I am 6 months post kidney transplant. I had BK virus for 3 months. My doctor is treating with infusion of Cidofivir and immunoglobilin. The numbers are still trending high. The last result was 76000 copies. Did anyone had a similar issue and how long did it take to bring it down. Any suggestions
Post kidney transplant: I am 6 months post... - Kidney Transplant
Post kidney transplant

Hi ,
I had the BK virus soon after transplant. They didn’t treat it with anything the stopped one of the immune suppressants . I was on 3 , steroid , Tacro and the other one I can’t remember the name of it. Anyway they stopped it and within weeks the levels came down and I was as high as you. . Never went back on it, I’ve only had the 2 and the kidney has been fine 5 years in. So if the medication doesn’t work maybe discuss this with your doctors.
Good luck
I got BK about 8 months after transplant. Docs stopped CellCept and added Prednisone. Blood tests every week. Took about 2 months for the BK levels to drop and hasn't been back since. Good luck.
I was diagnosed with BK virus, both virema and viuria. For virema my microphenalate was changed to Leuflunomide and my viral liad dropped to 400. For my viuria I went through four three week sessions of bladder instillations of Cidofovir. My viral load remained at 140million! In fact, regardless of any type of therapy, the biral load never dropped below 140 million. My GFR has remain stable at 30. My urologist is at a loss as to how to treat the viuria. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I had BK and it was treated by adjustment of my immune suppression meds. They stopped CellCept and left we with just Tacrolimus. That got rid of it, but it seems to return anytime my WBC gets below 2. When I eat lots of walnuts that seems to help keep my WBC up where it needs to be. They are high in Omega 3s