To be addicted.......: Hi all. Iwas just... - No Smoking Day

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To be addicted.......

nsd_user663_2988 profile image
20 Replies

Hi all. Iwas just wondering whether anyone saw that programme on BBC2 looking into whether addiction actually exists or if it is just an excuse for bad behaviour? Well I Sky+ it and watched it yesterday. It was very interesting and a psychologist has been shunned by his collegues in America for suggesting that addiction does not exist. He reckons that it is a word used to excuse behaviour, and because we choose to continue this behaviour e.g. smoking, heroin, gaming or ****ography, it means that we are weak willed and selfish individuals. Because we label whatever it is as an 'addiction' we are therefore making it a disease. It was really interesting, and I have to say that I agree with him. He thinks that any behaviour, we just grow out of it when we are ready. I honestly believe that you will only succeed in stopping smoking if you really want to do it regardless of what aids or NRT you use, and yes, maybe I have grown out of it. I have grown out of all my other unwanted behaviours (and believe me there have been a few!) I have often thought to myself, well how did I manage to stop that so easily, and the answer was that I was ready to. It's all starting to make sense!

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 11 hours, 1 minute and 5 seconds (14 days). I have saved £43.22 by not smoking 144 cigarettes. I have saved 12 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 01/04/2008 22:00

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nsd_user663_2988 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I wish I'd have caught that prog Tash. It sounds interesting.

Not too sure about the addiction thing not being 'real' though. I think addiction does exist. Although I agree with you wholeheartedly that to put an end to a particular behaviour you really do have to want to stop. If not, it will be one constant battle.

Hey, maybe I can catch it on Sky Anytime? Either on the +box or their site. Failing that, BBC i-player!

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I saw this and did not agree with the "expert" stating that addiction was a selfish and self inflicted ailment for the weak willed.

Also - the argument in the programme was really on defining addiction as also applying to activities non-substance based (computer games, gambling etc).

They are strong biological proof showing that the brain respond to the stimuli whether substance based or activity based by releasing chemicals. So (in my view) addiction is very real.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

I dont beleive in addiction being someones weak will. my son is an alcoholic nothing tells me his addiction is not real. when he was drinking he was diying and could not stop hope to GOD he never drinks again. Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

It's definitely worth a watch. Thought it was really interesting. I don't think my partner is addicted to pro evolution on the XBox, I think he just wants to escape me for a while, lol!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I've watched someone die from cancer and I don't believe for one minute he died through being just 'selfish'. Yes, addiction can be a very selfish habit. I see that now. Especially now I have stopped, but my friend who died from cancer (I used to care for him, clean a bit for him and just keep him company sometimes - until the day he died) did not die because he wanted to smoke, he died because he could not keep off the nasty wicked drug called nicotine. It claimed him in the end as it will many others and this infuriates me - as well as extremely sad.

It is not only weak willed people that get hooked to some addiction (I'll just use the term addiction for now 'cos its easier). We have some great people out there with important jobs yet they smoke. I'm loathe to use our government as an example 'cos I think they're all a bunch of idiots but alas! Some of them worked very hard to get where they are and some of the people that run our country actually smoke so no, people with determination and drive also become addicted.

As for my friend, he just lost all will to live in the end and just accepted that he was going to die and stopped trying to fight his addiction. For addicted he was. I know this because I have seen it up close and personal. Regrettably. As I'm sure many, many others have :(

Edit: Thanks for the link! Gonna check it out laters :)

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

I just personally feel that if someone wants to stop something they will, please don't shoot me! We are all entitled to our own opinions and I really dont mean to upset anyone, just think it makes for a interesting discussion. I'm really a very diplomatic person and hate conflict! :confused: With all of my 'addictions', 'behaviours' or what ever we call them, it has got to the stage for me that I just can't or don't want to do what I was doing anymore. Maddie, I only read AC very briefly, what did he say about smoking and addiction?

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

No its cool mojo.

I respect other peoples opinions (not just mine!). Its great that we have a diverse set of people with a lot of different viewpoints etc. etc. Makes for an interesting debate.

I just happen to believe addiction is real, some don't and thats cool. If we were all the same this world sure would be one boring place! Gawd, can you imagine all the brown nosing that would go on? :eek::eek:


Edit! Boy I sure love editing...Tash! Going by AC's book, he thinks its dead easy to stop smoking and anyone can do it. No exceptions. According to his book, AC believed 'brainwashing' is responsible by the advertisers and the fact that there are thousands of other people smoking 'so it must be ok'. We are brainwashed so bad into believing how 'great' cigarettes are that it is this misconception that is responsible for alot of failed quits.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I love debates ;)

In my personal opinion, the addiction to nicotine and other substances is real. This was demonstrated to me by using Champix as I was able to distinguish between the physical and mental side of my addiction. I was not feeling any "satisfaction" out of smoking and this made the process of stopping and addressing my mental ties an easier process - i am still workign on it. Yes, our minds and brains are very complex, this is probably why it can be difficult or easy for us to stop being addicts as we can be held either by the biological and the psychological bindings of what we use.

The argument is not in how easy or not it is to overcome the addiction (or selfish activity!) but in defining if this selfish activity is indeed a true addiction.

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Ok I just tried to watch the vid but after just 13 mins I had to turn it off. That guy was grating on me. He comes across as very arrogant and I don't like arrogant people. He is so far up his own butt I bet he hasn't even seen daylight for months on end :rolleyes:

At the end of the day, imo, people initially choose to smoke or drink or inject or whatever the act is, no debating that. However, when the time comes and they no longer want to carry on with said activity, thats when it becomes a problem. If someone could stop 'just like that' (according to bright spark in the vid) then none of us would be on this website. There would be no 'problem'.

I just can't take that guy seriously because I went through (as I'm sure many, many others do) hell some days fighting horrible battles inside my head regarding smoking. I didn't want to smoke but at the same time, I just had to have that cigarette. I did not 'choose' to be that way lol Oh my days...

Anyway, each to their own :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

But isn't that exactly what Alan Carr advocates?? Surely if you are an avid follower of AC as you are, this would be your thinking??

I know I find it easy after reading AC, CW, but not everyone is finding their 'quit' easy. Some still struggle. Still wanting a cigarette. Hell, I still get pangs for one now and again so I haven't been miraculously 'cured' overnight. I believe I am still addicted somewhat as I would not be having those pangs.

I like to think I am open minded with people and what works for one person may not work for another...swings and roundabouts.

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

I think you are right Catwoman, everyone is different. I'm wondering if the craves I get is for the actual nicotine or for the behaviour and physical actions of smoking, because it is what I have always done, and am finding it an occasional struggle to change my habits. Maybe what one person craves is differnent to the other. If AC talks about changing the way we think about smoking e.g. brainwashing and reprogramming our thought processes then he can not think we are 'addicted' to cigarettes. I dunnow, but it makes for a good debate. All I know is that we have decided to stop smoking, and we all need to celebrate the fact that we have! :D

Dellabella profile image

Hi everyone,

I too watched the programme and did not agree with what they were saying, if everyone who smokes is weak willed then surely we must be that weak willed not to be able to stop!!!

Most people who start smoking do it from peer pressure at school/college but then get hooked/addicted as nicotine is an addictive drug????

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

John- do you want to fight about it!!!???? :D

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Oh, and what's your opinion on the subject?

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

I think the mankinis must be tradition ow, and they are the way forward! :rolleyes: x

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

He has had one for a while, and loves nothing more than to bust some Justin Trousersnake moves for me whilst wearing it as a Friday treat! :D x

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

That reads like a pile of shoight but i know what i mean.:)

*no comment*


*runs fast as can away from fred*

nsd_user663_2933 profile image

From what i have read of allen carr , he does say that the whole smoking game is a nicotine addiction , but the addiction is not as hard to escape as we are made to believe!!!!!

To say an addiction is just a way to misbehave i think is crazy .......i have seriously wanted to quit a few times and i dont believe my failures were down to being naughty! There is an addiction but the addiction is not as bad as what its made out to be......but when you put addiction and the mental side together they make a strong team!

I cant believe for one minute that a herion addict goes through all that hell , or the shakes etc that the alcholic goes through can be purely pyscological.......nada!!

I think we are so brainwashed as maddy says into believing that breaking the addiction is really hard that once we do break it for some it is so suttle that you can then believe there was no addiction at all.......

I think quitting when your really ready will make the whole job alot easier but i still think quitting even if your not 100% ready mentally is worth a go guys wether you feel ready or not go for it!

Tash really pleased to see your doing so well congrats:)

Maddy following your blog with avid interest , inspired me , i was on that going to quit today maybe tomorrow thing but your blog gave me the kick so thanks:D

Wishing you all luck


nsd_user663_2933 profile image

Also wanted to add , an addiction stays with you for life! you are always vunerable -------------thats why just one can never be!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hi Casey, glad I can be of service! And well done for stopping again. It CAN be done.

Do you know, when I stopped smoking (I'm gonna use SS for short) I struggled the first time round. I really did. I'm not saying I don't get the occasional pang for one now because I do. Earlier on I felt like I could have smoked one. However, the thought of actually smoking one doesn't give me good vibes at all. They're disgusting and they do sod all for me.

Anyway, I was surprised I struggled as much as I did first time round of SS because prior to that, I had hit a real low that I thought I could NEVER stop smoking. I got so depressed at the thought of smoking for the rest of my life. I felt like one big fat failure. Not even smoking a cigarette could give me back that 'feel good' factor. I nearly just admitted that I was gonna be a nic junkie for life to stop the battles going on inside my head. It got so frustrating. I really, really wanted to stop but I couldn't. However, I gave it my best shot and I lasted 3 and a half weeks before succumbing to that horrible addiction again.

I SS again a week later and here I am, nearly two weeks down again.

Keep on stopping Casey. You will get there. I'm not magically cured...I get times where I think I could easily smoke (not very often) but if I go back to smoking now, I know I will be in that awful place again prior to stopping first time round...commiting myself as a smoker for the rest of my days :( Can't do that. I'm going through a real low time at the mo but what the hell is a ciggie gonna do for me? Make my life magically better? I think not! So, knowing this, it helps keep me 'keeping on'.

I wish you all the best in your quit Casey. You CAN do it!! Try to keep a positive mind. If you've read AC, then try to remember key points of his book. Read it again and again and again if you have to.

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