Got my champix: Hi everyone I am amanda and... - No Smoking Day

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Got my champix

nsd_user663_8520 profile image
27 Replies

Hi everyone

I am amanda and new here, I went to the doctors yesterday and got my champix, chemist wasnt open to get them so I am going to the chemist in my lunch break today.

I am a 20 a day smoker, and realized I had to quit as it was getting out of control. my smoking is so bad that I get up during the night for a ciggy, I have a toddler and if he wakes during the night for a drink i would have a ciggy whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, or my bathroom is downstairs and if i woke in the night needing the loo i would have a fag.

I am also a wedding planner with my own business and its not nice to be stinking of smoke, so I am quitting for good.

i have read lots of posts on here and you are all amazing, and I cant wait to start taking the champix and become a no smoker.

i look forward to chatting with you all.


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nsd_user663_8520 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Great attitude Amanda. Champix got me off the damn things after 40 years dedicated smoking. This forum has kept me smoke free for nearly 4 months.

Many people get side effects with Champix but stick with it, it works. And read as much as you can on here - you'll learn a lot and it does help.

Good luck and let people know how you're getting on - the not-so-good as well as the good times.

nsd_user663_8518 profile image

Hi amanda

I started a couple of days ago on the champix as well. I can't wait to be a non-smoker as well. I already quit smoking in my flat (meaning I have to go down two flights of stairs and outside to smoke), and now I can smell how horrible it is in there!

Best of luck to us both.


nsd_user663_8312 profile image

Good luck, Amanda. When is your quit date?

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hey Amanda

My advice is do not treat this as a race to get to your quit date, honestly if it takes 2 weeks to set a quit date so be it.

This is a great thread to read:

Good luck sweetheart.


nsd_user663_8520 profile image

thanks guys, your an inspiration, and i very much look forward to chatting with you.

i plan to keep a day to day diary of everything, and as for the side effects, well i hope i can cope with them, I had morning sickness in all my pregnancys for the first 6 months so I am used to that,

I think that all the side effects i have been reading about are what you would probably normally get if you quit cold turkey,. I quit a few years ago and it only lasted a week, i was so moody and irritable, headaches, bad dreams.

Mind over matter is the key i think lol


nsd_user663_8520 profile image

the doctor said i should set a quit date for next week, so iam unsure of what to do, was thinking of setting one for next week say thursday and also one for the week after on the thrusday so then if i lapse i still have another 7 days.

what do you guys think


nsd_user663_8520 profile image

just a quick question,

i am about to go to the chemist to get my champix starter pack

should i take one straight away or should i wait until tomorrow morning.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Amanda :)

Well done deciding to stop smoking I used champix and it was great

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



jackieinv profile image

Big welcome and look forward to seeing your posts as you go along your journey. I agree about the wedding thing, even although I smoked I always thought it looked bad seeing a bride smoking so you will not have that smell around them.


nsd_user663_8520 profile image

thanks guys

ok well just went to pick up my prescription and it was returned back to me stating its not been signed by the doctor so now i have to rush home again this evening to get a doctor to sign it, so looks like i will have to start them tomortrow after all.

thanks for all your advice, and i will def read and post more.


nsd_user663_8123 profile image

Welcome Marley2009!


Like you i also took Champix - best thing ever in my opinion!! I had originally set day 12 of champix as my quit date, but found the cigarettes tasted awful so quit 2 days earlier. Have found it much easier with the champix, but still have a few off days!!!

On day 10 of my quit so doing well for me!!

Just one thing - make sure you eat before taking the tablets or you may feel a little queasy - I have had no other side effects though!!

Good luck - you can do it!



nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Hi Amanda. Great to see you have such a positive attitude to your impending quit - that will carry you a long way. I would say start the Champix in the morning, but it looks like you've been forced into that anyway.:p

Don't worry about setting a back-up quit date. I was thinking along the same lines when I set my date, and the closer it got the more I thought I would need the 2nd date. But not so! When it came to it I just stopped. Amazing, as I was a true addict. Enjoy the ride :D

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Amanda

welcome to the forum and congratulations on taking the hardest step...decising you are going to quit. Love your attitude and trust me the Champix is fab.

Relax take it as the pack says and dont set your quit date on day 8...we all tried that and most of us failed miserabley, and we are not failures here. A few days into week 2 you will start to notice the difference. Champix is fab, but read loads and loads as some will power is required.

Always someone around to help, shout up if you need to.

Best of luck lovely...xx

nsd_user663_7769 profile image

Good luck Amanda

After this day it can only get get better.

Hold on a sec if only they had doctors giving prescriptions for nicotine and then not signing them the whole smoking ( nicotine ) industry would have gone up n smoke years ago.

The goverment spends less than £20 million trying to stop us smoking every year but earns £10 billion in tax every year from smokers.

Stay with the quit thinking sure you will find your monsters soft spot


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

the doctor said i should set a quit date for next week, so iam unsure of what to do, was thinking of setting one for next week say thursday and also one for the week after on the thrusday so then if i lapse i still have another 7 days.

what do you guys think


Sweetheart, you start your quit date between day 8 and day 14. However if you feel day 6 you could quit then do it and it you feel you are not ready by day 14 keep on going. There is no rule to Champix, however I would not recommend giving up before day 8.

This is what I meant about it is not a race, take the Champix and keep smoking and you will start to not want one, but let it kick in by itself.

I would start tomorrow if I was you. Good luck.

PS - Make sure you eat something when you take the tablet. xx

nsd_user663_8520 profile image

thanks everyone

ok so took my first tablet this morning with a cup of tea and a slice of toast, feel ok so far.

just gonna take each day as it comes, but i was so excited last night ready to take the pill today, woo hoo smoke free soon here i come.

will update each day as im sure i will need all the engouragement i can get lol

and good luck to everyone else who is quitting. We shall prevail.


nsd_user663_7042 profile image

Well done you! you made the first move! Now its down to you!

The most important thing I found is that you have to WANT to stop!

No pill or potion will help if you go at this half hearted!

So my advise to you is read all you can about it and REMEMBER! you are NOT actually giving anything up!

All the best


I have just completed day 10 for the second time!

nsd_user663_8520 profile image

well today is day of of taking the champix, no side effects yet thank god.

feel ok, day four was a bit weird, altho i am still smoking, it just feels like im not actually getting anything from them, and i was a bit aggitated yesterday, as i felt i had gone all day without a ciggy and i actually hadnt, and sometimes i couldnt be bothered to smoke,. so i guess they are doing their magic already.

really looking forward to Monday 1st mach as I have put that as my quuit date, but at the rate inm going it could be sooner lol.

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

Hey Amanda - welcome

I too am a champix-er. I am on day 8 of quitting (day 14 of champix) and cannot tell you how much i rate it

Dont get me wrong, its real tough at times and its still early days but without a doubt 1 million times easier than expected. I was a 20 day min smoker and have just spent my first weekend as a non smoker WITH a smoker - and guess what, not only was i not tempted the smell knocked me sick. A miracle!

For me the highlight undoubtedly has been the return of my taste and smell which you should notice really quickly - I cant believe i havent tasted or smelt like a normal person for over 20 years. I cant believe the pleasure i am getting from such simple things like smelling flowers, the sea air and tasting salt and pepper properly

The down side of champix for me (and everyones different) but i must say not enough to even contemplate giving up is a) the nausea which is beginning to pass and b) feeling very emotional.

My advice would be to go into this positive, be prepared for some tempting times and take one day at a time. Champix is fab if your mind is genuinely there....

Keep going and see you soon as a non smoker....

nsd_user663_8520 profile image

well its day 6 for me on the champix still no side effects so think I am doing really well.

yesterday was great, I had a total of 4 ciggys all day, and i didnt even want them, its just i felt i had to have them coz thats the normal thing to do. one of them i even threw away after a couple of drags, and that is so not like me, i would normally smoke 20 plus in a day, so woo hoo iam so proud of myself, ( am i aloud to be as it wasnt really me it was the champix) but anyway go me lol.

well a great start this morning for me, I would normally get up and light up before even putting the kettle on, today i didnt, woo hoo, i just said to myself I dont want one, i dont need one and I didnt. I would also have one walking to the bus stop, I didnt have one, so now I am going to see how long I can go without one today,

nsd_user663_8520 profile image

today is day 7 for me on the champix,

day 6 i quit smoking, havent even got to my quit date yet, ha ha, so woo hoo to me, finding it quite easy at the mo, the tablets are doing what they should do, I have no side effects yet, but start the blue pill tomorrow,

I cant believe im not smoking at all tho, i bought myself a little petty cash boz and instead of going to buy 20 fags i out the money in my tin, and i will treat myself and the family at the end of each month.

nsd_user663_8520 profile image

day 8 of taking champix today and onto the blue pills

well day 7 for me was great, not one ciggy touched my lips, had a couple of not craving so much but at the times i would of had a ciggy, i would think oohhh ciggy time and then remember i dont smoke anymore and then i would either come on here and read some posts to discourage me from going for one, or i would go make a cuppa, ( ive drunk so many cuppa's ) lol

i think i feel good, because at the moment i am full of a cold, so my sense of smell and taste is completley gone, but i know once the cold has gone my taste buds etc are gonna be so strong.

my kids are so proud of me, and my little boy who is 3 wonders why his mummy isnt having a ciggy.

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Good Job Amanda !

Hi Amanda , well done on wanting to quit smoking and giving it a go .

It sounds to me that you are determined to stop and I wish you a GREAT QUIT !

I never used champix myself so am not going to be a lot of help to you but will say however you quit as time goes on you will feel soooooooo much better for it and glad you did .

Best wishes and look forward to reading your posts .:)


20 a day for 30 years :eek:

Quit 28th apil 09:D

3 months patches

almost 7 months C.T

nsd_user663_8518 profile image

Well done Amanda! I quit on day 6 of Champix as well. Found it easier than just rationing down and down, what's the point, really?

I hope you are doing well today and I'm sure your kids are proud of you. :)

nsd_user663_8520 profile image

thanks guys

actually after taking the 1mg tablet today i felt quite sick and really spaced out, still feeling out of sorts an hour later, so I wont be taking the one this evening, gonna see how i go without it, i was doing well on the lower dose anyway.

do you think this is a good idea, to just not take the one this evening and then just take half in the morning and half tomorrow evening and so forth.

i really dont like the spaced out feeling, the sickness i can deal with.


nsd_user663_8277 profile image

Hi everyone

I am amanda and new here, I went to the doctors yesterday and got my champix, chemist wasnt open to get them so I am going to the chemist in my lunch break today.

I am a 20 a day smoker, and realized I had to quit as it was getting out of control. my smoking is so bad that I get up during the night for a ciggy, I have a toddler and if he wakes during the night for a drink i would have a ciggy whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, or my bathroom is downstairs and if i woke in the night needing the loo i would have a fag.

I am also a wedding planner with my own business and its not nice to be stinking of smoke, so I am quitting for good.

i have read lots of posts on here and you are all amazing, and I cant wait to start taking the champix and become a no smoker.

i look forward to chatting with you all.


Good on you, for realising and joining here, let me tell you life as a non-smoker means just one thing, you would have thrown that nicotine monkey of your back... You will feel better, you will look will in general means you have one less worry..

nsd_user663_8520 profile image

well i am doing so well. I have not had a ciggy since tuesday 16th, i stopped taking the champix on sunday 28th as I felt i didnt need it anymore, and woo hoo i am a non smoker, still got a long way to go but i am so pleased with myself.

its not been that hard either, i obviously really wanted to quit

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