Smelling Things / Energy levels / thoughts etc - No Smoking Day

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Smelling Things / Energy levels / thoughts etc

nsd_user663_6324 profile image
15 Replies

I am sorry if this is longish. I just can't stop moving so much. Clack clack clack on the keyboard...

I had a laugh over at another thread someone said how the biscuits they used to like eating now taste awful.

It made me laugh because something I ate (can't remember what it was) did that to me, too. I thought, 'Eew yuck - I actually liked eating that?'

Maybe it was ice cream of all things.

And whiskey is yucky. I got the first alchohol time out of the system without smoking. But, I went to bed early so not to have any thoughts on the 'evil weed.' I wondered what it would be like to be inebriated without smoking. It was a bit wierd. But having a clean feeling body on waking was neat.

Isn't it amazing having decent breath? Feeling confident to be right up close to people? It's cool.

Back to food, some things I didn't like, especially spinach and veges, I now relish and scoff. Actually I relish and scoff everything. Too much so that I am getting heavy. My wife is shocked. I'm a slight guy but went from 68kgs two-three weeks ago to 74kgs today. But, I am always hungry. It may be psychological (the thing whereby you must have your hands busy) but I also think I am very hungry for energy.

I chew gum and chew one or two broken off nicorette pieces a day. But they taste yuck. Good thing - nicottine[sp] is pretty disgusting.

Anyway, I am finding it's like back into my youth again - what with all the energy and the sense of smell. Smelling stuff now excites me. Movement and early rising excites me.

I haven't got my full sense of smell back I think, maybe 50% or so - anyone know if how the smell sense works?

Anyway - I really, really hope I can do this. I need to as my chosen job next year is much preferable to be smokefree (secondary school teacher,) also I can buy a vintage Gibson guitar as wife gave me permission if I remain unchained to the habit ... and that's 3000 dollars in just a year!

I am so happy all of you others are giving it your best.

I stay right away from others smoking. I think that may be an important factor especially about remission ....

Sorry again for long = all the mood swings ....

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nsd_user663_6324 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_5401 profile image

You sound very happy Andy and that's great to hear. I must admit I've had no change in taste or smell (except I can smell smokers miles away!!)

Well done you.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi AndyB :)

Well done you deciding to stop the fags is great you don't say how long you've been quit but guessing that as you haven't got your full sense of smell back it is still a recent one

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here

are 2 I found very good to start you off and

Read,read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_6324 profile image

Hey there Marg,

Thanks for the forum so people can express their 'krazies.'

I kicked the smokes Nov. 1st. After 25 years smoking.

Thanks Christine.

How long has it been with you?

What positives are you experiencing?

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Andy :D

Well done you I kicked it almost a year ago but still remember how I felt at the start just hand in there yes it can be a bit hard at times but it really is worth the struggles you may have


Marg xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Andy, it will be 1 month on Friday (Friday the 13th, oh dear!!) and it's had it's ups and downs to be fair but I know I will not smoke again. It's tough but I'm tougher!!

nsd_user663_6095 profile image

You sound very happy Andy and that's great to hear. I must admit I've had no change in taste or smell (except I can smell smokers miles away!!)

Well done you.

Same for me! It's really noticeable when smokers walk past. I think to myself, did I really smell like that?!

nsd_user663_5438 profile image

Hey Folks

Just checking in. I haven't been on here in a while so a quick recap. I started Champix at the end of September. I had not fully committed to stop smoking full-time and was smoking when I had a drink. Anyway, I went to the nurse for a repeat prescription and chatted with her about my next hurdle; to become a non-smoker for life.

I left that day (Monday Nov 2nd) and had decided drink or no drink, I ain't putting another Cancer stick up to my lips. I haven't touched one since so tomorrow we're going into day 9. It's brilliant because I'm not getting any cravings what so ever. In fact when I try to recount how long I haven't smoked for it could be 1 year or it could be 9 days. It's just not something playing on my mind thanks to Champix.

So on Thursday 5th of November I decided I would go out for pints with the missus and obviously didn't smoke. It did teach me something and I feel it's worth sharing. It may not be universal but it certainly stands strong for me. I personally believe that avoiding the pub is a pointless endeavour. The reason I feel this is because it's important for you to go and un-do a bad habit that you had, and re-do it to form a new habit. If you avoid the pub you are only validating the irrational fear that the bad habit is going to come and get you once you've had a few beers. So an ex-smoker stays away from the boozer for 2 months but will inevitably find themselves back in the pub at some point for some occasion. Do you go into the pub with 2 months worth of irrational fear ?

It's a bit like what they tell you if you've been unfortunate to get into a car crash. It is strongly suggested that you get back into a new car and start driving again. Time can be a real irrational head wrecker, and if we're not careful can work against us.

So after my proud triumph on Thursday night (and zero hangover Friday morning might I add) we decided to hit the pub again Friday night to meet some old pals. I spent Thursday night re-addressing old habits and forming new ones, and Friday night was even easier. I continued the new habits on Friday and then when I played a gig on Sunday night the thought of having a smoke didn't cross my mind once.

Sorry this is a little long but I feel the points being made are important. I would urge anyone who has quit but is afraid of the pub to go down and solely focus on how good you are feeling. Your chest no longer hurts, you're no longer wheezy, you smell a million times better, you're not out of breath as easily and you have bundles of energy. Your future is bright and you can make all sorts of new plans. Take all of these positives, put them into one ball of emotion and soak it up. You'll just end up smiling, and the natural high off that buzz is wondrous. That should protect you the first time you go down, but be deliberate. Make a mental note when all your mates go out for a smoke that you are staying at the bar. It's your new thing now. It's the new habit.

I guarantee you that if you do this time and time again, in 2 months time the thought of heading out for a smoke will seem nothing short of bizarre

nsd_user663_5438 profile image
nsd_user663_5438 back to the topic :)

The thing that stuck me first was the amount of energy and motivation I started to get. It was only when I quit that I discovered how depressed smoking was making me. I thought that it was just me, but clearly not ! When I realised this I was over the moon. I felt so free. I have light asthma so while smoking is always suicidal, it's even more so for me. I started to feel how easy I could breath. I would wake up in the mornings and not be sore. I wouldn't have to reach for my inhaler first thing after I awake.

My sense of smell started to come back, and like many here have said I began to get the whiff of smoke off others. It's hard to believe that I used to smell like that. The funniest of all in my head was when I went for a Kebab after my Friday night out. It was so hilarious. I was wolfing the Kebab into me like someone who hadn't seen food in months. The taste was massive in my mouth. Afterwards on the walk home I could taste so many different herbs and spices on my tongue. My wife was laughing at me as I would check my taste buds and call out "Mmmm Sage." Then I'd do it again and call out "Mmmmm that's definitely Basil." Would have never tasted that before.

Oh and in terms of procrastinating ? I've knocked that on the head and am getting so much done. I think I've gotten more done in the past 9 days than I have in the past 4 months.

Keep up the good work guys. All the support you need is here

nsd_user663_6324 profile image

Hi IrishLad,

When I was younger I relapsed because someone offered me a smoke and I thought that since I had kicked the habit having just one wouldn't matter. But it did matter and started me off again.

That's the only thing I'd worry about - if you are with friends who smoke and if you think having 'just one' won't matter.

Apart from that I think you are right to suggest confronting the demons.

But, you have to be extrememly vigilant and say 'No!' quite constantly to them.

nsd_user663_6210 profile image

I am with the whole thing of not changing habits, I went though a period last year where I would only smoke down the pub, didn't classify it as quitting at the time, just one of those cutting down phases. Obviously not long until smoking all the time.

Not changed any process or habit over the quit, just ran at everything head on. The pub thing might have been harder in the summer I feel...too cold outside.

Eating a bit too much as well, kids taking the mickey out of my pot-belly last night so best start thinking about some exercise. Kebab....what an idea that is :p I had read somewhere that stomach bulge was common in quitting...something to do with the digestive not so sure but sounds like the excuse for me.

Ranting on a lot too....

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

I'm with IrishLad on this one - get thee down the pub and confront those demons. I had evenings out pre planned on days 3 & 5 and didn't want to hide in the house just because I don't smoke anymore. Yes, I was worried cos we all know what a big hurdle it is, but the sense of achievement afterwards has kept me going since.

nsd_user663_6208 profile image

I've just had my first coffee of the day while I was reading through this thread, it tastes awesome so much better for not being accompanied with a smoke.

Yesterday was my wifes birthday and I got dragged to Leeds for a day of shopping, eating and drinking. So as far as triggers go yesterday was one of my biggest.

The wife would normally be trying on clothes while I stood outside smoking, We had beers in a bar and a nice meal out all without really craving once, I would of normally gone through 25-30 smokes yesterday but got through the whole day without any.

On top of that as a present for not smoking and saving cash I bought myself Call of Duty World at War 2, Jesus what an excellent game.

Anyway what I'm trying to say here is that I agree you should run headfirst at situations you feel may trigger the need to smoke as once you have overcome them they become easier and easier the next time.

21 days today for me and going strong

nsd_user663_6280 profile image

I went to pizza hut yesterday and I think that I went for the first time! (only been there as a smoker) so much deeper taste.

nsd_user663_6324 profile image

Thanks for replies...

Can't believe I still haven't smoked. I'm still a smoker I feel - only I don't smoke now and shouldn't into the future after this deal is done.

Day ten done. But, I am counting again from the beginning due to the nicorette I chewed from day three last week. So, day one nearly gone.

Starting to feel the nicotine withdrawl headaches again.

Nicotine is certainly a prick of a drug. I think the gum is bad. I don't think it is beneficial in terms of reducing the smoker's cravings because you still crave nicotine.

This time I know about the 72 hour rule. Wish I knew that before. I chewed the nicotine gum at hour 68. Damn.

Oh well.

nsd_user663_6280 profile image

Mate dont be show hard on yourself

You are doing great work staying 10 days smokless

Although I agree with you that cutting off the adiction with nicotine Its very important

You should count the time from your last smoke!

Not what you're looking for?

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