Hello Again....: Failed miserablely with my... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hello Again....

nsd_user663_3078 profile image
61 Replies

Failed miserablely with my recent quit, sorry 'April Fools Gang :mad:.

It really wasn't a great effort on my part and I put this down to quitting again for the wrong reasons. I was so stupid to take another puff in the first place and was so pissed off with myself that I rushed right back into another quit without getting my head straight first.

My first quit came to an end on Saturday 29th March. It was Rangers v Celtic day and I thought I'd have a couple of beers and for some mental reason some fags. Obviously 'some' became 20 a day.... AGAIN.

When I first quit I felt the benefits but didn't appreciate them as much as I should have. As I sit writing this now, those benefits are so damn enticing and I want them back...... NOW lol.

Those words 'Never Take Another Puff' are so true. Some part of our brains trick us into thinking that one more fag will be okay and it is so not true. I have proven this to myself and it has galvinised my determination to succeed this time.

I favourited this forum way back when I first joined and when I cick on the link it takes me to a post be Alan Ransome, who was part of my first team D-Day. Its fantastic that he has made to outskirts of Month 1 and I will be there myself on the 7th May. It seems so far away but it will arrive, thats inevitable. I fully intend to be in my 5th week when that day arrives.

Well done to everyone who is on a quit, be it day 1 for you or year 1+. Maddy its great to see your on the non-smoking path again... keep on it cos it smells nice, looks fresh and its a much longer one the dreaded fag path.

Here goes nothing.... last fag 6th April 2008... bring on the addiction monster..... this time I will beat you!!!!!!!!!

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nsd_user663_3078 profile image
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61 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Awww Hello again bobby!! Glad you're back also. And yes of course you can kick that nasty evil monsters butt once and for all!! I'm having a great day today and do you know why? Because I am not trying to fight anything. Its hard to explain. This time round I truly do not feel I am missing anything. Nothing. Not even a tiny bit!

Sooooooooo glad to see you're also stopping smoking again Bobby. You can do this! Hell if I can then so can you! Please stay with it this time. Anyway, who cares that you've had a few smokes, we all slip up before we stop smoking for real. Look at me!

Glad you're back :D

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Here goes nothing.... last fag 6th April 2008... bring on the addiction monster..... this time I will beat you!!!!!!!!!

Forgot to add...I had some right conversations with myself yesterday/this morning! Hell, in the kitchen I was talking right out loud. "C'mon then, bring it!!! Oh is that all you got?!?! Pathetic. I know you can do better than that...bring it on!" (in response to a craving) lol I know, its all rather mad but it worked! And I haven't even wanted a darned fag for most of today, how kewl is that?!

nsd_user663_3097 profile image


they say it takes a few attempts to get there.

you know 'sort of' how great it is to be free.

Please i hope i can give you some strength to allow you to get through this quit.

be strong friend

don't smoke

be free.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Come on Bobby, you know you can do it! :D

You know there is no pleasure or anything in smoking those damn things, yet we all hanker after it!

Tell your cravings to p-ss off, You know you'll feel better in a few weeks and wonder why you ever smoked in the first place :D

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Hiya Bobby Bingo, well done for taking the bull by the horns immediately. I can imagine how you are feeling, been there many times myself. I now know and understand that I can not have 'just the one for a treat' ciggie. It's all or nithing for me, and I'm definitely swaying towards the damn nothing at the moment! :cool:

nsd_user663_2933 profile image

Hi M8,

No worries im right there with you , yep i had a cig omg im here again , i restart tomorrow , i have read allen carr at least 6 times now and although it make sense to me it wont sink in

well annoying ehat am i donig wrong!

Good luck.this is the one


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hi casey

Are you reading it with an open mind? Also, are you seeing cigarettes for the evil nasty things that they are or do you feel like you will miss them? No point in me telling you to not miss them 'cos unfortunately it wouldn't be that easy! But if you do miss them, just find some mantra to repeat over and over to try and curb the 'attraction' for cigarettes.

Every time you feel a crave coming on do something positive. Don't wait for the crave to overwhelm you. Hark at me, back after a failed quit hahah But I feel different this time. I don't even WANT a cig. And nor will you if you get your mind right.

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Welcome back, Bobby, :)

When I am struggling, I take deep breaths of beautiful cool fresh air. It really helps me remember that when I was smoking I couldn't do that without coughing :eek:

.....and Casey - Good luck for tomorrow :)

nsd_user663_3074 profile image


Sorry to hear you fell for MrNic, it is hard, but dust yerself down and keep with us.


nsd_user663_2920 profile image

dust your self down, you know you can do it

nsd_user663_3078 profile image

Thanks for the comments...

Well day 1 is almost over and I'm the sort of person who struggles to get the ball rolling but when it is I'm usually on 'the ball'.

So I am feeling very confident about this quit as I have previously faced many of the habitual circumstances and overcame them i.e. fag with a brew, after dinner and 1st thing in the morning etc etc. The 'football, beer and smoke' situation caught me out the last time but I am on my guard where thats concerned.

I think the key to my success is going to be down to the fact that the deep shame of failing my recent quit is still raw. I am going to get right into a fitness routine and save my 'fag money' in a jar this time to see and feel the benefits.

My failure coincided with a sharp downturn in my time spent on here and whyquit. I have recognised this though and wont be complacent this time around.

So its another visit to the short and not so sweet room that is day 2...... pleasent, hhmmm.

nickywalton profile image

welcome back casey & bobby,

it doesn't matter how many times you try quit as long

as you keep trying to quit; eventually you will get there;)

i've tried so many times lost count, even my kids

say "she'll never give up, she can't"!!

i've even had cancer and that didn't stop me:(

but I keep on trying to quit & I will succeed..

this time, so far so good - only a week but a

week for me is a lifetime after smoking for 40yrs..

i'm taking champix and have to say its made one hell

of a difference to me, so if you haven't tried it, give it a whirl..

still requires determination but stops the mental demons..

i know it doesn't work for all and for some there are side effects -

for that reason i'm only taking half recommended dose

& its still working..

above all you have to want to do it for you and only you..

stay at it, you can the slay the monster...

good luck, we all need it..


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Each and every one of us on this board will stop smoking. If not today, then one day soon. We do not need to play victim to this horrible drug anymore. We've let it dictate our lives to us long enough and now is the time to just SAY NO to the evil monster.

Now I don't know about you, but I feel bloody great to be free of the nasty, awful, smelly, selfish, disgusting, inhibiting, dirty habit! Its just wrong to inhale all those choking fumes into our poor lungs. What we do to our poor bodies!

*jumps off soapbox*

nsd_user663_2931 profile image


I feel bloody great to be free of the nasty, awful, smelly, selfish, disgusting, inhibiting, dirty habit!

Was that hubby or the bf?:D

LOL Both! I'm a floozy :o


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Sort of girl i take on a date but not for afternoon tea at Granny's.;)


Behave yourself!

Hopefully I'll have a ring on my finger soon...Oh pls pls pls!!! Thats tempting fate isn't it? :confused: Oh well, a gal can dream!

Anyway, back to topic. Bobby, you were so positive when you first come here, you need to get back that attitude. And keep it! Hell, if I knew what it was that I was on I'd chuck you a load...I still don't want a cigarette lol For two days now I have had no cravings for a smoke. Am I weird?! :eek:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I have felt on a MISSION with this quit to try to help stop the WORLD smoking.

It just feels so good, so right and so F%$£ing easy this time i want everyone to know and fell this way.

Yeah, it would be great wouldn't it? However, regarding the 'easy' bit...do you not think those of us finding it easy are gonna pay for it somewhere down the line? :confused:

How the hell can one person (me) struggle so bloody bad to keep off the smokes only to fail eventually and then on the subsequent quit attempt, find it so friggin' easy? I'm telling you, I have no craves. For two days now I have not wanted a fag AT ALL. It ain't normal...

Something says to me that nothing in regards to smoking is this easy...do you really think it CAN be this easy?

Can I just add that I put this down to the Allen Carr book? As far as it being 'easy' goes anyway.

nsd_user663_3078 profile image

I have found today and yesterday a lot easier than Quit 1's first 48 hours. The first time around I was glued to whyquit and this forum which helped my get through the cravings. This time though its seems that bit easier as the cravings aren't too bad and I'm not relying on the online help as much.

I remember the pychological boost I got the first time around when I knew that after 72 hours all the nicotine was gone from my body so I am looking forward to that this time tomorrow.

I am also starting my home fitness routine tonight...... wish me luck :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Good luck! :D

Quitting CT really does give you great psychological boosts doesn't it? I'm on day five and I feel really good about myself. There really is no better way than to quit CT. Well done bobby! We're all right behind you!

nickywalton profile image

I think subsequent quits are easier cos you know what's

coming!!! to a greater or lesser extent!!! and you can be

prepared:D hopefully!!

I'm into unknown territory now (day 9 approaching)

but so far so good...though today suprised me quite

few times thought "mmmm I know what I want":(:eek:

scary how long it goes on...


nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I'm into unknown territory now (day 9 approaching)

but so far so good...though today surprised me quite

few times thought "mmmm I know what I want"

Sooner rather than later you will be sat there thinking to yourself, I have not had a craving for a few days , it does get better rather quickly,

I cant remember the last time i had a overwhelming urge for a cig.

I love to see posts like that Phil! Makes this girls day LOL

I'm three weeks and two days nicotine free and have read Allen Carr 3 times and am nearly finished his 'Onlyway' book and yesterady I spent the whole day pining for a cigarette. Not that I had the urge to light one, but just fancied the idea.... stange place to be after my anti-smoking stance this past while.

Woke up today thinking 'thank God I don't smoke any more' so must be feeling better.

I hate smoking!! :(

I think it's because i'm always reading the books or this forum so smoking never far fom my mind. Maybe i'll spend a few days not reading anything smoking related :eek:

Don't worry if I get 'the urge' i'll come back.............

nickywalton profile image

hi john & phil..

just wanted to say it IS very helpful to have people like yourselves,

who are further down the line, coming back to encourage us relative newbies..

forwarned is (hopefully) forarmed!!:D

so a big THANKYOU from me for your encouragement

and experiences:D

Day9 is turning out to be a real bit*h; don't want

to smoke but I want something?!?!?:confused:

even something as simple as feeling "normal"???:D


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hey Nicky, hope you feel normal soon :p

Was it you that recommended the mini AC book? I ordered one today from Amazon. Can't wait for it to turn up!!! Will keep it with me at ALL times! I also got the one for women and this other one. I do hope the sellers have posted them already! haha

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Hello Nicky. Sorry to hear that today is crappy for you. And you are so right, there is some fab support on here that keeps me going. I want a new DS game - that's what I want! It's really sad, one of my best friends had just texted me to tell me that he is a dirty smoker again. 2 YEARS! 2 WHOLE YEARS HE WAS SMOKE FREE! Can you believe it? Just goes to show that the need for the crutch never goes away. I said to my hubby he would be smoking again because he's been having the occasional one, with a drink in recent times. Gutted for him! Funny thing is I quit on his birthday and he started again properly the next day. :(

nickywalton profile image

thanks guys...

silly, but so much better when you know someone else knows the suffering!!:confused:

I will be strong...I don't smoke, I don't want to smoke..:p

tasha, can't believe your friend - that is VERY scary..

I've always said to myself if I ever got past a week I would

have cracked it:confused:

clearly NOT the case but after 2 years:eek: I guess the fact

that none of my friends smoke nor ever have, helps me..


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

I had great pleasure in telling him that I had quit as he has restarted! The proof will be in the pud pud when I see him next and he has a packet of 20! Let's see how strong I am then! I know that's really scary - 2 whole years! :eek:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I quit for two years before starting again. Thing is, I could have as easily said no to that cig as I did saying yes. Hell, it wasn't even as if I really wanted that cig. I only had it 'cos one of my 'mates' offered me one and since everyone else was smoking, I thought what the hell. I didn't think it'd lead me back to full time smoking but sure enough, over a period of 2 months, I got hooked again (That 'one' smoke did it so no sneaky puffs at ALL!) I don't think I had the cigarette solely because I was once an addict...I could have been a complete non smoker who had never smoked before and had that cig my mate offered me.

So, just 'cos you hear of people going years without a cig and then succumbing again, don't think that is what will happen to you! It IS easy to say no. Especially today what with all the bans in place! Its not like you still genuinely crave a cig after all that time. Hell, I didn't even think of fags for two years!! So, no pessimistic thoughts!

nickywalton profile image

hi maddy...

hope that's true - the thought of still wanting a cig after

two years is a little worrying!! think it probly has

something to do with your mental attitude to quitting

i.e. not "giving up" something special but "quitting"

something horrid.. if that makes sense??:confused:

mind you the way things are going, in two years from

now you'll get life prison sentence for lighting up in public:p


nsd_user663_3097 profile image

I know of a few cases where smokers have started again after 9 months, 2 years, 18 months, 4 months - all but 1 have subsequentyly quit, the last is trying again. All of them say it was a moment of madness and arrogance, a moment where they thought the enemy nicotine was beaten and they were invincible, laughing in the face of fags by lighting the fooker and smoking him. Little did they know the enemy is strong and has no code of conduct in battle, he will pretend to be beaten and hook you back when you feel most confident you are over him.

There is one very very simple way to avoid this happening to you, after all it is not a physical want or crave it is a psychological urge which can easily be dismissed after this length of time. The way to stop this is to stick to your commitment as a non smoker for the rest of your life, your commitment is to NEVER take another puff, NEVER means NEVER!

Nicky on day 9, you are reaching the turning point, day 9 - 12 were the darkest hours before dawn for me. It took strength to get through them, but remember they are knowhere near as bad as day 1 - 5. I felt great day 13/14 and now on day 22 i can safely say i am a nonsmoker. I called myself a calm non wanting non smoker around day 15.

Keep strong, don't smoke, you are nearly there!!!!!!!!!!!!

nickywalton profile image

hi AF..

thanks for that..I think!! Not sure I want days 10-12

to be hell - problem is got some people coming to stay

day 12 and the woman drives me INSANE on a good


but I knew I was gonna have to be very wary anyway,

now I'll have to be VERY VERY wary..:eek:

what's really upsetting me is that day 1-6 were a doddle:confused:

I had no problems, craves, moods or anything?!?! Now..horrendous!!

Trust me to be obtuse:p

Soooo pleased for you in your achievements..


nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Not sure I want days 10-12

to be hell

One man's meat is another man's poison - everyone's quit is different, Nicky.

There's no reason those days won't be a doddle for you also :)

- problem is got some people coming to stay

day 12 and the woman drives me INSANE on a good


Are you allowed to slap her? Or try this .....


nickywalton profile image


I would just love to do that

wonder if her husband would mind?!? probly not if I know him!!!:p


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Well done for pointing that out John! I'm sure you do not advoate the use of firearms! Hee hee.... Seriosly wine and nicies make the weekend a better place to be without fags :p Good luck with the guest, post and let us know how you are getting on- you are always welcome to rant here x x x

nickywalton profile image

hi john..

great minds think alike:D

I was thinking could probly get away w manslaughter

on grounds of dimished responsibility-due to mind altering

effects of nicotine withdrawal???:rolleyes:

seriously, have thought this one thru at great length..

there is NO WAY I'm gonna let this one knock me off my

track..I would be so disappointed with myself, and there's

no way I would give her that pleasure:cool:

i will keep you informed..


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Go Nicky - she's not worth lighting up for! I'm a bit stressed because I emailed my frend who has started smoking last night to lecture him on starting again after 2 years - and he used the word crutch "It's just for this week" but I don't think it is, I think he may find it difficult to just stop. And another bizarre thing he said is that it sure has made him more popular! With who exactly - other smokers? I suppose he is the manager, but managers aren't ther to be popular, they are there to get a job done. Anyway I told him it was chavvy, dirrty and a waste of money - I love him loads but am worried for him. Selfishly it makes my quit more difficult too because another one of my bloody friends has started smoking again AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH! Crikey, he wants to come and see me at the weekend and I'm worried. This has really affected my psychologically! I'm now thinking "Well if it's ok for someone who has quit for two years then I should be able to have one with him...." NOOOOOOOOOOO - I must not smoke, can't afford it and if I have just the one it WILL escelate to 10 a day again. My friend looks like this now and I told him so. I like my friend and don't want him to smoke the evil weed again :( (Love to you all):


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

I'm very sorry - I must apologise, I've just discovered how to attach pictures, and this is going to open up a whole new world to me now........ :confused:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

lol Tash. Post away!

Anyway, as for your friend smoking again. Do not use this as an opportunity to have one yourself! Think how much stronger than him you are by not succumbing to the nasty nic monster. You have not gone this long just to give in to the horrible weed now. No smokes! You hear me?! If I find out you have had a smoke I will hunt you down and...and...and...flick your nose!!! :D

No fags!

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Thanks both! I do honestly think he quit. He wouldn't have hid it from me (I hope!) His workplace burnt down to the ground this week and he had to deal with a lot, so I think he just leant on the ciggies at a time of incredible stress! And I think one or two has led to...... you know! And John. I'm hearing your message loud and clear cocker! I know, I would be very FS to have one, just being very selfish and upset that he has picked up the sticks again. Things feel different this time around with this quit. Don't know why but I just feel that the ciggies were a part of my history. I have to do this for my health too, and I'm noticing how much extra cash is in my bank. My problem was that I would pop to the garage for 10 Marlboros and come back with magazines, puzzle books, chocolate and other crap too! Maybe I'm also a spendoholic! It's funny how many plans I have made since I quit. I think this is how I am coping with urges. I sit down and make plans, my poor husband has suddenly got lists dotted around the house with plenty of tasks to do! I may give him a hand though! :D

nickywalton profile image

hi Tasha...

you and me both got to deal with difficult visitors this weekend..:(

yours smokes, mines just obnoxious

think I probably got the easier of the two evils - :confused:

though surely your mate won't smoke in front of you

as he knows u have quit & how upset u are bout him reverting

to slavery?

we can both deal with these situations, we can both get into...

week 3 next week:D

be strong,


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Wow - it is week 3 next week, on Wednesday for me, that puts it into perspective a bit more! I've dreamt of being smoke free for 3 weeks. Determined not to smoke now. When does your visitor arrive - is it later today. Good luck, deep breaths and count to 10! :cool:.

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Don't worry John. I need someone to put their foot down occasionally! I'm determined not to smoke! :)

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

1 more post an I'm a senior mutha trucker on this forum! :D

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Natasha Is Now A Senior Member!!!!!!!

I must be a senior now - HOORAAAYYYYYY! Does that give me any special qualifications?

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

*hands Tash her walking stick*

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Thanks Maddie - just what I always wanted! x

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

*hands Tash her walking stick*

Better get me one as well Maddy.

Hi Tash - yeh you can say what you want within reason. Welcome to the Senior Member Club.

nsd_user663_3003 profile image

hi bobby,

some time it take more then one try to give-up, it took me about

10 trys be-for i got this far. into my first month, my friends gave-up on me.

saying you will never give-up, well here i am. 1 month in to my Quit and

feeling really good, if i can do it then you can mate. we are all with you on

this, the best of luck to you......


smoke 35 + a day

Quit on 12/3/08

4 weeks, 1day, 19 hours, so far

not smoke, 1.o42 cigs

money save so far, 278.98p

life save, 3 days, 14 hours, 50 mins.

nickywalton profile image

hi tasha..(senior member - very impressive:cool:)

my visitors not arriving til tomorrow afternoon but staying

til tuesday One Very Long Weekend:eek:

what about you - is your now-smoking-again-mate coming

round? don't fancy his chances, you'll be putting him right!!:)

got some bad news this afternoon which would in the past

have sent my consumption of the poison sky rocketting,

BUT got the thought processes going - "smoking won't make the

bad news good news" so, onwards to the weekend with

girded loins (is that painful?!?;))


nickywalton profile image

oooh look, I've graduated too:D:D

but then I really am a 'senior member'!!!:D


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Hey Nicky! Hope your 'bad news' was ok? Crikey - get in touch if you need to wont you?! :confused: And you are right fags wont make it any better, you'll just stink too! And congratulations on being a senior too - we are officially old pros now! Having a bad time tonight. Comnination of my situation and the quit I think but Ive been a complete nightmare. Not been able to physically put my DS down all night, grinding my teeth, can't relax, really narky and tearful. Feeling like I'm not coping very well at all. That Friday feeling again, why is it always the bloody weekends? I've avoided wine too as that can give me the craves and I don't want to blurt even more! Withdrawals eh? Peeved off with it at the moment x x x

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Aawww Sorry you're feeling crap tonight Tash. I wish I could give you some of what I'm on! (whatever that is)

Hope you feel better soon. Just remember its the horrid nic monster trying its best to reclaim you! Keep saying no!

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Thanks Maddie, it just feel like it's a full on battle tonight. I'm sure I'll be fine by the morning. Just need to sleep on it. Thanks for your support x x x

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

No problem.

Feeling on a bit of a downer myself tonight for some reason. I don't know why. I don't want a fag. Just feel sad. I feel how I felt during my first 'quit' but minus the craving. I guess I'm bound to still feel 'some' emotions even if I am not craving a cigarette. Hell I don't know. Don't know jack shit anymore.

nickywalton profile image

hi Tash,

its a real PIG this thing isn't it?

but WE CAN DO THIS - really believe in it this time..

and I know you do too..:p

can you get an early night, put this day to bed? Sometimes

its the only thing to do...

stay strong kiddo... we're all in this together..:D


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Is it a full moon tonight? Or maybe it's this miserable weather too? Fudge knows girls - maybe we got a bit over excited about the thought of mankins and today we are on a bit of a comedown! Lol. Nicky - you are right I'm going to take a sleeping pill (cause I don't think my mind is going to rest tonight without some help), grab a nice shower then get my self in my jim jams and into bed. Night night, and let's hope for a better morning! Tara x

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Night night Tash.

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you :)

nickywalton profile image

hi maddy...

I get those "feelings" really sad:( for no apparent reason

and certainly not wanting a fag!! Think its what the books

call an "empty" feeling, a sort of grieving process:confused:

Thank g** not all day every day..:D

nite nite everyone, off to sleep - I hope:D


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Yeah, strange 'ole feelings aren't they? You could understand it more if you were craving a fag!

Anyway night night to you too. Hope your weekend turns out ok :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

*too skeered to ask what phil's 'commune' is all about* :eek:


nickywalton profile image

morning all...

did we sleep?!?!?

Six whole hrs - LUXURY:D

Here's to a crave-free day for us all, sod the weekend:cool:


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Where is Bobby???

Bobby! yoo hoo! Are you there? Where ARE you? We want an update on how you're doing. We will stay here and stamp our feet until you appear so do hurry up (my heels hurt).

Hope you're doing ok. I know I shouldn't presume anything just because you haven't posted for a few days but it would be good to hear how you're doing though! C'mon, put us out of our misery...:p

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

This foot stamping business sure is exhausting....:eek:

My muscles hurt !!

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