Im struggling: I dont know why but this is... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Im struggling

nsd_user663_2291 profile image
34 Replies

I dont know why but this is becoming very difficult to cope with. I really dont know if i can actualy keep going.:(

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nsd_user663_2291 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_2554 profile image

stay strong and please don't give in to temptation.

A little trick I have used (about 30 times) is to promise myself that I won't give in to temptation today, If tomorrow I wake up and want one then I'll have one.

Everytime so far, tomorrow has been a totally new day with new resolve to never smoke again.

All the best, I'm sure you are going to get loads of support and advice within the next couple of hours on here.

Stay strong

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

yes u can mate! you have already got an amazing achievement - you gave up the same day as me and i know how hard its been but you have done it.

being a non smoker feels so much better than having a fag i promise! and it lasts longer.

the only thing a cigarette gives you is the desire to have another cigarette

have a glass of water instead! and keep posting on here - there are lots of warm and helpful and clever people on here who will help and support you:D

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

its true flippy one cig and your back on that crazy treadmill from one cig to the next. practicaly craving all the time, theres only a short respite after a cig before nic starts demanding another..... resist and once its passed you feel so empowerd. you feel stronger to face the next battle knowing you won this one and your gona win the war :D Yessssssssssss ! xxx

nsd_user663_2730 profile image

You can do it!!

Hi sure you can you come this far , your doing great try to focus one day at a time. Keep the good work up !!!


nsd_user663_2524 profile image

I dont know why but this is becoming very difficult to cope with. I really dont know if i can actualy keep going.:(YES YOU CAN :mad: Flippy you've been strong for so many of us, now it's time to be strong for yourself. :) Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and grit your teeth I know that some days are Hell, but l KNOW that you have the strength to SUCCEED. ;) By the way, are you still on patches, or did you get to the Docs for Champix ?

Josie xxx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Flippy Please dont leave us i know its hard babe theres been more than a few times over the past two weeks I have neally caved. Please just try and get past it hour by hour and see how you feel 2moro Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Linda xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

The only thing a cigarette gives you is the desire to have another cigarette

That's it! Thats the phrase I was looking for! I'm gonna put it on my signature right now!:D

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

Flippy, there is nothing good that cigarettes are going to give you. All you'll be is £5 worse off, smelling disgusting, have an awful taste in your mouth and will be full of self loathing for caving in. Plus if you cave in now you may be smoking for the rest of your life and develop some awful condition that puts you in an early grave. Not fun for you or for your poor family who will be looking after you and worrying about you until your body eventually gives up. Sorry if I sound like I'm being harsh but I really don't want anyone to cave in.

Stay strong and keep coming onto this board for support and a moan and a whine and whatever you need to do in order not to smoke! We're all here for you!

nsd_user663_1988 profile image


Please don't give in!

You already know what a struggle it is when you initially give up.

If you give in now, you'll be back at day 1 again and again struggling with the early stage of your quit over and over again.

Remember! 'Not a single puff'!

It only takes 1 to go all the way back to the beginning. If I'd listened to that on my first quit, i'd be a non smoker of 6 years by now!

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

That's it! Thats the phrase I was looking for! I'm gonna put it on my signature right now!:D

Its true isnt it!! I think i picked it up from an Alan Carr book - not sure.

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Flippy nooooooooooooooooo!!! please don't give in now

you have come such a long way honey, you know if you give in now you will be right back to quitting again ever so soon and you will have to go through it all over again and we all know how rubbish it is quitting

we are so proud of you and we know you can do this

stay strong, tomorrow you will feel better

hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Boudee is so right.

Think about it...... If you have a cigarette, are you telling me that you won't try to quit again?

You know you'll try to quit again like all of us serial quitters.

We all wish we could be free, so we try try try again.

Be strong and don't give in or you'll have to go through it all over again and I'm sure that you don't want to be struggling to quit for the rest of your life.

Get past that hurdle and it'll make you stronger.;)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Its true isnt it!! I think i picked it up from an Alan Carr book - not sure.

One a/n/a/logy I particularly liked was that of wearing shoes that are too tight all evening. By the end of the night, your feet are killing you. You are so relieved to take off those shoes and your feet feel so good. However, if you had not put those shoes on in the first place, you would not have sore feet. In the same manner, smoking does not relax or calm you down – smoking merely relieves the situation that smoking created in the first place – the need for nicotine.


nsd_user663_2621 profile image

One a/n/a/logy I particularly liked was that of wearing shoes that are too tight all evening. By the end of the night, your feet are killing you. You are so relieved to take off those shoes and your feet feel so good. However, if you had not put those shoes on in the first place, you would not have sore feet. In the same manner, smoking does not relax or calm you down – smoking merely relieves the situation that smoking created in the first place – the need for nicotine.


exactly - thats excellent

the other thing i always remember as being good advice was that lots of people smoke when things go wrong - like something bad happens and the first thing they (we used to) do was light up. But the bad thing still happened - the cigarrette made absolutely no difference - nada!!

Mad isnt it!

nsd_user663_2376 profile image

Hey Flippy you have done 60 days before so you can get through this and past 60 days i have confidence in you.

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

exactly - thats excellent

the other thing i always remember as being good advice was that lots of people smoke when things go wrong - like something bad happens and the first thing they (we used to) do was light up. But the bad thing still happened - the cigarrette made absolutely no difference - nada!!

Mad isnt it!

Exactly.... We managed to deal with stressful sitiations before we smoked (even though most of us were probably in our early teens when we started) and non smokers deal with stress everyday without smoking, so how does a cigarette relax you or relieve stress.

Makes sense when you think about it;)!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I am still here and really trying hard. I dont know whats happening to me I just feel like this is never going to end. I am so miserable and its not good:(

I know i want to do this but its taking more energy than i have.

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

I am still here and really trying hard. I dont know whats happening to me I just feel like this is never going to end. I am so miserable and its not good:(

I know i want to do this but its taking more energy than i have.

It sounds like you need to stop waiting for an end and for something to happen and throw yourself into something positive instead to take your mind off smoking.

You're a non-smoker. You've already made it! :)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

If you keep trying to climb to the top of that mountain and ignore how much you ache, when you get to the top, it will be easy to walk down the other side.

If you let go now, you'll fall all the way back down to the bottom and will have to start all over again, and you'll keep feeling that aching again and again until you reach that peak when you don't have to struggle anymore.

Does that make sense!

We'll give you as much encouragement as we can!;)

Just stick with it! Pleeeease!:)

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

is it possible to go and lay down for a while ? if i get realy drained,( and you do with the effort of staying quit once the initial euphoria wears off ) i have a lay down and day dream of the holl we just booked, often i doze off for a mad adventure in my vivid subconcious ha ! but it eases the lethargy and the craves ease as you relax. maybe old nic thinks its night and he cant get a grip when we sleep. stay with us though it will pass i promise flippy xxx :)

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

:)I am still here and really trying hard. I dont know whats happening to me I just feel like this is never going to end. I am so miserable and its not good:(

I know i want to do this but its taking more energy than i have.Oh Flippy, you poor thing, it's really tough for you at the moment isn't?:( I wish there was something l could do or say to make things better for you. You MUST try to hang on today, tomorrow will be better l promise. Are you still on the patches, 'cos if are, maybe you should think about Champix. What do you think? It couldn't be any worse than you are going through now, and who know, it maybe a whole lot better. Stay strong my little friend :)

Love Josie xxx

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I am still on patches. The Dr said i could have Champix but i already take lots of medication and wasnt sure about taking more.

I could go and have a quick nap before the boys get in but i am already sleeping too much which isnt helping me sleep at night.

I went back to bed this morning once they had gone to school and didnt get up till 10.

I am trying to keep busy but its mentally that this is getting too hard now.

But i am still here and will keep trying promise.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

I am still on patches. The Dr said i could have Champix but i already take lots of medication and wasnt sure about taking more.

I could go and have a quick nap before the boys get in but i am already sleeping too much which isnt helping me sleep at night.

I went back to bed this morning once they had gone to school and didnt get up till 10.

I am trying to keep busy but its mentally that this is getting too hard now.

But i am still here and will keep trying promise.Flippy, it may be that because your sleep pattern is up the spout, that mentally, you really are feeling tired, weak and unable to cope. It may be that this interrupted sleep, rather than actually NOT SMOKING, is making you feel vulnerable and miserable. As for the Champix, why not have another word with your Doctor about the risks of taking it along with the medication you are already on. As you know, l am on Champix, but l don't think l have been through anything close to what you are going through, and you know that l smoked an awful lot for a very long time. I had 2 or 3 evenings last week when it was a bit hard, but l was never close to giving in, so maybe it would be a lot easier for you on the tablets, if your Doctor thinks it OK. Stay in contact Flippy. I like it best when l can SEE, that you are online Tee Hee :D:D:D

Love Josie xxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


Remember this from last time? just as you think it can't get any worse you turn a corner!

Just promise yourself another 24 hours, you deserve that much after all you have done to get here.

If in 24hours nothings changed, then reaccess your quit, bare in mind, what ever you do, you will always be on the road to wanting to quit,the rest is up to you.

Can you get a couple of hours to yourself? maybe go for a lil late night shopping or watch a DVD? do something out of the norm x x x x

Please hold tight Jane, I want to see this work for you because I feel you are really worth this x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2524 profile image


Remember this from last time? just as you think it can't get any worse you turn a corner!

Just promise yourself another 24 hours, you deserve that much after all you have done to get here.

If in 24hours nothings changed, then reaccess your quit, bare in mind, what ever you do, you will always be on the road to wanting to quit,the rest is up to you.

Can you get a couple of hours to yourself? maybe go for a lil late night shopping or watch a DVD? do something out of the norm x x x x

Please hold tight Jane, I want to see this work for you because I feel you are really worth this x x

~Buffy x xBuffy's spot on Flippy, we ALL want to see you succeed!!!In fact, if you fail, l may throw in the towel as well :eek: And then how many more, may follow suit?:eek: You could be responsible for all of us quitting quitting:eek: Seriously though, you KNOW that you don't want to smoke again, don't you. Anyway Flippy, you CAN'T stop now, you are my guiding force.

Love Josie xxx

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Aww Bless you all. OK OK i am still here. I do want to do it honest it do.

I have washed the car, I have a nice Tattie Pot in the oven and I have eaten 3 walnut whips:o

I cannot stand being responsible for you quitting quitting now can i Josie.

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

HANG ON!!!!! Things get easier - you MUST pull yourself through this rough patch. You will feel soooooooo much better in the long run. This is such a terrible habit to kick, but you can do it. A ciggie will not make you feel better later on in life. It is a quick fix but a huge problem down the road. You must stick this out and stay healthy. You have children who need you to be there for them when they get older. Smoking will kill you hunny! Don't allow that to happen. Struggling for a small while is better than struggling to take your last breath...remember you are doing this for life!!! Chin up - you are doing AMAZING!

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Flippy dont give in hun, you have been my inspiration the whole time, please if only 1 person is that little bit more eager to quit because of my stupidity in giving up, it will make it worth it.

I promise you, you wont feel any better, and i know you probably think im just saying that to keep you going but if it made me feel better i wouldnt be here quitting again would i?

Please dont give in. I have children too so lets make it a pact that we`re doing it for them ;)

nsd_user663_2637 profile image

Aww Bless you all. OK OK i am still here. I do want to do it honest it do.

I have washed the car, I have a nice Tattie Pot in the oven and I have eaten 3 walnut whips:o

I cannot stand being responsible for you quitting quitting now can i Josie.

My friend who quit with me on New Years Eve/Day broke this afternoon. He said it was too much and wanted to enjoy his coffee and fags again.

One of our workmates gave him a fag, he had a coffee in his hand and the biggest smile you have ever seen. He was so excited and looked like he had won the lottery. He gave me a nod (a way of saying sorry but also a bit of 'up yours' I think) and off he went outside.

I was so tempted to join him but quite brilliantly he reappeared 3 or 4 minutes later and was so dizzy he had to support himself on the wall. He thought his heart was beating too fast and he started panicking and got himself in to a right stir. He than sat there and said to me "what have I done" and spent the next few hours looking like a lost sole (in between fag breaks). He cannot beleive what a fool he is that the nicotine tricked him - it wasn't nice after all, he just got tricked by his own head. What a d*ck!!!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I dont want to be called a dick.

Sara and everyone else I am still here. I will continue to do this. xx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Flippy

So very glad your still eith us and hope you feel much better 2moro. Having a really bad night myself dont know were it came from but I can tell you one thing it can go right back HEHE. See you in day 17 babe and hope we are both buzzing. Linda xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Flippy!!! aw Flippy I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time, please honey don't be scared and just let go of this nasty addiction! listen to me now YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON and you CAN AND WILL BE FREE FROM THIS but only you can set yourself free, you know what I mean? You have everything it takes to stay quit and you've already proved you can do it, now you need to trust yourself that you can do it happily! Don't punish yourself anymore, feed positive thoughts, stop mourning that fake friend that we all had

and start living the rest of your life in the best way possible!!! ((HUGS))

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

Guys we're not physically addicted to nicotine any more at this stage are we? It's just the psychological stuff we have to deal with now. Am I right? So even if we did cave in and have another cigarette, far from being wonderful it would taste like crap and we'd feel rubbish afterwards! That's what's keeping me going a bit. The thought that my body isn't even kidding itself that it want's cigarettes any more!

I am turning into a SERIOUS chocoholic though! Ah well I'll deal with the extra pounds later on. Should be easier to exercise now I can breathe!

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

My friend who quit with me on New Years Eve/Day broke this afternoon. He said it was too much and wanted to enjoy his coffee and fags again.

One of our workmates gave him a fag, he had a coffee in his hand and the biggest smile you have ever seen. He was so excited and looked like he had won the lottery. He gave me a nod (a way of saying sorry but also a bit of 'up yours' I think) and off he went outside.

I was so tempted to join him but quite brilliantly he reappeared 3 or 4 minutes later and was so dizzy he had to support himself on the wall. He thought his heart was beating too fast and he started panicking and got himself in to a right stir. He than sat there and said to me "what have I done" and spent the next few hours looking like a lost sole (in between fag breaks). He cannot beleive what a fool he is that the nicotine tricked him - it wasn't nice after all, he just got tricked by his own head. What a d*ck!!!

This is a GREAT post Sutty thanks for letting us know this - i can really identify with your friend - i can just imagine doing something completely stupid and juvenile like saying i want to have a cigarette with my coffee - like it will make the coffee taste better or something :rolleyes: But what your post tells me is that WANTING IS FAR BETTER THAN HAVING when is comes to smoking. So dont do it! I also reckon i would be dizzy and worried i am having a heart attack if i have one. SO I WONT!:D

All the best to everyone who is struggling - we should have got old nic more or less out of our systems by now but he has a nasty way of tricking you into smoking again - we have to be on our guard.....

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Thanksfor your support. I am still here in day 17:D

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