Stumbled Into a Quit: So let me fill you in... - No Smoking Day

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Stumbled Into a Quit

nsd_user663_deleted profile image

So let me fill you in :)

Friday night didn't feel well and had lots of lem sips and an early night. Saturday things were getting worst and at about 9pm I went outside to have a cigarette. I felt really shivery inside and my chest was killing me but there I stood persevering. I was even planning what cigarettes I could buy the next day that were milder to make smoking easier :eek: It was at this point that I realised how desperate I had become and decided to go to bed and give up.

So here I am nearly at the end of day 1 of my unplanned quit. I could have a cigarette if I bought a really mild brand but I am CHOOSING NOT TO SMOKE.

I didn't plan it this way but have got through today cold turkey. Have drunk a lot of fruit juice and eaten a fair bit but feel very positive. By 9.15pm on Tuesday night the physical side will be over and then it's down to me.

I know we have all been here before with my quits but there is no way I am going 3 days cold turkey and then ruining it.

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nsd_user663_deleted profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_22999 profile image

That's FABULOUS news hon. Xxxxx

In a way I hope you feel rotten for the next couple of days that way continuing the quit will be a easier - if you see what I mean. I don't mean I want you to be ill, just that it seems to have helped! Every cloud etc


nsd_user663_22533 profile image

Well done Karri, I think it may be the one, no planning and no fear and anxiety leading up to it, good luck xxxx

nsd_user663_23972 profile image

Thats great :) well done

keep going :)

Jane x

nsd_user663_23614 profile image

hey karri , that is great news, your here in day 1 with me - but i hope your not feeling too bad.

you can do this


nsd_user663_22002 profile image

Yeeeeee-HA! That's so cool! Not that i'm glad you are ill, but maybe this is what you needed, in the sense of no big build up, no's happened now and you just carry on now (or should that be Karri on now:p)

Can't wait to join you tomorrow - if you are not too busy could you clear the cravings out of the road ahead for me please?:D

nsd_user663_23410 profile image

Oh Karri you are brill, well done hun ,keep possitive all out of your system in a couple of days. You can do this. Love Joan xxxx

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Good on you Karri, my quit wasn't a pre planned date, no bilding it up in my head until it was a hill I had to climb, I just stopped and carried on as normal.

I hope you feel ill enough to get passed the first few days of your quit and then I hope you get better really quickly (don't like to wish you ill but think it will really help you.

Proud of you babes

Sian xxxx

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Yeeeeee-HA! That's so cool! Not that i'm glad you are ill, but maybe this is what you needed, in the sense of no big build up, no's happened now and you just carry on now (or should that be Karri on now:p)

Can't wait to join you tomorrow - if you are not too busy could you clear the cravings out of the road ahead for me please?:D

Mods; please ban this member for awful punning....:D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Karri my newest friend, glad to hear you are feeling crap :p at least that may be the trigger to keep you smoke free, I dont know how old you are but the longer we smoke the worse these odd little chest coughs get and trust me when you get to a certain point instead of clearing up they stay with you, they call it COPD and I have a friend who has it and funny since I quit smoking she has very little contact with me, her daughter says its because she is jealous that I have finally managed to quit and she thinks she never will and even if she does it is maybe to late for her, she now has an oxygen tank so she can go places, somethings others have I may envy, for instance a sports car, a furry puppy, maybe even a box of Maltesers, but I will never ever be envious of her having an oxygen tank.

Think on babe you only get so many chances at quitting before the body quits on you, all the support you will ever need is on this forum and we are all rooting for you as well, you deserve to be in the Penthouse this time next year.

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

One of my first boyfriend's father was a VERY senior Doctor in the Forces. And I mean VERY VERY senior.

But when I met him he was a sad old man with an Oxygen tank... who still smoked :eek:

Mind you didn't stop me taking up smoking a couple of years later :(

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I know it doesnt stop us and as we saw the other night even Drs find it hard to stop and they know all the outcomes, I watched my lovely Mum Die of Lung Cancer 12 years ago and did I stop then Nope I carried on smoking and thought that it was ok cause I needed them to get past her death, when I should have been thinking oh my god a close member of the Family has died of lung cancer which means that in our family thats the weak link.

Have quit now but you never know if you are too late do we.

Come on Kari lets have you on here making an oath to STAY quit. NOW.

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

I know it doesnt stop us and as we saw the other night even Drs find it hard to stop and they know all the outcomes, I watched my lovely Mum Die of Lung Cancer 12 years ago and did I stop then Nope I carried on smoking and thought that it was ok cause I needed them to get past her death, when I should have been thinking oh my god a close member of the Family has died of lung cancer which means that in our family thats the weak link.

Have quit now but you never know if you are too late do we.

Come on Kari lets have you on here making an oath to STAY quit. NOW.

Oh J that must have been horrid, poor you.

But you don't smoke any more - brilliant

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Dale, You are so right it was the worst of the worst and we didnt even know we all thought she had COPD or Asthma or Emphysema they didnt seem to know and as she suffered with agraphobia and had done for ten years she wouldnt go out of the house so no tests so she took really ill on the Sunday and was taken into hospital where they did exrays and then dosed her full of Morphine and she died on the Tuesday morning, They didnt even try to give her any treatment as she was 77 and as far as the medical proffession were concerned it was self inflicted and you dont get the best treatment as far as I am concerned, but thats only my opinion and I also know now you get better thought of by Drs when they know you have given up for over a year..

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Thanks Dale, You are so right it was the worst of the worst and we didnt even know we all thought she had COPD or Asthma or Emphysema they didnt seem to know and as she suffered with agraphobia and had done for ten years she wouldnt go out of the house so no tests so she took really ill on the Sunday and was taken into hospital where they did exrays and then dosed her full of Morphine and she died on the Tuesday morning, They didnt even try to give her any treatment as she was 77 and as far as the medical proffession were concerned it was self inflicted and you dont get the best treatment as far as I am concerned, but thats only my opinion and I also know now you get better thought of by Drs when they know you have given up for over a year..

Jeez that is not a good story about the NHS. 77 is not exactly old these days, and it must have been appalling for you. No time to come to terms with anything or help her at all. Bloody awful treatment and a complete nightmare for you to have top deal with - need a sympathy smilie.

Yes smoking can be seen as self-inflicted. But so is driving a car and having a car accident. Especially at your Mum's age, no doubt when she started smoking they didn't know it was bad for you in the way we all do. Don't know you but really cross on your behalf.:mad:

I know I shouldn't say this on this forum, but frankly I'm not surprised you carried on smoking. I would have.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Jamangie you hit so many nails on the head in your posts. I am getting too old to have many more chest infections and get away with it. I used to take an inhaler just before a cigarette so it was easier :eek:

I watched my mum die too from a smoking related illness but just carried on. I needed to smoke to get through everything but I should have looked at how heartbroken I was and thought "I never want to put my kids through this".

I don't mind making any promises - I certainly don't have any intention of smoking again. I'd have to be on a death wish to do that now. Besides, have to keep you away from all those lovely choccies and JD ;)

Dont worry about the excess weight that will definately start to come off after the year stage and although that sounds like a lifetime away at the moment I promise it goes really quick, sorry you too lost your mum in such a bad way, we all think that smoking only kills with Cancer but it doesnt there are many more ways it can get you and none of them nice, so you are now one of my New quit Buddies so any time you need a, well whatever PM me and I will not let you smoke or eat choccy LOL

Hows your cough to day.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Jeez that is not a good story about the NHS. 77 is not exactly old these days, and it must have been appalling for you. No time to come to terms with anything or help her at all. Bloody awful treatment and a complete nightmare for you to have top deal with - need a sympathy smilie.

Yes smoking can be seen as self-inflicted. But so is driving a car and having a car accident. Especially at your Mum's age, no doubt when she started smoking they didn't know it was bad for you in the way we all do. Don't know you but really cross on your behalf.:mad:

I know I shouldn't say this on this forum, but frankly I'm not surprised you carried on smoking. I would have.

I dont think I even considered smoking at that stage it didnt really hit me that it would be a good idea, but now I wouldnt want to smoke all desire to be that smelly person has gone forever, I love being smoke free and that is the truth not just something to say to convince myself or you.

So whatever happens now a cig want make it be better.

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

That's great news Karri :cool:

Sorry you're still not feeling well but agree that it's probably just as well at the moment :)

Keep it up, you're going great.

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Sorry your not well Karri, but i stopped after having a cold and cough and they seem to be getting worse. I didn't plan either just thought lets see how long I can go without a cig, and read Allen Carr and here I am 26 days later. I really hope you take a day at a time, you can do it you are so helpful to all on here and always give good advice, rooting for you girl! love Bet. x

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hey Karri,

That's how I started my quit. Shivering with flu in the back garden, chest so bad I couldn't even inhale, taking tiny little puffs just to try and get some smoke in me, and coughing myself almost sick but still persevering.

I looked at the roll up in my hand and I thought 'what the f*** am I doing?'. That was the last cigarette I smoked.

You can do this. Just beat it down one craving at a time. Not today, I won't smoke today, I choose not to give into this today. Before you know it you'll be miles down the road.

Stick with it!


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done Karri (I thought I spotted your sig earlier when I popped on) and if you find you should run out of food stop by and help me eat my calorie cupboard!:D

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