. I am completely obsessed with cigarettes today, and could so easily crash and burn literally:( But then I keep thinking maybe it isn't about wanting to smoke, its just cos I am so stressed anyway and have so many things to worry about, like trying to find another job which I can't, bills etc eeugh! I can't even reward myself for quitting at the mo cos financially all stopping smoking has done is to stop me getting further into debt, so I am just about breaking even. Could buy ten cigs though:( and it feels like a comforting thought. Shame I feel so bad today cos I had quite a few good days and thought I had cracked it. But obviously not. Yet. But if I can make it till tomorrow lunchtime I will hit the 2 week mark. Seems a long way away right now though. But then again I nearly crashed at the end of week 1 and didn't. Maybe a pattern is emerging here I don't know. Anyway, sorry for the rant, but my head is mashed potatoes today:(


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nsd_user663_33441 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_35163 profile image

Hey zoemac, well done nearly 2 weeks, thats a great achievement.

Just hang in there, go for a walk, drink some water.

nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Zoe noooooo you are doing so well !

Remember my bad day last Sunday which was Day 13 ?? It was one of my worst days of the whole two weeks. I really felt much better on Monday and it has been relatively calm all week since then. Hang on in there, at least till tomorrow and just see if you feel better.

Pip xx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hey Zoe,

Do stick this out and try to shift your perspective....a lot easier said than done, sadly.

You say that you could afford 10 cigs...but then what? If you did get the pack then how would you feel after smoking just the one? More than likely pretty dizzy, but also very pissed off at yourself. That feeling of disappointment with yourself is such a horrendous feeling and I so remember it from years ago when time and time again I lost a quit. Don't put yourself through that because I can guarantee that the disappointment will just compound the bad feeling that you have currently.

Do try to find something to distract yourself and not dwell on this issue. Way I see it is that you have at least 3 choices: 1) crash your quit - yeuch, 2) buy the 10 fags, smoke them and start your quit again from day 1 - double yeuch, 3) distract yourself, get passed this, feel immensely proud of yourself for weathering the storm and putting nicodemon further away from your old existence as a smelly, coughing, poor smoker.

Go for 3....please :)

Keep on keepin' on,


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi jimmer,

Water just drunk, and something slightly stronger but don't tell Pip;)


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Pip:)

I will try and hang on but worst day so far since Day 5 ooher:eek:


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Cav:)

Do try to find something to distract yourself and not dwell on this issue. Way I see it is that you have at least 3 choices: 1) crash your quit - yeuch, 2) buy the 10 fags, smoke them and start your quit again from day 1 - double yeuch, 3) distract yourself, get passed this, feel immensely proud of yourself for weathering the storm and putting nicodemon further away from your old existence as a smelly, coughing, poor smoker.

Option 3 defo sounds like the best one when you put it like that:) I know I would regret it if I crashed my quit. And I do like being not smelly:D Guess I need to go eat something - all I had so far is 2 bananas lol no wonder I'm bananas!! So back to one day at a time. Where would I be without this forum?? Face down in an ashtray that's where I would be. Not a happy prospect. Thanks all xx


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

- all I had so far is 2 bananas lol no wonder I'm bananas!!

Sheesh....that's it in a nutshell, Zoe :( You've had hardly anything to eat and that influences a person...not just with a rumbling stomach. Gotta keep yourself stoked up with food for energy to get through the day.

Hmm....there's something I've seen on the site before but can't remember the details - HALT. Maybe you could search on that word and see if it has any relevance to your current predicament.

Yer doing good, Zoe :cool:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Zoe,

Glad you've a liking to go with option 3 :cool:

Not only are you verging on the terrible three's time wise you are, as you've just realised, bloody starving. 2 bananas!

H - Hungry

A - Angry

L - Lonely

T - Tired

All those feelings will either mimic or bring on a crave. It's a good checklist to go through and possibly help you realise why your craving.

Maybe you've come across this read but just in-case ... take a gander at this link :)

Keep on with your quit. You've already got over some incredible first hurdles.

Some of us may not get over initial hurdles with much grace but as long as you do get over them.... who cares the style and look ;)

Pol :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Cav:)

I know HALT means hungry, angry, lonely and tired, and I prob been all those things today:o Prob is, Champix keeps making me feel like not eating. But then its funny I can eat chips and choc if they appear .... guess i am still a junk-food junkie. But now armed with a cheese and cucumber sandwich I do feel better, and cooking some veggies for later, so need to go down the healthy-eating route. Would still like some chocolate-chip cookies though, never wanted them when I was still smoking. Weird, huh??


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Thanks Cav:)

I know HALT means hungry, angry, lonely and tired, and I prob been all those things today:o Prob is, Champix keeps making me feel like not eating. But then its funny I can eat chips and choc if they appear .... guess i am still a junk-food junkie. But now armed with a cheese and cucumber sandwich I do feel better, and cooking some veggies for later, so need to go down the healthy-eating route. Would still like some chocolate-chip cookies though, never wanted them when I was still smoking. Weird, huh??


One thing at a time, girl ;)

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

I am completely obsessed with cigarettes today, and could so easily crash and burn literally:( But then I keep thinking maybe it isn't about wanting to smoke, its just cos I am so stressed anyway and have so many things to worry about, like trying to find another job which I can't, bills etc eeugh! I can't even reward myself for quitting at the mo cos financially all stopping smoking has done is to stop me getting further into debt, so I am just about breaking even. Anyway, sorry for the rant, but my head is mashed potatoes today:(


Don't do it, Ms Potato Head, you will hate yourself in the morning.

Smoking again will not get you a new job - in fact going into an interview stinking, and getting edgy half way through because you need your next fix, could ruin your chances. And the other side of this coin - if you succeed in your quit, you will increase your confidence in yourself, which will come across in a postive way to a potential employer. So don't do it.

Avoiding getting into further debt by not smoking is one hell of a lot better than getting more quickly into debt by going back to an expensive habit that you simply can't afford. And the physical benefits of quitting will eventually be reward enough anyway. Health is better than things and stuff. So don't do it.

Try to make yourself as happy and comfortable as possible this evening - start with something nice to eat, then remind yourself how far you have come, and why you are doing this. Then tomorrow will be another day, and you will feel proud that yet another battle has been won. :D

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Una, Pol and Cav:D

Agree Cav one thing at a time, that justifies some biccies later yahahaha:D And Una and Pol, thanks for your support, I shouldn't have gone so long without food and I know by now hard the first coupla weeks are:eek: Just glad I posted on this forum before I went for the cigs. If I go missing for a while it means I gone searching for choc-chip cookies and damn the rent and elec heehee!!


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Mrs T:D

Don't do it, Ms Potato Head, you will hate yourself in the morning.

Smoking again will not get you a new job - in fact going into an interview stinking, and getting edgy half way through because you need your next fix, could ruin your chances. And the other side of this coin - if you succeed in your quit, you will increase your confidence in yourself, which will come across in a postive way to a potential employer. So don't do it.

Avoiding getting into further debt by not smoking is one hell of a lot better than getting more quickly into debt by going back to an expensive habit that you simply can't afford. And the physical benefits of quitting will eventually be reward enough anyway. Health is better than things and stuff. So don't do it.

Try to make yourself as happy and comfortable as possible this evening - start with something nice to eat, then remind yourself how far you have come, and why you are doing this. Then tomorrow will be another day, and you will feel proud that yet another battle has been won.

And as usual you have said it all - you are such a wise person. Craving still not gone though, this is a bad one, maybe cos I am coming to end of week two?? Phew its a bit itchy arrgh. But gonna go with the choc-chip biccies. If I get fat (or even fatter) so be it. Off to shop like yesterday bics cheaper than cigs!!


nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Hi jimmer,

Water just drunk, and something slightly stronger but don't tell Pip;)


Haha, I've got my eye on you lady ;)

Do what you have to, eat those biccies, I'm just off out for the second meal of the day! Full english for lunch and now he wants to go out for tea! Lord I'm gonna be the size of a whale soon??

Hope you're feeling better now

Pip x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Ate the biccies but its not working gonna be a smoking whale soon:mad: Wjats going on rrgh

nsd_user663_12625 profile image

Keep going

Hey zoe just carry on if you can if you give in now you'll just feel annoyed with yourself and you probably wont feel any better. See you tomorrow . Hope you feel better real soon . Good luck .

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks pfaber I'm in bits lol wanna vlow up the worldright now.:(

nsd_user663_34721 profile image


I found this my first day quitting and they helped me TONS.

The Five D's

Delay until the urge passes - usually within 3 to 5 minutes.

Distract yourself. Call a friend or go for a walk.

Drink water to fight off cravings.

Deep Breaths - Relax! Close your eyes and take 10 slow, deep breaths.

Discuss your feelings with someone close to you HERE


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Gary, good advice:D

Just been reading what I was saying yesterday, erm, I was in a bad mood wasn't I:o:eek: But didn't smoke phew!! It was the closest I've been though. But less than two hours from now week two will be done and dusted. Yaaaay!!


nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Glad you're feeling better today Zoe. :)

It's like a rollercoaster isn't it, good days/bad days and back around again!


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Pip,

It is indeed and I was never fond of rollercoasters, too scary for me:D Glad I got through last night with the help of everyone here:D


nsd_user663_34721 profile image

Well done!! Zoe

We are all soo proud of you :)

STAY STRONG and anything we can do to help,SHOUT pity you so far away I am sure I coulda helped with the job hunting LOL umm err wanna come to South Africa ? ROTFL

have a great day and and an even better week end and DONT smoke :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Gary:D

Sure I would like to come to South Africa, I could do the flight now without wondering 'arrgh, when am I gonna get a smoke':D I used to be in tears, and worse, at the end of a six hour coach journey. Even resorted to a sneaky one in the loo but a cloud of smoke followed me out and I got told off by the driver oops:o Won't have these probs if I stay quit. Ain't it great!!


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