Calling all Feb quitters: Bellablue and I... - No Smoking Day

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Calling all Feb quitters

nsd_user663_4026 profile image
67 Replies

Bellablue and I wondered if we could get ourselves a little club with one of those exciting signatures with all the names of the quitters on. Shout if you fancy it and also of any team names you can think of. So far we have Gin'll Fix it and Team 300.........

Written by
nsd_user663_4026 profile image
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67 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Fiona & Bella

Think it's a great idea for you Feb guys to form a club

Love Margxx

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

Hi Fiona,

I'm in, I'm in

Great idea. :D

Cant think of any good names yet, will have a good think and let you know.;)

Keep me posted on any developments!!!



nsd_user663_3914 profile image

how about :rolleyes: .......... meerkats habbit? or ........ermmmm..... cruising donkey hunters..... tee hee xx

nsd_user663_3914 profile image

Team quiter angels ;)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Valentine quitters. Good luck with it lovely idea.xxxx

ByeByeFags profile image
ByeByeFags10 Years Smoke Free

Im in :D:D:D

nsd_user663_2435 profile image

Sounds great

nsd_user663_3914 profile image

this post has got me thinking.........hmmmm....... the febuary alliance :cool:

...52 pickup crew :D, captain non-smoke and co :p

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

I quite like Norfolk n' good, Born to drink Mild and the Wooden Spoons.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I'm at work and SHOULD NOT be on here right now ;) BUT I have a huge smile on my face now after having read all the great and funny posts in this thread so it was worth logging on :D Have a great and happy SMOKE FREE day :D Man, you guys are fun :D

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

Loving :D

Norfolk n' good ;)

lololol :p

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

there are websites out there (I am such a slacker today at work) who are dedicated to 'wacky' team names!Many are far too rude to grace this site! Get scouring! Its nice to be talking about trivia instead of smoking for once!

nsd_user663_4166 profile image





IVONA HUMPALOTT (LOL....sorry I had to say it...its from Austin

I still love " Norfolk n' good "



nsd_user663_3914 profile image

the thirsty pocket rangers...... ghost town quiters....the greats....the wise 1's

im having fun with this :D

the fag busters.....angels in diguise's......zoo escapees (shhh dont tell any1 were hiding here) :p

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Well done sourlink!!!

...... (shhh dont tell any1 were hiding here) :p

NOW, thats funny!! You just made my night!! :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi S L :D :D

You sound really bright and chipper tonight

Just like the Sourlink we know and love


nsd_user663_4119 profile image

Loving Norfolk n' Good and would love to join the Feb quitters.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

So far

we have....







Norfolk n' good seems to be quite a fav. Off to eat interesting items.

nsd_user663_3914 profile image

well whatever name u choose, good luck to you all, u have my full support :) ,

p.s. i do try fiona glad to make u smile ;)

and thanks marg for cheering me up :D

Have-stopped profile image

Bellablue and I wondered if we could get ourselves a little club with one of those exciting signatures with all the names of the quitters on. Shout if you fancy it and also of any team names you can think of. So far we have Gin'll Fix it and Team 300.........

Count me in too :D


Must-stop Has-stopped

Retired female of 63

Smoked since I was 15

Was smoking 40 cigs a day

Gave up smoking on 11th Feb. 2009

Method - Cold Turkey

nsd_user663_4082 profile image

Great idea!

Count me in too please?!? :)

Rubbish at thinking of things like names, will leave that to you lot :D

nsd_user663_4067 profile image

Count me in, Sandra (bellablue) had told me about this !

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Well.... seems like we got a great team here:










.... may be missing some... just let us know!

Seems like a few of you like 'Northfolk n'good" NO IDEA what does that mean???? :D:D Is that a British show or something...??? I'm okay with whatever you decide but please enlighten me to the meaning! I want us all to be on here in a year, you hear me?!!! That's what matters. So lets vote on the name.... everyone respond ones and we will vote at the end of the thread :D

Here it goes...... I like Team 300 (boring I know.... but what the hell!) :D

nsd_user663_4067 profile image

What about 'The Feb Extinguishers' ?

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I like that, Gstar :D:D

nsd_user663_4067 profile image

Need to call the vote and get us a name once and for all then !! :cool:

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


Here is the list of names.

Gin'll fix it

Team 300

Norfolk n good (It must be said in a north english accent to get the full effect)

Feb extinguishers

Meerkats Habit

Cruising donkey hunters

Team quitter angels

Valentine quitters

52 pick up crew

captain non smoke & co



4 L's

Ivona Humpalott

thirsty pocket rangers

ghost town quitters

the great wise 1s

the fag busters

angels in disguise

zoo escapes

All put one you like and we can do a countup tomorrow. Thanks guys, I have really enjoyed this little dalliance!

ByeByeFags profile image
ByeByeFags10 Years Smoke Free

Feb extinguishers

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

Team Name

mmmmmmmmmmmm let me see!!!

I like "Norfolk n good" thought it was very funny.:D

I also like the "Feb extinguishers" cause we all extinguished or last cigg in Feb.:)

I also like:

zoo escapes

the great wise 1s

the fag busters

52 pick up crew

captain non smoke & co

Team 300

Cruising donkey hunters

ohhhhhhhhh decisions, decisions. :confused: :rolleyes:

and the winner for me is:

Feb extinguishers

cmsmith20 profile image

can I join too please??????????????? :) dont get on the site much but it helps when I do. Took me a while to realise what the norfolk one was all about DUH!!! :confused: Think maybe my brain needs a bit of waking up.. Well done to all of us febs

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Thats great! The more the merrier! But you have to cast your vote........

nsd_user663_3827 profile image

i'm in too,

bit late to vote but whatever is fine by me xx

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Am I too late? Too many "Wimmin" David

nsd_user663_4067 profile image


nsd_user663_4149 profile image

lords and Ladies Leaping. (Leap Year)

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Now, thats put a spanner in the works! Feb extinguishers was mine I thought. Now lords and ladies leaping makes a show!!! Suggest we let this run over the weekend then do a count up Monday....????

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

lords and Ladies Leaping. (Leap Year)

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh very good David!!!!!!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Check out the snazzy signature all you febers. Cav very kindly told me how to do it. You go up to User CP (top left) (on your page) and click that. On the left hand side you'll see a list of options. From there you'll be able to access your sig and adjust as so required. You should just be able to cut and paste the names bit of my signature, I have put to be confirmed but I am very taken with the leaping one!!

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

Loving it Fiona and sooooo many of us. :D

I'm really taking with Davo's "Lords and Ladies Leaping" :rolleyes:

Very catchy ;)

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

Check out the snazzy signature all you febers.

Loving it Fiona and sooooo many of us. :D

I'm really taken with Davo's "Lords and Ladies Leaping" :rolleyes:

Very catchy ;)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Well done boys and girls you willmake a great team :D :D



NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Gilmour,

Well done on the almost 1 month quit.

All the best


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Thanks Fi for getting the list going!!

Does anyone else like the "fag busters" one?? Anyway, several of you liked

"Lords and Ladies Leaping"

another one people liked was

"February Extinguishers"

and then the

"Norfolk..." one.... so every one post their favorites and we'll count them say Sunday and decide!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

And welcome, Gilmore!! :D

nsd_user663_4081 profile image

'Doing fine since Feb '09'

'The Fag Free Feb Crew'

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Rebecca.... I LOVE that one!!

'Doing fine since Feb '09'


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Just moving the post back up so people remember to vote!

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

team name!!!

Sooooooooooooo many great team names.

I keep changing my mind.:confused:

Then a late runner came in with 'Doing fine since Feb '09'

Loving this name now......ohhhhhhhhh I dont know :rolleyes:

My vote is for 'Doing fine since Feb '09':D

and I am not going to change my mind again .....I think;)



nsd_user663_4149 profile image

My watch was a year slow.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I agree! I vote for 'Doing fine since Feb '09' :D:D

A few more votes please!!

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

I vote for "To be Confirmed" David

nsd_user663_4312 profile image

Doin fine since feb 09- like that one


nsd_user663_4026 profile image


I quite liked that too! (I also liked the United Octopus Garglers!) But I think Doin fine is the winner! Are you still hiding in the IT room??

Shall officially amend the signature and message to all so they can add it to their signature. Have also added you bluedog .

nsd_user663_4312 profile image

Hi Fiona,

Hope you're doin fine today. x


nsd_user663_4026 profile image


I was just hunting for you to see how you were doing, you beat me to it!! I am doing much better today. How are you??

Fi xx

nsd_user663_4055 profile image

hi gave up 8th feb sounds a good idea

nsd_user663_4312 profile image


I was just hunting for you to see how you were doing, you beat me to it!! I am doing much better today. How are you??

Fi xx

Hi Fiona

Not too bad today. Keeping it under control better but one of my colleagues gave me a hug and the flood gates opened!

What a numpty!

Anyway you sound much better today thankfully :-) are you?

Thanks for adding me to the signature x

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Am on top of the world! Coming out of that last crave was good as I now know I can beat anything thats thrown at me by the addiction! Have sent you a message, you can cut and paste the team and add it to your sig. xx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I added Lorraine67 to our signature.... cut and paste guys!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Mr Black

I have PM'd you. Maybe the reference was a little too subtle, or I am expecting too much.....

Ms Cox

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Yes. But the butterfinger bar is still in question. Maybe if you wrap it in some Floor Layers Trouser 5223 it could become less of a health and safety liability.

That may be a bit remote. I am unsure if I got the correct bit.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Mr B

If i get a line through my name due to unauthorised spamming of snickers safety clothing I will be forced to take legal action of some sort. I have googled all subtle references and am sad to say I have come up short. There has been a recall of hershy bars due to peanut butter suppliers contamination . Snickers were deemed to be safe. Is it too leftfield i wonder? Please. a clue.

nsd_user663_4368 profile image

Bellablue and I wondered if we could get ourselves a little club with one of those exciting signatures with all the names of the quitters on. Shout if you fancy it and also of any team names you can think of. So far we have Gin'll Fix it and Team 300.........

belleblue and fiona, great great idea getting a team together. Wish I had stopped in Feb!

Please can I use "doing fine since March 09" ????????

You should start your own 09 website. With team per month and compete against them.

(I can am a web developer and can assist you if there is enough support)

let me know and thanks for inspiring me.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Give up Mr B.

Do you like my sig? I took your advice. Yvettes is indeed the best though!

I can only come up with Marathon Man. It must be incorrect. I bow to your superior hidden clues and suggest we move the game to the general topic to give everyone a go!

Mrs C

Also, well done Ands and please take whichever name you wish!

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

BB, I personally dont care too much about the groups name, its nice and all that but I cant get worked up or peeved about it.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

You "Doing Fine Since Feb '09" Quitters .. how many of you are just a teensy bit peeved by the "Doing Fine Since March '09" lot .. I mean - it's just rhyming Fine with Nine - it could go on all year - how dull would that be ?

Imagine if there were 12 teams from last year, all "Doing Great since <month> '08" .. see what I mean?

And, "We're in Heaven in <month> '07" ..and so on ...

I also think - and no, Mods, not having a pop at a new member, far from it - but something very odd about "Ands", who started that team off - very odd - supposedly a web designer, but no concept of receiving replies to his own messages, posted 6 or 7 messages all over the place within 1/2 hr of arriving, the day before he allegedly quit, then hasn't been seen since .. something doesn't smell right, to me ...

Shit.... I had such a bad day..... and second time tonight laughing tears..... may not be in the mood to post but heck, BB..... thanks for cheering me up :D:D:D

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Probably just hysterical now..... but still laughing. :D:D

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