Hey guys, anyone have any tips/advice for nutrition post-transplant? I was on dialysis for 2 years and had a very restricted diet. Is there any foods or nutrients that are important after a transplant? I am vegan 70 percent of the time and don't eat red meat.. should I take B12? Any one take supplements or vitamins?
Nutrition and vitamins post-transplant?? - Kidney Transplant
Nutrition and vitamins post-transplant??

I do take a daily multivitamin, and an omega 3 supplement (in hopes it helps my hair rebound). For a time they had me taking Vitamin D and B but pulled me off of those probably 2 years ago. Always run everything by your transplant team before adding anything. As for being vegan, any good sites or resources that you follow / recommend?
Dear Sunflowerlady1,
First of all 'Congratulations On Your Transplant'😊, I had one in July 2013. As regards 'Supplements', I would be Careful- definitely, at the Very least, 'Mention' these to your Transplant Team (Personally I wouldn't 'Take' anything, without there Express permission.)
Even after Transplant, the 'levels' of Potassium, Phosphate, Calcium 'et al', in your blood, CAN remain High. Another point, to bear in mind, if you 'overload' a New Kidney it could Fail- or be Rejected.... So be CAREFUL! (sorry to be apparently 'Telling You Off' Sunflowerlady1- but you DID ask, after all.) I'm NOT saying that, these 'things', can't be done.... Just 'run it by' your Transplant Team, better safe and All that.
You don't say 'How Long Ago', you had your Transplant though, I'm guessing, not long ago. The 'Endless' literature, that you are given- Leaflets, CD's, Handouts etc does, if you can find it, explain about Supplements..... Or it DID, back in July 2013 anyway.
If I'm right, and I'm Pretty Sure that I Am, you have been, Far More, Concerned with 'How Long Until I Feel Better', 'How Long Until My Wounds Heal', 'When Will I Fee Normal Again' that and Keeping Up With, the ENDLESS changes to your Medications. You have probably either read, or seen an advert, for a Supplement….'Hey Maybe, One Of Those, Might Help Me'- hence your question. IF I'm completely wrong here I'm sorry... I'm NOT though, am I?
You ARE 'Doing' fine Babe, honestly you are, just Steer Clear of any 'Supplements' that's all, I'm asking. Please Feel Free, to contact me- indeed any of us- again Sunflowerlady1 I know that we would Love, to hear. from you.
Kindest Wishes
I used a dietician before my transplant and she was fabulous. My diet (no meat, no dairy) was strict and I ate according to my labs. Follow your transplant team and your nephrologist’s advice. They are a good source. I do take a multi vitamin and also use a biotin shampoo. My nephrologist suggested biotin and zinc but I need to ask in what dosage. I was lucky, I never went on dialysis. I get blood work done once a month. Ask your nephrologist to add tests to determine your specific levels you are curious about. You might want to see an endocrinologist as the one I went to did a thorough test on me. I am 14 months post transplant. If I were you, hire a dietitian. Insurance covers it. I learned a lot about available products. I have a Masters degree in Health and taught it for years. We all can learn from others. Have you tried those meal kits like purple carrot and others? Many have vegetarian and vegan choices. I don’t each red meat either. Congratulations on your transplant!
I am vegan and take a multivitamin (being certain it contains B12) and calcium because prednisone is hard on our bones.

Make sure you check all supplements and vitamins with your nephrologist. Don't take vitamin B12 unless prescribed by your doctor. It all depends on your immunosuppressants that you are on.
I take a multivitamin that my doctor recommended and over the years I have to take calcium with vitamin D.
I take magnesium, vitamin D3, Calcium & B12. Transplant doctor is ok with that. I am 8 yrs. post transplant. I eat lo-carb, Good carbs
Hi there!
I am a few months post transplant, vegetarian and now mostly vegan. I take the exact brand of multi-vitamin my doctor prescribed so definitely check on that with your dr/transplant team before you take anything. I need the vitamin C in the multivitamin as it helps with iron absorption. Mine contains B12 as well, but my B12 levels are fine so I don't need to supplement that any further. Check your B12 and iron levels regularly if you do end up going fully plant-based. I'd recommend seeing a renal dietitian if you can, particularly if you are changing your diet, and also ensure you vary your sources of plant-based protein so you get the complete range of amino acids in your diet.
Take care