Hello! How is everyone? I am hoping I might be able to pick someone's brain/ask questions. I started hemodialysis in May 2024 (in clinic). I have not been an easy patient by all means. I questioned for weeks in the beginning if I could do it. I tried to go to PD and got peritonitis/septic immediately and spent most of October in the hospital. Recently I passed out at dialysis and we aren't sure why other than I was having diarrhea for a long time because of all the IV antibiotics. Then trouble with my graft numerous times/two angioplasties been done. Then last week they thought I was showing stroke symptoms so here I am going back to the hospital. They didn't see anything in the MRI but said TIAs can't be seen but kept me over night. Now I experiencing the symptoms each time I go in. First my heart will kinda race and I try to tell myself it will be ok.. then I am feeling strange in my head.. not a normal headache (like the ones I get the morning after sometimes). I get this tingling/numbness feeling down my right side of my face.. my limbs might be feeling weird too. My head feels funny and or the right side of the back of my neck feels tension. I wrote a ton but has anyone had so many complications and or this stroke like behavior over and over. Mds are clueless on what to do. I am going to get the darn PD catheter put in one more time on 2/10. I know I can't just take a break on hemodialysis either. Sorry for my life story.. I am running out of things ideas of what to think.
Trouble on hemodialysis : Hello! How is... - Kidney Dialysis
Trouble on hemodialysis

Hi there,
Seems you are quite afraid at this point in time. In my experience one needs to be open about all the treatments. yes, it will seem hard at the start but let me assure you post 12 years on dialysis everything will be fine. Be comfortable with the procedure. A lot of things happen in our mind, and we get ourselves into complications. Our body has a tremendous power to heal only if we are open and allow ourselves to the treatment. Try not to think about it, trust your doctors and your hospital team and go for it. It will all be fine at the end of the day. How is your BP and other vitals during dialysis? Ensure that all your levels of salts and fluids are within optimal range. I cannot comment more without any insights to your reports.
Keep your faith. God bless....
Thank you for your response! I greatly appreciate it! I am struggling with trust as a lot has happened. I was ok on dialysis or making it and then these things came up more recently. I dont want anything to happen to my brain and heart but hey it all works together I know. My BP levels can be all over sometimes. I am still using the restroom at this point and sometimes I wont drink a lot on dialysis days because I will feel the urgency in the chair (waiting to get off). Do you think it could be dehydration or I am taking gabapentin and I am thinking it doesn't work to great anyways but maybe its contributing to that (take for rest less leg/sleep). I really look up to you for the 12 years on dialysis. You are correct about our bodies! They are incredible! Do you go in the center or do treatment at home? Did you have many complications in the beginning?
I go to my nearest center for my sessions. Yes, I also had complications in the beginning....nausea, loss of appetite, extremely tired, etc. If your BP is all over the place it means your body fluid levels are not optimal. I think since you have urine output you might be getting dehydrated. Please keep an estimate on how much water you are taking every day after deducting the amount of urine passed. Keep a flask of ice cold water with you during dialysis and take it sip by sip wherever you feel parched or thirsty. Another symptom of getting dehydrated is having cramps. I hope you do not have it.
Hi! How are you doing? Oh okay just like me. I am sorry you had complications but it also makes me see I am not alone. I have obviously seen some at the dialysis center or read what others might say. You could definitely be right on about what you said. I don't cramp as much as I did be4 starting dialysis. They aren't taking any fluid off though either. They take off what they give me. I appreciate your reply.
It's important to find your optimal dry weight. I think you are leaving too much to chance. What is your current weight? And how much fluid do you remove in a dialysis session?
Have you considered anti anxiety medication. This whole experience causes lots of anxiety. I ended up with a return of IBS after 10 years being Ok. Just a thought.... might help.
Hello! How are you doing? Oh yes and I brought it up to my PCP. She wasn't sure what to give me and I am thinking just give me something geezz lol. She gave me a little Valium recently and said we could start Zoloft lol. I am like oh whatever. What do you suggest? I am so sorry.. Dialysis does a lot to so many I know. I have had stomach problems for heck I don't know how long.. more on and off but last year was no joke!
Hello, I hope you're feeling better. I to had problems when I converted from PD to HD, horrible vertigo, lots of dizziness, and throwing up so regularly that I had to carry a barf bag whenever I went out. Like you my BP was all over the place and often dropped below 100 during dialysis. This went on for several months but one day something just changed and I haven't had vertigo, dizziness, or the constant throwing up I can't explain what changed but somehow my body adjusted and while I still hate HD it has become tolerable.
I can't help you but I can offer hope that over time your body will adjust to HD and you can get back to a normal life. I feel so much better with HD that I will never go back to PD.