new free NHS stop smoking kit: just seen this... - No Smoking Day

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new free NHS stop smoking kit

nsd_user663_4754 profile image
23 Replies

just seen this being advertised. Might help anyone just planning to quit or in the early stages.

or call 0800 022 4 332

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nsd_user663_4754 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

To be honest, i've ordered a pack .. i'm interested to see how this may help new quitters from smoking.. it looks ok, and I sure hope they break away from the clinical mould and appeal to the real person trying to quit the addiction.

i'll let you know :)

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

ive seen it advertised on tv, been tempted to get myself one but dont want to get it orderd to my house in case if mum finds out it came in letter box. thanks jase for reporting back


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I like the twiddle thingy to keep you your hands busy - just a a general toy more than anything else.

The rest of it is just good ol' common sense stuff. Health facts, how much you're saving etc.

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

To be honest, i've ordered a pack

Why Jase, Why would you lot who have quit need it. Why not just leave it for people who do.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

davofgy. First thing i want to do is see what they now give out.. second thing i will be doing is giving it to the first person in work who says they want to quit.

Its purely for my interest that i want to see if the NHS are in-tune with real smoker who want to quit.

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Bet you sell it to your girlfriend.

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Jase.

I've been on the website and ordered these things too. I think the same as you. I also think that the NHS web site isn't that good really, it didn't do much for me when I was thinking about quitting.:(

I got, and I'm getting more help and support on this web site than the NHS one.:)

Also been on the Talk Sport Smoke United web site, not a bad site.

When I get these things, I am going to give them to my friend who's always saying I'll give up one day!!!!

Well done on your 6 months of no smoking.

Ju x

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

She doesn't smoke thankfully :)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

She doesn't smoke thankfully :)

A link to this forum on the information sheets would be a great help for the people just starting their quits, do you they have thought of this ?

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

A link to this forum on the information sheets would be a great help for the people just starting their quits do you they have thought of this ?

yeah does sound good but our little community is already good as it is:p


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

...Its purely for my interest that i want to see if the NHS are in-tune with real smoker who want to quit.

Dunno why they should start now it's not summat they've ever bothered with before.

It's the same old drivel now in a cardboard box and comes with a free "stress-relieving" toy.

I remain unconvinced and once again saddened by a missed opportunity.. :(

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

To be honest, i've ordered a pack .. i'm interested to see how this may help new quitters from smoking.. it looks ok, and I sure hope they break away from the clinical mould and appeal to the real person trying to quit the addiction.

i'll let you know :)

Good idea, they have a a hands tangler which may be useful whatever stage you are at. I may order one too:) Cheers

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Good idea, they have a a hands tangler which may be useful whatever stage you are at. I may order one too:) Cheers

I was thinking that too, I want a hands tangler thingie, anything that helps is surely worthwhile. :)

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Anyone seen the latest advert?

"Your kids will do anything for you, will you stop smoking for them?"


Anyone who knows ANYTHING about it will know that quitting for ANY reason other than "I want to quit" will fail.

I don't know about you, but without the education, everytime I failed it just re-enforced the beleif that it was really hard to quit. And it isn't, it really isn't - if you want it.

nsd_user663_7713 profile image

well i got the quit kit and tbh its aload off pants !!!

nsd_user663_7957 profile image


I got mine last week after I stopped. I was not impressed but the boys like playing with the twiddly thing.

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Anyone seen the latest advert?

"Your kids will do anything for you, will you stop smoking for them?"


Anyone who knows ANYTHING about it will know that quitting for ANY reason other than "I want to quit" will fail.

I don't know about you, but without the education, everytime I failed it just re-enforced the beleif that it was really hard to quit. And it isn't, it really isn't - if you want it.

Stuart, I do hope you wont mind my asking, but I keep wondering, why does your name have a scorethrough on it please? If you want to tell me not to be so nosey, thats fine too. :D

nsd_user663_8263 profile image

hello all, only joined today, day 6 for me. my story :

if im honest, the only thing i found useful was the 'tangle'. its great on my desk at work, otherwise the stickers and leaflets i found were not suitable or motivational at all.

Until i knew this site existed, i did find the 'chat' to advisor (live), option very helpful

nsd_user663_8202 profile image

No i didnt find it much use children love the tangle thingy,but what the hell is the toothbrush all about??? i do happen to have 1 already,lol :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

The road to smoke free would be one long jam if left to NHS

Ha Ha I am sorry to laugh but I ordered mine as soon as I quit and if you check my post it turned up week befor last at 5 weeks so useless but also I like the snakey thing but think would be better if it was just a long thing not circle and also on one of my bad days I rang them think 3/4 weeks and the girl I spoke said and I quote " if you feel that bad have a ciggerett and start again after you see the smoking nurse on friday" you can imagine what I said but this web site has been my salvation they should have a link to this site not the other way round.

Sorry for the rant but there supposed to help.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Its a good job i am already successfully quit and was ordering one of these for research isn't it?

Yesterday, a package arrived with the quit kit in it and a letter of apology from the NHS saying they had system problems at the time i placed my order for a kit.

Ordered before 11th january...

kit arrived: 24th February.. a month and a half or more later...

Well i sure hope they improve on this regardless of any system problems because for some folk this kind of delay could have meant the idea of stopping smoking has passed and have smoked many in the meantime.

the kit however,... its not bad.. the toy thing for keeping your hands busy i can imagine would help too but on the whole i've now seen the kit and definitely think that if you are quitting now that its worth sending for anyway as its free, and couple it with the extra support you would get on this forum and you stand a really good chance of success.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

I too am the proud owner of a quit kit...i must admit although i havent really looked at all the info with it i do love the bangle stress thing but find it hurts your fingers if i fidget too much:p

note to self must wear it on next nite out just to see if anyone says they like my bangle i will then be lmao

Otherwise overall not impressed:(

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Never ordered one but was curious, agree time delay was shocking.

Although has the ordering of the kit by people already quit just added to the delay, I understand that each person is just one person but when adding all the single persons together makes a lot of people who were just curious!

I also felt let down when first quit by the NHS but I had accept that the NHS isn't capable of responding to what I need when I need it. The NHS can only cope when given a lead in time, therefore the text offer of help could only happen if I gave them x amount of time. As it was, thank goodness for this forum and woofmang. In essence to get any help from the NHS I have to do things when it has the available resources not when I'm in the right mental head space. In essence if you don't form an orderly queue, any notion of help will largely be redundant by the time received.

Final thought on the subject, when did we cease being responsible for ourselves, when did it become the job of the state to ensure that we quit smoking etc.... Since the advent of the NHS perhaps and the welfare state, if we don't want to be told what to do and when we need to take responsibility for our own actions.

Not meant to be contentious just my thoughts on the subject of NHS help to quit.

Personally I have had a very mixed experience to NHS help, at times if I could totally circumvent their service I would and have. I hate being told what to do, especially when I'm paying for the service even if it is in a very round about way. I'd rather pay direct and not have to stand there cap in hand.


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