Test to be done to check further working... - Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

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Test to be done to check further working of kidney and how to lessen immunosupperants??

Bagweaniket profile image
5 Replies

My father is 64 years of age and underwent kidney transplant 4 years ago now the creatine level has up to 1.5 what are the precaution that i must take to avoid any further damage to kidneys and also is there any way to lessen immunosuppressants.

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Bagweaniket profile image
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5 Replies
Dara3351 profile image

I would ask the nephrologist about the lab results and any suggestions. When my WBC went way down, they changed my meds and so now I am on 10 mg prednisone once in the am and two capsules of CellCept 250 mg twice a day which brought my WBC’s up. Before I got my transplant I went on a plant based diet ( no meat or dairy ) I try to drink 2-3 liters a day of water. Hope that helps.

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

You really need to talk this over with his doctor. Everyone is different and reacts differently. I am 19+ years post transplant and the transplant team was able to reduce my dose of immunosuppressants and was able to stop prednisone entirely. My creatinine has been steady at 0.9.

Ask his transplant team why his creatinine is now 1.5 and see if further reducing the dose of his meds might help. But only his doctors can answer that question.

Good luck

Kidneytx2 profile image

I do not know what your dad's baseline creatine was for the first few years and I am not a doc but I can say when my creatine runs high i go back to basics (i am 17 years post op) watch my salt no potatoe chips or pizza.

The obvious watch your ankles esoecially on the side of your transplant do you notice in swelling on that side, are your rings tighter? Remember it is summer so i am usually very salt conscious amd watch for swelling. I start with nutrition and correct my bad habits our diets can really reflect our kidney health and yes I do go to mcdonalds but when concerned about kidney... No splurges! Hope this helps!

Bagweaniket profile image
Bagweaniket in reply to Kidneytx2

My fathers baseline creatine was 0.9 like average but it has increased suddenly that has caused me to panic also i am worried about the quantity of immunosuppressants as mycofit360 and takfa 1mg both medicines are twice a day also any healthy tips for lifestyle changes are welcome as my father does yoga and drink only mineral water of 2 litres everyday

Thank you for the response

Drdetroit profile image

When my creatnine spiked, my transplant center did a biopsy & it revealed a rejection the first time & the BK virus returned after 6 years from my donors kidney , The rejection was fixed 6 months after transplant with strong steroids..The BK was put in submission by reducing my meds until my immune system took over, then adding less cellcept gradually. Good luck!!

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