Starting to feel anxious: Hello i am on to... - No Smoking Day

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Starting to feel anxious

nsd_user663_7825 profile image
13 Replies

Hello i am on to day 10 been doing great,but today starting to feel a bit on edge and seem to be snapping at the kids,etc is anyone out there feeling the same.

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nsd_user663_7825 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Day 10 is really good, over a whole week done. You don't say how you are doing this, Cold Turkey (CT), patches or some other way? Doesn't really matter just useful to know sometimes.

Anxious and irritable seem to be part of the early quit for quite a few of us. Shouting at kids and OH seemed to be all I did for the first 3 weeks!! and then I took to sleeping quite a lot. All quits are different, but you are certainly not on your own, everybody here has the same objective to be fag free.

I would recommend that you read the links in peoples sigs, it will really help you get your head in the right place for making this your last quit.

Stay strong, and it is good to have you on board.

nsd_user663_6991 profile image


I had a major anxiety attack about a week after quitting. I had an appt with the smoking cessation nurse at the doctors (well intentioned but clueless about addiction) and she had no idea what to do with me except get me to see a doctor straight away, which I did. She was lovely and reassured me that I wasnt having a heart attack! Its funny now! Anyway she gave me some betablockers which just took the edge off my feelings. I was determined to hang on to the quit but was really struggling dealing with this as well. It worked along with doing some more reading. Hang on in there I know its scary and if it gets worse seek help from the doctor. I didnt know anything about betablockers but have since found that people take them for stage fright and public speaking etc. Take care.

nsd_user663_7825 profile image

Its a head job

Many thanks to your reply,makes you realize how great it actually be when totally free of all these feelings that go with quiting.

nsd_user663_7674 profile image


I'm on Day 12 and I had a bit of a rough ride from Day 9 until this afternoon (Day 12) when I started to feel a bit better again. I'm being completely honest with you as I don't see any point in pretending to be great all the time. Reason I say that is because it really helps me when I read old posts on this forum from people months ago at our stage of quitting who were struggling and then searching their posts months on and they are free of cigs and confirmed non smokers. It just makes you realise it's not a breeze for everyone, of course we're all different, but you're only human and going through a rough patch around this stage is normal.

Keep with it, it will get better even though sometimes it feels like it never will. That's just nicotine withdrawal playing mind games with you.

nsd_user663_4402 profile image


I'm on Day 12 and I had a bit of a rough ride from Day 9 until this afternoon (Day 12) when I started to feel a bit better again. I'm being completely honest with you as I don't see any point in pretending to be great all the time. Reason I say that is because it really helps me when I read old posts on this forum from people months ago at our stage of quitting who were struggling and then searching their posts months on and they are free of cigs and confirmed non smokers. It just makes you realise it's not a breeze for everyone, of course we're all different, but you're only human and going through a rough patch around this stage is normal.

Keep with it, it will get better even though sometimes it feels like it never will. That's just nicotine withdrawal playing mind games with you.

Well Said!!! I agree I think on my last attempt it was around this stage I gave in... well preparecd for it coming this time!!! :)

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi, well done on Day 10, don't worry about the anxiety thing, we all have had it, will have it again at some time by varying degrees. I tend to warn the kids and husband if i'm feeling a bit lively, so they can give me a wide berth. Yesterday was one, but I got through it with the help of the guys here and a hug from home, woke up this morning feeling great. So you never know when, or how long, but you can be assured it doesn't last for ever. Mentally we are going through a lot of adjustments, give yourself a break, don't worry about it, try to do something that helps you relax and smile.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

It's perfectly normal, we all do it, we've all done it, we'll do it again and so will many who follow us. Don't worry but it's good to try and explain to others this may happen, even the kids.

My wife, my son 17, my daughter 15 all understand what I'm doing and if I get a little rattie then they just accept it they would much rather I stop smoking.

Jack :)

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Hi Whitehorse... seems to be a common theme with a few of us that week 2 is becoming a bit of challenge. That's cool, means we're all going through the same thing and every is as it should be.

One of the mind tricks I used play on myself in previous quits was to get to week 2, become incredibly moody and "dark", and then convince myself I was actually mentally ill and suffering from depression, and smoking had been keeping that in check all along. Then I'd tell myself if I didn't start smoking again my mental state would rapidly decline.. blah blah... rubbish. *Light cigarette*

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

Ant2rob, I had a horrible day on Day 9. Day 10 I've not had too many craves, but I've felt pretty miserable.

I thik this is the mental side of the addiction kicking in, now we're over the immediate withdrawal. Are you going CT?

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

I know how you are feeling...

Hi Ant2rob,

Well done for getting to day 10. I'm on day 17 and I have suffered really bad with anxiety today, all day since getting up, it's really freaked me out today as so far I have had more good days then bad, plus feeling very emotional too.

I'm sure everyone goes through this and is all part and parcel of the quit process, we just have to ride the storm and remember it wont kills us feeling like this but the smoking would.

Keep strong and positive, you can do this.


nsd_user663_7825 profile image

Well Said!!! I agree I think on my last attempt it was around this stage I gave in... well preparecd for it coming this time!!! :)

Many thanks day 11 much easier than day 10 just got to hang in there.

nsd_user663_7825 profile image

Been there

Hi your post made me laugh so much,as i have convinced myself exactly the same in the past,are all smokers a little insane?WE MUST BE! Who would spend thousands of pounds to reduce your lifespan.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

What to expect

Around the 10 day 2 week mark I thought and that within a few days it would have all gone away and I would be a none smoker. Then a friend said to me it get's worse after 2 weeks and I said you're joking, this was before I joined this forum. Well it did get a bit worse but it did not get any worse after that.

You will suffer anxiety, a wanting feeling but not know what you are wanting. you may get depressed, I felt nervous at times, I felt I didn't know who I was like I was looking in on myself. You problems will be twice as big or at least seem like they are and the answer? have a fag, NO THE PROBLEMS WILL STILL BE THERE AND YOU WILL HAVE TO START DAY ONE ALL OVER AGAIN. Then you have to go through all these feelings again. The feelings you are getting right now will persist a little while longer then they will start to get less and less severe. It takes time and time is a great healer. So stick it out guys I'm now on 50 days and yes these feelings although not as strong are still there and are now so much easier to deal with.

I am not trying to put you off quitting or frighten you as to what's to come, I feel you should know what's ahead. When I was at your stage I did not have this forum to help me, this is why I'm trying to help you.

No matter what do not smoke and you will get there.

Jack :)

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