My name is Briana and I have a question. Is there anyone who has does dialysis and have heart failure? Did you have to change your lifestyle? Create a meal plan? We're you scared ? I just found out that I have heart failure and I'm also a diabetic who should I talk to learn more about my condition?
Heart Failure : My name is Briana and I have... - Kidney Dialysis
Heart Failure

You will be working with your Nephrologist and Cardiologist and Endocrinologist. There are dietary restrictions which overlap both treatments, such as limiting salt intake, liquid intake,monitoring symptoms and blood pressure. Then there are the dialysis specific limitations on potassium and phosphorous. The medications you will take will be to treat both conditions. Your doctors may share X-rays, CT scans, etc as needed. As a patient, you need to be aware that if you ever need to be hospitalized (for surgery for example) it will have to be a hospital that also has dialysis facilities. Dialysis alone is a major change in lifestyle. In the case of hemo dialysis you will typically need treatment three times a week for 3-4 hour sessions. Heart failure, CKD and Diabetes are all reasons to be scared. But they can all be overcome. Any of your doctors could recommend a Clinical Dietician or RDN (Registered Dietician Nutritionist) to help build up a meal plan, in addition to information you can gather on your own. Sorry if I covered things you may already know. But the point I'm just making is that humans are surprisingly resilient in the face of health adversity. Yes I have a heart condition and am on hemo dialysis.
When I started on dialysis my Cardiologist told me that I would also see a diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure on my record. I have noticed that I must pay attention to my two bottles of 16 oz of water or other fluid a day. I can add an additional 4 or 5 ozs, but more than that causes me to feel short of breath with walking. I also pay attention to salt as too much causes thirst and then the cycle begins: additional fluid, more shortness of breath, etc. My feet no longer swell but I have noticed additional bags under my eyes after sleeping. I use my eyes also notify me to limit my fluids. I am on a phosphorous binder. I am on a stable prescription of one 1.5 and one 2.5 per night. This puts my UF in a range that maintains my fluid balance. I feel like I walk carefully on a balance beam and any slip will cause a fall. I meet with my dietician every month and I have a list of questions for her. I try to walk my life path making careful choices for myself and I am sure you will find the strength to make your best choices. Take care of yourself.