Day 6 - Trying not to kid myself... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6 - Trying not to kid myself...

nsd_user663_5411 profile image
20 Replies

...that it's getting any easier. It's still very difficult.

The cravings are slowly disappearing, but the association with the times and places when I used to smoke still trigger the senses and make me think of smoking.

Actually, i thought to myself today that I'm missing smoking. I'm missing the nicotine buzz, I'm missing my friends who kept me company at the smoking shelter and I'm missing the rebellious, sneaking out for a cheeky fag when the boss is away. It's very sad ...but I'm putting it down to my brain still being controlled by the nicotine demons. The little b*ggers are now trying desperate tactics to get me to smoke again, but I'm aware of their ploys and I shall prevail!

Anyway. It's nearly the end of the first week and each day has been an achievement.

(Supersec - hope you're having a good day and you're still going strong! Look forward to hearing from ye)

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nsd_user663_5411 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_4026 profile image

its normal! But try not to feel sad. Rejoice you are not a slave anymore and do not smell like a stinking thing. My husband continued to smoke after I quit and he and my friends would all stand around chuffing away and I would feel most left out. Then I decided I was the winner and became most smug. Triggers will hit you at any time. I recall one of my worst craves was when I was trying to kill a bear in a tomb raider game!

Carry on and remember you are choosing not to smoke. Its the best thing you've ever done and its worth it.

jackieinv profile image

You are doing great well done on your 6 days they will soon mount up, before you know it you will be into double figures and weeks. As we smoked so often and for so many years it takes a bit of time not to think about them but it will happen, promise.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hey but you have reached day 6 which is bloody marvellous! I seriously wish I was on day 6. It's people like you who newbies like me look up to. Well done.

nsd_user663_5392 profile image

Good Afternoon :)

Milner, I could have wrote that post earlier today. I woke up this morning with no motivation at all. I want to hate cigarettes but I don't........yet, and I feel that although Day 6 is a huge achievement, time seems to be going so slow at the moment. I have no patience and I already want to be 6 months down the line.

I am trying to stay positive and thinking that harder it is, the less likely I will be to fall victim again. I'm using these hard times as a reason never, ever to go back. I don't want to do this again. For a few minutes buzz, days like these??? No. Yes, I miss them too, but the feelings of regret I will have if I ever went back to them would far outweigh the feelings I am having at present.

Stick at it. There are no negatives to giving up smoking, only positives. You are grieving for what appears to be an old friend, but which in fact is an arch enemy out to control every waking moment of your life.

Stick with it. :)

nsd_user663_5392 profile image

Hey but you have reached day 6 which is bloody marvellous! I seriously wish I was on day 6. It's people like you who newbies like me look up to. Well done.

That's a lovely post.

nsd_user663_5411 profile image

I quite agree. That is a nice post.

I thought I was just selfishly taking all the help I could get at the moment. But it's good to see that we're helping others while helping ourselves at the same time.

Does anyone else look froward to graduating to the next forum up. I can't wait to get in to the week 2 forum! ...It's like an extra bit of motivation... or maybe I'm just a saddo!


nsd_user663_5356 profile image

Awww well done to you!! It is hard but it does pass. been there so i know. just wish i could convince myself of that at the moment lol

nsd_user663_5411 profile image

Supersec, I just spotted your earlier post.

It might be a Day 6 thing, but you're right, we have to stick at it and keep telling ourselves that we're doing the right thing and that we're proud of ourselves.

I don't have much patience at the moment either and I'm desperate to find that unattainable non-smoker feeling as though I was never a smoker and that smoking has never interested me (If that makes sense).

Your comments are always positive and I'm taking them all on board. So thanks very much for that. You stick at it too, stay positive. You're on the right path and you will succeed.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I'm blushing here:o

I just think that sometimes people on here forget how much they have achieved all on their own. I’m still on Champix day 3 and smoking, I’m scared witless about giving up so reading these threads from the others gives me hope and I think you deserve a pat on the back.

For the record I’m not normally this deep and pathetic:D:p


nsd_user663_5392 profile image

You're on the right path and you will succeed.

We're on the right path and we will succeed. :D

nsd_user663_5411 profile image

ahaaaa, you're bloody right there! Thanks for correcting me.

Have you had any thoughts about tomorrow? ...Friday seems to be intimidating me as it was usually a day where I could relax a little bit at work and get in a few more cigs. I also used to enjoy the after work cigarette on a Friday more than any other day of the week. It was almost like a treat for all my hard work through the week. Does this relate to you? (or anyone)?

I know it's a case of taking each day as it comes and tomorrow should be no different, but I think I'd like to be prepared. It's also a milestone day (7 days) and that worries me for some reason.

Any thoughts?

nsd_user663_5392 profile image

Personally for me, tomorrow is just another day. Fridays at work tend to be no different (apart from having cake in the morning) than any other day. Is there any other way you could reward yourself? Tomorrow will be 1 whole week. Hopefully harder than next week, but a whole lot easier than last week. Are you happier, healthier, richer than you were this time last week?

nsd_user663_5255 profile image

you reward yourself with going out and buying Shoes, shoes are good, shoes make you feel special and if your a guy - well then you buy me shoes :)

Congrats to both of you, I also remember wishing day 6 was month 6 but here I am on day 25! You feel like you are wishing your life away but it feels soooooooooooooooooo good when you get to go up another level.:)

nsd_user663_5392 profile image

you reward yourself with going out and buying Shoes, shoes are good, shoes make you feel special and if your a guy - well then you buy me shoes :)

Congrats to both of you, I also remember wishing day 6 was month 6 but here I am on day 25! You feel like you are wishing your life away but it feels soooooooooooooooooo good when you get to go up another level.:)

lol :D Thanks that made me laugh and oh so true about wishing your life away.

nsd_user663_5411 profile image

Ha haa haaa, that's cheered me up today.

An answer to your question, supersec, You're damn right - I'm definitely happier, healthier and wealthier than I was this time last week! How do you feel today?

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milner and SS :D

You're both doing great and almost a week already keep it going

All the things you're feeling are normal this early in a quit Promise and it does get easier and better the further you go down this road we all teavel to freedom


Marg xxxxxx

nsd_user663_5557 profile image

I am finding day 6 tough. I seem to be obsessed with smoking and with myself. I don't like it one bit


nsd_user663_5372 profile image


Well done, its day 6 for me to and I can relate to what you are saying. I am obsessed with the smoking, would really like one but I won't as I have done so well, but, its tough.

I'm meeting some friends for lunch shortly and will treat myself to something nice. I've been scoffing crackers and cream cheese all week so not good for the waistline LOL.

Good luck, we are getting there.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi KTbird :)

Well done on day 6 almost a week done now

Being obsessed with smoking and yourself is normal at the moment it will pass

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_5557 profile image

that's day 6 done. Thankfully

Hoping for better times soon :(

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