Day 6 - Really Down: Hi everyone, i quit last... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6 - Really Down

nsd_user663_4334 profile image
30 Replies

Hi everyone, i quit last week after nearly a 20 yr habit, i am currently under my nurse who advised me to use the 24 hour patches..and i just dont feel happy at all i am soo down, my sleeping pattern is awful i am just basically not sleeping i dont know if this is due to the patches,did or does anyone else feel this way, i am constantly on the verge of crying.

i am married with 2 children, my husband also smokes but he is smoking well out of the way of me(outside),, i know i am gonna do this but i just want these feelings to go away. Im just finding it so hard.

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nsd_user663_4334 profile image
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30 Replies
nsd_user663_4197 profile image

rach, well done on getting to day 6 you are doing brilliantly. sorry to hear that you are feeling so down. but you have done the best thing by posting on here. theres so many people to offer excellent help, support and advise. wait for the responses they will really help

and heres a big hug from me xxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Just Rach :)

Well done on day 6 all the things you describe are fairly common to us quitters especially in the early days but I promise you it does get easier and you are almost through the first and worst week of your quit Have a read of this I think it will help

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4334 profile image

Thank-you moog and margareth, yeh i will check them links out. , i am pleased that i have come to the 6th day, Its just so hard.

This-Time profile image

Hi Rach,

Welcome and well done on achieving 6 days!

I am also having restless nights, but apparently this is normal so don't worry. It may be worth going back to your nurse to discuss things further.

I have a friend who used the patches at night and had lots of mad dreams!

Just keep going and if you need to cry just have a good cry!

TT x

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hi there,

I started on the patches at night as I was a confirmed early morning smoker. I did not think I could wake up without a patch. I got dreams of hippos chasing me and all kinds of oddities. My sleep pattern was rubbish and I would wake up at all times. I ended up taking the patch off about 9pm then putting another on when I woke up. The restless nights got better and the dreams did too, though quitting can affect sleep anyway, without the patches.

The quit affects everyone differently but I would hazzard a gues that if you are not sleeping you will also be feeling low from that too. Some posts suggest nytol as an answer. Keep going, you are doing really well. xx

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

I threatened to punch my boyfriend last week in my sleep, I did kind of overdose on nrt though in the first few days it was very strange!!

you are doing really well and these things will pass. hang on in there!

nsd_user663_4334 profile image

Thanks This Time.. yeh the nights are just horrible,i am so tired. By looking you have just quit also, how are you coping?

Think im gonna go back see the nurse either today or tomorrow.. just had a fone call of my sister giving me support which is nice,im just gonna have to percivere (think thats how you spell it )

nsd_user663_4334 profile image

thanks again moog, glad i came accross this site and im not the only one going through this horrible time.

i went to a christening on sunday and survived not going out side with the smokers, but i did actually nearly punch my husband for nipping out every few minutes,, cant believe i used to be like that up until last week.

nsd_user663_4334 profile image

thanks fionacox, yeh i was also confirmed an early morning smoker, im probably gonna have to change to the 16 hour patches or just take these ones of when i go to bed, yeh i have also had some weird dreams

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

thanks again moog, glad i came accross this site and im not the only one going through this horrible time.

i went to a christening on sunday and survived not going out side with the smokers, but i did actually nearly punch my husband for nipping out every few minutes,, cant believe i used to be like that up until last week.

yep rach I think I convinced myself I didnt smell so bad when Id been for a fag but its actually really disgusting. the smelly coat at work reminds me aswell, think Im going to spray it with febreeze as it is really offensive!!

hang in there x

This-Time profile image

Hi Rach,

Yes I'm on Day 7 and not doing too badly although I have had my moments, especially at those times when my body expects a fag. I have found that coffee helps, which probably adds to the extra energy and sleepless nights!

Anyhow I am taking one day at a time and have adopted Candowilldo's mantra; 'I will not be controlled by a plant!!'

Good luck and just keep going a little bit at a time.

What was it Ghandi said, every journey begins with a single step.

TT xx

nsd_user663_4297 profile image

I don't know if this applies to many others, but I'm on day 7 and so is a close friend of mine. By day 7 I'm down to 2 - or at the most 3 - 2mg lozenges; she can't cope with anything less than 21mg patches. Yet I was on yellow Camels 1ppd for 15 years, she was on Silk Cut (2-5 a day) for 2 or 3. It ought to be the other way round.

The only sense I can make out of it is that using lozenges (and treating the stated dose as a maximum, rather than a target) helps you find a natural level. If you keep 21mg a day going in then surely that's what the body will continue to want.

Personally, I am finding it actively helpful to experience cravings and challenge them, either with a lozenge or a doughnut or cleaning my teeth or drinking a pint of sparkling water or sucking on a mint and pretending it's a lozenge, rather than being permanently sedated by a drip-feed. What's more, there's an open packet of cigarettes here still, on top of the kitchen unit - so the challenge from them is a constant one, and not one which applies only when I fill the car with petrol or go for a pint of milk. Mornings I cope with by having a different ringtone for the alarm, setting it 14 minutes earlier (not on an hour or half hour, so my brain has to process what the clock says), having fruit juice instead of coffee (hot drinks were a big trigger for me, so I only have them under close supervision) and other tweaks to the routine like that.

The more I read about patches, the more I become convinced that they're great at filling a hole but do absolutely nothing to address the mental challenge of becoming free from cravings. As far as I can see, the only way to do that is to face each one and choose for myself whether to beat it away or suck a lozenge.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Just Rach..... just hang in there.... go day by day, read and post, stay busy...... but few good suggestions. My sleep patterns were messed up for a good months and then all was back to normal except I was a non-smoker..... a very happy non-smoker. Give it some time.... you smoked for years, it doesn't just all go away in a couple of days.... AND trust me..... when you kick it, you will be proud, and your OH will wish it was him. Good luck to you!

nsd_user663_4334 profile image

Thanks for all the messages guys, it does make me feel loads better. I took my patch of 1 hour before bed last night and did manage to have a better nights sleep thankfully. I have now aproached week 1 and really do feel proud of myself, its just the downess,i did have a bit of a strop at my daughters this morning which i feel so guilty now, but i think they do understand what im going through and soon i should be back to myself.

Once again thanks guys, and i will keep posting my progress x

nsd_user663_4356 profile image

day 6 also but failing

Hi there,

I sympathise...big time....I too am on day 6, my husband is so proud, my son is delighted, i'm just fed up!!

Day 3 was awful, day 4 i felt on top of the world, yesterday wasn't so good and i spent all night waking up thinking about cigarettes and i fell off the wagon about an hr ago...have had 3 cigs and am gutted ( so will my boys be) Tried to get an emergency appointment with my nurse but nowt doing till next week, aaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhh, i don't want to be a failure.

Mostly i'm quite positive but sometimes i think god why am i putting myself through this, it's so hard, it's all consuming sometimes, i get quite panicky, moody etc. When will it ever feel great?

please help....want to do this , really really

thanks in advance!!!

40 a day smoker, have smoked since i was 11, nearly 40!!

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Hi doris I really feel for you but dont give up hope I havent, I went just over two weeks and fell on Wednesday and couldnt get to see the nurse. I did get an appointment to see my dr today and I am going to ask about champix and will stop again even if he doesnt let me have them. I am so determind to stop that I am suprised I fell like I did.

Big hugs to you and as everyone says keep trying and read as much as you can loads of links on peeps sigs X

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Don't let it get you down. The fact you tried means you really want to, and if you really want to it means you just need to get yourself into the mental place where you can accept that there may be craves and ride them. It can be hard sometimes, god knows I have had a few near misses, but. It can be done. A positive look on these craves and lots of reading the links should help. I found someone quoted something I use alot in my head. When I have a crave, instead of thinking 'i can't smoke, i'm not allowed a fag' I instead tell myself I am 'choosing not to smoke'. It seems to help that addicts mentalilty of mine.Are you going ct or nrt? xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Dippydoris :)

So sorry you slipped but you're not the first and won't be the last have a read of this I think it may help you

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4356 profile image


Thanks guys for your messages,

I was on patches, then went ct......ooh it was hard!!!

As i said, i fell off the wagon last Friday, went to my doc yesterday who has prescribed me champix, so fingers xd this time. Not too sure when the drugs kick in tho and when i won't feel like one anymore....will keep you posted.


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

good for you. There are a good few experts on champix here, but I am not one of them! Look forward to seeing you post again soon xx

nsd_user663_4334 profile image

Hi Doris, sorry you gave in but good luck again,, im still of them, think im on day 13, its so hard, 1 minute im happy then next im down and actually crying.... im just taking each day as it comes, like now i am craving so i have came to post on here lol,, im on my 2nd day without patches also, im telling myself that i have got a patch on but actually i havnt lol.

Good luck and everyone on this forum is right behind so glad i came across this forum x

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


day two of none patches will be a craving day! And day three. Then its gone. You are now just feeling the physical withdrawel. BB used the trick of cutting them down. I copied that and came off at three weeks. Still felt a bit of a physical hit but not as much. Don't be tricked into thinking it will never get better. It will. I think!! I am sure!!

nsd_user663_4337 profile image

Hi just rach, really brilliant you have got to day 13, im only on day 2 ,and im on 24hr patches and i take mine off around 9pm and have slept ok , i had problems sleeping before giving up the cigs so know how it can make you feel, just try relax whenever you can. have hot bath and listern to some relaxing have done fantastic !!

come on here when ever you can everyone is so supportive.

my husband smokes still and has no intentions of packing up. He smells horrible when he comes back in the house Ha Ha.enough to put anyone off going back to that....Stay strong you can do it !!:D love ali x

nsd_user663_4334 profile image

Hi alison,, thanks for message..yeh my husband still smokes too, but he is thinking about giving up but he will need a hell of a lot of support lol...he gets in from work each day and says to me 'brilliant you have done another day' so this is giving him intention to quit but i dont know when this will also finding that he stinks of smoke urghhh cant believe im saying this now ..

Also well dont to you also, you will be day 3 now, things are getting easier for me now, i dont even have the urge first thing on a morning when i get up and have me coffee, still get the cravings but i just log on here and type when i do or i just potter in the garden lol..

Good luck you can do it :D xx

nsd_user663_4356 profile image

Hi Guys,

Am on the 3rd day of my champix now....i start taking 2 tablets from tonight so will keep u all posted, am still smoking but that's ok? Tuesday is when i double the dose and stop but i should feel like i don't want one before then...well, i'm still waiting for that bit to happen!!!! Well done all of you staying off the cigs...i'll be there next week, craving and crying etc etc no doubt, but now must get some work done

dippydoris xxx

nsd_user663_4166 profile image

Hi Dippydoris,

Dont know anything about champix but I would like to say good luck and keep positive ;)



nsd_user663_4402 profile image

Help me!!!

Hi guys

Right story is... I quit last week on the 18th of March and I lasted six whole days then on Tuesday(day 7) I gave in:mad:

I have recently had to move back in with my parents who are both smokers and smoke 20-30 a day each in the house which does not help and I have been smoking myself for 13 years! I am only 23! I have tried so many times and really want this one to be it! before it is too late as I am now watching my mum who is not even 50 yet! suffer from a long list of health problems - most (if not all) smoking related....the past three days I have not been able to get through without having a ciggerette and it is really getting me down...I feel so pathetic but cant seem to stop myself from giving in... heard about this and thought I would try it...If anyone can give me some advice to help push me back on track I would be most greatfull:o

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Kelu :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Sorry you had a slip after 6 days but really pleased you're going to carry on as B B says it must be hard for you with parents who are quite heavy smokers

You are not pathetic at all so get that idea right out of your head lots of us have many failed quits behind us it's not just you I failed so many times I lost count, then decided to have one more try and Bingo it worked with the aid of champix and the people on this forum

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4361 profile image

Thanks guys for your messages,

I was on patches, then went ct......ooh it was hard!!!

As i said, i fell off the wagon last Friday, went to my doc yesterday who has prescribed me champix, so fingers xd this time. Not too sure when the drugs kick in tho and when i won't feel like one anymore....will keep you posted.


hi dippydoris

i there iam on champix as ive tried for 4 years to give up and failed every time so i started on the 13th march on the 0.5mg for 3 days then upto 0.5mg twice aday after a week you go upto 1mg twice a day but iam only taking 1mg a day

when i took my 1st tablet on friday 13th 650am had my 1st fag at 710am and the fag tasted sh++ so i had about 4fags that day 2nd 3rd day had about 3 fags was realy going off smoking then then the next couple of days i thought i would just try one to see if there better they where very sh++ now so it got to a point where i thought there that bad i realy dont want one now and still dont want one so the tablets are working very well had a few days where i had some craving but for the 2 days not had any and feel great

but in the first week i felt ill dizzy but in the second week feel myself if it was not for the champix i would not off quit

i hope they do work for you and if you have any more questions please pm me and id be more than happy to help you

all the very best if i can do it anyone can



nsd_user663_4356 profile image

champix help


Thanks for your message, it's come at the right time. I was given the Champix last week and took one 0.5 for the first 3 days, then one of those twice a day until yesterday when i took a 1mg in the morning and another one when i went to is supposed to be my quit day but i have to be very honest here.........when am i not meant to want to smoke anymore?? Apart from feeling sick this morning which only lasted about 30 mins, nothing else is happening.....HELP!!!!!! I'm not sure what i'm meant to feel or when i should be feeling it...any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.


Doris xx

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