Hi, I'm supposed to have a living-donor transplant next month but now I have Anaemia. Haemoglobin 104 (10.4 US, I think); eGFR 12. I was hoping to have a pre-emptive transplant but I'm now worried that I'll end up on dialysis before the Anaemia gets sorted. Both Haemoglobin and eGFR are dropping quickly. Had one IV of iron. Starting self-administered EPO injections in 4 days time. Any ideas? I live in London, UK. Thanks.
Does anyone know if having anaemia can p... - Kidney Transplant
Does anyone know if having anaemia can prevent a kidney transplant?

I don't have an authoritative answer ~ but I'm pretty sure there are sufficient countermeasures that your renal consultant can reassure you with - that being the only reliable answer .
I am now 9 years successfully transplanted , after 6 years on dialysis .
My transplanted kidney seems to be my best part!
What I mean is I have numerous problems which have to be constantly attended to . I attend renal / nephrology clinic (where I see my consultant & stats team) on average every 3-4 months ~ the frequency is adjusted according to specific need .
I'll say this ~ thank God we're in the UK ~ especially NHS-Scotland !
I wish you the best , John .
Thanks John. "9 years successfully transplanted". That's about what I'd want myself. That would get me to 80. That'd do me. Though I reckon when I get to 80 I'll probably want another bit. And then there's the tenner from the king when I get to 100! Not sure they give it to Irish people! Might even be tempted to send it back. Sorry we beat ye in the rugby the other day, by the way. Just kidding, loved it 😃. And three cheers for the NHS. Though I fear Starmer is going to take it "the American way". He's impressed by all things US. I saw the other day where somebody in London got the fright of their life when they were told they would have to pay for the use of a wheelchair while in hospital.
Starmer & his ilk will have an eye watering bill to pay one day ~ reap what they sow .
About the pet thing ~ you just have to scrub your hands each time you give your dog a rub ! My Gem was just fine . . .
Thanks John.
Unfortunately, politicians (all of 'em) will always figure out a way to have us pay. Never understood why people think we need politicians at all. As somebody once said, the fact that somebody actually wants to be elected should immediately disbar them from running for office! I think she had something there.
Nice dog 😃
10.4 is not too bad, the epo injections work fast. Around 12 is perfect and it will be better once you’re transplanted. Have you been told it will stop the surgery ? I was on the epo while on dialysis and haven’t needed it since transplant. I hope the surgery goes ahead for you.
Good luck
Thanks a lot, Winner, "epo injections work fast" - that's very good news. That must be what they're counting on as well. I got the phone call today. Transplant pencilled in for end of March!!! Getting coat...😀😀😀
I had a transplant and I’m anemic. I did have to have an iron infusion a few months before I had my transplant because my iron was low and I was getting tired. Go for it! You’ll probably get a couple pints of blood when you have your transplant. FYI-I had a deceased donor and I’ve done really well. 5+ years.
hi gardengirl, I read somewhere that anaemia is quite common post transplant but not sure about pre-transplant. You sound really well. Are there really 97301 gardengirls out there? Who'd have thought..😀 Hey, I notice you're into animals. Are we allowed have pets? I would have thought we couldn't go near them. My partner, who's giving me her kidney, would object most loudly if she couldn't have a cat or pat/chat with a dog in the park lest she then infect me.
I have 3 cats and a lab. I couldn’t live without animals. You get used to washing your hands a lot. You can’t eat raw oysters because of their digestive tract. I just steer clear of them raw or cooked. I hope you can get your transplant soon. You’ll be all healed up for summer! I missed starting dialysis by 2 weeks. I’d already had the peritoneal catheter put in. I did not want to do dialysis. Good luck! Attitude is everything. You sound like you have a good one!
Great news on the pet front.
Roll on summer!
"peritoneal catheter already in" - blimey!
Thanks gardengirl 😃
I had a transplant in UK 2021 age 62, just coming out of covid, I was anaemic and because of covid was unable to have a infusion but this did not stop me having a transplant. I did have infusion some weeks after transplant and been fine since. Mine was a deceased donor and I thank his family every day. my last bloods my GFR was 77 , only had some minor problems over the last three years, I am now going on holidays and enjoying life, obviously I take precautions, hand washing, mask wearing on plane and crowded places. Good luck with your transplant. Thank god for the NHS
Thanks ca58. That's a wonderful GFR you've got there! You go on holidays? Wow! Haven't been on a holiday in yonks. What do you do about holiday insurance? Is it expensive? I'd be worried lest something happen while I'm out of the country and I couldn't get back. I can still see all those people stranded by Covid who couldn't get home. Scares the bejasus out of me. Even a pilot or baggage handler strike can cause havoc. You're a tough cookie. I reckon I'll just hide behind the settee.
And yippee for the NHS!
Happy hols, ca. 😀
Hi Shivermytimbers - I was anemic before my transplant. I received EPO injections and an iron infusion. After my transplant, I'm still mildly anemic but my numbers are improving slowly. Wishing you the best!
Hi wonderingjen, that sounds like my case. EPO injections and an iron infusion. Had the infusion. Never felt any better for it. Mind you, I've never felt bad. Even with an eGFR of 12 if it wasn't for blood tests shouting at me, "you're dying, man", I wouldn't know there was anything wrong. A bit of restless legs, pruritus and cramping leading to insomnia, that's about it.
I start EPO injections today. My transplant has been brought forward a few weeks. Getting excited and nervous. Gotta lot of chores to do. Had a haircut yesterday coz it'll be a long time before I'll have another one. Sat in the barber's chair. All wrapped up, ready to go, only to discover the barber was sniffing. "Have you got a cold?" "Nah", "But, I can hear you". "That's coz I just came in out of the cold". "Sorry, mate, can't chance it. I have a big operation coming up. I'll catch you later." Out the door. Found another guy down the street. Straightaway, "Have you got a cold?" Nope, got it done. Talkative guy. Couldn't get a word in edgeways. No sniffles. Off to the dental hygienist. Never been before. "If it hurts raise your hand." As a little kid I had a dentist who said exactly those words and when I raised my hand he just sat on me and carried right on drilling as if my hand was merely a signal to add a bit of crushing to the torture. Moron. Kids need more rights. Anyway, dentist in a few weeks time for a checkup. A bit worried about that as I got an infection once from a dentist. Any infection will screw up this thing and my eGFR ain't going to wait for nobody.
Final clinic next week - meet the surgeon, see the HTA people. Prove I'm not coercing my partner to give me her kidney. Actually I didn't want her kidney at all (worried for her) but the nephrologist n herself ganged up on me. Hope she'll be ok.
Well, roll on the transplant.
Sorry for bending your ear. Probably something to do with that damn barber not letting me get a word in edgeways, earlier. Got it all saved up 🤨
Delighted your numbers are improving, jen. Slow and steady wins the race. 😃
ha. Reading this reminds me of prepping for my transplant. (Dying of hair vs barber but same diff). Anemia didn’t stop me, I did have a blood transfusion after my transplant - they prefer not to do that- but worked out all fine. Good luck! It’ll be a doddle. I mean, it’s surgery but the big effort is adapting to the meds after. That takes some time but you adapt. And it’s so much better.
Hi Em
So "the big effort is adapting to the meds after"? That sounds rough. Well, fore warned is forearmed, so they say. Though, in this case, there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it to prepare. Just have to wait and see how I react to the meds n hope if something is particularly upsetting that they will change it for something more palatable. And if they can't/won't just put up with it n hope it gets better with time or, if it won't then just try to accept it as best I can. I reckon I'm going to have a problem with Tacrolimus. I already have a head tremor n have been told that Tacrolimus will probably make it worse. That's a bit worrying. It's already a nuisance.
Thanks for the info, Em
I had/have anemia both prior to my transplant and also post transplant. I don't think that should keep you from getting a transplant. Good luck to you.
I also had anemia prior to my transplant (and it was much lower) and they did the transplant. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.