Feeling a bit meh...: Hi everyone, I'm just... - No Smoking Day

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Feeling a bit meh...

nsd_user663_16474 profile image
14 Replies

Hi everyone,

I'm just having a bit of a whinge and a moan if you'll indulge me.

For some reason my concentration's completely gone and I'm feeling slightly depressed. I've got a stack of personal emails to catch up on and I've got the biggest mother of a writers' block!! All I feel like doing is idly browsing assorted forums or gawping vacantly at the TV.

I don't have any cravings for cigarettes but I'm sure this is to do with quitting smoking. I've not experienced this before so I'm hoping it's only transient and will go shortly.

Thanks for listening.

Ed xx


3w 5d 22h 20m smoke-free, 726 cigs not smoked, £243.21 saved, 2d 12h 30m life saved

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nsd_user663_16474 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_16530 profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm just having a bit of a whinge and a moan if you'll indulge me.

For some reason my concentration's completely gone and I'm feeling slightly depressed. I've got a stack of personal emails to catch up on and I've got the biggest mother of a writers' block!! All I feel like doing is idly browsing assorted forums or gawping vacantly at the TV.

I don't have any cravings for cigarettes but I'm sure this is to do with quitting smoking. I've not experienced this before so I'm hoping it's only transient and will go shortly.

Thanks for listening.

Ed xx


3w 5d 22h 20m smoke-free, 726 cigs not smoked, £243.21 saved, 2d 12h 30m life saved

Dear Ed,

I am sure these weid feelings are transient,we all appear to run a range of emotions but somtimes we just have to let them come.I alweays say things will look a lot different tomorrow.

I'am counting on you.


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks Terri,

It's really weird. It's as though all my mental and physical energy has been drained off.

You're right about emotions going a bit haywire during quits so I hope that's all it is and it'll dissipate shortly. The good thing is I'm not craving too!! That would be severely challenging!! :eek:

Ed xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

awwww Mr Ed ((hugs)) <<<<<< yeah girlie i know :p

All I feel like doing is idly browsing assorted forums or gawping vacantly at the TV.

Are we related by chance lol thats all i have been doing today, well i did manage some housework, but not the "full works" i would normally do on a Monday.

Put it down to this horrid weather and it being only Monday :D

Least you are not craving *phew* thats twice you have scared me today, please odnt make a habbit of it your my rock !!!

Only kidding, you are allowed to have moan and a winge as much as you want, just DONT over take me on that because i am the QUEEN winger round here ;)

Snowie........... but you can call me HRH Snow XX

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Your Highness *bows* :D,

Thanks for the hug. Totally against usual Royal protocol you know!!

I think it's just one of those days today. I felt a bit tired when I woke up, had my doc's appointment, it's Monday, stinking weather out there... I reckon that's enough to get anyone down :).

I'll be OK tomorrow I expect. And definitely no more scares ;).

Thanks for the support. I'm having to use up a bit of credit today.

Mr Ed xx

jackieinv profile image

I am sorry to hear you feel a bit down especially as you had such a good experience in your head today when you recognised the demon trying to trick you, I thought that was brilliant.

Lots of us have had some depression while on our journey, some people have tried St John's Wart with some success. Exercise is also good for keeping the mood up.

Take a look at the website 'Why Quit/Symptoms' in my signature, there is a part about depression there. If you type depression into the search engine you will also find lots of info from others.

You are doing great and taking a day at a time you will be a winner.


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Think it is just one of those days. I feel the same but have also been having cravings. well not craving as in the begining where it felt like something was missing from my breathing but as in, I could really smoke right now. Batman has even come out today and I haven't played it for about 10 days.

So don't feel bad about feeling a bit Meh. I think it's just that monday feeling.

S xx

nsd_user663_17734 profile image

Writers' block! - you've averaged 10 posts a day in here and they are all great ones - offering support, encouragement and ones like this one - reassurance that you are just human, just trying to quit.

Keep it up - you've done great, and are an inspiration to those a few days and weeks behind you.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hey Ed,

i wish i could help you out on this one, but i have struggled with a general lethargy since quitting and am not quite sure how to get over it.

Jackie-thanks for the tip, i will go and have a look now on whyquit.

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

It might have something to do with depression, that's true. Also, it might just be a normal 'lazy' phase... I'm sure non-smokers get them weeks at a time, I remember I got them as a smoker.

Maybe its the nicodemon that's using your general lazy mood to trick you into thinking it's because you're not smoking when maybe you'd be feeling like this anyway even if you were smoking!

How are you feeling today?

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thank you for all your replies.

I'm still feeling quite lethargic this morning, but I intend to force myself to do things today. I'm hoping that once I make a start I'll be OK.

Jackie - Thanks for the link. It's provided me with some insights.

Hope you all have a great smoke-free day.

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Good morning Ed

I dont know if its a common thing when stopping smoking but i too feel quite lethergic at the moment, its taking a great deal of effort to do things because in all reality i just want to sit about and do bugger all!

The weather is not helping and neither is the darker days if you get what i mean but i almost feel like i should be getting a boost of something to make me feel like i want to get up and go cos my get up and go has long gone :confused:

Anyhow, hopefully we will start to repair properly and soon start to feel better in ourselves and have that extra energy. Its weird because our health is not good so we stop smoking but when we stop a load of other things come along.

Keep with it my friend. Good luck

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Morning Jo :).

Bugger all's about all I feel like doing :(. I'm forcing myself to do things though.

I totally agree that it's probably a combination of quitting the cigs and the darker days coupled with dreary weather that's contributing to this. Having read various articles, depression isn't an uncommon symptom of quitting but I hope it passes soon. It's curious that it's taken nearly 4 weeks for it to kick in for me.

The good thing is that thoughts of cigs are only fleeting and easily disposed of :). Of course Mr Nicotine's doing his very best to convince me that I'll feel a whole lot better if I have a cig. I think he's right in the ultra short-term, but I guarantee that I'd feel 10 times worse having blown a substantial quit!! For that reason alone I'm not going to cave!!

I'll just knuckle down and power through this.

Many thanks for yours and everyone's support. It means a lot!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hey Ed,

As always your more than welcome. I feel so drained and when i saw the Dr this morning she asked what was wrong but i had to say the same to her which is lots of things. What with being tierd, light headed, constant feeling of something being stuck, mouth tastes funny, food tastes funny, dont feel right etc etc i said to her that its a mix of all things really because i expect somethings when you quit but this is just so strange and i am on extra vitamins to boost my system but i do feel that those Champix have messed my head up and hopefully over time i will get back to normal, whatever that is of course.

Take each day as it comes and stay strong my friend.


nsd_user663_17057 profile image


Be strong my friend, the illusion of lethargy is probably Mr Nic messing with your willpower.

As with most of quitting, it seems to be mainly a mind game, and I for one have a stonger mind that the Nic family.

I have figured out that what we go through to quit is far to big for just one Nic.

So I reckon it's actually a family of them.

Dad - Nic

Brother - Nic

Son - Nic

Uncle Nic

So therefore it's now Nic, Nic, Nic and Nic, who are messing with my mind.

Or maybe I have just lost the plot :o:D

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