When's the MMQ Crew Party????: :D:D:D, I'm an... - No Smoking Day

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When's the MMQ Crew Party????

nsd_user663_4398 profile image
25 Replies


I'm an early bird................The Music is Starting.........

Join in when ya ready..........:cool:

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nsd_user663_4398 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_4421 profile image

OK OK I'M' here

Right.... I have had a bit of a mad day!!! I have been out to watch footie!!

( can't believe bar steward rovers won !!! )) grrrrrrrrrrrr BUT that didn't make me smoke :D...... Then I went to Asda to do a bit of shopping for my camping hols :rolleyes: ( well beer shopping ) and then I went to McDonalds to get mine and kids tea!! """""" GRRRRRRRRRR """"""""""""""""" I have just nearly been arrested for that !!!!!

We goes to the drive threw!!! " hi can I order... blaaaa blaaaa blaaaa and 6 BBQ sauce and 4 Red sauce!! " ...... " yes... thankyou... go to window 2 !" so we goes to the next window.... and we recieves the food!!! with only 2 BBQ sauce!! I said " excuse me... I have paid for 6 BBQ and only received 2 ! " ...silly cow at counter ,...... " yes.. you have to pay for the rest.... "............ " yes I have paid for the rest... " .. she said " prove it!! " I said " don't get cocky with me ya little bitch!!! ..... I can prove it !!! that's what a receipt is for" :(............. silly cow then grunts at me then brings me the other BBQ sauces that I had bought!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....!!!! so I shouted !!!! " get a proper job ya silly bitch".... and I am really not proud of that BUT!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ right... gonna go and finish my milk shake now and calm down!!! SORRY ABOUT THE RANT !!!... be back to party in a while ;)

nsd_user663_4418 profile image

I said " don't get cocky with me ya little bitch!!!

PMSL !!!!

I'm going to make pop corn to bring to the party ;)

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

Haha funny slinky:

Slinky - nic + hassle = attitude

You know I'm kidding :p

I get frustrated by things like that. Someone turn the music up :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Slinky :D

Oh dear sounds like you had a rough time with McDonalds as you say grrhhhhhh why don't people listen amd do their jobs right

See you Later


Don't you turn the music to loud you'll have the neighbours moaning



nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Lovin the new sig Raddleman. Music BLARIN........must be what rattled BlbleBlacks cage......ouch, who threw that empty beer can???:mad:

Greg....you shoulda been here with the popcorn by now...............you only along the M8 in Livvy. x x x

nsd_user663_4317 profile image

Ooooooo McDonalds *slavvers* needs fooood *in homer voice*

This no smoking lark is no good for your waistline and we'll all be at anger management by the end of April but heyho its worth it :D

Crank up the choonz:cool:

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

SORRY KIDS!!!! I must seem like a right party pooper!! BUT i'm trying to dance and pack the car ready for camping tomoz!!!! BUT in about 20 mins, I'll be done packing, then I'm all yours!!!!! SOME ONE GET ME A LARGE DRINK IN!!!! :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

While that someones at it they can fill my glass as well

OH THANKS Mmmmmmm that's nice

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Haha this party seems to have gone down like a lead balloon:p

Somebody put YMCA on the stereo quickly before everybody retreats to their respective beds:D

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

LOTTIE!!!!!:eek: PLEASE do not put YMCA on!!! I cannot resist a YMCA dance!! and it will be REAL BAD!!

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Its fun to stay at the......Y M C A.....(lottie sings whilst doing the dance!)

Slinky, has everyone ditched for a better party somewhere else???:p

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

Its fun to stay at the......Y M C A.....(lottie sings whilst doing the dance!)

Slinky, has everyone ditched for a better party somewhere else???:p

what better party than this one!!!!!!??? **** everyone... move away from the bar!! I need a drink ***** god this party is packed ;)

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Seriously, people are bypassing this party, nobodys interested

*lottie takes down the decorations and starts packing the paper cups and plates away*

haha fine, I'm not bothered, that just means I don't have to share any of the drink I brought with anyone!!!..........all the more green tea for me:p

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

OMFG>....... :( what a FLOP!! I'm officially sulking now :(

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Do you think official invatations should be sent out next time and make it mandatory that everyone RSVPs and if they don't, they don't get a goody bag at the end of the night:p

Gosh now I'm getting sleepy hehe:p:p

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

lmao!!! they don't deserve a bloody bag!! little sh*ts :D:D

Talking of sleepy!! I'm kind of holding my eyes open with match sticks here :D

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

haha you talk about them like they're naughty little kiddies:p

We may have to reschedule the party for another night.

I'm off for a bit, might pop back in a while to see if anyone is about, if not will chat to you tomorrow:D


nsd_user663_4062 profile image

*turns up to find everyone has left MMQ HQ* :mad:

Hey what's the deal here?!

What we could really do with is an irc channel, for instant messaging. Or for all of us to get each others msn. It would be chat-ological.

I just had a really close shave...no, that's it, I just used my gillette. Lol. Better for gemma to see me lovely and smooth tomorrow. :)

Well I'll probably be on for while, so if anyone wants to party down, I'm here. :rolleyes:

Keep on trucking folks,

Love P. x

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Is the party still on, Igot a large drink (vodka and coke), first time drinking without a fag and it feels sooooo good! Just need some good music and the night is perfect!


nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Tee Total

Hi Tracy

Not had a drink since I quit, not attempted that trigger yet, but will be next weekend This is 4 weekends with a tipple..... "Dont drink, Dont smoke What do I do" thats Adam Ants song ha ha:p Kaz

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

Hey tracy, thanks for adding me ;).

Yeah, that's good that you can enjoy a drink without the death sticks.

*takes tracy for a spin round the room*

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Wow, dont spin so fast, or is that just the drink, hang on a minute, while i pur another, didnt think i could manage to have a drink without caving in, but hey it isnt as bad as you think, in fact im sure the drink is stronger, oh well lets have another, (clinks glass) toast to the MMQ crew , party on!:D:D

nsd_user663_4317 profile image

woop woop!!!!:p

refill please

cheers :D

nsd_user663_4317 profile image

What happened * bottom lip starts to tremble * big sniff* where did everybody go??:confused:

*Ange staggers about looking for said mates* *double sniff**

Ah well one thing to really celebrate I'm on my 26th day now werhoodedoodledoo!!!!:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Angela :D

26 days eh almost to the 1 month milestone well done you


Marg xxxxxxxx

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