stopped smoking: ;) hi all i have been not... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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stopped smoking

nsd_user663_1941 profile image
23 Replies

;) hi all i have been not smoking for 2 days at times it is not to bad but first thing in the morning terrible

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nsd_user663_1941 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Russel

Your doing well already your in the right place for support the days will soon start to tot up Good luck Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1830 profile image


Welcome...stick with it - it really is worth it. I too knew mornings would be my worst time so I had the 24 hour patches - man the dreams were awful (still are sometimes) -I had ninja squirrels attacking me, got lost in massive rambling old houses etc. but it's paid off now. I have changed my morning routine though - I have a wash/teeth/hair etc. before I come down for my coffee now whereas first thing used to be coffee and fag!!! I did find though that the morning crave was the first one to disappear and I don't think of them at all until I'm well out of the house....and then only fleetingly!!

It gets sooo much better - keep posting cos that really helps too.

Good luck


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hello Russel

Welcome to day three :D and to the forum hehehe

I hope your day is going well, keep us posted and keep up the good work

~Buffy x

nsd_user663_1920 profile image


Welcome...stick with it - it really is worth it. I too knew mornings would be my worst time so I had the 24 hour patches - man the dreams were awful (still are sometimes) -I had ninja squirrels attacking me, got lost in massive rambling old houses etc. but it's paid off now. I have changed my morning routine though - I have a wash/teeth/hair etc. before I come down for my coffee now whereas first thing used to be coffee and fag!!! I did find though that the morning crave was the first one to disappear and I don't think of them at all until I'm well out of the house....and then only fleetingly!!

It gets sooo much better - keep posting cos that really helps too.

Good luck


PMSL sorry i have the 16 hr patches as the 24 hr ones or evil for dreams but good luck x x x x

nsd_user663_1941 profile image

not smoking

i feel so bad had fags yesterday, i was so moody so i thought just 1 then i will stop. back to not smoking again day 1 again :o

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hi, look on the bright side, you're on day 1 again. When I started smoking again I'd wait a good few months before re-scheduling another quit date.

Just one question, when you gave up smoking, did you get rid of your remaining cigarettes etc...

I suppose I am asking how easy was it for you to lay your hands on a cigarette and have a quick one?

If you make it harder to get to your ciggys in the future you may find you talk yourself out of having one.

I found my self in a similar situation last weekend and was lucky the shop didn't sell my brand... It gave me time to think about what I was doing...

Anyhow, glad you're back on the rollercoaster ride with all of us.

nsd_user663_1731 profile image

Go for it, ok it's Day 1 again but no probs!! Go for it!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ridding of all paraphernalia is best, unfortunately I live with a smoker :eek: so i have my brand of cigarettes sitting in the kitchen draw 24/7!!

Not easy i admit but i haven't folded :D >YET< hehehe

The fact that you had just 1 cig early in the quit and it made you feel bad, then go on to continue with your quit is a good sign x x

With the 'get up brush myself down get back on the horse' attitude you are beating the quit.

See it as a necessary experience needed for you to continue onwards and upwards!

~Buffy x

nsd_user663_1941 profile image

back to my smoking

back to buying them but i need to stop it is just so hard:D :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

yes it is hard,

Ok try this, list everything you can do instead, read, walk, sing, scream :D whatever

find new hobbies, join a gym!

plan rewards keep a jar and see how much money you gain by not buying fags!

then set a new date to quit, go in with knowledge and tackle it head first x x

And stay posting here, everyone understands! 'cos we are all different but we are all doing this together, albeit for our own reasons x x~Buffy

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

HI Russ

Yes I agree with Buffy we are all here for you. My partner failed and his new quit day is 1st july. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Aw bless your fella Linda x x x x

Sure he will feel stronger on july 1st and there will be a few others quitting then too! :D

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Gum and cinnamon sticks work real well in the car. I don't go anywhere without gum....the cinnamon sticks work for the hand to mouth fixation in the car for me....almost got them puppies gone. Don't drink near the amount of coffee anymore either cuz it doesn't taste the same.

Good luck...keep at it and keep comming here....


nsd_user663_1962 profile image


Hi all, I'm really sure I need to stop smoking, but I'm finding it hard to give up. I guess to be truthful I haven't given it a full chance, but I know it's not doing me any good. How do I say "right that's it your gone". I mean I know it's not been a friend, but I've relied on it for years. I suppose it's used me then, ha!

I'm new to this as you can see,

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Bonnie

Nobody can tell you to quit but if you think your ready your in the right place for great support. Set a date and have a go Maybe have a chat with your docter see if he can offer any help. What ever you do keep coming back for support and the best of luck Linda xxx Ps Buffy will be on later shes fab at the advice.

nsd_user663_1962 profile image

Thank you for the reply.:)

I have been looking through the "net" for this kind of support, and when I came across this site I thought it sounded really friendly.

I have raised blood pressure, this is why also I need to give up. I do know it's not good for my health, but I don't seem to have the will power. I smoke about 8 cigs a day, I know that's not much to some folk, but it's my comfort blanket I guess, silly eh? :confused:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hello Bonnie x x

Welcome to this site :D

It is hard to give anything your best without motivation. Perhaps you could drive yourself by thinking about other things you would like to do, maybe a goal you have always wanted to achieve. Perhaps you've always wanted to take a trip somewhere.

Take a goal post and use quitting to reach it maybe store up the money saved to pay for it or simply say that it can be your 6 month quit treat.

It is hard to enforce a quit but your health is paramount! As linda suggests, seeing your doctor and getting yourself a cessation nurse/pharmacist will help motivate you too. Set a quit date and plan really well for it, what method will you consider using, what will you do instead of smoking. How will you reward yourself. List the pro's and con's make it like a major project and really throw yourself in.

Most of the time, lack of motivation is due to fear of quitting ~ as nyhardhat/cindy pointed out earlier.

Keep posting we're always here right behind you.

Be stronger, be healthier and hold your head high!! ~Buffy

nsd_user663_1962 profile image

Thank you xxxx

Hi Buffy,

Thank you so much for the advice.:D

I feel kinda alone because hubby has never smoked, and as sweet as he is, he doesn't understand. He just thinks you give up the fags and it should be easy if you really want to, bless if only. But, what you say makes a lot of sense, I like the idea of setting myself a goal i.e. something that I would really like for myself. Mmmmm??? I like that. And setting the date, grand.

My worst time for a fag is when I drive to work. I have a long drive to work, back and forth each day. Any advice for that. I work in the community too, so driving again. I know that's where my failure would be. Grump!!!

Gosh! what am I like, eh? hee! Any magic wands out there?????;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


Glad it helped, now hmmm Car driving let me think :rolleyes:

Karaoke tape!! :D sing out loud to work n back lol

Chewing gum, travels sweets? scoffing the mush full constantly seemed to help my quit lollol

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1962 profile image

hee! hee!

Oh! that picture of a magic wand, I haven't laughed like that for ages, what a suprise. What a sweet and lovely person you are. I loved it.

Yip! music, music, music, who cares if I can't sing at least I'll have clearer lungs. Ha! I still can't get over the suprise of seeing that magic wand, ha!! Bless ye, B xxx:) :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

hehehe I do like to use visual aids were possible :D hehehe

Well It was what you wanted! :D

~Buffy x

nsd_user663_1962 profile image

I'm still laughing xx


Oh! Boy I'm hooked on this site, It'll certainly be better for my health than smoking. I'm going to have to go now, but I'll be on tomorrow. I'm going to use my time tomorrow to think seriously about my goal. Thank you so much for lifting my spirits, and helping me with your advice, I truly appreciate your thoughtful advice, thank you.

I'm going to giggle about that picture all night long, ha! B xxx

nsd_user663_1859 profile image

Thank you for the reply.:)

I have been looking through the "net" for this kind of support, and when I came across this site I thought it sounded really friendly.

I have raised blood pressure, this is why also I need to give up. I do know it's not good for my health, but I don't seem to have the will power. I smoke about 8 cigs a day, I know that's not much to some folk, but it's my comfort blanket I guess, silly eh? :confused:


I want to give you a powerful advice, but you'll have to try it no matter what. The key is in trying to quit smoking almost everyday, practically this give you only one option, to start feeling like a non-smoker. Start quiting everyday, eventually you'll be bored of trying and one day you'll quit for good ;). That was my method, and it worked for me.

All the best!

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