Things that will help you to be a non smoker - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Things that will help you to be a non smoker

nsd_user663_4964 profile image
12 Replies

Just thought i would post some of my tips for newbies, perhaps we can all add things that have helped us....I was a very heavy smoker, i thought i could never give up, but i did.

Read Junkie thinking and nicodemons lies...These are very important, you are a real drug addict with a drug addiction, remember this.Your mind is also addicted, and this is the biggest battle. Cigarettes are addictive. If you have one (junkie mind will tell you that this is quite reasonable, possible and indeed a good idea) you will crave the next one. DON'T HAVE THE FIRST ONE!!! I found reading about addiction in general very useful- there are more similarities between me and a heroin addict than there are differences.

A lot of cravings are psychological, in that you have to get used to doing things without smoking. I.e drinking (Watch out for drinking- end many a quit attempt in the early days) holidays, coffee, meals, smoking friends etc. the good news is that the more you do these things without smoking, the easier it gets. Hence the after meal wanting a cig goes pretty quickly , because you are eating three times a day (or more, in most cases....)

We all know eating can stop a crave . Sucking things is indeed good -those bottles of water with the sucky tops, sweets or lollies.n Or of course---lots of cake!!! Enjoy eating, it is much nicer now you are a non smoker.

note all the benefits as they happen, and do something with all that extra money. I particularly like not wheezing in the morning, being able to run, and i LOVE having a sense of smell.

Take the opportunity to do other things to improve your health, lots of veggies, exercise, vitamins -this is the healthy new you....Who doesn't want to poison yourself with chemicals.

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nsd_user663_4964 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_10366 profile image

Thanks to give advice to became nonsmoker because its very helpful for my friend.he has heart problem so he avoid smoking so he reduce his heart trouble.

nsd_user663_8999 profile image

Sucking things is indeed good

Phew - thankfully Mr V didn't find out about that one....:o:rolleyes::D

On a serious not I second the 'getting used to doing things without smoking'. This quit I refused to give up my vino as it made me feel 'deprived' in previous quits. I just had my glass of wine in the bath! - a place I never smoked so it helped to break the association.

Trying to challenge yourself by so******ing as soon as you feel strong enough is good - you're stopping smoking, not stopping having fun!

Great advice Jude :D

nsd_user663_8999 profile image

the bleeped word was....

SO CIAL IS ING :confused:

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

really helpful post . will keep rereading it -and just the thing I needed today -incentive and new resolve. Like the idea of making quitting part of a whole new me -better food and exercise etc. Makes it exciting about gaining good things and not the concept that still lurks that I am giving something up.

thanks Jude:)


for days now I have been trying to work out what the deleted letters are .

still wonder if I am being naive :(

and laughed at first comment . got that though !! :D

nsd_user663_11445 profile image

I spent last weekend on a narrow boat sat in the sun drinking wine all day with smokers! They carried on and each time I got the craving I just looked and thought why do I want one? what will it lead to? and just kept on the Inhalor! I am away again with smokers this weekend and I intend to sit proud at the fact I am not one anymore

Has anyone else noticed that hangovers aren't as bad :)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

the bleeped word was....

SO CIAL IS ING :confused:

Lol ****** is V I A GR A so that's probably a blocked word .... :D

oh and before anyone smiles and wonders how i know i googled it :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_8999 profile image

really helpful post . will keep rereading it -and just the thing I needed today -incentive and new resolve. Like the idea of making quitting part of a whole new me -better food and exercise etc. Makes it exciting about gaining good things and not the concept that still lurks that I am giving something up.

thanks Jude:)


for days now I have been trying to work out what the deleted letters are .

still wonder if I am being naive :(

and laughed at first comment . got that though !! :D

That's great Skylark, you're definitely in the right frame of mind and thinking positive - I do feel like a whole new me, a better me, since quitting and I don't feel like I've 'given something up'. I think that's where my quit's have failed in the past - I haven't created new goals, just felt like I was depriving myself and 'missing out'.

Missy - go you! Great willpower to resist all that temptation. I know I used to be resentful of friends that quit, bet those smokers you are hanging around are amazed at your strength - not that they would let on, of course they 'choose' to smoke and 'could give up at any time'! How may times have we all lied to ourselves like that!?!

Bradders - This swear filter is as crazy as a box of frogs LMAO!! :D

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

great thread Jude - my tips:

Dont be too hard on yourself. Take it easy, a day at a time.

Dont expect miracles - you wont stop wanting to smoke after day 1, week 1 or even month 1. It's a marathon, not a sprint:D

Read lots of literature about smoking, both the pyschological stuff and the downright terrifying stuff:eek: the really frightening stuff is particularly good when you are having a 'down' day

Dont feel weak for using NRT/Champix/Zyban/whatever. Some can do it CT other's cant, there is no right and wrong - only what works for you and keeps you smoke free.

Expect mood swings - be prepared for them and try to ensure that you up your supplements and eat healthily to try and ease them. Some swear by St Johns Wort or Kalms tablets - again, if it helps then go for it!

Keep a list of your reasons and read it daily. It's amazing how when you are in the middle of an intense craving things like your kids/health/money/ suddenly dont seem so important

Take up a new hobby - I KNOW how corny that sounds but it's so true:) Many of us have taken up running or other forms of exercise - maybe we couldnt before because we couldnt breathe properly. But exercise keeps the blue moods at bay and gives you something tangible to measure your quit against

Treat yourself - use some of the money you are saving for a little treat - yu deserve it

I wish everyone embarking on a quit the very best of luck. It's not easy, it's not instant, but in the end it's the best present we could EVER give ourselves and our loved ones x

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Lol ****** is V I A GR A so that's probably a blocked word .... :D

oh and before anyone smiles and wonders how i know i googled it :rolleyes:

Likely story ;)

My biggest tip is to drink loads of water - keep yourself hydrated. Found it helped with cravings and curbed the munchies. If you do hit a craving take a few deep breaths and it'll be over before you know it.

Other than that I second everything that's been said - especially about the vino :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Eating Choccy, Crisps, Pork pies and anything else that gets near your mouth, spe******t says its good for you :)

My word to be banned is Spec ial ist why ?????

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

I still think I am being thick!!

trouble is my imagination is putting in letters that arent ladylike .:eek::eek:

need a teaching thread on here.still trying to find the b****y tiger on Chrissies post as well.

good for fuddled and cig damaged brains though.xx

nsd_user663_13112 profile image

I know its very hard to quit smoking once started especially at young age or teenager but if you seriously motivate your self to avoid with this bad habit you should do things that focuses you on one thing for example your hobby or most preferably join any church activities or bible studies. With this you'll be surely hesitant to smoke since you are surrounded with many non smokers. It's hard but this is for your better future and also for your health. This is my simple advice and tips for smokers out there. Hope this can help.

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