Feeling a bit grrrrrr: Hi :) Am feeling a... - No Smoking Day

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Feeling a bit grrrrrr

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
8 Replies

Hi :)

Am feeling a bit fed up - not sure why either!!

Will be into month 3 in a few days, and lots of the time am really pleased to have done so well and (don't know if this is going to make sense or not) 98% of me doesn't want to see another fag again forget smoking one but the monster's been really getting on my nerves!!

Don't like admitting this either, but am getting a muffin top :eek: but since I quit have been far too tired in the evenings to do much. It sounds stupid, but do *not* want to go up to a size 10!! I lost a lot of weight back when I started smoking last time and don't want it going back on again.

So anyway the monster has been having a real go at me, trying to get me to try "just one" trying to convince me to quit the quit, that I'm somehow "meant" to be a smoker, to go onto e-cigs, anything really and it's really starting to get to me :( Know it's all rubbish but that's the monster.

It's like I get a few really fab days when I'm really positive and then get a few totally rubbish ones.

Suppose I'm just venting, but would love any help and advice for how to beat it and to know how long I'm likely to be battling the damn thing!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Gemma, I think we all feel like that from time to time and around 3 months seems to be the worst time:confused: I suspect it is the nico monster having 1 last ditched attempt to get us to cave in because it knows we have almost cracked it! You keep doing what you are doing and you will be a non smoker who smells lovely all the time is healthy and also wealthy!:)

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Gemma - don't worry about the weight - better to be a bit bigger and healthier. A few pounds extra are infinitely less damaging than fags. It only need be a temporary gain - it is within your gift to lose the weight when the nic monster is under control - just as I'm losing the weight now. Good luck! xx :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you everyone, you really have helped!!

Hi Gemma, I think we all feel like that from time to time and around 3 months seems to be the worst time:confused: I suspect it is the nico monster having 1 last ditched attempt to get us to cave in because it knows we have almost cracked it! You keep doing what you are doing and you will be a non smoker who smells lovely all the time is healthy and also wealthy!:)

Am glad in a way it's not just me - odd that it happens so much around this time though!!

The monster isn't going to get me - it can go pick on someone else!!

You're right about wealthy, it's shockingly expensive - the ones I used to smoek were the cheapest I could stand and they're £8 a time now :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma - don't worry about the weight - better to be a bit bigger and healthier. A few pounds extra are infinitely less damaging than fags. It only need be a temporary gain - it is within your gift to lose the weight when the nic monster is under control - just as I'm losing the weight now. Good luck! xx :)

Thanks Shazza!!

Know that part was a bit silly, but I guess it's how the monster gets to us? Anything it can use to have a go really :eek:

And yes, when the fag monster is dead I can lose a few pounds and tone up a bit - will be looking and feeling fab - well as good as I can :P

Hi Gemma

I went through the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I thought I was going mad, but posted on here and they got me through it. I think mine lasted about 4-5 days and was just after finishing the 2 months.

All I can say, and you'd better believe it, it will pass, I promise:D

Just hang in there and you will get through this. Good luck


Thanks Lostie, am glad you got thorugh it too. This place is really amazing!!

I'm feeling loads better already!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma my 'quit buddy'

Was only Dec you quit-not that long ago.3 months goes quickly!

We all can sympathise,those days come and go.What you say about being 'meant' to be a smoker.I know that feeling,we all do,like we are suspending the real us by not smoking,kidding ourselves.:mad:

WRONG! The real us is the non smoker,think back to before you started fags;in a bored,or pissy or stressed state you didnt think of fags did you? They have artificially invited themselves to what looked like a permanent fixture in our heads which is why its so hard to rip the bloody demon out of ourselves..

You have 3 months of success achieved superbly-can you imagine having to go quit again from day 1? Dont you dare weaken! You will always have the odd bad day and be tempted.Just accept it and ignore it.Look at the penthouse quitters,thats your next stop.

The old smelly Gemma Lou-the stinky smoker-she is dead.:p

DONT bring her stinking corpse back to life.


It seems longer sometimes and no time at all others - but am moving rooms on the 11th, and I will NOT mess that up by having a fag!!

You're right, going back to day 1 would be flipping awful and that's not happening - couldn't come on here and admit it anyway and that's definitely helped keep me off them!!

Suppose it's a bit scary how much fags have got into my mind, but am not going to unlearn all the bogus stuff I taught myself about smoking in a few weeks.

Was thinking about it earlier, and I had to really make myself smoke the first few times 'cos I didn't like it and it didn't really do much apart from make me feel sick - why didn't i leave it at that? :mad:

Thanks again to all of you!! :cool:

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Gemma, i also went through the same thing around month 3 and continued through month 4, BUT you just have to be strong, i agree with the others its the nicodemon, having its last attempt to make you fail, I promise it does get easier.

I also was miserable about the weight thing, having always being a size 8 then putting on half a stone and gaining a muffin top:eek: but now i'm into month 6, feeling much better, exercising and the waistline issues are going:D

Honestly it will get better:)

Well said Netti! that is what she needs to hear :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma, i also went through the same thing around month 3 and continued through month 4, BUT you just have to be strong, i agree with the others its the nicodemon, having its last attempt to make you fail, I promise it does get easier.

I also was miserable about the weight thing, having always being a size 8 then putting on half a stone and gaining a muffin top:eek: but now i'm into month 6, feeling much better, exercising and the waistline issues are going:D

Honestly it will get better

Thanks Netti :)

Will just have to grit my teeth (with a bit of nicotine gum between them) and get through it then!!

Don't dare get on the scales, but have been a 6-8 for ages - more of a 6 really - and now am definitely an 8 and don't want to get any bigger!!

*Adds celery and things to her shopping list*

But you're right when I've killed the smoking demon I can lose a bit of weight!!

Well done on going 6 months :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I had to look up what a muffin top is :o:o

Gemma your timing is perfect though,so what if you have a bit of fat now ,being Winter-by April/May you will be in the right state of mind to get it off,be an almost fully reformed non smoker and what is more,you will have lots of extra cash to buy nice new clothes for summer :D

You cant fail love!

It's just vanity - and that I've splashed out on a lot of new clothes and want to be able to wear them!!

Am sure I'll be able to shift it though when I'm feeling livlier

Thank you for your support!! :cool:

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