Going into my 7 months: OMG im so shocked... - No Smoking Day

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Going into my 7 months

nsd_user663_5977 profile image
10 Replies

OMG im so shocked that im now going into 7 months :) and i feel great.

My advice to anyone who is starting out on DAY1 is hang in there it does get easier in time and it is well worth it in the end.

The thing now i have to battle with is the 2 stone weight gain :(

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nsd_user663_5977 profile image
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10 Replies
Atomicguy profile image


Well done - 7 months is just great.

I was constantly shocking myself when I realised that I hadn't smoked for week, month 6 months etc. I never thought I'd get there. You enjoy it - you deserve it. And it really does get better.

I'm with you on the weight thing - am a right chunkster at the mo!! (But better than stinking like and old ash try, coughing and wheezing, looking grey aand washed out etc etc etc)

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well done Kay , 6 months behind you is fantastic . Much better to be off the fags and 2 stone heavier than still smoking :)

Weather is getting warmer now .although it doesnt seem like it at the moment :p........I found walking kept my weight down ,and purging my lungs with clean air makes me feel good .... might be worth a try as I am sure you will notice the difference and at least its nice and flat terrain round Boston ..............not like trekking through the himalayas :D

Whatever you decide though 6 months is great

Trev 20 a day for 30 years :eek:

Quit 28th April 09

3 months patches

9 months C.T

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hi Kay

7 Months geez thats flown by ....well done Kay really pleased for you :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Kay, someone hit the nail on the head for me recently regards the weight gain.. as i've also put on 2-3 inches around my waist.. well, they said...

"a few stone or so won't kill you, but what you were smoking and the quantity you smoked sure would have!'

Made me think for a bit, but yeah they are right.. of course they are right, and unless i can hand on heart say i've been out running or exercising yet (which i haven't :o ) then i shouldn't really be over worried just yet.

but heck.. well done you for 6 months done and entering the 7th... definitely in 'the zone' now eh!!

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Congrats Kay

Feeling porky too as are several others but I know that I can sort it as I've managed to quit smoking.

You're doing great and sorting out your eating can be done too and it doesn't have to be traumatic as it's your choice to change and as long as you want the change you are doing as you please.


nsd_user663_6412 profile image

wtg Kay.....I'm sure the weight is in all the right places :)....much better

than smoking though

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

well done Kay, fantastic quit! I too am worried about the weight gain, although I'm way behind you in my quit (8 weeks) So started WeightWatchers yesterday and hit the gym - and looking on the bright side, counting 'points' and writing my food diary stops me obsessing about the fags:D

MASSSSIVE CONGRATS for a really good quit Kay:)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Feeling porky too as are several others but I know that I can sort it as I've managed to quit smoking.

You're doing great and sorting out your eating can be done too and it doesn't have to be traumatic as it's your choice to change and as long as you want the change you are doing as you please.


Mah I have to ask whos Porky????????????????????????

Hi Kay dont worry about the weight gain it will drop of when you get your body back to some form of normality, and dont listen when people say that your metabolism slows right down after quit and doesnt go back again because it does Im sure, I put 10LB on in two weeks and then had to lose it and I did in 4 weeks so it shows you can if you have too.

I agree exercise is good so I do 30 mins walking every day and that helps and I now drink loads and eat healthy (most of the time) so just enjoy the quit and worry later about the weight xx

nsd_user663_5956 profile image


I am the same as you having gained 2 stone and feeling really chunky, but the willpower we used to quit will be the same when we are ready to loose the weight. I am giving it a few more weeks then I shall start to diet.

Great news Kay

Stay strong

Dee xxxx:)

nsd_user663_6358 profile image

Well done into your 7th month is fantastic :D

I have put on half a stone with giving up and now going to try to get rid of that now smoking isn't a problem.

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