3 quick tips for you...: The following is an... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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3 quick tips for you...

nsd_user663_3633 profile image
18 Replies

The following is an extract from Allen Carr's "easy way" book.

From Chapter 6 "Nicotine addiction"

You know that feeling when a neighbour’s burglar alarm has been ringing all day, or there has been some other minor, persistent aggravation. Then the noise suddenly stops - that marvellous feeling of peace and tranquility is experienced. It is not really peace but the ending of the aggravation.

Before we start the nicotine chain, our bodies are complete. We then force nicotine into the body, and when we put that cigarette out and the nicotine starts to leave, we suffer withdrawal pangs - not physical pain, just an empty feeling. We are not even aware that it exists, but it is like a dripping tap inside our bodies. Our rational minds do not understand it. They do not need to. All we know is that we want a cigarette, and when we light it the craving goes, and for the moment we are content and confident again just as we were before we became addicted. However, the satisfaction is only temporary because, in order to relieve the craving, you have to put more nicotine into the body. As soon as you extinguish that cigarette the craving starts again, and so the chain goes on. It is a chain for life - UNLESS YOU BREAK IT.

And the following is from Whyquit...

The Law of Addiction....

"Administration of a drug to an addict will cause reestablishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance. No matter how long it has been since the addict stopped using the substance"

My thoughts on it.

The Allen Carr passage just makes sense to me - the whole book doesn't if I am honest, but there are sections that really do make sense to my mind.

The law of addiction has been very important to me. An ex-smoker (who is also free of nicotine) who lapses and has a puff (or takes nicotine another way) will have to go through the initial withdrawal again or maintain his addiction.

Finally - also from Allen Carr...

There is a chapter in his book called "The advantages of being a smoker".

The following 2 pages are blank.

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nsd_user663_3633 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stuart

I also read this book and only parts of it made sense to me as well glad to know it's not just me :D

Thought i was just being thick

nsd_user663_3881 profile image

The book made sense when I read it some years ago, it did stop me smoking but then I stupidly started again BECAUSE I THOUGHT I WAS CLEVER and could manage the odd one or two cigarettes without being an addict. Now I know nicotine doesn't work like that. At week 8 I've just had a really bad couple of days and although I can't stand the smell of cigarettes now or even looking at them being smoked I keep thinking about ciggies and what it would be like to have one - I know damn well what it would be like so why does my stupid brain not stop thinking about them and get on with something more productive. Rant done - off to the gym to take it out on something!

nsd_user663_3881 profile image

Sorry, should have said at week 3 - I should be so lucky to be at week 8 yet but it will come!

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

I hope the session at the gym has helped Biddy!

The tips are very good - I have never read Alan Carr but have seen some snippets like those. I think reading all sorts of information about the addiction to nicotine has really helped me. Even though I am only on Day 23 I feel quite different to when I have attempted to quit before.

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

I read Allen Carr just over a year ago and quit for 8 days, then my husband came home and I started smoking again. Tried reading the book again, even got the easy way for women version (yes, there is one), but I never really got it again, agreed with everying he said, but it didn't get me to stop.

To stop, I think you have to really, really want to. I didn't enjoy the last 2/3months of smoking, never a day went by without thinking, I don't want to do this, I hated the smell, was washing my hands constantly and wrapping myself up in hats and coats to pop out in the rain for one. How enjoyable is that?? Told the kids i'm just feeding the cats, gonna have to explain one day that you only need feed them twice a day, and not the twenty times they think I was, LOL.

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Hi lozza - I think you are dead right about actually really WANTING to quit being the key to this.

I didn't want to smoke at all in the last couple of months when I was smoking. I was determined to stop in the new year because I was literally SICK of smoking! SICK of spending money on it, SICK of worrying about my health and SICK of smelling like a bl**dy ashtray!

I am now so relieved I have managed to quit. I just wish I'd done it years ago!

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Hi Stuart

Only recently started reading the book, but felt that i needed something to help keep me focus, there are lots of interesting bits that i have picked up on in his book, especially the one you have quoted above, but equally some of it is a bit hard to grasp.



nsd_user663_3845 profile image

I got most of the book ok, and everything in it is relevant, just got bored with it, I think it's a bit long, I also took the option of not reading the last bit so I didn't actually have to stop :rolleyes:

Biddy, I'm with you, I keep thinking 'what will it be like?' I too know it will feel like a relief for 1, maybe 2 draws, then a huge anti climax, followed by a feeling of total disappointment, followed by years of smoking fags that you know you could've done without if you'd thought a bit longer before lighting that one. I know all this but still think at times that a fag would be the best experience in the world.. it's the monkey ba5tards at their work :mad:


lell profile image


Hello all,

I've finally decided to bite the bullet on no smoking day myself & I have various products to help but I'd just like to say that my hubby gave up with the help of Alans Carr's DVD. He found it easier going than the book as he could just put it on whenever he found himself weakening as it's only an hour long - he's been stopped for a year now (& is hell to live with at times - though he'd never admit it!!)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Lell

Well done on your decision to quit

well done to your hubby on 1 year quit

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Hi Lell

well done on making the decision to quit, and welcome to the forums.

I have read Alan Carrs book and found that to be a huge help to me, also these forums hve played a huge part in my quit going so well.

Post often and let us know how it is going when you do quit. I also am a terrible ex smoker....can not believe i went around smelling so bad of nicotine for so long ><

Good Luck



nsd_user663_4063 profile image

:) for real... i am an addict and i stopped smoking 33 days ago with NO meds.. but today i bought NRT i havent used it.. because I am afraid of becoming addicted to them

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

jodie,,you went 33 days c/t,so why would you went to use NRT you have done so well with out them,,be strong so very strong jodie,,i promise you that you will get there ,,you will ,,,so you just keep the faith tony

keep:D:D:D and be strong

nsd_user663_3282 profile image


I had this great post that disappeared into the ether 'cos my computer server is being a bit slow tonight.

Are you still with us 'cos if you are I'll put it together again.

Congrats on 33 days - that's fantastic.


nsd_user663_4063 profile image

I am still here...:p

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I am still here...:p

Excellent, and this time I'm going to do you some justice by calling Jodio. Having said that I'm going to be a bit cheap in that I posted a reply to somebody else and the same thoughts were going through my head. So pardon me if this sounds too repetitive:

"It is difficult and some of us go through loads of 'dress rehearsals'. I did 31 years smoking and jokingly say 30 of them trying to stop...some small degree of that is true. Now got 13 months done and it's great. But the first few days were difficult for me. Then when I got through that, the next few days were difficult. I just couldn't understand what was the issue as I'd spent so much time planning this quit knowing it was the one....only because I was going to force it to be THE one.

The missing part was understanding it all and you'll know that we advocate TDKJohn's Read, Read, Read mantra. It's true! Get on top of this shit and understand it. Educating yourself to what's happening takes you a huge distance towards getting a successful quit. I'm not saying it's the 'magic bullet' but does help and really what have you got to lose by giving it a shot?"

Back to talking directly to you Jodio. Why do you want to put nicotine back into your system? Is it hard for you? Using patches possibly may not be the direction you wish to go. So try other things....and you could do worse by joining and continuing to post on this forum, discussing and reading the specific issues that we are all going through. Well actually when I say 'we' I've got on top of my quit. Help yourself to get there too.

You CAN do it Jodio,


nsd_user663_4063 profile image

:o Wow.. Cavalier.. What inspiring words.. I almost feel ashamed that I thought about using NRT.. but i havent.. i put them in a draw not even opened.. but its funny.. once i had them in the house.. i havent had a craving.. its all mind over matter.. I know that they are there if i need them.. so i feel better about that... just like i say i didnt quit smoking i just am NOT smoking Thanks

nsd_user663_3282 profile image


My turn to be humbled by your kind words :o

Great stuff that in some small way I'm helping you with your journey. There are others who also approached their quit by stating the exact same...that they are NOT smoking at that present time. In point of fact, there a lot of comments from a lot of members contained within the 4 cyber walls of this forum. Loads of interesting facts and figures. Some great jokes and even better hilarious interactions by past members. But you'll also find some squabbling too. Hey, it's an adult world we populate and them's the breaks. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Stick around and do some digging. There's a search facility up 3rd from the right and that'll help as we sadly don't have anything as helpful as a sticky section.

Keep on keepin' on,


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