Faltering~Please help me: OMG guys and Gals... - No Smoking Day

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Faltering~Please help me

nsd_user663_16968 profile image
22 Replies

OMG guys and Gals

Today and Yesterday have been so bliming tuff, the thoughts, the urges, the wants are coming thick and fast and i dont know how much longer i can control myself and say no.

I have not given in so far but i really dont want to go back to smoking those yucky tobacco sticks, i have an Electronic Cig here which i bought to help me cut down and its brilliant. I have filters without any Nicotine in them so if crunch comes to crunch i could give in and have a puff on that bearing in mind there is nothing in it at all but i dont want to go onto that unless i get really bad. I just dont want to prolong the habit if that makes sense. What on earth do i do.

I also dont want to take any NRT as such but if need be i could put in the Nicotine filters in my Ecig if it gets really bad. I know these days will come and some worse than others and i dont want to give in but i am so tierd fighting the cig monster. I am tempted to just use my ecig and stay with that, at least its not a cig and so only has water in it nothing else and it does feel like a real cig and i know if using that i am not giving myself the nicotine and 4000 other chemicals found in real cigs. Help me please, i need to do something and at the moment my ecig looks good and if i do end up having a puff on that its no different to the inhalator, OH GOD what do i do. :(

I dont want to have patches or the inhalator. What do i do???

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nsd_user663_16968 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_17077 profile image

hey Jo,

Sorry you are feeling this way. Can you do some knitting or is that not helping. Maybe go out for a walk round the block or something.

You have managed before to get through these feelings, and I know you are strong, just try and find something to relax

nsd_user663_16474 profile image


Please use your nicotineless filter. It's not smoking and it's not nicotine and if it helps you through this then do it!! Please!!

You've come too far to falter now. We're all in your corner Jo!!

Stay strong Jo. You *can* do this!!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thanks Genes

I have been out for a walk, tried to do some knitting and just had a soak in the bath but not really helping at the mo.

I am hoping that the next few days will get easier but somehow at the moment i am just so tempted.

Oh bliming henry its not fair, i got this far last time. Im gonna do this, im gonna do this cos i know they do nothing for me, i know they do nothing at all for me, thats the sad thing i just know.

Oh Nicodemon please go away :(

nsd_user663_16968 profile image


Thank you too. I am going to try and get through tonight and hopefully tomorrow will be better. As you have said if i get so so desperate i will have the nicotineless filters but to me thats giving in.

Thank you though x

nsd_user663_17077 profile image


Maybe it is because of the fact it is 25 days - your mind is amazed and the nicodemon is trying to use it to make you start again. I know whenever I have an urge it is always a "well you quit for over a year last time, and started again, so why do you think you can do it this time, may as well have one!". Maybe it is similar for you, and if you can just get through today it will get better

nsd_user663_16474 profile image


Thank you too. I am going to try and get through tonight and hopefully tomorrow will be better. As you have said if i get so so desperate i will have the nicotineless filters but to me thats giving in.

Thank you though x


Obviously this is your quit and personal to you, but if you're not taking any nicotine then I wouldn't consider it giving in in any way!! If it keeps you off the nicotine, then go for it!! It's no different really from sucking on a straw.

Ed xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Sit down close your eyes and envisage the process of having a cig, right from the point of rolling it or taking it out of the packet, then pretend to put it in your mouth and smoke it.

How long did that last, 3 minutes 4 minutes and there you are job done, if that had been a real cig that’s how long it would take and you wouldn’t feel any better now would you???

I know that sounds a little silly but it worked for me when I had bad days and here I am still smoke free and not a sniff of nicotine has passed into my body in any way shape or form.

I know you can stay quit as I know the strong ones and you are one of them, so no matter what you do take control; the nicco demon is getting weaker and weaker as you are getting stronger.

Also you are a great supporter so we cannot afford to lose from the forum.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Sit down close your eyes and envisage the process of having a cig, right from the point of rolling it or taking it out of the packet, then pretend to put it in your mouth and smoke it.

How long did that last, 3 minutes 4 minutes and there you are job done, if that had been a real cig that’s how long it would take and you wouldn’t feel any better now would you???

I know that sounds a little silly but it worked for me when I had bad days and here I am still smoke free and not a sniff of nicotine has passed into my body in any way shape or form.

I know you can stay quit as I know the strong ones and you are one of them, so no matter what you do take control; the nicco demon is getting weaker and weaker as you are getting stronger.

Also you are a great supporter so we cannot afford to lose from the forum.

Thats brilliant advice from Jamangie, and i used to do just that! Not only will you realise that the act of smoking will do nothing for you, but you will also have to tell your friends/family that you caved. Imagine comming onto this forum and telling everyone that you had caved.

More importantly than that, how will YOU feel? Well, since you havent had a ciggie in a while, it wont be a pleasent experiance like it used to be, you will feel lightheaded and sick. Then, after smoking, you will feel terribly disappointed with yourself.

Learn to HATE that niodemon with a passion!

Hope you feel better soon.x.

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


C'mon, you know you are not going to smoke. You know yourself already that you are not that weak. You can beat this and giving in is not an option you are willing to take.

What is smoking actually going to do for you. A big fat nothing is what. Yes it will make this craving go away, but you'll get another in an hour and another an hour after that. Stay strong, get through this tough bit and it will be longer till your next craving. When you get through that one it will be even longer still till the one after that and so on.

C'mon Jo, stay with us mate. Knit me a scarf!! I want a 12ft long one that is blue and white stripes. Do anything to not smoke.

As for the ecig, thats your choice. I personally wouldn't find it helpful but its each to their own. Whatever you have to do.

Oh, and remember, each craving you have means you are not smoking. They maybe annoying but they are just a reminder you are a non smoker now and that you are not controlled by Nic or addiction

Sian xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank you everyone for your messages, they have all meant a lot.

As you all know i DONT WANT to go back to being a smoker, no way do i want to that but as you all know its tough too. I can do this, i know i can.

I have told my kids that the naughty cig monster has been trying to work his magic on me today and i have told them that if i say i need one to say what will they do for you mum, they dont do anything, mum you dont want one.

I think an early night will be needed tonight as i am finding it very hard to not think about those bliming things and i know the longer i stay up the more i will think about them.

Fingers crossed, tomorrow will be better and my OH is home tomorrow night so he can make sure i stay free from them. I am strong one minute then falter the next but the silly thing is i know i dont need them.

Oh well, i will sign off for now and catch u all tomorrow. If i get really bad then i will use the ecig without the nicotine at least then i wont be getting anything from it other than the feeling i am.


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Stay strong Jo. Will be thinking of you :D:D:D tomorrow will be a better day

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


its part of the process and you will get through it just dont beat yourself up if the electronic ciggy helps then have a puff thats better then a real ciggy at the end of the day you have to take one craving at a time if it helps keep a journal of how your feeling when you have the craving and how that makes you feel and what your done to beat it you will soon see that the amount of times you can get through one craving then it will help you with the next

i play alot of games online which i find helps me to distract my mind

you will win :)

regards carol x

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Jo, you have been such a star on here, especially with helping others.

You are a very strong woman, much stronger than that pack of cigs, they burn in 2 mins, they fall to bits in water, and they break, you dont :)

I have envied your strength all the way along, we are all here for you.

I am sucking lollipops, do nothing for your teeth, your :cool: persona, or your weight, and they make you smell just as bad as cigs (farting), but they are not going to kill me by clogging my lungs with tar.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Guys

Well heres the start of another new day. Not feeling too bad at the mo but it is early days so i am not going to think about it too much.

I have decided to keep my Nicotine Free ECig to hand and use that when i get real bad urges, its just like an inhalator minus the nicotine so by reducing my cravings/urges with that i am not giving myself any nicotine or other nasty stuff. I dont want to fill my body with anymore rubbish while it heals from smoking.

I know that i have to do what is right for me and even though i resisted yesterday i have slept on it and my answer is my Ecig. I know its not smoking and maybe to some its giving in but its not because its a NRT Free alternative.

Anyhow, you lot, thank you so so much for helping me yesterday. I am now on day 26 and still no nicotine or other smoking related substance has entered this body since that early Sunday morning.

I am a non smoker now just forget occasionally and thats when my Ecig can help relieve that thought.

Take care all, have a great smoke free day. LOL

Oh and for those out there reading this i found that using the Ecig before i quit actually reduced my cig intake, it also is nasty chemical free and the one i have you can have all different variations in Nicotine or in my case i also bought Nicotine free. Im not for one minute recomending switiching to an Ecig its each to there own but for me personally i found it useful. :)

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Glad you didn't give in Jo :D

Use your ecig if you think it will help you. Whatever it takes to not smoke, just do it. We are all here for you hun if you need us. Remember one minute, one hour, one day at a time.

Have a good day Jo

S xx

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Hey Jo,

Good to see you got through it and are feeling better today - I never lost faith in you!

Just do what is best for you - I suck my thumb (which actually annoys me, possibly more than smoking!) so bought a huge tub of sugar free gum yesterday to try and stop that! My oral fixation is actually quite disturbing (I remember some comments in my past from boyfriends and the like!) - no pen goes unchewed, no nail unbitten, very irritating!

If your E-cig works then do it! In my opinion as long as you are not having a ciggie you are winning, different strokes for different folks!

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Well Jo

The mind is mightier than the nicomonster after all.

I am sooooo proud of you getting through that rough time yesterday, I do understand.

We all get a bit complacent at times, it certainly comes back to kick my bum when I think to myself that I have it beaten.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank you everyone for your support and understanding. I know that yesterday is only the start of some really hard times that may come and try there hardest on me but i must not give in.

I dont ever want to be a smoker again, those nasty little blighters are not worth it but as we all know its not as easy as some may think and at times it can be harder than ever.

I am prepared in one way and not in another but this is where i faltered on my last attempt at stopping, yup started really well, then at week 3 i started to get an urge so strong that i gave in but this time i know that i have to be better prepared. I have kept my OH informed on how i feel and it was also his suggestion to grab my ecig because like we all know im not actually smoking when i puff on that and anything that stops me going out and buying a pack of 10 or 20 has to be a bonus and the longer i can go without them the better the chances for me to stay stopped.

I know i should not encourage the hand to mouth action when i have not done it for so long but if it helps me stay stopped then im going to use it.

Im looking forward to my night out tomorrow with my OH and some friends of ours, we are going out for a nice meal and a catch up. It will be nice, maybe that has been playing on my mind and made me wonder how i will cope tomorrow but i know i will be ok really, i will take my Ecig and if i feel i want to join in with them i can do but i know that in my heart i can get through the evening without taking it out of my bag.

Anyhow, thank you again everyone. Have a great smoke free day


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

I'm so pleased and relieved you didn't give in Jo. You're so much stronger than that nasty weed and you *can* beat it. You know there might be more tough times ahead, but forewarned is forearmed and you'll get through those with flying colours too!! The tough times will diminish in frequency and intensity, so hold on tight hun and you can do it!!

I'm so proud of you Jo!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Awwww, Thank you Ed. ;)

Infact thank you everyone. I had to tell someone how i felt yesterday and had it not been for this site i feel that i would have given in.


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Awwww, Thank you Ed. ;)

Infact thank you everyone. I had to tell someone how i felt yesterday and had it not been for this site i feel that i would have given in.


(((Jo))) :).

That's what we're here for hun. There'll always be someone to offer support in the tough times and share your joy in the good times. Although we've never met, we're all good friends here joined by our fight against a common enemy.

Keep strong and focussed Jo. You *do* have it in you to beat this thing!!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_17793 profile image

Hey Jo,

Day 26 for me as well and I have been feeling exactly the same for the past 3 days. They said day 3 and 4 were supposed to be the worst but holy, the past few days have been wicked! My throat feels like someone has a hold of it and is squeezing and my mind is thinking a cig could take that away. This is my first attempt ever at quitting after 37 years and I am determined I will succeed. Although if it doesn't get any easier than this I may just cave in. Off to Cuba for a 10 day vacation tomorrow and that may be rough because there is mega smoke everywhere. Will be a challange!:cool:

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