Double figures Day Tenner's: Morning all... - No Smoking Day

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Double figures Day Tenner's

nsd_user663_2859 profile image
26 Replies

Morning all, well look at us, into double figures.

Hope everyone is feeling ok - I wish I could get rid of this dammed sore later me thinks...

Have a great day, and stay smoke free!!!!


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nsd_user663_2859 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Well done Hunter!

It's a massive psychological advantage when you break into double figures!!!(or at least it was for me);)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Hunter

10 days is great I felt I was really getting some where when i got to ten days. Hope you feel better soon Linda xx

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Wooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooo Day 10.

Bring it on :D

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Im still here too :D

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

well done hunter

on reaching double figures, i foud once i got started the days flew by.

Keep it up

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

I dunno if it's just the mood I'm in (probably is); but yesterday I went through the floor on day 9. I put a post on here cause I hoped for, and really needed, some support but I didn't get any at all. No one has ever welcomed me here either which is the first time I've experienced that when joining a forum. :(

It seems to me this forum is supportive if you're in the right clique or have been posting for ages, so with this in mind, and feeling sad that I haven't found the support here I needed, I'm off to find a more friendlier forum if I can.. !

Good luck to you all. I hope you beat it! Stay strong. :D

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Lady Sa I am sure it wasnt intentional. A lot has beengoing on the last few days and i think a lot of posts got last under a pile of others.

How are you feeling today.

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Hey Lady Sa - sorry if you felt left out.

Don't give up on us - the forum has just been crazy for the last few days.

Let us make it up to you....

They are my puppy eyes.... ;)

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Flippy, Cword (love your name!); that's very kind.. x Sorry, I'm feeling so utterly miserable.........:(

I feel dreadful today too, I can't stop crying. 48 hours now just about.. why? :( I'm never like this! :mad:

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Well you have my utmost respect for going Cold Turkey.

You are experiencing loss of an old friend (the fags) for one thing plus the nicotine (although having left your body) has left it's little agents in your brain to tempt you back to lighting up.

Take each craving one at a time - they always pass.

Do something to occupy yourself -come on here and post crap (my preferred method!!!)

If things don't improve - pop in to see your doctor to see if they can help.

You gave up for a reason - keep that at the front of your mind

Good look lovely!;)

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Thank you for your words of support! :)

The weird thing is I don't actually want a ciggie, I hven't had that craving so much the last two days, I just feel so damn miserable - like my world has fallen apart, which is so stupid as it really just got a whole lot better without the fags!! I have beome a serial blubber for no reason whatsoever!! Odd!!! :eek:

Are you feeling ok today? I hope so! My car's in for an MOT at the moment so maybe it's the dread of the bill for that that's set me off again!! Ha ha - Oh I wish it was - that'd be easy to deal with!

nsd_user663_2846 profile image

I find it helps to read posts from those that are far further down the road than we are... the delight for them on reaching milestones is great and keeps me inspired.

That said, I've had some tough times too, last night being one of them. I just keep focusing on why I stopped, and what I have to gain. I can imagine how terrible you feel, but you've come so far already you've got to hang in there.

I keep dreaming of warm summer days, sitting in the garden, and NOT having to light up. Come dream with me...xx

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

....the bill for that that's set me off again!! ......that'd be easy to deal with!

I'd wait till you see how much its for before saying that!!!:p

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

I find it helps to read posts from those that are far further down the road than we are... the delight for them on reaching milestones is great and keeps me inspired.

That said, I've had some tough times too, last night being one of them. I just keep focusing on why I stopped, and what I have to gain. I can imagine how terrible you feel, but you've come so far already you've got to hang in there.

I keep dreaming of warm summer days, sitting in the garden, and NOT having to light up. Come dream with me...xx

Aw thanks! I will hang in there, and I realise I'm not the only one going through this by any means, I can't seem to shift the tears and it's gettin to me now. I won't spark up because of it but I can see why people re-start. I have never tried to stop at all before - this is my first attempt so everything that's happening is really freaking me out - I had no idea nicotine had such a hold on me, I never thought that I was any different from the person that has smoked for 20+ years but I am!! I'm very different cause I'm not being controlled by a drug anymore - maybe that's why we get upset and low.. it's working out a new you now - one I'm so not used to!??

Hat off to everyone here that's got to day 10 by whatever means.. I think we've all done fantastically, and I will keep the dreams up with you! :)

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

I'd wait till you see how much its for before saying that!!!:p

Good point! :D

nsd_user663_2867 profile image

I dunno if it's just the mood I'm in (probably is); but yesterday I went through the floor on day 9. I put a post on here cause I hoped for, and really needed, some support but I didn't get any at all. No one has ever welcomed me here either which is the first time I've experienced that when joining a forum. :(

It seems to me this forum is supportive if you're in the right clique or have been posting for ages, so with this in mind, and feeling sad that I haven't found the support here I needed, I'm off to find a more friendlier forum if I can.. !

Good luck to you all. I hope you beat it! Stay strong. :D

Day 10 for me too... at work today, going ok, staying away from the usual smoking buddies for a bit - they are all very understanding.

Lady Sa- you can't go - have a look at Huntergathers sig - we're part of his team!


nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Ok.. can I take back what I said - you're all lovely! Thank you!! x

I would love to stay and be part of the 4th Feb crew if that's ok! I didn't see that on Hunter's sig!!

Oooh, I feel a bit happier already.. big thanks everyone!! xxx

nsd_user663_2859 profile image

Right - time for a "team talk" - :p

Stay with us Lady Sa, you are a vital and intrinsic part of my team quit theory and I need you to be there with us to push this through - together we will beat this deamon.:)

Cword (great name) is absolutley right, post some crap - just let it vent and once you have hit the send button the urge will have gone, I bet you are feeling better already.

My PC is on most of the time, and unless I am sleeping or sending chocolate through the PM system, I will respond - as it appears do the rest of the day 10'ers! - It really is great to have the group pulling each other through like this -

Once again, stay with us and lets make day 11 together.

All the best


nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Cool!! I'm with that! I'm online daily but on and off so will check in as regularly as I can!

What a nice feeling to have a strong team around. Thank you for "letting me join in". :D

I started this with my partner and my best friend. My partner is still going strong (I'm so proud of him - & he's dealing with the brunt of my emotions too!!), but my best friend stumbled and gave in on Day 5. I felt so let down at the time by her, but now I understand that as long as she gets up and attempts again it's all ok! That was gained from reading posts on here!

Onwards! Day 11 is round the corner!

Has anyone got any strategies to share... ?? My thing so far - lollipops!!!!

What I save in fags may have to go toward dentistry bills at this rate!!! :D

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Glad you changed your mind Sa....and a proper welcome to you. Better late than never..;)

Thank you Robert! x How are you doing/feeling my fellow cold turkey-ier!?

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

What I save in fags may have to go toward dentistry bills at this rate!!! :D

You could always use the fag money saved to put a down payment on these....


nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Ha ha!!! Nice!!! :D

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

You could always use the fag money saved to put a down payment on these....

;)Those didn't once belong to Shergar did they? TEE HEE:eek

Love Josie XXX

PS WELL DONE ALL YOU DAY 10ers. Keep up the good work you are all doing just GREAT:)

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Thank you Josie! xx

Well done to you too for going from 40+ a day (:eek: How did you have time?!) to 3 a day - that's brilliant! :D

Are you still on a few a day or have you quit now?

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Thank you Josie! xx

Well done to you too for going from 40+ a day How did you have time?!) to 3 a day - that's brilliant!

Are you still on a few a day or have you quit now?Hiya, No, l have absolutely quit now !:) I stopped on 01/01/08 with the help of Champix. If you are going cold turkey, you have my utmost respect :eek: That must be SO DIFFICULT:eek: Don't make it too hard on yourself. If you find

that it's all getting a bit too much, consider getting some help, eg NRT or tablets, and keep coming back on here for support. You'll find plenty. :D

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Hiya, No, l have absolutely quit now !:) I stopped on 01/01/08 with the help of Champix. If you are going cold turkey, you have my utmost respect :eek: That must be SO DIFFICULT:eek: Don't make it too hard on yourself. If you find

that it's all getting a bit too much, consider getting some help, eg NRT or tablets, and keep coming back on here for support. You'll find plenty. :D

Love Josie XXX

Fan-flippin-tastic!!! You must be so so proud of yourself! What an achievment! Good on you! I think I will be around here a lot for support.. it helps a lot being "virtually around" other people feeling the same, and understanding your pain eh!! Gonna crack on with the cold turkey... !!! Keep strong!! xx

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