Day 6 Down and Dirty!!!!!: Ahhh day 6, just... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6 Down and Dirty!!!!!

nsd_user663_54559 profile image
11 Replies

Ahhh day 6, just one day shy of a full week. I am so freaking excited !!!

If you had asked me a couple of months or even weeks ago I would have never believed this was possible for me. It’s definitely not easy at all but I think it will be doable. As everyone says it does get easier with each day. It also gets harder too. Sometimes it is like one big roller coaster ride, you have to know when to hold on tight and when to raise your arms and let out a whoop whoop!!!!

I know there will be lots of suck a** hard days ahead lol, but I am hoping that I am indeed growing stronger in my desire to never again be identified as a nasty smoker. I already bought myself a brand new Samsung Galaxy SIII with the savings and I downloaded an app right away that gives me my stats daily as a reminder of the benefits I am receiving Yay!!! :D

When I started this, I was very careful not to look beyond an hour or so because for me that just made it bearable and maybe not quite so daunting. Now I am beginning to feel like maybe one day very soon I will be moving on to…….. :eek: (the dreaded F word is coming) FOREVER !!! Yah I rather like the sound of that.

Happy Day 6 to all my same dayers!

Today, I hope everyone who reads this no matter if you are 1 year in or 1 day in of not smoking - I really hope you will all take a moment to be so freaking proud of yourselves because none of us ever thought we could get even this far but we have haven’t we.

Xoxo ~S

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nsd_user663_54559 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_54584 profile image

Still going too


It's my first post and I also quit New Years Day cold turkey and am on day 6. Have found last couple of days difficult as still keep imagining reaching for a ciggie and also still getting bad cravings at times.

Keep going - you are doing fantastically well as I know how difficult it is!! I am there with you. I am determined that I am not going to smoke again - NOPE!


nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Hi Fluffbuff and welcome. Very well done on getting to day 6, sounds like you are coping well with the gruelling first few days. It will soon start to get easier for you. :)

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

I'm enjoying your recent posts Sherri. Your quit seems to be blasting along, well done.

nsd_user663_54559 profile image

I am not sure about blasting along lol but I am giving it my all. I spent a lot of time before my quit date gearing myself up for it. I picked the quit date back on November 15th which is the US national smokeout day.

It's also the first time I have quit that I really wanted to do it. Makes me a firm believer in the theory that you will never quit until you are ready. Seems to be the case for me. Still having lots of troubles with the habit itself and filling in the time in those moments when I want a smoke but I have really dug my heels in on this one and I just refuse to give in. (which is not the same as moving beyond the addiction, right?)

I was trying to say in my post that I look forward to the day when the switch flips from hanging on to the quit vs. letting go completely of that former identity. Make sense???

Thanks for your encouragement as usual, I really do think this has been the thing that has tipped the scales in my favor. Some folks don't seem to be around the last few days but I guess that happens. I hope they come back or are just busy with other things.

For me.... I will be hangin around this neighborhood for some time to come. Hope you all don't get sick of me by then lol ;)

nsd_user663_25112 profile image


nsd_user663_53202 profile image

I Still having lots of troubles with the habit itself and filling in the time in those moments when I want a smoke but I have really dug my heels in on this one and I just refuse to give in. (which is not the same as moving beyond the addiction, right?)

I was trying to say in my post that I look forward to the day when the switch flips from hanging on to the quit vs. letting go completely of that former identity. Make sense???

I think it's fair to say that that elusive switch is the holy grail of quitting. The difference between the switch and the holy grail is that the switch exists, that people find it, and when they do they no longer have any thought of smoking. In effect they become a never-smoker.

In the mean time, every time we resist the habit, we errode it. Already large parts of my old smoking habit have disappeared - i.e. the thought of smoking does not occur to me first thing in the morning. My guess it that once enough of the habit has gone a kind of tipping point occurs, which equates to the switch. Also, I think the process is facilitated by reading material like Alan Carr, and seeing clearly what a load of nonsense smoking really is!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Way to go Sherri

Sounding as strong and positive as ever.

It's inspiring :)

Grab all the quitters around you and keep marching...the only way is up

Well done



nsd_user663_52845 profile image

P.S made total sense to me.

I believe it is only a matter of time before we find the switch.

Some find it quicker than others, but if we keep taking one day at a time we will ALL find it.

I believe I saw mine briefly the other day, also caught a glimpse of it today too :)

It takes time and many small "events" in our daily lives to confirm our quits to our slowly starts to understand .... hang on....I don't smoke anymore....I don't smoke and I just handled that situation.....coooool! :cool:


nsd_user663_54584 profile image

I have to say that reading all the posts on here over the last few days has helped me get through. It is refreshing to think that I am not on my own. My husband has now given up as well and is on Day 4. Just taking it one day at a time.

nsd_user663_54528 profile image

Well done Sherri, day 6 nearly over for me yippee.

Love reading your up beat funny posts, love your sense of humour :p

Bring on day 7, feel i'm dealing with the cravings really well & it's not getting me down like it has before! oh, & my housework gets done a little more often as well :)

Lots of luck to everyone

Trudy :)

nsd_user663_54559 profile image

Thank you Nifty, Biggrin & fluff57 !!!

I hope you all feel the same way next time I am on here bitching up a storm cuz it will happen only a matter of time.... although I seem to have gotten over the urge to smash the face of Mr smug bf lol !!!

So I went to the mall today to buy a cover for my new Galaxy SIII and wouldn't you just know it, everywhere I looked on the way there and back I would see cars with the window down and that perverbiall one arm hanging out with a butt attached to the end of it. :eek: Aaaarrgghhh !! It was so funny because I just couldn't get away from it. The weird part is when I smoked it felt like I was the only one on the road now I notice all the people still smoking in their cars yuck!!

One of the things that has helped me is I bought a new car last June and right away the BF said (horrified) you're not going to smoke in it are you???? I was like uuummmm well I was planning on it and he said well you're going to ruin it and I am not going to ride with you (did I mention he was smoking then as well) so he guilted me hehe. I smoked one cigarette in that car and suddenly that clean leather yummy smell was gone and it stunk I was horrified because I knew sure as hell I was going to hear the dreaded (I TOLD YOU SO!!! UGH!!!) Well I paid soooo much for the damn thing that I a die hard smoker, never smoked one more butt in that car. I am so glad I did that because now I don't have to get over the whole driving and smoking thing. I know that's a tough one for a lot of folks. Sure as hell was for me and I kept smoking for another 6 months after buying that car driving everywhere about 200 mph just so I could get where I was going and have a bloody cigarette hehehe!!!

Sometimes I laugh so much when I think of the crazy things I have done to smoke. Three days before my quit I actually texted in late to work because I hadn't had my requisite 3 smokes in the morning and I knew I couldn't smoke one on the bloody way in because I don't smoke in the car LMFAO !!!

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