Asthma after quitting.............. - No Smoking Day

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Asthma after quitting..............

nsd_user663_22968 profile image
12 Replies


Sorry still haven't been about, been ill for nearly 2 weeks now. I am making a doctors appointment tomorrow but wondered if anyone could help.

I started coughing 2 weeks ago, mainly at night, it is a very dry cough. I have gone through 2 bottles of cough medicine and it is no better. It isn't constant but comes and goes. I am also feeling very short of breath and it feels like I can't breathe deep. Walking up or down the stairs is leaving me panting for breath. Not good.

It does remind me of my brother though when his asthma is bad and my mum also has it. Is it a possibility? I was reading that many people do develop from asthma after quitting.

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nsd_user663_22968 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Chrissie

Sorry to hear your not too well at the moment. I dont really know much about Asthma even though my username suggests im a nurse im not but make sure you go and see the Dr tomorrow as they can do some tests and see what's going on.

At the beginning of my quit last year i kept getting phelgm all the time, i went to see my GP and went down for an X-ray, nervous was an understatement while i waited for the results fearing the worst as we do but it came back clear, it taken months but the phelgm is starting to go gradually, its still there but only sometimes and i dont notice it as much. Please make an appt to see your GP and let us know when your hear back.

Fingers crossed it will be a little irritation or something so try not to worry, ok :)

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Thanks Jo,

It just seems to be getting worse. I have hardly moved this morning but am still struggling to breathe properly now. As soon as I take a deep breath the coughing starts and my chest feels all tight.

I wouldn't mind as much if I was coughing up phelgm because at least then it must be doing some good. I will phone first thing tomorrow and try to get past the dragon receptionist otherwise you just end up with a phonecall from the GP telling you to just carry on! lol

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

I've had very mild bronchial asthma since childhood, it never affected my life in any way if I'm honest, I've had a ventolin inhaler since as long as I can remember and the odd puff when needed was fine.

I found my asthma was getting worse around 3 months ago, I had a cold and became chesty but the wheezing got worse, this was the main reason I decided to quit (May 2) and for the first 2 weeks after I quit my wheezing was still bad (possible worse) but it has got better in the last few days.

As others have said getting a docs appt has to be a priority - I went last Monday and the doc prescribed a preventative inhaler and it seems to be working well, at least I've felt better since I started taking it.

One thing he did tell me is that people can (and do) develop allergies as they get older - hayfever being the most common and of course this will affect your chest is sneezing etc more frequently.

Hope you feel better soon, but a trip to the docs has to be done ASAP....

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Thanks Karri and Horse,

I phoned NHS Direct earlier and they said it sounded like asthma symptoms but because I am on the pill and in my 30's I have to be seen by a hospital with a suitable chest/respiratory department which is 30 miles away. Our local minor injuries unit won't see me. I have the kids to sort out and things so will hold on and see the doctor in the morning!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi. don’t mean to be the one who says it but is there no way you could get someone to watch the children while you go hospital or even a local walk in centre, they are everywhere now a days.

I think you know that no one on here is medically trained and we all know that asthma can be pretty bad and it sounds like you are worried and a trip to a hospital or centre will put your mind at rest, also if it is a chest infection or asthma then the sooner you get antibiotics or an inhaler all the better, cant you ring your own docs and get a visit.

I hope you feeling a little better, take care.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

You can develop asthma at any time of life (it started for me about three years ago and is connected with a tree pollen allergy that I developed in my forties!), and this certainly sounds like it. Get to a GP as soon as poss. Or as Jamangie suggests, if you're finding it really hard to breathe then A&E or a walk in surgery.

Hope you feel better soon x

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Thanks - the local walk in centre turned me away last time I turned up as they will only see you if you have phoned NHS direct first. Stupid system. I understand what you meant though, it was my local doctor I phoned and that puts you straight through to NHS direct. Sometimes I really wish I still lived in a city!

Anyway finally got to see a GP this afternoon who listened to my chest and said there is a very slight infection but not bad enough to cause the breathing problems I am having so she prescribed some anitbiotics and I have to go for lung function tests on Thursday and wait for an appointment for a chest x-ray.

I will let you know when I know more x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thats good as if it had been really bad your Doc would have rung the hospital and sent you straight down, so long as you are getting it sorted thats the main thing and yes please keep us informed but dont worry as I remember feeling wheezy for the first time in my life about a mo9nth or so after I quit smoking but it eventually eased off and I did go Docs and he said there was no infection and chest seemed clear, I look back now and think it was maybe a touch of anxiet and panic attacks, who knows what quitting symptoms are as it only in the last few years that people are starting to quit in a big way so no one has a real idea what its like and until thousands have quit will we get a really clear representation.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Chrissie

I am glad that you managed to go and see a Dr yesterday and that she has given you some anti-biotics for a slight chest infection and hopefully that will start to work. I know your also waiting on your lung test and an X-ray so wanted to wish you well in those too. Try not to worry if you can, i know its not easy but as Jamangie has said no one really knows what our bodies go through when we quit so the symptoms etc are anyones guess.

Keep your chin up and make sure when you can you do let us know your results as we are all here for you, ok.

Take care hun


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Yes that's what it is called and a reversibility test. Have just had the hospital phone and my X-ray is booked for tomorrow. I took the kids to school today and had to rest for 30 mins when I got home. Really struggling to breath and it is getting on my nerves now!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi I am also concerned about you and wonder what your test results where like and how you are feeling now, if you can possibly let us know it would be good and if you are doing ok smoking wise or should I say not smoking wise.

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Hi all, sorry if I worried you but I haven't felt up to doing anything for ages. I have never felt as ill as I have over the last few weeks.

I had my x-ray which showed some infection and my asthma tests were all clear. I had antibiotics and was just as bad at the end of the course. I have just finished yet another stronger course and can finally sleep a little without coughing. I have to return to the doctor this week and she said if I was still as breathless she would refer me to a spe******t.

On the whole though things are much better than they were and I am feeling a little more normal. I am still breathless when walking but can at least make it up the stairs now without needing to rest!

Still not smoking though (120 days) :D

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